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May 26-28, 2022   Munich, Germany

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Dear Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to announce that The Scientistt will host the Global
Summit on Public Health and Preventive Medicine (GSPHPM2022) will be held in
Munich, Germany during May 26-28, 2022.

GSPHPM2022 aims to bring together the renowned researchers, scientists and
scholars to exchange ideas, to present sophisticated research works and to
discuss hot topics in the field and share their experiences on all aspects of
Public Health and Preventive Medicine.

The GSPHPM2022 will be a 3 days event that means to gather the key players of
the Public Health and Preventive Medicine community and related sectors. This
event is launched with the aims to become an established event, attracting
global participants, intent on sharing, exchanging and exploring new avenues of
public health and preventive medicine-related scientific and commercial

A wide-ranging scientific program consisting of plenary lectures, keynote
lectures, Invited lectures, parallel sessions, as well as poster sessions for
young scientists covering all topics in public health and preventive medicine
will be scheduled. This conference provides a wonderful opportunity for you to
enhance your knowledge about the newest interdisciplinary approaches in public
health and preventive medicine.

Moreover, the conference offers a valuable platform to create new contacts in
the field of public health and preventive medicine, by providing valuable
networking time for you to meet great personnel in the field.

We look forward to seeing you at GSPHPM2022 in Munich, Germany.



 * Abstract Submission is Open

 * Registration is Open

 * Earlybird Registration Ends on | October 15, 2021

 * Conference Committee Updated







University of Milan
H-Index 198


Giuseppe Remuzzi, M.D, FRCP Director, Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological
Research IRCCS and Professor of nephrology, University of Milan. From 1996 until
2013 he was Director of the public-private Department of Immunology and
Transplant Medicine (a collaboration between the Ospedali Riuniti of Bergamo and
the Mario Negri Institute) and from 1999 until 2018 he has also been Head of the
Division of Nephrology and Dialysis. From 2011 until 2015 he was Director of the
Department of Medicine of the Azienda Ospedaliera Papa Giovanni XXIII (formerly
the Ospedali Riuniti) of Bergamo. In June 2015 he was nominated Chiara Fama
Professor of Nephrology at the University of Milan. His main research interests
include the causes of glomerulonephritis and the mechanisms of progression of
kidney diseases. He has also conducted many studies in the field of transplant
rejection. In recognition of his achievements, he received many national and
international awards, among them the ISN Jean Hamburger Award in 2005 during the
World Congress of Nephrology in Singapore, the John P. Peters Award (American
Society of Nephrology 2007, San Francisco) and the “Lennox K. Black
International Prize for Excellence in Medicine” (Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia). Prof. Remuzzi is the author of over 1500 publications in
international medical journals and has written 19 books.




University of Texas
H-Index 194


Dr. Russel J. Reiter is Professor of Cell Biology in the Department of Cell
Systems and Anatomy at the UT Health, San Antonio, Texas, USA. In addition to
his Ph.D. degree, Dr. Reiter has received four honorary M.D. degrees and one
honorary D.Sc. degree from international universities. His research relates to
the multiple receptor-independent and receptor-dependent actions of melatonin in
humans, animals and plants. He has trained 25 Ph.D. students and 144
postdoctoral fellows. Dr. Reiter has received numerous awards for his research
including the A. Ross McIntyre Gold Metal (USA), US Senior Scientist Award
(Germany), LizoniLincee Award (Italy), Inaugural Aaron B. Lerner Pioneer Award
(USA), Chulabhorn Royal Academy Medal (Thailand), etc. He has published numerous
research papers, reviews and chapters and he has written or edited 25 books.
Based on Google Scholar, his papers have been cited in the scientific literature
more than 164,000 times and his h-index is 194.Clarivate Analytics has
identified Dr. Reiter as a Highly Cited Scientist (top 1%) and listed him as one
of the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds in 2014. Dr. Reiter has been an
invited speaker at more than 300 international meetings and symposia. He is the
Co-Editor of Melatonin Research and he is the Founder and past Editor of the
Journal of Pineal Research.




Max Planck Institute
H-Index 145


Director Emeritus at Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, and at
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany. Founding
Director (1993), Director of Department of Immunology at Max Planck Institute
for Infection Biology, Berlin (1993 to 2019). Professor of Microbiology and
Immunology, Charité University Clinics Berlin, Germany. Faculty Fellow of Hagler
Institute for Advanced Study at Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas.
Studied biology at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany, 1977 PhD
(highest degree, summa cum laude). From 1987 to 1991 Professor for Medical
Microbiology and Immunology, and from 1991 to 1998 Full Professor for Immunology
at University of Ulm. Doctor Honoris Causa from Aix-Marseille University. Fellow
of Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (FRCP Edin). Honorary Professor of
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru; Guest Professor at Tongji
University, School of Medicine, Shanghai, China; Visiting Professor at Peking
Union Medical College, Beijing, China. Scientific interests: immunity to
bacterial pathogens with emphasis on tuberculosis and rational design of
vaccines and biosignatures. Developer of a tuberculosis vaccine in phase III
clinical efficacy trial. Former President and honorary member of German Society
for Immunology; former President of European Federation of Immunological
Societies (EFIS) and of International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS).
Initiator of the global Day of Immunology to raise public awareness in
immunology, jointly organized by EFIS and IUIS annually. Chair of the Board of
Schering Foundation. Member of the Scientific Advisory Board and member of the
Board of Trustees of Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Co-Chair of the Scientific
Committee of World Health Summit. Board Member of Global Alliance for Vaccines
and Immunisation (GAVI) from 2010 to 2013. Member of the Scientific Board of
Global Alliance for TB Drug Development (TB Alliance) from 2009 to 2014. Member
of the Strategic Advisory Committee of European and Developing Countries
Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) from 2014 to 2018. Member of the Executive
Committee of Robert Koch Foundation from 2003 to 2019. Scientific advisor on
“Health” for G7 summit in Elmau, Germany, in 2015 and for G20 summit in Hamburg
in 2017. Numerous prestigious scientific awards, most recently Gagna A. & Ch.
Van Heck Prize in 2018 from FNRS, Belgium. Coordinator of several international
and interdisciplinary projects, e.g. Grand Challenge 6 of the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation from 2005 to 2016. > 900 publications mostly in high-ranking
journals with > 75,000 citations, Highly Cited Researcher 2020 according to
Clarivate – Web of Science; amongst the 0.01% most cited scientists of ca. 7
million scientists in 22 major scientific fields globally (PLoS Biol 17(8):
e3000384, 2019); h-index of 144 (Google Scholar) / 111 (Clarivate – Web of
Science/ISI),). Editor or member of editorial boards of numerous international
scientific journals; member of numerous professional societies and academies
including American Academy of Microbiology, Berlin–Brandenburg Academy of
Sciences and Humanities, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, World
Innovation Foundation and European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)




Near East University
North Cyprus
H-Index 108


She graduated from the Department of the Physics of Çukurova University in 2006.
She has worked at CERN, Geneva during 2008-2010 for her Master thesis. She
completed her PhD studies in 2014 in Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.
In 2015, she has started to work at Gordon Center for Medical Imaging, NMMI
Radiology Department, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School as
a post-doc. She has worked on a new technique called laser-induced optical
barriers (LIOB) technique to improve nuclear medicine imaging devises cost and
performance. She has designed a high-performance cardiac SPECT system with a
cost-effective manner using the LIOB technique. Recently, she is working on the
application of Biomedical Instrumentation using Artificial Intelligence,
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Engineering and Healthcare, Artificial
Intelligence in Healthcare.




