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(AND WHY MAUREEN LONERGAN BELIEVES "IT'S NOT ENOUGH") * Diesen Artikel melden Docebo DOCEBO THE DOCEBO LEARNING PLATFORM. DRIVEN BY INNOVATION, POWERED BY AI. BUILT FOR THE BUSINESS OF LEARNING. Veröffentlicht: 29. Mai 2024 + Folgen In Leaders in Learning, we sit down with industry leaders and explore their lives and experiences to uncover the learning principles, key moments, and common threads that shape careers, businesses, and journeys. Through these collective stories, we'll piece together the bigger picture of what it means to be a leader in learning. In episode four, we connect with Maureen Lonergan , VP of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Training and Certification. AWS's commitment to skills development has been transformative for countless individuals and communities worldwide. At the heart of all this transformation is Maureen. For the past 12 years, Maureen and her team have been the driving force behind AWS’s global training efforts. Together, they’ve accomplished some pretty amazing things (like training millions of people around the world). We needed details. Like, what was Maureen’s role in AWS achieving such a milestone? How did she get to where she is today? What has she learned along the way? (And what can we all learn from her?) Get every juicy detail in the full-length interview, or get the highlights below. Let’s start with some of the lessons Maureen has learned from her decades of experience as an L&D practitioner in the tech industry and her advice—especially for anyone just starting out. FEAR, FEEDBACK, FAILURE (AND BEING THE ONLY FEMALE IN THE ROOM) EMPFOHLEN VON LINKEDIN Lessons Learned From Failing Your AWS Certification Broadus Palmer Vor 1 Jahr The Mastery Paradox: Why Less Was More on My Road to… Andy Kroll Vor 3 Monaten Learning Guide: AWS Certified Solutions Architect… Piotr Zaniewski Vor 2 Jahren When you think about it, Maureen’s the perfect example of what you can do when you don’t let self-imposed barriers hold you back. She candidly confesses, “I wasn’t super strong in school. But I landed a job. I worked really hard. And I kind of learned along the way.” She goes on to share, “I say this to people all the time: I started out as a training coordinator in a software company and now I run one of the largest tech organizations’ training.” Maureen reveals how coming to Amazon, building the team from scratch, and having to articulate the business of learning was something of an eye-opener for her. “I had a very successful career…probably too successful, if I'm really honest. I don't know if I had the right achievements for the level that I was at. And then when I came to Amazon, I was like, ‘Ooh, I have to reset. Reframe. Be open to feedback.’” When it comes to feedback, Maureen has received loads of it, thanks to Amazon’s well-known narrative process (an iterative, feedback-driven method of planning). Her advice is to embrace it. In her experience (often as the only female in a room full of strong engineering leaders), feedback levels the playing field. It also transforms mistakes into learning opportunities. Speaking of mistakes, don’t be afraid to make some. That’s Maureen’s next pearl of wisdom. “You need to fail fast. I did. I failed a lot in the beginning.” She admits to making some mistakes early on. And now Maureen and her team are well on their way to reaching their goal of training 29 million people for free by 2025. It’s a powerful reminder of what can happen when we leave space for people to fail and learn from those experiences. (Because that’s where innovation lives.) DON’T LET LIMITED RESOURCES LIMIT INNOVATION As Maureen reflects on her time at AWS, she muses, “It's funny. When you're rich with resources, it's a luxury. But it's also a burden. If I really look back on the last 12 years, I think some of the strongest innovation came from not having resources.” She illustrates her point with an anecdote. “Early on, I went to the executive team with this idea that I wanted to disrupt education. It was an enormous financial ask. We wrote the narrative. We presented it. It was supported. But we didn't end up having as many resources as we thought.” The feedback she received during the narrative process was, “Good idea, but you need to rethink it.” So she did. It took Maureen and her team a few years, but they pulled it together “in a scrappier way for a tenth of what it was originally going to cost.” If you’re wondering what that ‘scrappy’ idea was, it’s the AWS Cloud Institute, a virtual cloud-skills training program that helps non-technical people build the skills they need to break into the tech industry. AWS Cloud Institute is helping to actively address the skills gap while bolstering the tech talent pipeline. So, what advice does Maureen have for companies when it comes to the fight for talent and future pipeline? BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE TALENT PIPELINE Talent needs to be a strategic priority, not an afterthought. According to Maureen, “The biggest challenge we have across the industry is working with executive teams to help them think through their talent strategy.” That’s because training is often seen as a company tax. But, as she points out, “That's your talent! That's who's going to build your product. That's who's going to make you more innovative.” She advocates for a shift in perspective where learning is seen as an investment in innovation and competitiveness. But learning programs alone aren’t going to cut it. Maureen notes, “It’s not enough to train people. You have to