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Submitted URL: http://www.avieon.com/
Effective URL: https://avieon.com/
Submission: On August 29 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://avieon.com/
Submission: On August 29 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Skip links * Skip to primary navigation * Skip to content Sign up and receive 20% bonus discount on checkout. Toggle navigation Toggle navigation * Home * About Us * Case Studies * Journal * Contact Analyze my website WE BREATHE LIFE INTO YOUR IDEAS,ADAPT WITH UTMOST AGILITY, WE CREATE MEMORABLE DIGITAL EXPERIENCES FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS Start My Project Sending * Why us * What we do * How we approach * What our clients say * Why us * What we do * How we approach * What our clients say WHY CHOOSE US BECAUSE WE COMBINE EMPATHY AND TECHNOLOGY TO BUILD AND SCALE DIGITAL PRODUCTS. 15+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE We are a team of professionals from multidisciplinary backgrounds in Design, Business, Marketing, Technology and Engineering. CUSTOMER-CENTRIC APPROACH We will assist you to create a truly customer-centric, well-designed, scalable digital product that will set you apart from your competition. CREATING EXPERIENCES THAT LAST FOR EONS We will help you to discover the pain points of your customer and create unique experiences that last for aeons. OPERATING IN 3 TIME ZONES We are based in three countries – London (UK), Canberra (AU) and Colombo (LK) and offer support that fits into three time zones. WHY CHOOSE US BECAUSE WE COMBINE EMPATHY AND TECHNOLOGY TO BUILD AND SCALE DIGITAL PRODUCTS. 15+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE We are a team of professionals from multidisciplinary backgrounds in Design, Business, Marketing, Technology and Engineering. USER-CENTRIC APPROACH We will assist you to create a truly user-centric, well-designed, scalable digital product that will set you apart from your competition. CREATING EXPERIENCES THAT LAST FOR EONS We will help you to discover the pain points of your customer and create unique experiences that last for aeons. OPERATING IN 3 TIME ZONES We are based in three countries – London (UK), Canberra (AU) and Colombo (LK) and offer support that fits into three time zones. EFFICIENT TEAM PLAY COLLABORATION MADE EASY. Focused on providing smart, Route conversation to the right recipient for your customer in Hub. Track and escalate and report. SET AND ACHIEVE TEAM GOALS. TRACK DAILY ACTIVITY IN REAL-TIME. WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU * Design * Build * Scale * Support DESIGN IS NOT JUST THE CREATION OF VISUALS OR INTERFACES. DESIGN IS A WAY OF LIVING AND A WAY TO SOLVE COMPLEX PROBLEMS. We will collaborate with you to discover the problem(s) and present customer-centred design solutions. Our design journey starts with assisting you in user research, building design systems and combining with user experience design. Learn more WE ARE INSPIRED BY YOU AND YOUR CUSTOMER. WE BRING OUR INSPIRATION INTO DEVELOPINGCUSTOMER-CENTRIC DIGITAL PRODUCTS. We begin with planning the development and then implementing the design deliverables to develop the end product. We provide our expertise with eCommerce platforms, Web apps and Mobile apps. Easier said than done, learn more of our technological capabilities from our case studies. Our Case Studies CONGRATULATIONS ON CREATING A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE. GROW YOUR BUSINESS TO POTENTIAL NEW CUSTOMERS STRATEGICALLY. Let us collaborate with you to design and implement digital strategies to increase your website traffic to reach your desired target audiences and create a path to increase revenue for your business while improving your customer’s experience. We design Pay-per-click (PPC) strategies, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategies and Social Media Campaigns with a performance-driven approach. Analyze my website CONGRATULATIONS ON CREATING A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE. GROW YOUR BUSINESS TO POTENTIAL NEW CUSTOMERS STRATEGICALLY. Let us collaborate with you to design and implement digital strategies to increase your website traffic to reach your desired target audiences and create a path to increase revenue for your business while improving your customer’s experience. We design Pay-per-click (PPC) strategies, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategies and Social Media Campaigns with a performance-driven approach. Analyze my website WE PROVIDE A STELLAR SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR YOU. LET US HELP YOU CHOOSE THE PERFECT SUPPORT FOR YOUR DIGITAL PRODUCT. We are excited and very determined to provide you with the best experience. We provide support with maintenance, hosting configurations and monitoring. It doesn’t matter where you developed your digital product, in the end, it matters whom you choose to seek guidance. We are just an email away to help you. Help me with support Your digital product is the face of your brand. Impress your customers with a user-friendly, well-designed product that functions as well as it looks. Start My Project Your digital product is the face of your brand. Impress your customers with a user-friendly, well-designed product that functions as well as it looks. Start My