Harokopio University
H-Index 104


Demosthenes Panagiotakos, DrMed, FRSPH, FACE, is Professor in Biostatistics,
Research Methods and Epidemiology at Harokopio University in Athens, and Member
of the Scientific Committee of Health, Environment and Emerging Risks / DG
Health and Food Safety, of the European Commission (2016-2021). During 2016-2019
was vice Rector of Financial Affairs, Research and Development at Harokopio
University in Athens; previously he has served as the Dean of the School of
Health Science & Education (2013-2016). Prof Panagiotakos is also visiting
Distinguished Professor at School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers, the State
University of New Jersey, USA (since 2016), and adjunct Professor at the Faculty
of Health, University of Canberra, ACT, Australia (since 2017). He has
supervised as the Principal Investigator 17 large–scale, epidemiological studies
and research projects (15,2M total). His research interests include chronic
disease epidemiology, medical research methodology, personalized medicine, and
risk modelling. He has published 3 books, over 800 scientific papers in
peer-reviewed international journals (Scopus ID 7005977027), as well as 50
papers in national journals and Conference proceedings and has more than 26.500
citations of his work (h-index of 73). He has received several National and
International Awards and Scholarships. He has served as a research evaluator for
National and International Organizations (including European Commission, JCR,
etc), reviewer in international journals, as well as external evaluator for
several faculty positions. He is an Executive Board member in 3 Scientific
Societies and former President of the Hellenic Atherosclerosis Society
(2018-2020). He serves as Editor, Associate Editor or Editorial Board member in
17 international journals. He has invited to give more than 250 lectures in 17
countries around the world on the field of cardiovascular disease epidemiology
and its risk determinants. He has actively participated in campaigns against
tobacco use and substances, exposure to environmental tobacco smoking, as well
as promotion of healthy dietary patterns and Mediterranean diet. He is a Board
Member of the National Nutrition Policy Committee of the Ministry of Health and
has served as Board Member of the Scientific Council of the Hellenic Food
Authority and as the National Council of Public Health.




University of Southern California
H-Index 94


Dr. Constantinos Sioutas, Sc.D., is currently the first holder of the Fred
Champion Professorship in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University
of Southern California (USC) . Dr Sioutas received his undergraduate education
in mechanical engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece,
and came to the U.S. in the fall of 1986 as a Fulbright Foundation fellow. He
received Master of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering and in Aerospace
Engineering, both from the University of Minnesota. He worked as an Advanced
Product Development Engineer for 3M for two years prior to continuing his
doctoral studies at Harvard School of Public Health in the department of
Environmental Engineering, where he receivedhis Doctor of Science degree in
1994. He started his academic career in 1995 as an Assistant Professor of
Aerosol Science at the Harvard, prior to joining the faculty of the University
of Southern California (USC) in January 1998. Dr. Sioutas's research has
followed an integrated approach to the problemof the well-publicized and
significant effects of particulate air pollution on health and the environment.
His research has focused on investigations of the underlying mechanisms that
produce the health effects associated with exposure to air pollutants He has
developed many state-of-the-art technologies used by many academic institutions
and national laboratories for aerosol sampling andcharacterization. During his
faculty career, he has directed, as either a Principal or Co-Principal
Investigator, some 70 research grants exceeding $55 million (USC's share $24
million). He has authored 390 peer-reviewed journal publications, 5 book
chapters and holds 13 U.S. patents in the development of instrumentation for
aerosol measurement and emissions control. Hispublished work has received over
33,000 citations (Hirsch index =93) according to the ISI Web of Science, he is
among the top 1% authors worldwide in Engineering according to the Institute of
Scientific Information. Results from his publications have been used by the US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and theCalifornia Air Resources Board
(CARB) in their National Air Quality Criteria document in promulgating stricter
air quality standards in theU.S. He has advised 23 Ph.D. students, and mentored
18 postdoctoral fellows at USC. Among his many distinctions, he is the recipient
of the DavidSinclair award for seminal research with the long-term impact in the
field of aerosols (the highest distinction of the American Association
forAerosol Research), the Hagen Smit award of Atmospheric Environment for
seminal publications, the 2010 Scientific and Technological Achievement Award by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and a trustee of his alma mater (the
Aristotle Univ of Thessaloniki).




Tel Aviv University
H-Index 84


Professor Alan Apter Head of the Feinberg Child Study Center, the Department of
Psychological Medicine, Schneider Children's Medical Center; Sackler Faculty of
Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel/Psychiatry and a Board Member in
ERICE. He also is on the faculty of the dept. of psychology at the
Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya and the Ruppin Academy Prof. Alan Apter was
born in South Africa and earned his medical degree at the University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He immigrated to Israel in 1969 and went on to earn
his degree psychiatry at the Tel Aviv University. His residency was performed at
the Geha Psychiatric Hospital in Petah Tikva and he continued his training at
the Children's Hospital, National Medical Center, Washington, D.C, where he
specialized in child and adolescent psychiatry; and at the Albert Einstein
College of Medicine, New York, where he specialized in biological psychiatry.
Shortly after returning to Israel he was named director of the Child and
Adolescent Department at the Geha Psychiatric Hospital. Prof. Apter's academic
positions include both professorship and chairmanship of the Department of
Psychiatry at Tel Aviv University's Sackler Faculty of Medicine, and he has been
invited to serve as a visiting professor by the University of Pittsburgh's
School of Medicine, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, the Yale School of
Medicine and the Columbia University Medical Center. Prof. Apteris the winner of
the University of Toronto's Farrington Award and ColumbiaUniversity's Brickel
Award. On 2015 he was awarded the M.D.International Scholar Award by The
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. On this year he was also
won the Lifetime Achievement Award, by The Israel Psychiatric Association. In
2016he wasawardedA Prize in recognition of his breakthrough studies inthe field
of suicide prevention the American Foundation for SuicidePrevention and in 2017
he was granted a similar award by the European Tourette Syndrome Association.




