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IMDb RATING 5.5/10 167K YOUR RATING Rate POPULARITY 2,806 1,525 * Director * Scott Derrickson * Writers * David Scarpa(screenplay) * Edmund H. North(1951 screenplay) * Stars * Keanu Reeves * Jennifer Connelly * Kathy Bates Top credits * Director * Scott Derrickson * Writers * David Scarpa(screenplay) * Edmund H. North(1951 screenplay) * Stars * Keanu Reeves * Jennifer Connelly * Kathy Bates See production, box office & company info Add to Watchlist * 812User reviews * 286Critic reviews * 40Metascore See more at IMDbPro * Awards * 2 wins & 5 nominations VIDEOS2 Trailer 1:34 The Day the Earth Stood Still: Trailer #2 Trailer 1:57 The Day the Earth Stood Still: Trailer #1 PHOTOS82 TOP CAST Edit Keanu Reeves * Klaatuas Klaatu Jennifer Connelly * Helen Bensonas Helen Benson Kathy Bates * Regina Jacksonas Regina Jackson Jaden Smith * Jacob Bensonas Jacob Benson John Cleese * Professor Barnhardtas Professor Barnhardt Jon Hamm * Michael Granieras Michael Granier Kyle Chandler * John Driscollas John Driscoll Robert Knepper * Colonelas Colonel James Hong * Mr. Wuas Mr. Wu John Rothman * Dr. Myronas Dr. Myron Sunita Prasad * Rouhanias Rouhani Juan Riedinger * William Kwanas William Kwan Sam Gilroy * Tomas Tom Tanya Champoux * Isabelas Isabel Rukiya Bernard * Studentas Student Alisen Down * Laptop Womanas Laptop Woman David Lewis * Plainclothes Agentas Plainclothes Agent Lloyd Adams * Agent Driveras Agent Driver * Director * Scott Derrickson * Writers * David Scarpa(screenplay) * Edmund H. North(1951 screenplay) * All cast & crew * See more cast details at IMDbPro MORE LIKE THIS 5.7 Chain Reaction Watchlist 7.7 The Day the Earth Stood Still Watchlist 5.0 The Happening Watchlist 6.2 Knowing Watchlist 5.7 Johnny Mnemonic Watchlist 7.0 Constantine Watch options 6.3 Surrogates Watchlist 7.2 Speed Watchlist 6.8 The Lake House Watchlist 5.8 2012 Watch options 6.3 47 Ronin Watchlist 6.8 Street Kings Watch options STORYLINE Edit Dr. Helen Benson is summoned to a military facility with several other scientists when an alien spacecraft of sorts arrives in New York City. Aboard is a human-like alien and a giant robot of immense size and power. The alien identifies himself as Klaatu and says he has come to save the Earth. The US military and political authorities see him as a threat however and decide to use so-called intensive interrogation techniques on him but Dr. Benson decides to facilitate his escape. When she learns exactly what he means when he says he is there to save the Earth, she tries to convince him to change his intentions. —garykmcd psychotronic filmmilitary humveehuman versus extraterrestrialnighthelicopter gunship203 more * Plot summary * Plot synopsis * Taglines * 12.12.08 is the Day the Earth Stood Still * Genres * Drama * Sci-Fi * Thriller * Motion Picture Rating (MPAA) * Rated PG-13 for some sci-fi disaster images and violence * Parents guide DID YOU KNOW Edit * Trivia Renowned astronomer Seth Shostak was hired as a consultant on the film. He reviewed the script several times for errors, and gave suggestions for making the scientists less dry: "Real scientists don't describe an object entering the solar system as 'notable for the fact that it was not moving in an asteroidal ellipse, but moving at nearly 3*10 to the 7 meters per second'. More likely, they would say that there was 'a god-damned rock headed our way!'" He also noted the scientists should refer to one another by a first name basis. * Goofs No British news service would use the British flag as its banner. The British flag is not widely flown within the country. It's never shown on television; stations feel that viewers already know which country they're in. * Quotes Professor Barnhardt: There must be alternatives. You must have some technology that could solve our problem. Klaatu: Your problem is not technology. The problem is you. You lack the will to change. Professor Barnhardt: Then help us change. Klaatu: I cannot change your nature. You treat the world as you treat each other. Professor Barnhardt: But every civilization reaches a crisis point eventually. Klaatu: Most of them don't make it. Professor Barnhardt: Yours did. How? Klaatu: Our sun was dying. We had to evolve in order to survive. Professor Barnhardt: So it was only when your world was threated with destruction that you became what you are now. Klaatu: Yes. Professor Barnhardt: Well that's where we are. You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don't take it from us, we are close to an answer. * Connections Edited into The Day the Earth Stood Still: T4 Movie Special (2008) * Soundtracks The Goldberg Variations: Aria Da Capo and Variation No. 1 Written by Johann Sebastian Bach Performed by Ryan Franks Courtesy of Crucial Music [Played at Professor Barnhardt's home] USER REVIEWS812 Review Top review 4/10 Very disappointing Why do these movies feel they need to include a bratty, spoiled, overbearing kid?? The ridiculous performance of Jaden Smith added annoyance to the empty script. The movie starts off well enough, and then tries miserably to develop the characters and make us care for them. The Bates role is absurd; Cleese's role has virtually nothing to say this amazing encounter. The military point of view is typical; as if there's only one area where the military is useful (I would expect nothing less from "Hollywood"). There were some very interesting ideas (the sphere-like ship, the nanobots, the Gort acronym) and the effects were top notch, however Gort (the one thing the movie had going for it) was on screen for less then 10 minutes. Keanu was perfectly cast and Connelly does a good job with what's given to her. All in all, another flop of a remake. This actually makes the War of the Worlds remake shine. I saw this movie in IMAX - if you're going to see it, find an IMAX theater. Lastly, am I the only sick of seeing the same old New York back drop? I love New York City, but come on! Be original! helpful•627 194 * toby007 * Dec 12, 2008 FAQ8 * What is 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' about? * Is "The Day the Earth Stood Still" based on a book? * What was the opening sequence about? DETAILS Edit * Release date * December 12, 2008 (United States) * Countries of origin * United States * Canada * Languages * English * Mandarin * Also known as * D.T.E.S.S. * Filming locations * Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada * Production companies * Twentieth Century Fox * 3 Arts Entertainment * Dune Entertainment III * See more company credits at IMDbPro BOX OFFICE Edit * Budget * $80,000,000 (estimated) * Gross US & Canada * $79,366,978 * Opening weekend US & Canada * $30,480,153 * Dec 14, 2008 * Gross worldwide * $233,093,859 See detailed box office info on IMDbPro TECHNICAL SPECS Edit * Runtime * 1h 44min * Color * Color * Sound mix * DTS * Dolby Digital * SDDS * Aspect ratio * 2.35 : 1 RELATED NEWS How Keanu Reeves Defied All Expectations Sep 2Variety Film + TV ‘Loki’: How the Theremin and Moog Synthesizer Musically Conveyed the God of Mischief Trapped in the Tva Jul 15Indiewire CONTRIBUTE TO THIS PAGE Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap What was the official certification given to The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) in Japan? 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