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Submitted URL: https://installintenselyspeedyinfo-program.info/
Effective URL: https://www.yahoo.com/
Submission: On December 26 via api from US — Scanned from US
Effective URL: https://www.yahoo.com/
Submission: On December 26 via api from US — Scanned from US
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Amazon just dropped a mother lode of deals Lululemon's end-of-year section has great finds Helen Mirren's go-to sneakers are super comfy Nordstrom's half-yearly sale is too good to be true Score on big ways to store your Xmas decor * US·CNN Business HARVARD FACULTY APPEAL TO THE UNIVERSITY’S BOARD TO ADDRESS ITS GROWING NUMBER OF CRISES Some key members of Harvard’s faculty and the university’s top governing body held an extraordinary meeting last week to address the unprecedented problems at one of America’s most prestigious institutions of higher learning. 227·5 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Business·The Advocate 5 TEMPTING PHOTOS FROM THE 2024 SLUTSKY LUMBER CALENDAR Slutsky Lumber wants to give you wood, the company says. 103·1 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Celebrity·Us Weekly BIJOU PHILLIPS TAKES HERSELF ON A ‘MOST NEEDED VACATION EVER’ AFTER DANNY MASTERSON’S LEGAL DRAMA Courtesy of Bijou Phillips/Instagram Bijou Phillips is treating herself to a tropical getaway in the aftermath as her estranged husband, Danny Masterson, continues to serve his 30-year sentence in prison. Phillips, 43, took to Instagram over the weekend to share photos and videos of her in the Bahamas. "Having the most needed vacation ever! ," 106·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * * Lifestyle·Business Insider AFTER WE DIVORCED, MY EX AND I DECIDED TO TRY 'NESTING.' OUR KIDS LIVE IN THE FAMILY HOME AND WE TAKE TURNS STAYING WITH THEM. My family decided to try 'bird nesting' after divorce. It takes lots of planning and communication, but it's the best custody arrangement for my kids. 371·6 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Entertainment·CinemaBlend VIDEOJOHNNY DEPP MADE $650 MILLION DURING HIS HEYDAY IN HOLLYWOOD, BUT HIS BIGGEST PAYOUT WAS NOT A 'PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN' MOVIE Johnny Depp has appeared in some of the most massive films of the 2000s and 2010s and has made a lot of money. While some may think his biggest payout came from his stint as Captain Jack Sparrow, it was actually from a different movie. According to The Management Group (via Insider), who is Depp’s former management firm, the actor earned over $650 million over the 13 years he was with the firm, which was from 1999 to 2016. After filming a few "Pirates" movies, Depp starred as the Mad Hatter in T 189 Thanks for your feedback! * Trending NowHoliday Gifts 1.Taylor Swift 2.Kamar de los Reyes 3.Donald Trump 4.Tapales vs. Inoue 5.Israel 6.Boston Celtics 7.Marjorie Taylor Greene 8.Kim Kardashian 9.A Christmas Story 10.Green Bay Packers 1.Pizza ovens 2.Recliners on sale 3.Hickory Farms gift baskets 4.Alaskan cruise 5.Cancun all-inclusive on the beach 6.Mazda CX-5 7.Saatva mattresses 8.Birkenstocks for women 9.Patagonia jackets 10.HOKA shoes WEATHER MIAMI View your Locations Remove from favorite locations Detect my locationPlease enable location service for your browser * Enter City or Zipcode * Manage Locations TodayScattered showers with a 75% chance of precipitation. Winds from SE to ESE at 8 to 10 mph (12.9 to 16.1 kph). The overnight low will be 72 °F (22.2 °C). 76°70° TueMostly cloudy today with a high of 80 °F (26.7 °C) and a low of 62 °F (16.7 °C). There is a 51% chance of precipitation. 80°62° WedPartly cloudy today with a high of 80 °F (26.7 °C) and a low of 63 °F (17.2 °C). There is a 81% chance of precipitation. 80°63° ThuShowers today with a high of 72 °F (22.2 °C) and a low of 56 °F (13.3 °C). There is a 51% chance of precipitation. 72°56° See more PLAY GAMES ON YAHOO Featured gameBoardCardCasinoPuzzleWord * BLOCK CHAMP Play game Provided by Masque Publishing * Something went wrong. Try again. * Something went wrong. Try again. * Something went wrong. Try again. * Something went wrong. Try again. * Something went wrong. Try again. DAILY HOROSCOPE Change your horoscope signAquariusAriesCancerCapricornGeminiLeoLibraPiscesSagittariusScorpioTaurusVirgo December 25 -No matter where you are today, you feel as if you'd rather be somewhere else. That's not such a bad thing, unless you're stuck somewhere for a really long time. Daydreaming should be a big help! See more ADVERTISEMENT Close this content, you can also use the Escape key at anytime ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT Display Advertisement Waiting for permission Allow microphone access to enable voice search Try again. Try saying