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Submitted URL: https://get.productboard.com/MTI4LUpIUi04NzEAAAGKo3H0V_MP9LxduduqdO0hfiWbNaLSvkMx_FQphPt3yK6xWk-xFnSzL275ibdFjGvq1o3VPEI=
Effective URL: https://www.productboard.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=db&utm_campaign=em_dg_all_event_all_productboard-roadtrip_fy24q1&ut...
Submission: On March 21 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.productboard.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=db&utm_campaign=em_dg_all_event_all_productboard-roadtrip_fy24q1&ut...
Submission: On March 21 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
6 forms found in the DOM<form class="mktoForm mktoHasWidth mktoLayoutLeft" data-form-id="1586" data-forminstance="0" data-formmode="popup" data-form-redirect="" data-form-thankyou="Thanks! Our Sales team will get in touch shortly!"
data-event-name="Marketo form: 1586 (focused)" data-event-label="" data-form-title="" data-event-button="" data-styles-ready="true" novalidate="novalidate" digitalpi-utms-added="true" data-dmtracked="true">
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<h3>See how Productboard can help you</h3>
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" data-event-name="Marketo form: 1586 (focused)" data-event-label="refresh-testing" data-styles-ready="true" novalidate="novalidate" digitalpi-utms-added="true" data-dmtracked="true">
<div class="mktoTemplateBox">
<h3>See how Productboard can help you</h3>
<p>Let us know how to contact you and we'll have a Productboard expert follow up.</p>
<br><br> Welcome back, Barnaby<br><br><span class="mktoButtonWrap mktoInset"><button type="submit" class="mktoButton">Request Demo</button></span><br><br><a class="mktoNotYou">Not you?</a>
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class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor" value="email"><input type="hidden" name="pi__utm_source__c" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor" value="db"><input type="hidden" name="pi__utm_campaign__c" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor"
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value="email"><input type="hidden" name="utmorigsource__c" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor" value="db"><input type="hidden" name="utmorigcampaign__c" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor"
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type="hidden" name="rampmetricsLastReferringURL" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor" value="https://get.productboard.com/"><input type="hidden" name="rampmetricsLastDestinationURL" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor" value=""><input
type="hidden" name="rampmetricsTrackerStatus" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor" value="rm loaded">
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data-event-label="footer-form" novalidate="novalidate" digitalpi-utms-added="true" data-styles-ready="true" data-dmtracked="true">
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data-email-identify="clearbitAPIcall"><span id="InstructEmail" tabindex="-1" class="mktoInstruction"></span>
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for="Productboard_Opt_in__c_1679409925498_48_1679409925498_48" id="LblProductboard_Opt_in__c_2" class="show-label"></label></div><span id="InstructProductboard_Opt_in__c" tabindex="-1" class="mktoInstruction">Sure, send me insightful
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type="hidden" name="rampmetricsLastReferringURL" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor" value="https://get.productboard.com/"><input type="hidden" name="rampmetricsLastDestinationURL" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor" value=""><input
type="hidden" name="rampmetricsTrackerStatus" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor" value="rm loaded">
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" data-event-name="Marketo form: 1586 (focused)" data-event-label="refresh-testing" data-styles-ready="true" novalidate="novalidate"
style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: -500px; left: -1000px; width: 1600px;" data-dmtracked="true"></form>
Text Content
Product Makers Summit – March 21st – Registration is now OPEN Register Now * Product * Product Features * Build Roadmaps Connect your backlog with always up-to-date and easy-to-share roadmaps * Prioritize Features Know what to build next based on user insights and company priorities * Centralize Feedback Capture and collect all your customer feedback in one place * Validate Ideas Share plans, validate ideas, and celebrate launches with a public Portal * Integrations Enable efficient workflows with best-in-class integrations and APIs * How it works WHAT IS PRODUCTBOARD? Easily keep everyone aligned on priorities, centralize all your customer feedback, and always know what to build with confidence. * Enterprise * Pricing * Resources * Learn * Product Excellence Summit 2022 * Blog * eBooks & Webinars * Product Management Guide * Product Makers Community * Customers * Trust Portal * Company * Professional Services * About Us * Careers * Events * Productboard’s Portal * Press * Support * Help Center * Academy * Uptime & Status * Security * ON-DEMAND 2022 PRODUCT EXCELLENCE