University of Naples Federico II
H-Index 61


Prof. Maria Daglia is full professor of Food Chemistry at the Department of
Pharmacy of the University of Naples Federico II (Naples, Italy)and visiting
professor at the International Research Center for Food Nutrition and Safety,
Jiangsu University (Zhenjiang, China). Her scientific activity has developed
along two lines of research: 1) the study of biological properties of food
components and vegetable extracts naturally present or induced in foods, to be
used as ingredients of food supplements; 2) the development of analytical
spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods useful in the identification and
determination of biological active compounds occurring in foods. More recently,
she has studied the mechanisms of action of compounds with nutraceutical
properties and establish a new research line on the clinical trials to be
performed to substantiate the efficacy of food supplements. Her research
activity is documented by scientific 215 papers (H-index: 49; citations: 8263
(Scopus 09/05/2021) and about 150 communications to national and international




University of Athens


Dr.Evanthia Diamanti-Kandarakis is emeritus professor of Internal Medicine &
Endocrinology and Chairman of the Department of Εndocrinology & Diabetes Hygeia
Hospital Athens. She received her MD from Medical School of Athens and her PhD
in experimental Endocrinology on the effects of androgens in hypophysectomised
rats, from the same University. Her training in Internal Medicine took place in
England (1974-1980), and in Endocrinology- Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity in USA
(1980-1986). Her research interests have focused for the last 25 years on
clinical, molecular and environmental aspects of metabolic & hormonal
abnormalities in obesity Diabetes and Polycystic ovarian syndrome.Recently her
scientific interest has included the environmental Endocrinology and
specifically on the effects of Endocrine Disruptors in endocrinopathies. This
work, has generated 190 publications with approx.. 24000 citations, classifying
her among the 27 worldwide best Greek scientists and the first Greek woman
endocrinologist among them. In 2016,2017&2018 she has received the 1st award of
the best teacher in endocrinology in Greece, after undisclosed vote among young
trainees endocrinologists in Greece. On 22 nd of May 2017 at the European
Congress of Endocrinology in Lisbon, the European Society of Endocrinology, has
awarded her with the<>for her outstanding contribution in the field of
Endocrinolgy and Metabolism ,among 49 candidates from all European
endocrinological societies. She is the inspirator and organizer of the
monothematic and interactive training COMBO ENDO, international course which
takes place yearly in Athens Greece. She is the author of several chapters and
editor of 20 books of endocrinology.She currently is the editor of the following
books under publication: The applied endocrinology 2020,Environmental
endocrinology by Elsevier 2020 and Polycystic ovarian syndrome by Elsevier 2020,
which are in the publication process. Dr.Diamanti-Kandarakis has been invited by
the international academic community as a speaker and Tutor and has given more
than 250 lectures, literally around the globe ( Europe,Asia,Africa,North &South

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University of British Columbia


Dr. Ian Pike is a Professor of Pediatrics at The University of British Columbia;
Investigator and Co-Lead of the Evidence to Innovation Research Theme at the BC
Children’s Hospital Research Institute; Director of the BC Injury Research and
Prevention Unit, and Scientific Director and Spokesperson for The Community
Against Preventable Injuries – a not for profit injury prevention social
marketing organization. The BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit works
directly with the BC Government, Health Authorities, and other organizations,
with the goal to reduce the social and economic burden of injury in British
Columbia. In addition to its BC focus, the Unit participates in injury
prevention research and initiatives across Canada and internationally. Dr.
Pike’s research has been funded by CIHR, AUTO21, Transport Canada, and the
Public Health Agency of Canada, where he has co-led three CIHR teams to conduct
national projects to develop and validate injury indicators for Canadian
children and youth; injury prevention among First Nations and Inuit children and
youth; child passenger safety; risky play; and, the efficacy of social marketing
to reduce preventable injuries and improve safe boating. He has given over 100
invited presentations, including 35 keynote talks. In addition, he has given
numerous continuing education sessions to physicians, nurses, public health and
safety professionals, and has over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles. He is the
recipient of the UBC President’s Award for Education through the Media, a 2019
Research Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Advancement of Science, and
the recipient of the 2019 Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs Researcher of the
Year Award. His current research is focused on the determinants of injury,
including deprivation and risky play; linkages between unintentional and
inflicted injury as a means to creating a safetyoriented culture; child
passenger safety; fire-related injury prevention; and, the efficacy of a social
marketing campaign to reduce serious injury and death.




Abu Dhabi University


Dr. Deena Elsori is the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at Abu Dhabi
University’s College of Health Sciences. Dr. Deena achieved several significant
milestones, and credited for being a top-performing Professor with excellent
team leadership capabilities, constantly instilling a plethora of knowledge in
students. Her accolades included achieving distinguished faculty award several
times throughout her career at Abu Dhabi University. Before joining Abu Dhabi
University, Dr. Deena was a postdoctoral fellow at the Cleveland Clinic,
Ohio,United States. Her research focused on studying pathways that contribute to
the progression of chronic inflammation and heart disease. Currently her
research interest focuses on public health and she has become an advocate for
wellbeing and health promotion in the UAE. Dr. Elsori is an academician,
researcher, mother, educator and community-builder. She played a key role in
building the Public Health program at Abu Dhabi University. She also shaped the
idea for a Happiness Course to equip students with essential tools to boost
their emotional health. In summary, Dr. Deena boosts her students' academic
success by prioritizing their well-being.




Asmait Skin Care and Design LLC


An accomplished leader and dynamic international speaker and Gold award winner
Author,AsmaitYohannes overcamecountless challenges andobstacles in pursuit of
herlifelong dream of becoming a CEO. Her path to entrepreneurial freedom began
when she successfully transitioned from a career in nursing to an executive post
as a vice-chair in corporate health care, where she rose through the ranksin a
highly competitive, male-dominated environment.Today,Asmait brings that
collective business knowledge, fiscal expertise, and leadership to her role as
founder and CEO of her own company,Asmait Skin Care and Design, LLC. Asmait
credits her perseverance and success to the remarkable resilience of her mother
and grandmother who taught her to bounce back from every fallout in life, to
always adore herself and stay true to who she aspires to be, to know when to
eliminate naysayers, and to be notable for her greatness in the world. As a
woman entrepreneur, Asmait’s primary goal and passion are to help bring out the
natural beauty in every woman, and to provide empowerment and inspiration to
women worldwide by sharing the timeless wisdoms of her ancestors. In gratitude
to thefemale mentors and role models who helped her evolve into the woman she is
today, Asmait is deeply committed to giving backand inspiring other women to
courageously follow their dreams.She generously funds two Asmait Yohannes
Scholarships for young women attending Nightingale Nursing School in Uganda. She
also hosts an inspirational podcast, Inner Beauty, where she spotlights
successful women entrepreneurs.

