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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On July 20 via manual
TLS certificate: Issued by GEANT OV RSA CA 4 on July 27th 2020. Valid for: 2 years.
This is the only time osiris.hosted.hz.nl was scanned on urlscan.io!
urlscan.io Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
8 | 2001:4018:880... 2001:4018:8801:102::174 | 9150 (INTERCONN...) (INTERCONNECT Interconnect Services BV) | |
8 | 1 |
ASN9150 (INTERCONNECT Interconnect Services BV, NL)
osiris.hosted.hz.nl |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
8 |
osiris.hosted.hz.nl |
260 KB |
8 | 1 |
Domain | Requested by | |
8 | osiris.hosted.hz.nl |
8 | 1 |
This site contains no links.
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
osiris.hosted.hz.nl GEANT OV RSA CA 4 |
2020-07-27 - 2022-07-27 |
2 years | crt.sh |
This page contains 2 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: 9D5C088EE7357F9E372AEF8D2D31316E
Requests: 7 HTTP requests in this frame
Frame ID: E0A5C1D3BC43DD96E0BB4CB7EA1A2210
Requests: 1 HTTP requests in this frame
Detected technologies
Apache (Web Servers) ExpandDetected patterns
- headers server /(?:Apache(?:$|\/([\d.]+)|[^/-])|(?:^|\b)HTTPD)/i
jQuery (JavaScript Libraries) Expand
Detected patterns
- script /jquery[.-]([\d.]*\d)[^/]*\.js/i
- script /jquery.*\.js(?:\?ver(?:sion)?=([\d.]+))?/i
Page Statistics
0 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
8 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H/1.1 |
Primary Request
Cookie set
osiris.hosted.hz.nl/osiris_aanmeld_hzprd/ |
5 KB 2 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
osiris.hosted.hz.nl/osiris_aanmeld_hzprd/cabo/styles/cache/ |
23 KB 23 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
osiris.hosted.hz.nl/osiris_aanmeld_hzprd/cabo/jsLibs/ |
87 KB 88 KB |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
osiris.hosted.hz.nl/osiris_aanmeld_hzprd/cabo/images/ |
85 B 390 B |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
osiris.hosted.hz.nl/osiris_aanmeld_hzprd/jsLib/ |
11 KB 11 KB |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
osiris.hosted.hz.nl/osiris_aanmeld_hzprd/jsLib/ |
87 KB 88 KB |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
osiris.hosted.hz.nl/osiris_aanmeld_hzprd/cabo/images/ Frame E0A5 |
85 B 390 B |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
osiris.hosted.hz.nl/osiris_aanmeld_hzprd/template/laf/images/HZ/ |
46 KB 47 KB |
image/jpeg |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
406 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
object| 0 object| onbeforexrselect object| ontransitionrun object| ontransitionstart object| ontransitioncancel object| cookieStore function| showDirectoryPicker function| showOpenFilePicker function| showSaveFilePicker boolean| originAgentCluster object| trustedTypes boolean| crossOriginIsolated undefined| _digits undefined| _decimalSep undefined| _groupingSep function| isDigit function| _getDigits function| parseDigit function| isNotLowerCase function| isLowerCase function| _isLowerCaseStrict function| isUpperCase function| isNotUpperCase function| _isUpperCaseStrict function| isLetter function| getUserLanguage function| getJavaLanguage function| getLocaleSymbols function| _getEras function| _getMonths function| _getShortMonths function| _getWeekdays function| _getShortWeekdays function| _getAmPmStrings function| _getZoneStrings function| _getLocalPatternChars function| _getDecimalSeparator function| _getGroupingSeparator function| _getPatternSeparator function| _getPercent function| _getZeroDigit function| _getDigit function| _getMinusSign function| _getExponential function| _getPerMill function| _getInfinity function| _getNaN function| _getCurrencySymbol function| _getInternationalCurrencySymbol function| _getMonetaryDecimalSeparator function| _getLocaleElements function| _getFullTimePatternString function| _getLongTimePatternString function| _getMediumTimePatternString function| _getShortTimePatternString function| _getFullDatePatternString function| _getLongDatePatternString function| _getMediumDatePatternString function| _getShortDatePatternString function| _getDateTimeFormatString function| LocaleSymbols function| _formatValidate function| Format function| ParseException function| _noopFormat function| _cjkParse function| CjkFormat function| _utf8Format function| _utf8Parse