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Submission: On March 14 via api from US — Scanned from US
Submission: On March 14 via api from US — Scanned from US
Form analysis
3 forms found in the DOM<form class="form-search ng-pristine ng-valid" ng-show="!mainCtrl.MustChangePassword"><span class="fast-search"><span role="status" aria-live="polite" class="ui-helper-hidden-accessible"></span> <input type="text"
placeholder="Search all Commissioned Ministers..." class="nav-search-input ui-autocomplete-input ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid" id="nav-search-input" autocomplete="off" uib-typeahead="worker for worker in mainCtrl.FastSearch($viewValue)"
typeahead-template-url="templates/dist/fastsearch.html" typeahead-loading="loadingWorkers" typeahead-no-results="noResults" typeahead-min-length="3" typeahead-on-select="selectMatch(mainCtrl.Search); mainCtrl.Search ='';"
ng-model="mainCtrl.Search" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="typeahead-5-6497">
<ul class="dropdown-menu ng-isolate-scope ng-hide" ng-show="isOpen() && !moveInProgress" ng-style="{top: position().top+'px', left: position().left+'px'}" role="listbox" aria-hidden="true" uib-typeahead-popup="" id="typeahead-5-6497"
matches="matches" active="activeIdx" select="select(activeIdx, evt)" move-in-progress="moveInProgress" query="query" position="position" assign-is-open="assignIsOpen(isOpen)" debounce="debounceUpdate"
<!-- ngRepeat: match in matches track by $index -->
</ul> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh ng-hide" ng-show="loadingWorkers"></i> <i class="fa fa-search nav-search-icon"></i>
Name: loginform —
<form name="loginform" ng-hide="lc.DisplayPasswordEmailForm" class="ng-pristine ng-scope ng-invalid ng-invalid-required">
<div ng-hide="lc.IsLoginLoading()">
<div class="alert ng-isolate-scope ng-hide alert-warning alert-dismissible" ng-class="['alert-' + (type || 'warning'), closeable ? 'alert-dismissible' : null]" role="alert" ng-show="lc.alert.msg" type="" close="lc.closeAlert()">
<button ng-show="closeable" type="button" class="close" ng-click="close({$event: $event})">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<span class="sr-only">Close</span>
<div ng-transclude="">
<div ng-bind-html="lc.alert.msg" class="ng-binding ng-scope"></div>
</div><label class="block clearfix"><span class="block input-icon input-icon-right"><input class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" placeholder="Enter username here" name="userNameField" type="text"
ng-model="lc.Username" required=""> <i class="ace-icon fa fa-user"></i></span></label><label class="block clearfix"><span class="block input-icon input-icon-right"><input
class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" placeholder="Password" name="passwordField" type="password" ng-model="lc.Password" required=""> <i class="ace-icon fa fa-lock"></i></span></label>
</fieldset><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" ng-disabled="!loginform.$valid" ng-click="lc.login()" analytics-on="click" analytics-event="Success" analytics-category="Login" analytics-label="Successful Login"
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="col-xs-12"><button class="btn btn-link btn-sm btn-block" ng-click="lc.TogglePWEmailForm()" analytics-on="click" analytics-event="Show Password Help" analytics-category="Login" analytics-label="Show Password Help"><span
class="pull-left">I don't know my password</span><span class="pull-right"><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i></span></button></div>
</div><cmif-spinner test="lc.IsLoginLoading()" class="ng-isolate-scope">
<div class="spinner ng-hide" ng-show="testIfLoading()">
<div class="rect1 a1"></div>
<div class="rect2 a1"></div>
<div class="rect3 a1"></div>
<div class="rect4 a1"></div>
<div class="rect5 a1"></div>
Name: emailPasswordForm —
<form name="emailPasswordForm" ng-show="lc.DisplayPasswordEmailForm" class="ng-pristine ng-scope ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-hide">
<div ng-hide="lc.IsFindUserLoading()">