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University of Brain Education
South Korea


Hyun-Jeong Yangis currently an Assitant Professor at the Department of
Integrative Health Care in the University of Brain Education, and the Vice
President of Korea Institute of Brain Science. She holds a BSc, MSc, and phD in
Biological Information from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and conducted
researches in the field of neuroscience during her academic years. She performed
her postdoctoral researches at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel,in the
field of molecular neuroscience. Since 2017, she has expanded her researches
into integrative health care. She is now actively researchingthe effects of
mind-body intervention on health and trying to uncover their underlying
molecular mechanisms.




China Medical University





Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Engineering, Uruguay


Carolina Ramírez García is an Industrial Engineer. In 2013 she graduated as a
Master in Engineering (Environmental Engineering) from the Faculty of
Engineering of the University of the Republic (UdelaR), Uruguay. She is
currently doing the thesis work for PhD in Environmental Engineering, entitled
"Intrainstitutional Management of Sanitary Waste in University Hospitals". Since
2014, she has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental
Engineering of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Engineering
(IMFIA) of the same University. In this period, her work has focused
specifically on the issue of solid medical waste management. In addition, she is
part of the coordinating team of the National Environmental Education Network
(ReNea) of Uruguay.




Won Institute of Graduate Studies


Chung Nam Ha, associate professor at Won Institute of Graduate Studies in
Philadelphia, received her MA degree at Western Michigan University in 1995
majoring in comparative religious studies. She received her doctorate degree at
Won Kwang University, South Korea, majoring in feminist thought in Korean new
religions with her dissertation Hanguk Sinjonggyoui Namnyeopyeongdeung Sasange
Gwanhan Yeon-gu (A study on the thought of equality of man and woman in the
Korean new Religions) in 1997. She teaches History of Buddhist Thought and
Practice, Won Buddhist Studies, Buddhist Meditation. Her scholarly activity was
mainly in South Korea until she joined the faculty of the Won Institute of
Graduate Studies (USA) in 2008. She was a writer and lecturer for feminism,
eco-feminism, feminist spirituality, Buddhism, and Won Buddhism. She was a
visiting scholar at the University of Delhi (India) and the Union Theological
Seminary (USA). She is a member of AAR. Her publication includes the Yeoseong
Jonggyo Saengmyeong-gongdongche (Women, Religion, and Life Community) published
by Youngsan Won Buddhist University, 1999, Jonggyojeok Yeongseong Peminijeum
Ekopeminijeum (Religious Spirituality, Feminism, and Eco-feminism), 1999.




University of Ferrara





North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Russia


Dr. Maksim Chashchin is Professor of Research Department and Head of Research
laboratory of Arctic Health at the North-Western State Medical University named
after I.I. Mechnicov; Senior advisor to City Government for Occupational Health,
St. Petersburg, Russia; Senior advisor to SOGAZ for Occupational Medicine;
Senior researcher of Institute of Ecology at the HSE University, Moscow, Russia;
Chair of Arctic Hunan Health Expert Group (AHHEG) of Sustainable Development
Working Group (SDWG) of Arctic Council. His early publications directly
addressed the field of measuring the levels, and assessing the health effects of
anthropogenic pollutants in the Arctic. As a project officer he had participated
in the collaboration study “A Health Study of Shipyard Welders Exposed to
Manganese in Russia '' together with N IOH (Oslo, Norway) (2003-2013). He was
much involved in activity of immigration health assessment in Russia, particular
in St. Petersburg and he has a broad background in Public Health, with specific
training and expertise in epidemiology and survey research and secondary data
analysis on dissemination aspects of transmissible diseases of TB, HIV and
syphilis in labor migrants from countries of the former USSR. His current
research activity is to support public health systems and public services in
implementing a quick response to current and future biological threats related
to the uncontrolled spread of highly virulent pathogens, parasites, biotoxins,
and other biohazards across the Arctic. His research covers areas like
knowledge/decision support for Occupational Health, mHealth technology, IT
strategy and systems and service modeling. He published over 130 research
articles and his work has appeared in journals such as the International Journal
of Environmental Research and Public Health; the Environment International; the
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health; Environmental
Sciences: Processes and Impacts; NeuroToxicology; Journal of Trace Elements in
Medicine and Biology and other.




Pan American Health Organization


Msc. Eng. Paulo Piza Teixeira has been a staff member of The Pan American Health
Organization/ World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO/WHO) as an Environmental
Health Advisor for 22 years (1993-2014). During these years he has been
PAHO/WHO’s Regional Urban Health Advisor and environmental health advisor and
among his duties was coordinate sanitary actions among governmental and
nongovernmental organizations, as well universities and research centers, on
issues related with mitigation and control of epidemics outbreaks and disaster
management (in all of 35 countries of Latin America and The Caribbean
Countries). He was part of the coordination team of the Call for Action to face
the cholera in Haiti. As hygienist and sanitary engineer, he is post-graduated
in Solid Waste Management and Nigh Soil Treatment (Japan) and has a master’s
degree in occupational health and Safety, Andalusia School of Public Health
(Spain). He has been member of the first cohort of Rockefeller Foundation’s
Leadership Program on Sustainable Development for the 21st Century since 1991.
From 2004 to 2008 he developed his activities at PAHO/WHO Office in Haiti
(another PAHO/WHO/WHO priority country). It was very difficult a time due to
several epidemics, country’s political crises, social instability, extreme
poverty, environmental degradation, urban violence. In Haiti he has been
representing PAHO/WHO at the UN Security Management Team (MINUSTAH) and working
to mobilize public participation to bring water and sanitation to the poorest
population (Cite Soleil Project). Also he coordinated several working groups
among UN agencies (Sectoral Table, interagency meetings) demonstrating high team
working abilities. He also has been elected President of PAHO/WHO’s Staff
Association in Haiti. From 2008 to 2014 Eng Teixeira has performed his assigned
duties at PAHO/WHO’s Head Quarter (Washington, DC) bringing regional advisory
technical cooperation to Members States on establishing national policies,
plans, strategies, and programs to increase institutional capacities and promote
best practices on water and sanitation and sustainable development, including
primary health care, community participation, environmental impact and risk
assessment, guidelines on those matters. From 2014 to present 2021 he is an
advisor on Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz FIOCRUZ on issues related to ONE HEALTH From
2017 2019 has been project coordinator to monitoring environmental health
actions to mitigate the biggest technological mining disaster in Brazil,
Samarco/Mariana He was Chair of many PAHO's the Standing Committees. In 2010 he
coordinated the development of a policy brief on “water and sanitation and human
rights” and facilitate the implementation of the Water and Safety Plans in the
Americas and PAHO/WHO coordinator for WHO GLASS and TrackFin from 2009 to 2014.
He was awarded by the Inter American Association on Sanitary and Environmental
Engineering for “the effort on strengthen water and sanitation organizations in
the Region” From 1998 to 2002 Eng Teixeira has actively led the process to
establishing the national environmental system in Paraguay and had direct
contribution to the creation of its 1st National Environmental Secretariat. In
that country he has been directly responsible for the negotiation process
brought to the creation of the National Center on Toxicology and received award
of recognition (from the Minister of Health) to “the generous unfolding of
effort and dedication in the pioneering strength to lay the groundwork of the
environmental health in Paraguay”. Eng. Teixeira, he has been health advisor in
Guyana (PAHO/WHO/WHO priority country) where he worked to reconstruct the
“workers health and safety” status, promoting several activities and studies on
urban cleansing. His efforts to strengthen, improve and repositioned PAHO/WHO’s
role in the national environmental health process in Guyana has been recognized.
Eng Teixeira received PAHO/WHO’s Award for Exceptional Leadership in 2007.