Project OUR APPROACH WITH YOU DISCUSS We are very excited to learn more about each other. We will listen, probe and empathize with you to understand your inspiration, your customers, their behaviours and the problem(s) which you would want to solve through this digital product. The tools we will use to discuss the idea/problem with you. DEFINE Together, we will discover the core problem of your idea. Afterwards, we will map the features, functions, and any other elements that will provide the ideal solution(s) that will allow your customers to conduct their operation with the minimum of difficulties. The tools we will use to define the problem/solution with you. DESIGN We will ideate out of the box solutions and approaches based on the findings gathered and create prototypes. We will test the prototype before moving on to development. The results will allow both to understand the user experience, the impact, user thought process, behaviour, and to empathise. The tools we will use to design and prototype the solution with you. DEVELOP We will develop, test and publish your digital product to the World Wide Web. We will also support you with migrating the digital product to a secure server and provide further assistance moving forward. Our Case Studies The tools and languages we love to work with to develop for you. SCALE Our collaboration with you won’t end with your digital product going live. We will be available with you to optimise and scale your digital product(s). Increase web traffic and revenue for your business through Pay-per-click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategies and Social Media Campaigns with a performance-driven approach. The tools we will use for demo sessions, analytics, optimize and monitor. OUR APPROACH WITH YOU DISCUSS We are very excited to learn more about each other. We will listen, probe and empathize with you to understand your inspiration, your customers, their behaviours and the problem(s) which you would want to solve through this digital product. The tools we will use to discuss the idea/problem with you DEFINE Together, we will discover the core problem of your idea. Afterwards, we will map the features, functions, and any other elements that will provide the ideal solution(s) that will allow your customers to conduct their operation with the minimum of difficulties. The tools we will use to define the problem/solution with you DESIGN We will ideate out of the box solutions and approaches based on the findings gathered and create prototypes. We will test the prototype before moving on to development. The results will allow both to understand the user experience, the impact, user thought process, behaviour, and to empathise. The tools we will use to design and prototype the solution with you DEVELOP We will develop, test and publish your digital product to the World Wide Web. We will also support you with migrating the digital product to a secure server and provide further assistance moving forward. Our Case Studies The tools and languages we love to work with to develop for you. SCALE Our collaboration with you won’t end with your digital product going live. We will be available with you to optimise and scale your digital product(s). Increase web traffic and revenue for your business through Pay-per-click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategies and Social Media Campaigns with a performance-driven approach. The tools we will use for demo sessions, analytics, optimize and monitor. OUR APPROACH WITH YOU DISCUSS We are very excited to learn more about each other. We will listen, probe and empathize with you to understand your inspiration, your customers, their behaviours and the problem(s) which you would want to solve through this digital product. The tools we will use to discuss the idea/problem with you DEFINE Together, we will discover the core problem of your idea. Afterwards, we will map the features, functions, and any other elements that will provide the ideal solution(s) that will allow your customers to conduct their operation with the minimum of difficulties. The tools we will use to define the problem/solution with you DESIGN We will ideate out of the box solutions and approaches based on the findings gathered and create prototypes. We will test the prototype before moving on to development. The results will allow both to understand the user experience, the impact, user thought process, behaviour, and to empathise. The tools we will use to design and prototype the solution with you DEVELOP We will develop, test and publish your digital product to the World Wide Web. We will also support you with migrating the digital product to a secure server and provide further assistance moving forward. Our Case Studies The tools and languages we love to work with to develop for you. SCALE Our collaboration with you won’t end with your digital product going live. We will be available with you to optimise and scale your digital product(s). Increase web traffic and revenue for your business through Pay-per-click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategies and Social Media Campaigns with a performance-driven approach. The tools we will use for demo sessions, analytics, optimize and monitor. INCREASE YOUR WEB TRAFFIC AND REVENUE FOR YOUR BUSINESS WITH AN INNOVATIVE DIGITAL STRATEGY. Analyze My Website