Open in
urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Effective URL:
Submission: On August 14 via manual from IN
TLS certificate: Issued by DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA on February 15th 2018. Valid for: 2 years.
This is the only time was scanned on! Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
1 10 | | 25148 (BASEFARM-...) (BASEFARM-ASN Oslo - Norway) | |
9 | 1 |
ASN25148 (BASEFARM-ASN Oslo - Norway, NO)
PTR: |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
10 |
1 redirects |
58 KB |
9 | 1 |
Domain | Requested by | |
10 | |
1 redirects
9 | 1 |
This site contains no links.
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
* DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA |
2018-02-15 - 2020-06-17 |
2 years | |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: 61C3C171D3F426BE20D5D5B991677751
Requests: 9 HTTP requests in this frame
Page URL History Show full URLs
HTTP 302 Page URL
Detected technologies
Windows Server (Operating Systems) ExpandDetected patterns
- headers server /IIS(?:\/([\d.]+))?/i
IIS (Web Servers) Expand
Detected patterns
- headers server /IIS(?:\/([\d.]+))?/i
Page Statistics
0 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Page URL History
This captures the URL locations of the websites, including HTTP redirects and client-side redirects via JavaScript or Meta fields.
HTTP 302 Page URL
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
9 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H/1.1 |
Primary Request
Cookie set
ErrBadTicket.asp Redirect Chain
9 KB 4 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
Redirect headers
GET H/1.1 |
eroom.css |
9 KB 2 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
ClientScript.js |
145 KB 35 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
ProxyCookies.js |
516 B 733 B |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
ClientScriptW3C.js |
10 KB 4 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
dot.gif |
43 B 317 B |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
PH_banner_wide%20m_joint%20logo.gif |
9 KB 9 KB |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
buttonbarbackground.jpg |
669 B 945 B |
image/jpeg |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
buttonbackground.jpg |
694 B 970 B |
image/jpeg |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
444 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
string| gFocusControl number| pageModTag number| TCAPageType boolean| IsExecutingOnPage string| gErrorWindowName undefined| IsIE boolean| IsNS undefined| MapObj boolean| IsIEMac boolean| IsMeetingSharePane boolean| IsEntDBSummaryPage boolean| isVersionedFilePage boolean| IsMeetingsListPage boolean| IsMeetingKeepAlive boolean| IsProjectPlanSummaryPage number| FacilitySearchPage number| RoomSearchPage number| CalendarPage number| ServerSettingsPage number| CommunitySettingsPage number| FacilitySettingsPage number| RoomSettingsPageFromRoom number| RoomSettingsPageFromFacility number| SiteSearchPage number| ERUPage boolean| HasCoordinatorRights boolean| CanDeleteItemsPermanently string| gDefaultButton boolean| gAllowButtonMouseOut boolean| showCustomFields boolean| showPublishToDocumentum boolean| showGoToDocumentum boolean| bIsObserver boolean| isDiscussionPage boolean| IsSingleConnectedSet boolean| CanAddTo boolean| IsUsingRTMeetingServer boolean| gUseEnhanced number| version undefined| ERPageAddInCtrl undefined| saveAction string| pageType string| pageSubType boolean| repErrInit boolean| bScrollToFirstUnread string| allcookies object| menuItem boolean| MenuOnDisplay boolean| LaunchedFile boolean| bBodyFormCheckAll boolean| bItemsCheckAll string| RoomDocID string| visible string| hidden undefined| nsMenuLayerMap string| client boolean| gClickInMap object| gSubmitHandlers object| gInitHandlers object| gClientSideVerify string| kAllGroupID string| gFacilityURL string| gRoomURL string| gPageURL string| gDialogRoot boolean| gUserHasAuthenticated undefined| gErrorTitle undefined| gErrorMessage boolean| UsePlugin number| gServerVersion number| gMinPluginVersion string| gURLPrefix boolean| ShowInstallDlg boolean| GoDirectlyToInstallDlg string| gCookieName string| gSessionCookieName string| gClientChoiceCookieFieldName string| gRefreshPageCookieFieldName string| gShowErrorPopUpCookieFieldName string| gPageModTagCookieFieldName undefined| monthsOfYear undefined| daysOfWeek undefined| sDateFormat string| gCannotReadCookiesStr string| gMSNNotInstalledErrStr string| gNeedPluginForIMErrStr string| gIMNotLoggedInErrStr string| gSelectItemsFromSameRoomForSearchErrStr string| gYou_must_supply_a_filenameStr string| gYou_must_supply_a_file_typeStr boolean| gUseSecureCookies boolean| gProtocolIsHTTPS string| gFirstName