University of Minnesota


Allison Matthews is a world renowned architect and service designer at the Mayo
Clinic Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery: Innovation and
Design in Rochester, Minnesota where she utilizes her experience in health care
along with her design training to innovate around the delivery and experience of
health care. Her roles include analysis of clinical decision making, process
development, patient-centered design creation, systems design, workshop
facilitation and teaching. Her project, Developing and Ideal CAR-T Patient
Experience was successfully implemented at Mayo Clinic and is recognized
worldwide as a best practice for patient experience. She has previously worked
to redesign the Mayo Clinic Primary Care model creating a new care team and care
process as it responded to the Triple Aim framework: improve population health,
enhance the patient experience and reduce the cost of care. Additional projects
have included improving the hospital patient experience, developing a design for
a consolidated cancer center, creating a framework to leverage patient
engagement and activation, payment reform, and understanding how to best serve
patients in complex care models. Trained as an architect, she also has an
educational background in sustainable building design. Prior to attending
architecture school at the University of Minnesota, Allison attended medical
school at the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine.




Technion- Israel Institute of Technology


Pnina Plaut is an Associate Prof. at the Faculty of Architecture and Town
Planning in the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, and the Director of
the Center for City and Regional Studies. She holds a BSc in Civil Engineering,
MSc in Urban and Regional Planning from the Technion, and a PhD in City and
Regional Planning from the University of California, Berkeley. Prof. Plaut is
leading a research group devoted to the investigation of “health promoting
environments” focusing on the impact of the built environment on human health
including: “active” transport and active living by design. Research fields of
interests: transportation and land-use planning and policy, urban mobility and
new technologies, smart cities and new mobility services, ICT social networks,
travel behavior and urban structure. Her work is published in leading
international academic and professional journals and presented at major academic
and professional international conferences. Plaut is a co-editor of a book
titled “Digital Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in Urban Environments”,
published byRoutledge press in 2019.




University of Haifa


Dr. Rachel Kizony is an occupational therapist with MSc and Ph.D. in medical
sciences from the Hebrew University, Israel. She completed her post-doctorate in
rehabilitation sciences at McGill University, Canada. Her research focuses on
motor and cognitive rehabilitation and evaluation of people with neurological
deficits and older adults. Specifically, her study elaborates on the
associations between cognitive and motor abilities, mobility, and daily
participation, emphasizing an ecological approach. In the past decade, she has
been studying the provision of telerehabilitation services to promote access to
healthcare for enhancing public health.




University of Haifa


Dr. Agmon is a physical therapist with a MA in anthropology and PhD in nursing
from University of Washington. Her research focusses on the interacting effects
of personal, environmental and task factors on gait and mobility throughout the
aging process in different settings both in community and hospital. To this end,
her research can be divided into personal, task and environment factors
associated with gait deterioration during the aging process. For example, some
insights into several personal factors that were largely overlooked in gait
research, the effect of personality traits on mobility deterioration, the effect
of cognition on mobility and its interaction with sleep quality; the effects of
hearing on gait and the longitudinal effect of inflammation markers on mobility.
To elucidate the effects of environmental factors on gait and functioning, she
has investigated the common experiences of hospitalization on mobility of older
adults supported by the Israeli Science Foundation (ISF). In the last five years
she has led mobility associated data collection of more than 1000 participants
in different settings; some of which involved long term data collection such as
continuous glucose monitoring, step-count and sleep for two weeks. These data
shed light on the aging process among different populations (e.g., Jews and
Arabs) in Israel and can demonstrate health inequity through the life span.




Rouen University


Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health in Rouen Normandy University
Hospital and School of Medicine, Rouen University (France) Head of Epidemiology
and Health Promotion Department in Rouen Normandy University Epidemiologist in
Unit Research INSERM UMR 1073 team: research activities focus on health, risk
behaviors and addictions among students. Coordination of an European research
group "Student and Life" Coordination of a teaching on global health, Health
Campus of Rouen University Research activity focused also on the countries in
low and middle income countries (access to healthcare, health system) One of the
main leaders of the Francophone international action research project on the
social accountability of medical schools More than 90 scientific papers in
indexed peer-reviewed journals. Author and editor of 8 French textbooks (public
health, critical readings methods, medical education) Near 3000 communications
presented in international conferences.




Vestre Viken HT


I graduated Cand. Polit. (theme learning psychology) at the University of Oslo
in 2002, and started as Special Advisor at Vestre Viken Hospital Trust the same
year. From 2007-2010 I was PhD Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of Public
Health and defended my dissertation “Effects of preventive mental health
interventions in high School” at Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social
Sciences, University of Oslo in 2011. A poster presentation of my thesis was
rewarded Best scientific quality at the IHF 38th World Hospital Congress. Since
then I´ve published several articles in national and international peer reviewed
journals and textbooks in the field of preventive mental health, feedback in
clinical practice, and interdisciplinary assertive outreach. I´ve also had a
part position as lecturer at the Univerity of Oslo and University of Sothern
Norway and presented my work in dozens of international research congresses.
Today I have a key role as PM, researcher and developer within e-health, BigData
and AI in the Clinic for Mental Health and Addiction in Vestre Viken HT.




Tallinn Health Care College


Merle Talvik (PhD) is Senior Lecturer and head of research methodology studies
at Tallinn Health Care College. She has defended her doctoral degree at Tallinn
University, Estonia in 2010. Dr Talvik is the editor-in-chief of The
EuropeanJournal of Teaching and Education (EJTE)and member of editorial team at
Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences (JARSS). Shehas written over 60
scientific publications, organized and moderated international multidisciplinary
conferences and compiled books. Hermainresearchareaincludesthehistory of nursing
(with a focus on the Soviet era, 1940-1991), the image of nurses in the media,
and other aspects related to nursing culture. Her other topics of interest are
active and visual learning methods, creativity and innovation, and methods of
conducting qualitative research.




