expo.virtualrecruitment.ie Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://expo.virtualrecruitment.ie/api/v2/users/stlfgcdb421imrogaaaerm4w6a2khf/documents
Effective URL: https://expo.virtualrecruitment.ie/login
Submission: On July 29 via manual from AE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST /login_check

<form method="post" action="/login_check" class="form-disable-on-submit">
  <div class="form-group "><label class=" form-label__strong form-label" for="_username"> Email </label>
    <div class="form-control-container input-with-icon"><input type="email" id="_username" name="_username" required="required" placeholder="your@email.com" tabindex="1" class=" input-text input-text__bigger"></div>
  <a href="/password" tabindex="8" class="form-help-block form-help-block--right-aligned">Forgot your password?</a>
  <div class="form-group "><label class=" form-label__strong form-label" for="_password"> Password </label>
    <div class="form-control-container input-with-icon"><input type="password" id="_password" name="_password" required="required" placeholder="Your password" tabindex="2" validation="validation" validation_type="regexpMatch"
        validation_constraint="^(?=.{8,})(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[\W]).*$" validation_message="error.invalid_password" class=" input-text input-text__bigger input-with-icon__input"><button class="input-with-icon__icon password-toggle"
        type="button"><span class="far fa-eye-slash"></span></button></div>
    <div class="field-validation-message field-validation-message--error notification notification--padded notification--error" data-source="#_password" data-constraint="regexpMatch"
      data-params="^(?=.{8,})(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[\W]).*$" data-message="Password requirements: lower case letter, upper case letter, number, non-alphanumeric character. Minimum 8 characters"></div><span class="form-help-block">As
      of April 17th we have updated our policy regarding character requirements for passwords. If your old password doesn’t live up to the new requirements you will have to reset it by clicking ‘Forgot you password’ option above.</span>
    <div class="grecaptcha-badge" data-style="bottomright"
      style="width: 256px; height: 60px; display: block; transition: right 0.3s ease 0s; position: fixed; bottom: 14px; right: -186px; box-shadow: gray 0px 0px 5px; border-radius: 2px; overflow: hidden;">
      <div class="grecaptcha-logo"><iframe title="reCAPTCHA"
          width="256" height="60" role="presentation" name="a-cevyiui3g2ws" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-modals allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"></iframe>
      <div class="grecaptcha-error"></div><textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" name="g-recaptcha-response" class="g-recaptcha-response"
        style="width: 250px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid rgb(193, 193, 193); margin: 10px 25px; padding: 0px; resize: none; display: none;"></textarea>
    </div><iframe style="display: none;"></iframe>
  </div><button id="recaptcha-_captcha1699636199" class="g-recaptcha btn-disable-on-submit button button--disabled button--lg main-form-button button--uppercase" data-sitekey="6LflcQYjAAAAABvdqtN1P4OamdhiwW59YbM6g5Q6"
    data-callback="grecaptcha__captcha1699636199" tabindex="3"> Log in <span class="spinner"></span></button>
  <div class="grecaptcha-terms-text">This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google <a href="https://policies.google.com/privacy" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> and
    <a href="https://policies.google.com/terms" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a> apply.</div>
    if (typeof grecaptchaInitialized === 'undefined') {
      var grecaptchaInitialized = false;

    function grecaptcha__captcha1699636199() {
    var js__captcha1699636199 = function() {
      $(function() {
        if (!grecaptchaInitialized) {
          grecaptchaInitialized = true;
          var el = document.createElement('script');
          el.type = 'text/javascript';
          el.src = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?hl=en';
          el.defer = true;
          el.async = true;
    // Calling the function after we are .ready()
    if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('load', js__captcha1699636199, false);
    else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onload', js__captcha1699636199);
  <div class="middle-container middle-container--small">
    <div class="form-group form-group--connected form-group--connected-checkboxes"><input type="checkbox" class="input-checkbox input-checkbox--pretty-small" id="_remember_me" name="_remember_me" value="1"><label for="_remember_me"
        class="form-label form-label--checkbox form-label--checkbox-user-area-small"><span></span>Keep me logged in </label></div>
  <input type="hidden" id="_target_path" name="_target_path" class=" input-text input-text__bigger">

Text Content



Forgot your password?

As of April 17th we have updated our policy regarding character requirements for
passwords. If your old password doesn’t live up to the new requirements you will
have to reset it by clicking ‘Forgot you password’ option above.

Log in
This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of
Service apply.
Keep me logged in


Don't have an account? Sign up


Virtual Recruitment is a collaboration between Graduateland ApS (Graduateland')
and Virtual Recruitment. By creating a user on Virtual Recruitment you accept to
become part of the Graduateland Network, which is made up of several university
career portals, as well as Graduateland.com and Careerland.dk.
Please read the following regulations in order to ensure that you understand and
accept the conditions for being a user of Virtual Recruitment. By proceeding
your registration process you are obliged to follow Virtual Recruitment's rules
and regulations. After reading please tick the designated box at the bottom of
the page to accept the terms and conditions.