string| gLastName string| BackGroundMenu string| ItemMenu string| FileMenu string| VersionedFileMenu string| CompanionFileMenu string| VersionedCompanionFileMenu string| NewWindowLinkMenu string| DBRowMenu string| RecycleBinMenu string| RecycleBinItemMenu string| BlueRoomArrowMenu string| MapVersionedFileMenu string| MeetingShareFileMenu string| MeetingsListPageMenu string| WorkflowPhaseMenu string| CalendarItemMenu string| MeetingSharePresentFileMenu string| ApprovalProcessItemMenu string| DMFileMenu string| EntDBInTemplateFolderMenu string| APDBInTemplateFolderMenu string| CalendarEventMenu string| FileMenu_Preview string| VersionedFileMenu_Preview string| CompanionFileMenu_Preview string| VersionedCompanionFileMenu_Preview string| MapVersionedFileMenu_Preview string| MeetingShareFileMenu_Preview string| MeetingSharePresentFileMenu_Preview string| DMFileMenu_Preview string| IMMenu string| IMMenuNoIM string| IMMenuNoEmail string| IMMenuMemberInfoOnly string| IMMenuNoMemberInfo string| IMMenuIMOnly string| IMMenuEmailOnly string| RMFileHistoryItemMenu string| VersionedRMProtectedItemMenu number| menu_idx number| PreviewItem number| ViewItem number| RoomEdit number| EditItem number| ViewFileItem number| EditFileItem number| RenameItem number| CutItem number| CopyItem number| CopyLinkToItem number| PasteItem number| DeleteItem number| EnterMeeting number| ShareFile number| MarkItemRead number| MarkItemUnread number| TrackVersions number| ShowVersions number| RMFileHistory number| AccessControl number| Notification number| CustomFields number| SharePaneFileIntoMeetingPresent number| SharePaneFileIntoMeetingView number| SharePaneFileIntoMeetingEdit number| PublishToDocumentum number| GoToDmProperties number| GoToDocumentum number| AddTopic number| CreateItem number| AddFile number| SaveSettings number| CreateEvent number| EmptyRecycleBin number| CreateStep number| Restore number| EmailMember number| IMMember number| ViewMember number| NumMenuItems object| MenuChoicesArray object| MenuArray function| GetBrowserX function| GetBrowserY function| FindPos function| SetupItemMenuChoices function| DisplayMenuXY function| DisplayMenu function| GetFacilityURLNameFromID function| RemoveFacilityURLNameFromID function| GetMenuPrefixFromID function| ExecuteCommand function| ERInitScript function| GetCookieValue function| IsClearTrustPresent function| TextToBase32 function| SetCookieValue function| StringEx function| Base32ToText function| ERInitControl function| ERClickInit function| blank function| FindElementByName function| OnKeyPress function| SetDefaultButtonClick function| setSelectedDisplay function| restoreDragItems function| restoreSelectedDisplay undefined| source undefined| dragitem undefined| dragitem2 undefined| destination undefined| selectedObj undefined| dragObj undefined| localDrag boolean| dragStartedInMap boolean| dragStartedLocally function| ShouldBeginDrag function| IsPointBetweenObjects function| IsInMap function| IsInItemBox function| IsInVersionsArea function| IsInRecycleBinBox function| ContainsMultipleIDs function| GetSelectedLinks function| GetSelectedElemAtPoint function| HandleDrop function| HandleDropXY function| ExC function| GetName function| IsValidFirstChar function| IsValidSecondChar function| IsVersionTrackedMenuFromMenuIndex function| IsPublishToDocumentumFromMenuIndex function| IsIMMenuWithIMChoice function| HasPreview function| CanPresent function| IsDocument function| IsLink function| IsRoomLink function| IsIMIcon function| IsBlueRoomArrow function| IsBlueRoomArrowAtPoint function| IsBlueRoomArrowName function| IsApprovalStepName function| IsValidItem function| IsValidCell function| GetBackgroundElem function| GetBackgroundElemAtPoint function| IsOverItem function| GetSelectedElem function| OnMouseDown function| GetServerPrefix function| OnMouseMove function| OnMouseUp function| OnClick function| OnContextMenu function| OnAddFiles function| GetURLTargetForAddIn function| GetURLTarget function| GetURL function| DragAndDrop function| Navigate function| DragOver function| ClearIntercomSparkle function| SubmitHandler function| ClientSideVerifyHandler function| DisplayErrorPopupQuery function| DisplayErrorPopup function| InitHandler function| GetSubCookie function| IsValidObjName function| HandleGroupChange function| HandleQueryChange function| HandleGanttViewType function| RoomPresenceAdjust number| inSubmitCommand function| SubmitCommand function| SubmitCommandCore function| ERLogoutClickHandler function| ERBodyFormClickHandler function| ERBodyForm2ClickHandler function| ERItemsClickHandler function| ERMapClickHandler function| GetSelectedItems function| HandleClientClipboard number| kMaxSelectedItemsOnURL function| ERGetSelectedRows function| ContainsPageStr function| PersistPopUpContext