University of Lubumbashi
Republic of the Congo





Goce Delchev University
North Macedonia





Kazakhstan School of Public Health


Professor Altyn Aringazina, ScD, PhDis Head of the Department of Population
Health &Social Sciences at Kazakhstan School of Public Health in Almaty.She has
been involved in WHO health promotion endeavours since2005. Dr. Altyn Aringazina
was elected as a member of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Health Promotion for
2009-2013. In this capacity she has actively participated in a number of WHO
activities in the European Region and globally. Dr. Altyn Aringazina has also
worked productively as a globally elected member of the IUHPE Board of Trustees
and a member of the European Regional Committee. Altyn Aringazina has led
several studies of health promotion capacity in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, and
has been an instrumental force in designing elements of the current system
health care system and public health infrastructure. Her work is exemplary and
provides evidence of her high national and international visibility and the
respect within the scientific communities of medicine, public health and health
promotion as one of the outstanding academic leaders whose work has been
reshaping Kazakhstan’s public health system. She directs the professional
preparation programs in public health and health promotion for MPH and PhD
students and continuing education professionals from medicine and health
administration at the KSPH. She holds a Doctor of Medical Sciences and is a
manager in Public Health, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Altyn
Aringazina conducted postdoctoral research as a Fulbright Scholar at Columbia
University in the City of New York. Professor Aringazina has published seven
books and producedan extensive bibliography of published papers in health
promotion and public health, and in clinical epidemiology, and health services
research.She served as a member of the Editorial Board of “Health Promotion
International” Oxford Journal for 2010-2017. Altyn Aringazina has several
notable achievements that have enabled her to establish herself as a formidable
scholar of public health. Dr. Altyn Aringazina has collaborated with many
leading professors and practitioners from international centers and universities
working on TACIS, CDC, Soros Foundation projects and many others, and also with
WHO and ASPHER. She has also been a member of many scientific committees at
international conferences and organized many international workshops and
conferences. Dr. Aringazina has received several international academic awards,
including Fulbright U.S. and Fogarty grants.




NOVA University of Lisbon


Degree in Biochemistry and PhD in History and Philosophy of Science, FCT NOVA
(NOVA School of Science and Technology). Associate Professor in the Department
of Applied Social Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, FCT NOVA (NOVA
School of Science and Technology). Coordinator of the PhD Programme in History,
Philosophy and Heritage of Science and Technology,FCT NOVA (NOVA School of
Science and Technology). Supervisor of several master's and doctoral
dissertations on the history of science and history of medicine. Member of the
international group STEP (Science and Technology in the European Peripheries),
vice-coordinatorof the Interuniversity Center of History and Philosophy of
Science and Technology (CIUHCT) and co-curator of the Museum of the Institute of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in Lisbon. Scientific interests in the history of
the biological and biomedical sciences (19th and 20th centuries), with
publications and research projects, particularly in the field of the history of
Portuguese medicine and digital health.




Durban University of technology
South Africa


Dr Ganesh is a medical doctor, holds an MBA, a PHD in Public Management and
Economics and a Doctorate in Management Studies. She holds various Post Graduate
Diplomas in Clinical Trials Management, Regulatory Affairs, Medical Ethics,
Project Management, Healthcare Insurance, Health Economics, Medical Tourism,
Integrated SHEQ System Standards, SABS ISO Accreditation and Advanced Health
Management Diploma through, Yale University (School of Public Health). Her
special interests are clinical governance and healthcare quality management
programmes to enhance clinical operational efficiency. She also has strong
clinical policy, clinical standard procedural development and clinical
governance experience together with health technology assessment amidst health
economic experience. She is also a pharmacovigilance specialist with skill in
management of clinical adverse events. She has worked in state, para statal,
private and the managed healthcare sectors in South Africa, Africa,SEA in
clinical leadership and management capacities.




Catholic University of Central Africa


Luc Onambele is International Doctor (PhD) in Public Health (Public University
of Navarre-Spain), Doctor (PhD) in Bioethics (University of
Fribourg-Switzerland).He was Vice President of the scientific committee of the
first Public Health Congress of the Catholic University of Central Africa
entitled : “The challenges of public health in Africa: Rethinking health
promotion in Africa” in January 2020. Currently, he is professor of public
health and bioethics at the School Of Health Sciences of the Catholic University
of Central Africa and Secretary of Doctoral training Unit (DTU/UFD) of the
School of Health Sciences. He is the author of scientific publications.




University of Valencia


José Luis Alfonso Sánchez is a Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, a Master in
Occupational Risk Prevention with the three specialties (Psychosociology and
Ergonomics, Safety and Industrial Hygiene), and a PhD in Applied Economics from
the University of Valencia. He is also a Master in Hospital Administration from
the University of Minnesota (USA). On the other hand, it has the medical
specialties of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, and that of Occupational
Medicine. He has been visiting professor at John Hopkins University and for the
Independent Program Study of Minnesota University. He is currently head of the
Preventive Medicine Service of the Valencia University General Hospital
Consortium and professor of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public
Health of the University of Valencia, teaching specialized subjects such as
“Planning and Clinical Management”. On the other hand, he is director of the
Master of Public Health and Sanitary Management official title, and of the
Master of Administration and Management of Health Services at a distance, both
from the University of Valencia. He is an advisor and evaluator of European
projects, the Ministry of Health, the Department of Health and a diversity of
international and national magazines.




University of Arizona


Dr. Mohan Tanniru is the Professor in the Division of Public Health Practice and
Translational Research in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, U
of Arizona, Tucson/Phoenix and a senior investigator in the Global Health
Initiative at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, MI. He is also an emeritus
professor of MIS of Oakland University. He taught at the U of Arizona, Oakland
University, Syracuse U. and U of Wisconsin-Madison. He was the former Dean of
the School of Business and the founding director of Applied Technology of
Business Program at Oakland University, and the Dept. Head of MIS at U of
Arizona. His research covers areas like knowledge/decision support, IT strategy
and systems and service modeling and more recently in population health and
digital health and healthcare leadership and management. He published over 110
research articles and his work has appeared in journals such as ISR, MIS
Quarterly, Decision Sciences, DSS, JMIS, IEEE Transactions in Eng. Management,
Expert Systems and Applications, Information and Management, CACM, as well as
Health Policy and Technology, J of Patient Satisfaction, J of Healthcare
Management and J of Healthcare Administration. He worked with several hospitals
like Beaumont Health Systems, Ascension/Providence, Henry Ford Health System and
St Joseph Mercy Health System/Trinity all in Michigan, and many major business
organizations such as GM, Chrysler, Ford, Compuware, HP/EDS, Honeywell, Intel,
SAP and Raytheon among others.