INCREASE YOUR WEB TRAFFIC AND REVENUE FOR YOUR BUSINESS WITH AN INNOVATIVE DIGITAL STRATEGY. Analyze My Website TRUSTED BY OUR CLIENTS We have been working closely with Avieon for almost over a year now. Avieon has become our go-to service provider when it comes to web/app development based projects. The main reason we chose to work with Avieon is their work ethic, reliability and quality of the solutions. We hope to continue working with Avieon and highly recommend them to anyone looking to obtain their services. Our Go-to Service Provider   Sequoia TRUSTED BY OUR CLIENTS We had our decision set on a new website. The team at Avieon was very patient with us and knew what we wanted. They helped to optimize our existing site with a few minor changes to meet our requirements. In the end, we didn’t need a new website. Faster Response Time   SeedMate, AU TRUSTED BY OUR CLIENTS Avieon is professional, conscientious, design-centered, and thoroughly competent. The team collaborated excellently with our team to meet tight deadlines and high expectations. It’s a pleasure to partner with Avieon. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending them to other agencies. Effective Use of Digital Tools   Xtrude Design TRUSTED BY OUR CLIENTS I am very impressed by the quality of services I received from Avieon. Delivered tasks right on schedule, reasonable effort costs, were professional and customer-focused in dealings. I have got a good e-commerce site for my products. The team configured analytics for me to monitor my online revenue. I highly recommend work with Avieon. Excellent Customer Service  Stomp Ground Ltd TRUSTED BY OUR CLIENTS We have been working closely with Avieon for almost over a year now. Avieon has become our go-to service provider when it comes to web/app development based projects. The main reason we chose to work with Avieon is their work ethic, reliability and quality of the solutions. We hope to continue working with Avieon and highly recommend them to anyone looking to obtain their services. Our Go-to Service Provider   Sequoia TRUSTED BY OUR CLIENTS We had our decision set on a new website. The team at Avieon was very patient with us and knew what we wanted. They helped to optimize our existing site with a few minor changes to meet our requirements. In the end, we didn’t need a new website. Faster Response Time   SeedMate, AU TRUSTED BY OUR CLIENTS Avieon is professional, conscientious, design-centered, and thoroughly competent. The team collaborated excellently with our team to meet tight deadlines and high expectations. It’s a pleasure to partner with Avieon. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending them to other agencies. Effective Use of Digital Tools   Xtrude Design TRUSTED BY OUR CLIENTS I am very impressed by the quality of services I received from Avieon. Delivered tasks right on schedule, reasonable effort costs, were professional and customer-focused in dealings. I have got a good e-commerce site for my products. The team configured analytics for me to monitor my online revenue. I highly recommend work with Avieon. Excellent Customer Service  Stomp Ground Ltd LET’S CREATE SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY TOGETHER. We speak human, not technical jargon. Start My Project Sending CUSTOMER-CENTRIC APPROACH SCALABLE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT STELLAR SUPPORT SYSTEM * Product Design * Web Design * eCommerce * Mobile Apps * DevOps * Digital * Careers * Journal * Support * Start my project These Terms will be applied fully and affect to your use of this Website. By using this Website, you agreed to accept all terms and conditions written in here. You must not use this Website if you disagree with any of these Website Standard Terms and Conditions. * * © 2022, Avieon. Made with love . All right reserved. Toggle navigation * Home * About Us * Case Studies * Journal * Contact DO YOU WANT TO INCREASE YOUR WEB TRAFFIC ? Get your FREE SEO report now. Email Website I accept and allow the digital expert to analyze my site score. I accept and allow the digital expert to analyze my site score. Analyze My Website EXCITED TO GET STARTED ON YOUR PROJECT OR JUST CURIOUS? We offer everything you need to get started on your product idea! Name Email Would you like to receive our monthly Updates Newsletters and Promotions Tick the box to Opt-out Would you like to receive our monthly Updates Newsletters and Promotions Tick the box to Opt-out Let's Talk DO YOU WANT TO INCREASE YOUR WEB TRAFFIC ? Get your FREE SEO report now. Email Website I accept and allow the digital expert to analyze my site score. I accept and allow the digital expert to analyze my site score. Analyze My Website EXCITED TO GET STARTED ON YOUR PROJECT OR JUST CURIOUS? We offer everything you need to get started on your product idea! Name Email Would you like to receive our monthly Updates Newsletters and Promotions Tick the box to Opt-out Would you like to receive our monthly Updates Newsletters and Promotions Tick the box to Opt-out Let's Talk THANK YOU FOR YOU INTEREST. We will add you to our mailing list and will keep you posted. Email Would you like to receive our monthly Updates Newsletters and Promotions Tick the box to Opt-out Would you like to receive our monthly Updates Newsletters and Promotions Tick the box to Opt-out Keep me posted