work really hard with your customers and partners in the industry to build talent.” This philosophy underpins AWS’s approach to fostering a network of support that goes beyond traditional educational frameworks. It’s also why their global training initiatives, like AWS Academy, AWS Educate, AWS re/Start, and AWS Skills Centers, are so successful and have a real human impact. In Maureen’s opinion, “companies that create these learning communities are going to be the most successful.” The power of community and its role in learning becomes evident throughout our discussion. And not just in the sense of building learning communities and a talent pipeline, but in the broader sense of making learning accessible in communities around the globe. When people talk about accessibility, the conversation tends to be about meeting standards and making accommodations to empower learners with varying abilities. When Maureen talks about accessibility, it’s a bigger conversation. Much bigger. DEMOCRATIZING EDUCATION For Maureen, accessibility is about democratizing access to education for everyone. AWS has already trained many millions of people, and they're well on their way to their goal of training 29 million people for free by 2025. The conversation comes full circle when Maureen starts talking about removing barriers—like meeting accessibility standards to remove individual learning barriers, localizing content to remove language barriers, lowering costs to remove financial barriers, considering the platform to remove technological and infrastructure barriers, and bringing programs to the people (and people to the programs). There are a lot of dots to connect. Maureen points out, “There’s no silver bullet.” But, “there are governments all over the world doing this.” Maureen tells us about working with governments and organizations to train women in Saudi Arabia, opening an AWS Skills Center in South Africa, and, in Jakarta, reskilling teachers and introducing visually and hearing impaired children to the world of web app development. “It's just trying to figure out how to provide the right types of programs.” It involves collaboration between academia, governments, grassroots organizations, and the private sector. Early on in our conversation, Maureen shares how, when she came to Amazon, it made her “take a step back and think about with all the opportunity, with the big tech skills gap, with the technology that AWS had, if I could remove all constraints, how would I reinvent education?” The answer is pretty obvious: She’d reinvent it by democratizing it. But, as she points out, “It's not just one team at Amazon. It's us. It's our partners. It's our, customers. It takes a village.” And it starts with conversations, like the one we had today. Maureen believes education is the great equalizer and that “we have the opportunity to transform lives. Collectively, we have the opportunity to transform economies.” It’s a powerful notion. She closes with an equally powerful call to action: To join her and AWS on their mission, because, as she puts it, “we’re just scratching the surface of what we can do.” As always, there’s plenty more in the full-length interview, including how living and teaching in Africa informed the way Maureen thinks about education, insights into projects AWS is currently working on, why she likes to think of herself as a global citizen, and more. As always, if you have any questions, thoughts, or insights you want to share, let us know in the comments! And be sure to subscribe to Leaders in Learning. Leaders in Learning LEADERS IN LEARNING 14.751 FOLLOWER:INNEN + Abonnieren Gefällt mir Gefällt mir Applaus Unterstütze ich Wunderbar Inspirierend Lustig Kommentar * Kopieren * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Teilen 63 1 Kommentar Alex Smith I help organizations create modern learning strategies for their people, partners, and customers | AE @ Docebo | 🎙Host of Sell By Being Human 1 Tag * Diesen Kommentar melden I love this series! Such great insights Maureen Lonergan. I love the quote, “training is often seen as a company tax but That’s your talent! That's who's going to build your product. That's who's going to make you more innovative.” Gefällt mir Antworten 1 Reaktion 2 Reaktionen Zum Anzeigen oder Hinzufügen von Kommentaren einloggen WEITERE ARTIKEL VON DIESER PERSON Keine weiteren vorherigen Inhalte * JASON WEEMAN TALKS AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP AND THE POWER OF VULNERABILITY 30. APR. 2024 * WHY TAGGART MCCURDY THINKS “AI IS A VERY POWERFUL THING FOR HUMANITY AND A BENEFICIAL THING FOR THE LEARNING COMMUNITY.” 28. MÄRZ 2024 * WE ALL POSSESS THE ABILITY TO LEARN, WHICH MEANS WE ALL HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO LEAD: INTRODUCING LEADERS IN LEARNING 29. FEB. 2024 * "PEOPLE CAN ALWAYS DO MORE, LEARN MORE, AND PERFORM BETTER." WHY JOSH BERSIN BELIEVES THE UNQUENCHABLE HUMAN SPIRIT TO LEARN CAN SAVE YOUR BUSINESS. 28. 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Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen EBENFALLS ANGESEHEN * RE-IMAGINING LEARNING IN 2021 POWERED BY LIKE-MINDED COMMUNITIES Dinakaran Sankaranarayanan 3 Jahre * HOW TO GET AWS CERTIFICATION FOR FREE IN 2024? Miraaj Inc 2 Monate * HOW TO START YOUR AWS TRAINING & CERTIFICATION JOURNEY? Cloud.in 1 Jahr * AWS CERTIFICATION TRAINING UK: EMPOWERING YOUR TECH CAREER [2024] EkasCloud 1 Monat * THE THREE STEP GUIDE TO AWS CERTIFICATIONS WITH RE:SKILL reSkill Community 1 Jahr * AWS: A GOOD PLACE TO START IN THE LEARNING BATTLEFIELD. 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