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Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

<form class="root-contact-white ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-email">
  <input type="email" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-email" ng-model="ctrl.contact_email" style="color:white" placeholder="Email address...">
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-blue-inverse" ng-click="ctrl.OnSubmitContactEmail()">Submit</button>

<form class="root-contact-white ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-email">
  <input type="email" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-email" ng-model="ctrl.contact_email" style="color:white" placeholder="Email address...">
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-blue-inverse" ng-click="ctrl.OnSubmitContactEmail()">Submit</button>

<form class="root-contact-white ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-email">
  <input type="email" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-email" ng-model="ctrl.contact_email" style="color:white" placeholder="Email address...">
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-blue-inverse" ng-click="ctrl.OnSubmitContactEmail()">Submit</button>

Text Content

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Reader revenue is the new normal. But what about the 95% of readers who are not
yet ready to subscribe?

Think day-passes
Join dozens of publishers across three continents in using day-passes and
pay-as-you-go to generate revenue streams that are complementary to your
existing advertising and subscription businesses.

 * Case study: defending ad revenues from ad-blockers
 * Case study: monetizing archives with day-passes

If you're a newspaper or magazine publisher, follow the journey below.
Partner with us to embed pay-as-you-go payments in your product.
Explore how the Jamatto button is relevant to your industry.
Thinking reader revenues? Experiment, experiment, experiment!
As a newspaper, you are awash in page visits, but monetize only a fraction of
those visits. By now you know that there is no obvious solution to building new
revenue streams. Why is that?

Your newspaper is different. Your content is different. And most importantly,
your readers are different. So your monetization strategies should be different.

Jamatto helps you rapidly experiment, learn and iterate to find your optimal
monetization strategies - live on your publication with near-zero development

Explore reader revenues

Consumers are less inclined to subscribe to a single newspaper as they move from
print to digital.

Explore their inclination to pay using your huge number of historical and
evergreen articles that are visited by readers with a specific search need.

Unlock new revenues by putting your desirable archive content behind a
pay-as-you-go paywall. Read our case study »


Just 3% of your visitors are ever likely to purchase a subscription.

You need to get smarter about segmenting the other 97%. Some click on ads. Some
pay for the day. And with great messaging, some more become subscribers.

Engage with your readers by offering them the choice to subscribe monthly or
simply pay-as-they-go for the day.

Defend your ad revenues

A segment of your readers are using adblockers, and therefore are not seeing
your ads.

Ask them to fund their visit with ads by turning off their adblocker, or if they
prefer, let them pay-as-they-go to continue their ad-free experience.

Engage with your readers by offering them the choice to pay for their ad-free
experience! Read our case study »

Understand your audience

Jamatto helps you measure exactly how many articles are read by how many people
each week and month.

With that knowledge in mind you can decide exactly how many people you want to
be hitting your paywall. Should it be 20 articles a week, or 50 a month?

Stepping stones to subscription

Having measured your audience, decide the monetization schemes that curately
address your audience segments.

Ads for one-off visitors. Day-passes for occasional hits. Cost-effective monthly
subscriptions for loyal readers.

Jamatto handles all the hassles of payments for you.

5 reasons to act today!
 * You engage just with your audience who wants to pay you.
 * You control your meter and price points so as not to cannibalise your ad
 * Implement in hours with minimal cost, technical effort, or change to your
   existing site.
 * You will begin to discover that pay-as-you-go and monthly recurring
   subscriptions are realistic complementary sources of revenue for your

Still not convinced?
Daily Maverick use a Jamatto paywall as a funnel to their award-winning Maverick
Insider programme.

Measure your adblock problem
Your first step to addressing your adblock problem is to measure it. You can do
this right now in minutes with just a few lines of code on your website.

Visit AdblockRelief.com
Voucher: jamatto18
What ad revenues can you recover?
By engaging with their readers running an adblocker, our newspaper customers are
achieving some remarkable results:

15% to 45% of consumers block ads
Once engaged, 70% turn off their adblocker
The remaining 30% generate $2 to $20 per 1,000 views

5 reasons to act today!
 * You engage just with your audience that currently earns you nothing
 * You will see an immediate uptick in your ad revenues
 * You will be doing this with minimal cost or technical effort
 * You will learn for what sections of your content people are most willing to
 * You will begin to discover that pay-as-you-go is a realistic complementary
   source of revenues for your business

Still not convinced?
Try it now: fire up an adblocker, visit any of our clients' websites, and click
on an article to read it without ads. Experience for yourself how they engage
with their readers, and how simple it is for a consumer to sign in and make
their first payment.