<div class="alert ng-isolate-scope ng-hide alert-warning alert-dismissible" ng-class="['alert-' + (type || 'warning'), closeable ? 'alert-dismissible' : null]" role="alert" ng-show="lc.alert.msg" type="" close="lc.closeAlert()">
<button ng-show="closeable" type="button" class="close" ng-click="close({$event: $event})">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<span class="sr-only">Close</span>
<div ng-transclude=""><span class="ng-binding ng-scope"></span></div>
</div><label class="block clearfix"><span class="block input-icon input-icon-right"><input class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" placeholder="Username or email address" name="identifierField" type="text"
ng-model="lc.UserIdentifier" required=""> <i class="ace-icon fa fa-user"></i></span></label>
</fieldset><button type="submit" class="btn btn-block btn-login btn-inverse" ng-disabled="!emailPasswordForm.$valid" ng-click="lc.FindUser()" ng-class="{'btn-primary':emailPasswordForm.$valid,'btn-inverse':!emailPasswordForm.$valid}"
analytics-on="click" analytics-event="Email Password" analytics-category="Login" analytics-label="Password Emailed | " disabled="disabled"><span ng-show="emailPasswordForm.$valid" class="ng-hide">Find user and reset password</span> <span
ng-show="!emailPasswordForm.$valid">Please enter a username or email address</span> <span><i class="fa fa-arrow-up" ng-class="{'fa-send':emailPasswordForm.$valid,'fa-arrow-up':!emailPasswordForm.$valid}"></i></span>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div><br>
</div><cmif-spinner test="lc.IsFindUserLoading()" class="ng-isolate-scope">
<div class="spinner ng-hide" ng-show="testIfLoading()">
<div class="rect1 a1"></div>
<div class="rect2 a1"></div>
<div class="rect3 a1"></div>
<div class="rect4 a1"></div>
<div class="rect5 a1"></div>
<div class="pull-right"><button class="btn btn-link btn-sm btn-block" ng-click="lc.TogglePWEmailForm()" analytics-on="click" analytics-event="Retry Login" analytics-category="Login" analytics-label="Login Retry">Try username/password
again<i class="fa fa-reply b3"></i></button></div>
Text Content
Commissioned Minister Information Form * * Tasks to Complete * * * 0 Favorites * 0 Saved Searches * * Search * 0 * * View All System Messages * No system messages * * Edit Details * * * * Show Username Sitewide * Unknown time Remaining * Change Password * District CMIF Report * Permanent Users Report * View Logins * View Logs * * Stop Impersonation Logout Commissioned Minister Information Form Menu * Dashboard * Search * Favorites * Saved Searches * Review/Approve * Ecclesiastical Supervision * User Setup * Site Content Logged in as: Don't show me this impersonating Stop Impersonation * Login * Help × Close Login I don't know my password × Close Find user and reset password Please enter a username or email address Try username/password again To receive temporary secure access to this site, first contact your LCMS District Office. For assistance logging in, first refer to the CMIF Login Training video. If the issue you are experiencing is not covered in this or the other CMIF Training Videos, contact Rosters and Statistics at: Phone: (314)996-1370 Email: LCMS Rosters and Statistics Edit Details COMMISSIONED MINISTER INFORMATION FORM SEARCH Welcome to the LCMS Commissioned Minister Information Form (CMIF) system... This tool is designed to help LCMS Districts and call committees from congregations, schools, and other LCMS related entities search for commissioned ministers to fill open calls. Whether you are looking for a teacher, deaconess, director of Christian Education, director of Christian outreach, director of family life ministry, director of parish ministry, lay minister, or a parish assistant, this site will help you find candidates with the experience and interests you need. Contact your LCMS District office to receive temporary secure access to use this website. [Note: This site may not work with older versions of Internet Explorer (IE). If you are unable to login or change you password using that browser, try upgrading IE or select a different internet browser.] Edit Details Copyright © 2003 – 2024. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. All Rights Reserved. CMIF 1.3.1