National Institution of Occupational and Environmental Health, Vietnam





The University of Sydney


SYDNEY She is the Deputy Director of the InsideOut Institute – Australia’s first
institute for research and clinical excellence in eating disorders that aims to
provide every Australian living with an eating disorder, access to the best
possible care, by re-thinking eating disorders from the “inside out”.She holds
an Honours degree in Psychology, a Master’s degree in Public Health and an
International Master’s of Mental Health Policy and Services.Danielle has more
than two decades of experience in public health, the last 17 years of which she
has spent working in the mental health sector conducting large scale policy and
service reform.She has previously worked as a senior leader at the Mental Health
– Children and Young People’s policy unit in Australia on clinical service
redesign and clinical interventions across NSW to address a range of mental
health issues.Danielle has spearheaded the development of new and innovative
health programs using the evidence base. She is experienced in developing,
implementing and evaluating policy; and in particular developing frameworks for
evaluating complex large scale programs to make informed decisions by




A’Sharqiyah University


Prof. Louay Labban has completed his PhD from La Salle University in the USA in
1995 on the effect of polyphenols and isoflavones on immunomodulation therapy.
His postdoctoral studies were done at Lund University in Sweden. Prof. Labban
finished his M.Sc from University of Newcastle upon Tyne in England. He has been
a professor of clinical nutrition and dietetics at Al Jazeera Private University
in Syria since 2019. Before that, he taught different nutrition courses in
several universities in Oman, Syria and in the USA. In addition, he also worked
for wellknown pharmaceutical companies in the USA as a head of the nutrition
assessment team studying the effect of newly developed medications on the
nutritional status of patients. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed
journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of scientific
journals. Professor Labban is affiliated with American Overseas Dietetic
Association (AODA), American Heart Association and American Diabetes




University of Chile


Graciela Rojas is Professor of Psychiatry at the Clinical Hospital of the
Faculty of Medicine at the University of Chile in Santiago. She has investigated
since many years mental health care in primary care centers and the
effectiveness of collaborative treatments for depression in general, and
specifically for postpartum depression. Over the last years, her research has
extended to cover the incorporation of information and communication
technologies into collaborative interventions aimed at reducing inequity in
people’s access to specialized services.She has played an important role in the
mental health reforms in Chile over the past 25 years, via research and advocacy
and joint work with policymakers among other activities.




Alcorcón Foundation University Hospital





Dubai Health Authority


Working currently as a Consultant community and Family and community medicine at
Dubai Health authority-government of Dubai. Enrolled as EWHO, CDC, and Uniceif
and EMPHNET expert consultant, poliomyelitis global Eradication, Outbreak
response team, global health and immunization. and WHO consultant Outbreak alert
and response team, engaged as Global Health Mentor at Swedish global health
mentorship network, and Expert Consultant Public Health and Epidemiology at
Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET) expert. The candidate
served as Professor at Dubai residency training program/ Community and family
medicine/ Arab Board for health specializations, Professor of Community Medicine
and Public Health Medicine at Faculty of Medicine, University of Baghdad,
Director of school health and educational institutions program in Dubai /
Government of Dubai / Dubai / UAE.Enrolled with different international
organization, UNICEIF, WHO, ICRC, IOM and others as programs manager and expert.
Worked as environmental expert ant ministry of environment, Iraq.The candidate
training consultant, researcher, and programs manager at ministries of health
and higher education and scientific research in different Middle East and North
Africa region. Currently Member of editorial Board 26 international medical
journals worldwide. Peer reviewer in 15 international medical journals, Member
of 33 international association e.g. APHA, IEA, MENAPF, EMAME, American college
of occupational and environmental medicine, American college of Epidemiology ,
American academy of family medicine, Canadian College of family physician,
Qualified with FRCPS/Glasgow, FFPH UK, MFPH UK, FHKCCM/Hong Kong, Fellowship of
American college of Epidemiology , Cardiology Fellowship (APSCARDIO) / Japan,
SCOPE Fellowship Obesity Medicine/London, Diploma Asthma / Edge Hills UK,
Supervised more than (30) PhD thesis, 25 MSc thesis, and published article
worldwide 325cited more than 400 times.
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8y13oK8AAAAJ Contribute as authors 5
textbooks, CDC textbook on Ethics in Public Health, cases spanning around the
Globe. Health care services in Arab world.




University College Dublin


Dr.Yanbing Chen’s research intertest is the relationship between health and
physical activity. She completed her PhD on occupational health and sport
management in University College Dublin, Ireland.Yanbing has teaching experience
in MPH (Master of Public Health) modules, such as Personal and population
health, Biostatistics, Data management & Statistics with SPSS etc. Since Feb
2021, Yanbing started working on a project funded byScience Foundation Ireland:
"COVID-19 outbreaks in workplace settings: understanding and preventing super
spreading events" as a postdoctoral researcher. Meanwhile, she is involving in
OPEN project funded by EU H2020, endeavouring to bringan international and
intersectoral consortium of patient innovators, clinicians, social scientists,
computer scientists, and patient advocacy organizations together in order to
investigate various aspects of Do-it-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems
(DIYAPS) that are used by an increasing number of people with diabetes.




University of Northern Sumatra





Mother of God Hospital


João Brito Jaenisch Neto has completed his graduation in General Surgery 1982
(FFCMPA School of Medicine, Porto Alegre, Brasil);Training in Vaginal Surgery:
Italy (Florence);Training in Gynecological Laparoscopy: Germany (Kiel), France
(Perigueux), U.S.A (Cleveland Clinic, Ohio). Member: American Academy of
Cosmetic Surgery (AACS); International Society of Cosmetic Gynecology (ISCGYN) -
First President of Brazil (2010-2011); American Association of Gynecology
Laparoscopy (AAGL); Latin American Society of Aesthetic and Functional
Gynnecology (SOLAGEF) - Delegate of Brazil; Pioneer of Brazil in O-Shot and
Vampire Facelift Technique (Platelet Rich Plasma); Responsible for Launching
Thermiva in Brazil; Technical reviewer in Portuguese of Female Cosmetic Vaginal
Surgery book. Papers Published: 100 Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy in a Private
Practice (JAAGL - Journal American Association of Gynecology Laparoscopy);
O-Shot: Platelets Rich Plasma in intimate Female Treatment (Journal of Womens
Health Care).