Call us on: +44-7725-448634

Or leave us your email address and we'll be in touch!

What next?
Addressing the rising tide of adblockers is just the tip of the iceberg when it
comes to applying pay-as-you-go to newspaper publishing.

Understand the value of your content
How do you currently decide what content you should focus on creating? Page
impressions? Dwell-time? Number of social shares?
Do any of those actually translate into revenues?

If you're using Jamatto to address your adblocking problem, you already have a
cohort of readers who are paying you to read your articles. Why not use their
purchasing behaviour to help you measure what content people in general are
willing to pay for?

Jamatto's advanced reporting allows you to drill into what content is earning
you the highest RPMs, allowing you to focus your journalists on content that
your customers truly value.
Unlock your archives
You're sitting on a treasure trove of thousands of articles written over the
past decades. Your customers discover these articles mainly via a long-tail
search - probably because they are seeking an answer to a specific question.

A one-off customer finding your article via a long-tail search is unlikely to
become a regular subscriber. But they're probably still willing to pay.

Unlock the value of these articles by offering your customers pay-per-article or
pay-per-hour access.

Feed your subscription funnel
Your new customers don't become loyal subscribers overnight. You have to woo
them over time to learn to trust your brand. Traditionally, a metered paywall
has been the go-to strategy for feeding the subscription funnel.

But this mechanism penalises your most loyal readers! You give away your content
to the 95% of readers who turn up only occasionally, and you charge only the
readers who are loyal to your brand.

How about turning that around? Charge your occasional readers a small amount for
a single article or for a microsubscription (e.g. 15 minutes), and charge your
loyal readers a subscription that is more economical than paying per article.

This way you feed your subscription funnel while monetising your long tail of
occasional visitors.
See our paywalls in action
To see real-world examples of pay-as-you-go paywalls in action, visit any of our
clients' websites, and click on a premium or archive article. Experience for
yourself how they engage with their readers, and how simple it is for a consumer
to sign up and make their first payment.

Decide your archive audience size
Start your paywall experiment on an audience size with which you're comfortable.
The higher the age threshold you apply to enabling your archive paywall, the
smaller the size of your audience that will bump into it.

While we can help you with a detailed breakdown for your own website, here are
some audience estimates from our dozens of clients.

Paywall threshold Audience affected 1 week+ 10% 1 month+ 5% 1 year+ 2%

What archive revenues can you expect?
We have clients who earn RPMs of anywhere between $2 and $15 per 1000 views.
This is in addition to the advertising revenue you generate alongside your
paywalled articles.

Archives 1 week and older, $4 - $15 RPMs
Archives 1 month and older, $2 - $10 RPMs

5 reasons to act today!
 * You earn complementary revenues from your old content
 * You engage with an audience size that is under your control
 * You will be doing this with minimal cost or technical effort
 * You will learn for what types of content your readers are most willing to pay
 * You will begin to discover that pay-as-you-go is a realistic complementary
   source of revenues for your business

Still not convinced?
Try it now. Visit any of our clients' websites, and click on an archive article.
Experience for yourself how they engage with their readers, and how simple it is
for a consumer to sign in and make their first payment.


Call us on: +44-7725-448634

Or leave us your email address and we'll be in touch!

What next?
Generating new revenues from your archives is just the tip of the iceberg when
it comes to applying pay-as-you-go to newspaper publishing.

Feed your subscription funnel
Your new customers don't become loyal subscribers overnight. You have to woo
them over time to learn to trust your brand. Traditionally, a metered paywall
has been the go-to strategy for feeding the subscription funnel.

But this mechanism penalises your most loyal readers! You give away your content
to the 95% of readers who turn up only occasionally, and you charge only the
readers who are loyal to your brand.

How about turning that around? Charge your occasional readers a small amount for
a single article or for a microsubscription (e.g. 15 minutes), and charge your
loyal readers a subscription that is more economical than paying per article.

This way you feed your subscription funnel while monetising your long tail of
occasional visitors.

See our paywalls in action
To see real-world examples of pay-as-you-go paywalls in action, visit any of our
clients' websites, and click on a premium or archive article. Experience for
yourself how they engage with their readers, and how simple it is for a consumer
to sign up and make their first payment.


Call us on: +44-7725-448634

Or leave us your email address and we'll be in touch!

These titles trust Jamatto

See all our clients...
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