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Your EPass is Ready!
 * Make sure your password is strong like a bull, not weak like a sheep
 * Use a password that's at least as long as a tweet, but not as short as a
   tweet from the President.
 * Avoid using easily guessable information like "password123" or "qwerty"
 * Mix it up with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special
 * Don't use easily guessable information like your birthday or your
   anniversary. That's like leaving your diary open on the kitchen table.
 * Don't use the same password for everything. That's like wearing the same
   key-chain for every door, you'll get locked out of something eventually.
 * Don't write your password on a sticky note and stick it to your monitor.
   That's like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the bad guys to follow.
 * Change your password frequently, like changing your socks
 * Don't use your pet's name, your kid's name, or your favorite sports team as
   your password. That's like giving away your secret identity to the world.
 * Don't use your mom's maiden name or your favorite movie. That's like leaving
   a map to your treasure on the internet.
 * Finally, don't share your password with anyone, not even your best friend

With love, VIC-E team.

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57 votes

Version 1.0.2302.5429

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