SUMMIT On Oct 4th, 2022, we hosted our first in-person Product Excellence Summit. Recordings are now available on-demand. WATCH NOW * Sign in * Start free trial Start free trial Try Now Productboard helps product teams understand what customers need, prioritize what to build next, and align everyone around the roadmap. Start free trial Request demo SEE HOW PRODUCTBOARD CAN HELP YOU Let us know how to contact you and we'll have a Productboard expert follow up. Welcome back, Barnaby Request Demo Not you? No credit card needed, free 15-day trial. Build Roadmaps Align everyone through interactive, live roadmaps that can be tailored to any audience in a few clicks. Explore Roadmaps Prioritize Features Build the right features for customers and the business using standardized, data-informed prioritization. Explore Prioritization Centralize Feedback Understand customers’ real needs by centralizing feedback and having AI transform it into actionable insights. Explore Insights Validate Ideas Engage your customer community in your product plans to validate ideas and close the feedback loop. Explore Engagement Integrate Seamlessly Connect to how your teams work by bringing it all together with our integrations and APIs. Explore Integrations PRODUCTBOARD EMPOWERS OVER 6,000 INNOVATIVE COMPANIES TO MAKE PRODUCTS THAT MATTER. Insights CREATE PRODUCTS YOUR CUSTOMERS WILL LOVE Make products customers can’t live without by uncovering customers’ actual needs within centralized feedback and representing the voice of the customer in every product decision. Explore Insights “We had so many sources of feedback that managing it all was challenging. Productboard helped us funnel these inputs into one place, see trends, and make better product decisions.” Sasa Batovanja Sr. Product Manager, Pipedrive Prioritization EMPOWER PRODUCT TEAMS TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE. Operate at a greater velocity by focusing on what matters using standardized processes, clear prioritization, interactive roadmaps, and visibility into progress across all workstreams and teams. Explore Prioritization “I actually have data to back up my decisions, so we don’t build things for a vocal minority that doesn’t benefit our user base as a whole. This is critical for us.” Matt Stein VP of Product, Metromile Roadmaps ALIGN EVERYONE TO ACCELERATE OUTCOMES Drive the business forward by inspiring everyone around a product strategy that’s connected to business outcomes. Get to market faster through greater transparency and closer collaboration around product plans. Explore Roadmaps “At any given time, we can look at our roadmap and see exactly why we decided that a feature was important. That’s what attracted us to Productboard.” Michael Vanderheeren Director of Product Management, Barco "The platform has enhanced our ability to launch products, while gathering the right feedback from our customers. With Productboard, we are able to focus on building the best products for our customers." Param Kahlon, Chief Product Officer at UiPath Start free trial Request Demo SEE HOW PRODUCTBOARD CAN HELP YOU Let us know how to contact you and we'll have a Productboard expert follow up. Welcome back, Barnaby Request Demo Not you? JOIN THOUSANDS OF PRODUCT MANAGERS WHO ALREADY ENJOY OUR NEWSLETTER * Your email * Sure, send me insightful product news, and occasional offers by email. I know I can unsubscribe at any time. Sure, send me insightful product news, and occasional offers by email. I know I can unsubscribe at any time. Subscribe Thank you! Check your inbox and confirm your subscription, please. * Product * Roadmaps Product Page * Prioritization * Insights Product Page * Engagement * Integrations * Security * Legal * Pricing * Professional Services * Company * Customers * About Us * Careers 🚀 * Open Positions * Events * Press * Resources * Product Excellence Summit 2022 * Product Teams Summit * Product Makers Summit * Blog * eBooks & Webinars * Product Excellence * Product Roadmap Guide * Product Management Glossary * Productboard’s Portal * ProductExcellence.co * Product Makers Community * Trust Portal * Support * Help Center * Academy * Uptime & Status Copyright © 2023 Productboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Designed in California. Made all over the world. * Website & Portal Terms of Use * Master Subscription Agreement * Privacy Policy * Cookies Policy * DMCA Notice * Platform Guidelines 2:02 This website uses cookies that help the website functions and to track how you interact with it so that we can provide you with improved and customized user experience. We will only use the cookies if you consent to it by clicking on Accept.Cookie Policy. Cookie SettingsReject AllAccept Privacy Policy Necessary Functional Analytics Marketing Advertisement Other Save my preferences Privacy Policy This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website, to store user preferences and provide them with content and advertisements that are relevant to you. These cookies will only be stored on your browser with your consent to do so. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Necessary Necessary cookies are crucial for the basic functions of the website and the website will not work in its intended way without them. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable data. CookieTypeDurationDescriptioncf_ob_infohttp1 dayThis cookie is set by the provider Cloudflare. The cookie provides informations on HTTP Status Code returned by the origin web server, the Ray ID of the original failed request and the data center serving the traffic.cf_use_obhttp1 dayThis cookie is set by the provider Cloudflare content delivery network. This cookie is used for determining whether it should continue serving "Always Online" until the cookie expires.mkjs_group_propertieshttpnever Only use for analytics and not sold or used to third party applications. Enables Productboard to track user activities. mkjs_user_traitshttpnever Only use for analytics and not sold or used to third party applications. Enables Productboard to track user activities. _mkto_trkhttp2 years This tracking cookie allows the website to link visitor behavior to the recipient of an email marketing campaign, to measure campaign effectiveness. dpi_utmOrigValshttp180 days Supporting this dynamic UTM field mapping involved creating a data structure to group these UTM (and GCLID) fields by Munchkin ID. __cfruidhttpssessionCloudflare sets this cookie to identify trusted web traffic.qualified_sessionhttpSession Identifies a user of the Qualified Application’s (this is a Qualified user using the Qualified application) login to the Qualified Application. This cookie isn’t set on website visitors. This cookie is only used to ensure users using the Qualified application can log into the service. _q_statehttp10 years Contains a number of attributes identifying the website visitor and their interaction with the Qualified Chat Messenger. This identifier is stored in the website visitor’s browser as well as the Qualified Service. rm_cx3Nw6yYMNGxDUy8bW9Jhttp1 year Only used for analytics and not sold or used for third-party applications. Enables Productboard to track user activities. _rm_drhttp1 day Only used for analytics and not sold or used for third-party applications. Enables Productboard to track user activities. cookieyesIDhttps1 yearCookieYes sets this cookie as a unique identifier for visitors according to their consent.cky-consenthttps1 yearThe cookie is set by CookieYes to remember the users's consent settings so that the website recognizes the users the next time they visit.cky-actionhttps1 yearThis cookie is set by CookieYes and is used to remember the action taken by the user.AWSALBCORShttps7 daysThis cookie is managed by Amazon Web Services and is used for load balancing._GRECAPTCHAhttps5 months 27 daysThis cookie is set by the Google recaptcha service to identify bots to protect the website against malicious spam attacks.JSESSIONIDhttpssessionThe JSESSIONID cookie is used by New Relic to store a session identifier so that New Relic can monitor session counts for an application.cookieyes-necessaryhttps1 yearCookieYes sets this cookie to remember the consent of users for the use of cookies in the 'Necessary' category.cookieyes-functionalhttps1 yearCookieYes sets this cookie to remember the consent of users for the use of cookies in the 'Functional' category.cookieyes-analyticshttps1 yearCookieYes sets this cookie to remember the consent of users for the use of cookies in the 'Analytics' category.cookieyes-performancehttps1 yearCookieYes sets this cookie to remember the consent of users for the use of cookies in the 'Performance' category.cookieyes-advertisementhttps1 yearCookieYes sets this cookie to remember the consent of users for the use of cookies in the 'Advertisement' category.cookieyes-otherhttps1 yearCookieYes sets this cookie to remember the consent of users for the use of cookies in the 'Other' category.elementorhttpsneverThis cookie is used by the website's WordPress theme. It allows the website owner to implement or change the website's content in real-time.cg_uuidhttps1 yearNo description available._cq_checkhttpNever CHEQ.ai client-side cookie that is used to detect if the device supports cookies. This cookie is deleted immediately after insertion. _cq_tuidhttpSession Client-side cookie that is used to detect tab sessions per device. This cookie duration is per tab session. _cq_suidhttpsessionNo description_cq_duidhttp3 monthsNo description Functional Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. CookieTypeDurationDescriptiondebughttpneverThis cookie is used to detect errors on the website. This information is sent to the website's support staff in order to optimize the visitor's experience on the website._pb_is_logged_inhttp1 dayProductboard uses this cookie to indentify existing users, and redirect them straight to the application.__cf_bmhttps30 minutesThis cookie, set by Cloudflare, is used to support Cloudflare Bot Management. UserMatchHistoryhttps1 monthLinkedIn sets this cookie for LinkedIn Ads ID syncing.langhttpssessionLinkedIn sets this cookie to remember a user's language setting.bcookiehttps2 yearsLinkedIn sets this cookie from LinkedIn share buttons and ad tags to recognize browser ID.lidchttps1 dayLinkedIn sets the lidc cookie to facilitate data center selection.bscookiehttps2 yearsLinkedIn sets this cookie to store performed actions on the website.