function| LaunchDialogInNewWindow function| ERBodyFormLinkClickHandler function| ERItemsLinkClickHandler function| OnERFormSubmit function| ClearBodyFormCheckboxes function| BodyFormCheckAll function| ItemsCheckAll function| ScrollToComment function| UnreadHook function| SelectMemberOrGroup function| InitWindow function| GetParameter function| ClearWindowName function| AppendWindowContextToQueryString function| GetWindowName function| AppendCommand function| AppendPopUpContext function| launchPopUp function| launchDialogInPlace function| launchBrowser function| LaunchFile function| Preview function| isParentWindowOpen object| MenuCreatedArray function| initVars function| MenuMouseOver function| MenuMouseOut function| MenuSelectStart object| currentKBMenuItem function| MenuOnKeyDown function| StopMovementKeys function| makeMenu function| GetPreviewMenuID function| GetMenuIndexFromMenuID function| popUpXY function| ShiftTo function| popMenu function| hideAll function| CloseWindowIfOffline function| HandleIntercomSubmit function| InitWriteInHandler function| ERWriteUpKeyHandler function| ReverseProxyChecked function| CreateDocHandler function| MultiChoiceKeywordCheckBoxSelected function| MultiChoiceKeywordRadioButtonSelected function| GetAnyOfTheFollowingRadioButton function| GetAllOfTheFollowingRadioButton function| MemberCheckBoxSelected function| ViewRow function| ObjectIsRecycleBin function| ObjectCanBeDragged function| repErr function| dpLaunchDatePicker function| SetupPageMenuChoices function| ValidateClientControl function| IsValidInputChar function| parseInput function| IsValidURLChar function| GenerateURL function| OnSelectProvisioningType number| numTries function| LoadNewSlidesIntoMeeting undefined| previousSlideCount function| LoadNewSlidesIntoMeeting2 function| LoadNewSlidesIntoMeeting3 function| WaitForSlidesToLoad function| borderOver function| borderDown function| borderCancel function| eMouseOver function| eMouseOut function| OnChangeDateType function| ClickSubmitSettingsPage undefined| ModifiedInitials undefined| ModifiedDisplayName undefined| DefaultDisplayName undefined| DefaultInitials undefined| ModifiedLoginName undefined| DefaultLoginName undefined| ModifiedDMLogin undefined| DefaultDMLogin function| ERCS_IsLetter function| ERCS_GenerateInitals function| ERCS_GenerateDisplayName function| ERCS_GenerateLoginName function| ERCS_MemberKeyHandler function| ERCS_InitMemberKeyHandler function| SiteSearchViewFile function| GetDisabledCount function| UpdateRadioButtons function| PermGroupClickHandler function| AdjustSitePasswordSettings function| IsSameURLBaseInBrowser function| ERDisplayMsg function| DashOptionsSelectAll function| DashOptionsHandleSelectAllCheckbox function| DashboardSelectCheckbox function| DisableChildren function| DisableControls function| UpdateComboBox function| ChangeAlertType function| LinkMouseUp function| launchWindowsMessenger function| LaunchIMMouseUp function| FirstStringEndsWithSecondString function| addFileExtension function| CreateDocOnClick function| addNewFileOption function| VerifyCreateDocOnClick function| ClientSupportsFeature string| eRoomMenuName string| MenuBorderColor number| MenuBorderMargin string| MenuBgColor string| MenuSelectedItemColor string| MenuFntCol string| MenuFntDisabledCol string| MenuFntFam string| MenuFntSiz string| MenuOverFnt boolean| MenuOverValidItem number| ItemHeightNS number| itemPad boolean| isLoaded number| imgHspace boolean| isOverMenu object| currentMenu function| GetProxyCookie function| EventSetup function| EventStopPropagation function| IsMouseMenu function| MakeLayer function| GetMenuFromName function| ItemMouseOver function| ItemMouseOut function| ItemMouseUp function| ItemMouseDown function| AddMenuItem function| EnableChoices function| KeepInWindow function| GetClientVersion boolean| isTabActive number| firefoxVersion function| SetupEventSink function| GetSelectedElemAtPointCore function| AddOption function| DoEval boolean| UseInternalURL function| InitDynamicVariables function| OnBodyLoad function| ValidateIsInternalURL function| CookieTestValidateIsInternalURL function| ValidateIsExternalURL function| CheckBrowserURL function| GetURLPrefix string| gCookieDomain string| gClientTypeCookieFieldName string| gPluginVersionCookieFieldName string| gSIDCookieFieldName2 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
Domain/Path | Expires | Name / Value |
---|---|---| | Name: ersM4DBLHT222WEZN3SCJBMPFPWJM1 Value: PMT=1&CLL=1044&BRP=0 |
Security Headers
This page lists any security headers set by the main page. If you want to understand what these mean and how to use them, head on over to this page
Header | Value |
X-Frame-Options | SAMEORIGIN |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.