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Aldi to open four stores in Illinois, Florida, California, and Arizona
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The Equipment Upgrades Program is the first program rolled out as part of the
Illinois Grocery Initiative's multi-pronged efforts to combat food insecurity by
supporting local grocers and combatting food deserts.
Issues & Trends>Sustainability


The funding is for energy-efficient equipment upgrades

Supermarket News Staff | Jan 30, 2024


Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic
Opportunity have announced $3.5 million in available grant funding for local
grocers through the Equipment Upgrades Program as part of the Illinois Grocery
Initiative. These grants will provide funding for energy-efficient equipment
upgrades for existing grocery stores, with priority given to those located in
food insecure communities across the state. Grantees will be selected through a
competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process. 

The Equipment Upgrades Program is the first program rolled out as part of the
Illinois Grocery Initiative's multi-pronged efforts to combat food insecurity by
supporting local grocers and combatting food deserts. Additional funding
opportunities for new municipal and independent grocery stores will be announced
to the public soon.

This program is designed to strengthen existing grocery stores and preserve
access to fresh food in food insecure communities, in an effort

to stop the formation of new food deserts. In order to support businesses most
in-need, eligible applicants must be independently-owned grocers with fewer than
500 employees and no more than four grocery stores. Grocery stores located in
food deserts as defined by the USDA map will be prioritized for this

With rising energy costs, outdated equipment presents a major expense for small
community grocers. Under the Equipment Upgrades Program, eligible grocers may be
eligible to receive grants for the following equipment upgrades:

 * Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment
 * Refrigeration units and freezers
 * Lighting systems
 * Other systems providing significant energy savings

Qualified applicants can apply for grants between $25,000 to $250,000, with a
1:3 match required. Applications for this round of grants will be accepted until
March 25, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. To apply for the grant, visit the DCEO website. 

To help applicants prepare to apply for funding, DCEO will be holding
a webinar at 10 a.m. on January 31 and a webinar at 2 p.m. on February 8.
Interested parties are encouraged to reach out to CEO.GrantHelp@illinois.gov for
application assistance. 

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