function| Utf8Format function| _sbParse function| SBFormat function| _setFailedPos function| _getDateFieldFormat function| _fixDFF function| _dfsv function| _returnCalendarValue function| _ldp function| _dfgv function| _getTimePortion function| _getLocaleTimeZoneDifference function| _dfb function| _dff function| _dfa function| _calsd function| _updateCal function| _doCancel function| _selectDate undefined| _savedField1879034 string| _LovDA string| _LovDP string| _LovEN string| _LovEV string| _LovFI string| _LovFL string| _LovFR undefined| _LovHR object| _LovIV number| _LovLD object| _LovNM string| _LovPT object| _LovSF string| _LovSR string| _LovST string| _LovWN function| _LovInputVTF function| _lovInputSFE function| _lovInputEEN function| _LovInputOLW function| _LovInputUUP function| _LovInputGPF function| _LovInputMPC function| _LovInputOMW function| _LovInputPWP function| _LovInputWCB function| _LovInputDDP function| _LovInputUAA function| _LovInputSTC function| _LovInputCBF function| _LovInputSBF function| _LovInputENC function| _LovInputQSF function| _LovInputUSF function| _LovInputSFS function| _LovInputSOE function| _decimalFormat function| _decimalParse function| DecimalFormat function| _regExpFormat function| _regExpParse function| RegExpFormat object| _agent undefined| _lastDateSubmitted number| _lastDateReset number| _lastDateValidated number| _lastValidationFailure number| _pprSubmitCount boolean| _pprSomeAction number| _pprRequestCount boolean| _pprUnloaded boolean| _pprBackRestoreInlineScripts boolean| _pprSavedCursorFlag boolean| _pprBlocking number| _pprBlockStartTime string| _pprIframeName boolean| _pprFirstClickPass string| _pprdivElementName object| _pprBlockingTimeout object| _pprEventElement boolean| _pprChoiceChanged undefined| _initialFormState object| _initialFormExclude undefined| _initialFormStateName undefined| _navDirty object| _initialFocusID object| _UixFocusRequestDoc object| _UixFocusRequestID boolean| _UixFocusRequestNext boolean| _blockCheckUnloadFromDialog object| _saveForm object| _saveDoValidate object| _saveParameters boolean| _submitRejected boolean| _inPartialSubmit function| _atLeast function| _atMost function| _supportsDOM function| _agentInit object| _ieFeatures object| _nnFeatures object| _modelessFeatureOverrides object| _modalFeatureOverrides object| _featureDefaults object| _signedFeatures object| _booleanFeatures function| _getContentWidth function| _getTop function| _sizeWin function| _onModalClickNN object| _mozClickEH function| _onModalClickMoz function| _onModalFocus function| _onModalLoseCapture function| t function| openWindow function| _getDependents function| _getDependent function| _setDependent function| _getModalDependent function| _getValidModalDependent function| _isModalDependent function| _clearAlphaFilter function| _unloadUIXDialog function| _checkUnload function| _isModalAbandoned function| _setModalAbandoned function| _focusChanging function| _getKeyValueString function| _dump function| dump function| _validateForm function| _getNextNonCommentSibling function| _valField function| _validationAlert function| _recordValidation function| _recentValidation function| _validateField function| _unvalidateField function| submitForm function| _saveFormForLaterSubmit function| _submitFormCheck function| resetForm function| _resetHiddenValues function| _getValue function| _setSelectIndexById function| _multiValidate function| _isShowing function| _getID function| _getForm function| _getName function| _instanceof function| _getErrorString function| _getValidations function| _getValidationError function| _formatErrorString function| _chain function| _callChained function| _checkLength function| _getElementById function| _findElementById function| _getQuerySeparator function| _addParameter function| _addFormParameter function| _firePCUpdateMaster function| _updateDetailIcon function| _firePartialChange function| _submitPartialChange function| _getPartialParameter function| _setOuterHTML function| _partialUnload function| _partialRedirect function| _pprLibraryStore undefined| _pprLibStore function| _pprExecScript function| _createToLoadArray function| _addLibraryToCache function| _loadScriptLibrariesIE function| _loadScriptLibrariesGecko function| _loadScriptLibraries function| _pprCopyObjectElement function| _partialChange function| _setRequestedFocusNode