__zlcmidhttps1 year__zlcmid is a cookie set by Zopim to help identify a user's chat session between page loads.sp_thttps1 yearThe sp_t cookie is set by Spotify to implement audio content from Spotify on the website and also registers information on user interaction related to the audio content.sp_landinghttps1 dayThe sp_landing is set by Spotify to implement audio content from Spotify on the website and also registers information on user interaction related to the audio content. Analytics Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. CookieTypeDurationDescription_gidhttps1 dayThis cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information about how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected includes: the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited. This information is stored in an anonymous form._gd_visitorhttps2 yearsThis cookie is used for collecting information on the users visit such as number of visits, average time spent on the website and the pages loaded for displaying targeted ads. _gd_sessionhttps4 hoursThis cookie is used for collecting information on users visit to the website. It collects data such as total number of visits, average time spent on the website and the pages loaded._gd_svisitorhttps2 yearsThis cookie is set by the Google Analytics. This cookie is used for tracking the signup commissions via affiliate program._gahttp2 yearsThis cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitors, sessions, campaign data, and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics' reports. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors._gathttp1 minuteThis cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites._gat_gtag_UA_39377250_1http1 minuteThis cookie is set by Google and is used to distinguish users._gaexphttp90 daysThis cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to determine if the visitor is involved in their marketing experiments.utm_mediumhttp1 dayThis cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to determine what Google campaign or ad has user came from.utm_sourcehttp1 dayThis cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to determine what Google campaign or ad has user came from.utm_campaignhttp1 dayThis cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to determine what Google campaign or ad has user came from.ajs_group_idhttp1 yearThe cookie is set by Segment.io and is used to analyze how users use the website.ajs_group_propertieshttp1 yearThe cookie is set by Segment.io and is used to analyze how users use the website.ajs_user_idhttp1 yearThe cookie is set by Segment.io and is used to analyze how users use the website.ajs_user_traitshttp1 yearThe cookie is set by Segment.io and is used to analyze how users use the website.ajs_anonymous_idhttp1 yearThe cookie is set by Segment.io and is used to analyze how users use the website.ajs%3Acookieshttp1 yearThe cookie is set by Segment.io and is used to analyze how users use the website.ajs%3Atesthttp1 yearThe cookie is set by Segment.io and is used to analyze how users use the website._hjidhttp1 yearThis cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID._hjIncludedInSessionSamplehttp30 minutesThis cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit._hjIncludedInPageviewSamplehttp30 minutesThis cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie._hjAbsoluteSessionInProgresshttp30 minutesThis cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie._hjSessionUser1843463http1 yearHotjar cookie that is set when a user first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID._hjSession1843463http30 minutesA cookie that holds the current session data. This ensues that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session._hjClosedSurveyInviteshttp1 yearHotjar cookie that is set once a user interacts with an External Link Survey invitation modal. It is used to ensure that the same invite does not reappear if it has already been shown._hjDonePollshttp1 yearHotjar cookie that is set once a user completes a survey using the On-site Survey widget. It is used to ensure that the same survey does not reappear if it has already been filled in._hjMinimizedPollshttp1 yearHotjar cookie that is set once a user minimizes an On-site Survey widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimized when the user navigates through your site._hjLocalStorageTesthttp1 dayThis cookie is used to check if the Hotjar Tracking Script can use local storage. If it can, a value of 1 is set in this cookie. The data stored_hjShownFeedbackMessagehttp1 secondHotjar cookie that is set when a user minimizes or completes Incoming Feedback. This is done so that the Incoming Feedback will load as minimized immediately if the user navigates to another page where it is set to show._hjFirstSeenhttp30 minutesThis is set by Hotjar to identify a user’s first session. It stores a true/false value indicating whether this was the first time Hotjar saw this user. It is used by recording filters to identify new user sessions.undefinedhttpsneverWistia sets this cookie to collect data on visitor interaction with the website's video-content, to make the website's video-content more relevant for the visitor.fs_uidhttps1 yearThis cookie is set by the provider Fullstory. This cookie is used for session tracking._session_idhttps14 daysCookie set by G2 to store the visitor’s navigation by recording the landing pages. 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