Cairo University


Dr Noha Asem is a staff member of Public Health and Community Medicine
department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. She is currently appointed as
the Minister`s Counselor for Research and Health Development and the chairperson
for the National Research Ethics Committee, Ministry of Health and Population,
Egypt. She is also a member of many national committees responsible for planning
and implementation for preventions and control strategies for Covid-19, non
communicable diseases and some communicable diseases at the national level Dr.
Asem is a Harvard University Associate Alumni; she is also a certified
international trainer from University of Maryland, USA. She has 15 years of
experience in the following fields: Research Methodology; Biostatistics;
Research Ethics; Epidemiology;, Monitoring and evaluation of health programs and
projects;; Health care management; and Health Communication. Main
responsibilities include enhancing the research enabling environment, data
management and research quality and research output at the national level. As a
chair person for the national REC. She is also responsible for all REC
operational and regulatory aspects and strengthening Research Ethics awareness
and compliance in Egypt. . Moreover, she has been serving as a member for many
other RECs at the national level. She has been also serving as the coordinator
of REC, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University since 2008. Dr Asem is used to
work as a member /leader of a team. She used to work closely with undergraduate
and post graduate students as well as MOHP staff. She used to work as research,
monitoring and evaluation consultant in many epidemiologic, clinical and health
system research projects of Ministry of health and population, USAID , WHO ,
UNFPA , Save the Children, Egyptian Red Crescent and Johns Hopkins University.
She performs educational/ training activities with Maryland University and Cairo
University. She has experience in working with Ministry of Health at different
levels starting from central level to the service delivery level. Dr. Asem also
performed evaluation of many health programs: Primary health care program
including immunization programs, maternal health, child health, family planning,
rural health program, School health and nutrition program. She used different
data collection tools and sources for development of indicators; used health and
health- related indicators to assess needs to improve health; Analyzed and
interpreted data. Over a period of 5 years, her MD thesis aimed at strengthening
liver transplantation program of Cairo University Hospitals. Assessment of the
existing Liver transplant program to provide a detailed framework for
strengthening the program was done. This included the 6 building blocks of a
health system. Planning and implementation of many quantitative and qualitative
tools and techniques of monitoring and evaluation of a program was performed.
She used to teach undergraduate, Master’s and Doctorate degree students many
course related to Public Health as Epidemiology, research methods and
biostatistics, as well as healthcare management.. She teaches in regular system
as well as integrated system of education. She shares in curriculum development
and performs diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment of students and
design exam blueprints. She is also a faculty in MERETI training program and
helps in curriculum development of many courses. She used to train MOHP medical
and paramedical personnel in NTI and other training centers. She also used to be
a trainer in research and ethics in Faculty Leadership Development Program




Banaras Hindu University


Dr. MD Abu Bashar has done MD (Community Medicine) from the prestigious Medical
Institute, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education &Research,Chandigarh,
India in the year 2016 with institute Silver Medal and Postgraduate Diploma in
Geriatric Medicine from IGNOU, New Delhi in 2019. He is an expert epidemiologist
and a family Physician and currently works as Assistant Professor of Community
Medicine at Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), Banaras Hindu University (BHU),
Varanasi, U.P., India. He has authored more than 200 research articles in
national and international indexed journals and his H-index is 24. He has also
authored many books in the field of Cancer epidemiology and Prevention. His
research interest includes cancer epidemiology and Prevention, Clinical
epidemiology, Geriatric medicine, Geriatric mental health, Primary health care,
Health Promotion and health system strengthening.




Ministry of health of Eritrea


Mulugeta Russom is a Pharmacist, Pharmacoepidemiologist and Pharmacovigilance
specialist. He is currently working for the National Medicines and Food
Administration of the Ministry of Healthof Eritrea as head of the Eritrean
Pharmacovigilance Centre.Mulugeta is a Pharmacovigilance consultant for the East
African Pharmacovigilance Initiative and has published about 40 scientific
articles in peer-reviewed international journals and four books. He is an
experienced medical writer, reviewer/editorial board memberin several scientific
journals and associate editor of the International Journal of Risk and Safety in
Medicine published by IOS press.Mulugeta has travelled to about 20 countries, in
four continents, for presenting scientific papers, attending conferences and
workshops. He is a member of the International Society of Pharmacovigilance, WHO
Pharmacovigilance Consultants network, FIP and Secretary of the National
Medicines and Therapeutics Committee and Eritrean Pharmaceutical Association.
With his leadership, the Eritrean Pharmacovigilance Centre is currently
recognized as one of the top performing countries in Africa and identified a
number of safety signals of public health interest that made policy changes at
national and international levels. Mulugeta has supervised several undergraduate
and postgraduate students and was a guest lecturer at the Asmara College of
Health Sciences. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in the University of Bordeaux,
France, and the Erasmus University, Rotterdam. Mulugeta is an energetic,
enthusiastic and disciplined young scholar having extensive experience on
medicinesrisk identification and evaluation.




Victoria Community Development Council


Since I joined the health field in 2011 I have been committed to the fight for
Social Development, and I am dedicated to helping achieve the goals of the
National Strategy. Through my work with federal partners, I have supported the
delivery, coordination, evaluation, and improvement of social development
services across Guyana. In collaboration with state and local health
departments, community-based organizations, and consumers, I help ensure that
services address the needs of people at risk, while reducing or eliminating
disparities in access to care and health outcomes. I utilize innovative
approaches to disseminate information on prevention through health awareness
activities, and existing NGOs and associations who work within these regions. To
develop the competencies of individuals in human rights promotion and
protection, conflict transformation, peace-building, reconciliation, and
intercultural dialogue.

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To encourage new academic inspirations

To provide vibrant platform for oral presentations

To Provide Networking opportunities with eminent scientists

To provide friendly environment to present ideas

To help to grow their skills, broaden their horizon

To strengthen inter-disciplinary integration


The work must be predominately that of the student

The topic must fit into scientific sessions of the conference

Each individual participant is allowed to submit only one paper

None of the authors should have senior position or faculty position


Best Poster Award:

Best poster award will be given to the outstanding poster presentation

The prize consists of a certificate and $400

Best Oral Award:

Best oral award will be given to the outstanding presentation

The prize consists of a certificate and $400

MARCH 28, 2022

Abstract Submission Deadline

OCTOBER 15, 2021

Early Registration Deadline

DECEMBER 28, 2021

Standard Registration Deadline


Conference Dates:

MAY 26-28, 2022




Oral Presentation is an effective way to present your valuable research work to
get recognized. Oral Presentations consist of Plenary, Keynote and a series of
Invited Talks with specific time durations.


A poster presentation is another potential channel to disseminate your research
of a topic in a short and concise format. Posters offer the opportunity to
engage with other conference attendees interested in the same subject and
application as you.


Workshop provides a high-yield, more efficient and effective tool for
discussion, problem solving and feedback about one’s scholarly work. Each
workshop lasts for 1 hour intensive and interactive discussion about a topic.


Participating in the conference only without neither presentation nor paper
publication. Listener will get networking opportunities to exchange and gain new
knowledge, while interacting with the intellectuals and academics in the field.





Munich Attractions

Whether you’re visiting for a long weekend or planning to make Munich your new
home, there’s plenty to see and do in Germany’s third biggest city. This green
city is known for its beautiful parks, many museums, and beautiful palaces. To
make the most of your trip, we’ve put together a list of attractions you can’t
leave Munich without seeing, from the best museums to stunning city views.


Marienplatz is a central square in the city centre of Munich, Germany. It has
been the city’s main square since 1158.

The first thing you see when coming to Munich’s Marienplatz is the impressive
Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall). It is a 300-foot-long, elaborately decorated
façade with hundreds of statues, turrets and arches that dominate the square.

Nymphenburg Palace

The palace, together with its park, is now one of the m...

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