function| _getRequestedFocusNode function| _fullChange function| _updateFormActions function| _getParentActiveElement function| _saveActiveElement function| _getNewActiveElement function| _getFirstFocusable function| _restoreFocus function| _getAncestorByName function| _isDescendent function| _isFocusable function| _getCommentedScript function| _eval function| _getDocumentContent function| _fixAllLinks function| _isInExclude function| _getFormState function| isNavDirty function| _addNavExclude function| _submitNav function| _getInputField function| _enterField function| _resetOnEscape function| _checkLoad function| _noReload function| _monitorNoReload function| _handleClientEvent function| _getCookie function| _setCookie function| _setUIXCookie function| _getUIXCookie function| _defaultTZ function| _getTimeZoneID function| _monitor function| _getNodeWithAccessKey function| _findAccessKey function| _isEmpty function| _isLTR function| _pprConsumeFirstClick function| _pprControlCapture function| _pprConsumeBlockedEvent function| _isSubmittingElement function| _pprConsumeClick function| _pprInstallBlockingHandlers function| _pprStartBlocking function| _pprStopBlocking function| _pprChoiceAction function| _pprChoiceChangeEvent function| _getKC function| _recentSubmit function| _recentReset function| _pprFocus function| _savePageStateIE function| _saveScripts function| restorePartialPageState function| _setNavDirty undefined| _AD_ERA undefined| _dfLenient function| _getADEra function| _simpleDateFormat function| _simpleDateParse function| _simpleDateParseImpl function| _isStrict function| _doClumping function| _subformat function| _getLocaleTimeZoneDifferenceInHours function| _subparse function| _fix2DYear function| _matchArray function| _matchText function| _accumulateNumber function| _isPM function| _getPaddedNumber function| SimpleDateFormat function| getTableName function| getTableRow function| getTableElementName function| tableSelectAll function| tableSelectNone function| TableProxy function| _hasSelection function| _getTableValue function| _getSelectedRow function| _getSelectedRows function| _getTableLength function| _getFormElement function| _isMulti function| _selectAll function| _getSelectAll function| _selectNone function| _getSelectNone function| _multiSelect function| _tableProxyToString function| _setSelectedRow object| _delayedEventParams undefined| _cachedLibs undefined| win undefined| field undefined| timeoutTimer string| taal object| fields object| errorField boolean| callHelp function| callHelpForm function| callCatalog function| ignoreBackSpace function| callForm function| dummy function| setInputFocus function| setFieldLeeg function| onLoadEvent function| processOnEnter function| processOnEnterPartial function| IgnoreOnEnter2 function| IgnoreOnEnter function| setConfirmFocus function| formAutocomplete function| loadFields function| getElementIndex function| scrollDown function| scrollUp function| processOnKeyDown function| checkNumeriek function| checkNumeriekGoto function| datumInToekomst function| datumInToekomstServer function| checkdate function| chkdate object| MONTH_NAMES object| DAY_NAMES function| LZ function| isDate function| compareDates function| formatDate function| _isInteger function| _getInt function| getDateFromFormat function| parseDate function| getScrollOffset function| f_scrollTop function| f_filterResults function| refreshTimer function| showNotificationCallback function| showNotificationJavaScript function| setWF function| noCopy function| setTypeSecret function| doNotificationFadeOut function| checkLength function| onPageEntry function| $ function| jQuery function| _form0Validater undefined| _tempFunc2 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
Domain/Path | Expires | Name / Value |
.osiris.hosted.hz.nl/ | Name: oracle.uix Value: 0^^GMT+2:00 |
osiris.hosted.hz.nl/ | Name: OSIAANMELDINGSESSIONID Value: qx3Dsigz5m7Yz7reC-Dt9ZgCTd0ThRVa2XWfN2ItWk64L3yKySwm!-733289670 |
Security Headers
This page lists any security headers set by the main page. If you want to understand what these mean and how to use them, head on over to this page
Header | Value |
Strict-Transport-Security | max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; |
X-Content-Type-Options | nosniff |
X-Frame-Options | SAMEORIGIN |
X-Xss-Protection | 1 |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.