These regulations with serial number 01.05.2018 take effect from 1st May 2018

By establishing a profile on Virtual Recruitment you accept the following
 * You are not allowed to establish a profile other than your own personal
   profile. It is not allowed to use other people's email addresses or false
   email addresses.
 * Each member on Virtual Recruitment must be respected and it is imperative
   that you treat other members the way you wish to be treated yourself.


 * The user shall be responsible for filling in correct and truthful
 * The user shall be responsible for any activity that takes place within his or
   her profile and for any potential third party involvement solicited or
   accepted by the user.
 * Graduateland shall have the exclusive right to expel existing members if it
   is found that; members behave unlawfully or unethically, if Graduateland
   services are misused and/or if general behaviour not accepted by Graduateland
 * The user shall be responsible for any actual or potential economic or legal
   lawsuit against Graduateland as a consequence of the user's wrongdoing or
   mismanagement of the profile.
 * The user shall be responsible for suitable software and technological
   solutions needed to run Graduateland, e.g. web browsers supporting the
   Graduateland software.
 * The user shall not be entitled to use Graduateland as a platform for
   marketing and promoting of own personal goods and services.
 * The user shall not be entitled to expose any material, which relates to
   religious, political, sexual or racial aspects on Graduateland.


All intellectual property rights including brand, establishment and information
regarding other members belong to Graduateland. The user shall not be entitled
to distribute or use any information from Virtual Recruitment for commercial
purposes or personal financial gains.


Graduateland shall be under the obligation to:
 * Not develop their website artificially based on falsely established profiles
   or moderators.
 * Answer as quickly as possible when users have requests to the support
 * Permanently delete email addresses if requested upon by a member.


Graduateland shall not be liable to the user in relation to:
 * The behaviour of other users. It is possible for users to report on negative
   media material and text.
 * Contracts, which are developed and signed through the network on
 * Any direct or indirect financial or emotional loss that exceeds the one paid
   to Graduateland.
 * Loss of data. Graduateland is not a database for the individual user as such.
   It is up to the individual user to create back up of the necessary
   information. Graduateland shall not be held liable for the actual or
   potential loss of data and information on the site regardless of the reason.


At Graduateland we value:
 * To operate a system that caters for fast reporting to us in relation to
   inappropriate or unethical behaviour on the website.
 * To operate a system that in general allows us to be in close contact with our
 * To operate a system that includes the fighting of scamming, spamming and
   phishing on the web-site. We have installed a security filter that limits the
   number of spammers and false members on the site but it is always advised
   that the users stay alert towards messages and information that might be "too
   good to be true" or any suspicious behaviour.


 * When you sign up you agree to receive emails from Virtual Recruitment, as
   well as from other portals in the Graduateland Network, including
 * The amount of and the frequency at which you receive emails depend on the
   activity of the employers from which you wish to "follow".
 * Graduateland shall be entitled to use the email system for questionnaires
   about Graduateland's own services and product development, and for the
   content of Graduateland's paying employers and universities using the
   services provided by Graduateland.
 * The user shall at any time be entitled to choose to adjust the delivery by
   altering this function under "Account" – "Account Settings" –


 * When the user establishes a profile on Virtual Recruitment the user also
   accepts that personal information will be stored on Graduateland's servers
   and that parts hereof can be shared with the universities and the employers
   using the services provided by Graduateland.
 * When the user establishes a profile on Virtual Recruitment the user also
   chooses to expose personal data to employers and universities. Therefore
   evaluate inputs, including pictures, carefully.
 * Virtual Recruitment is using cookies within its operating system. This
   technicality ensures that the system remembers the user's email address and
   access to the site. The user can disable this setting in the Internet
 * Each time the user visits Virtual Recruitment the IP-address will be
   registered. The IP address is the address of the computer that the user is
   using to access Virtual Recruitment. The IP address is registered to ensure
   that Graduateland always will be able to locate the computer used to access
   the site. This has been established to counteract on-site illegal activities.


The information Graduateland collects about the user can and will be used in
different ways:
 * Name and email: This is used to identify the user as a user on Virtual
   Recruitment so that Graduateland and employers and universities will be able
   to contact the user. The user's email address is also used to send emails to
   the user based on the information requested on the user's Dashboard. - The
   user can choose to adjust the delivery by altering this function under
   "Account" – "Account Settings" – "Notifications" at any time.
 * Postal and zip code are used to locate the user geographically and for
   Graduateland to understand how their users are placed around the world. This
   will give Graduateland the opportunity to create networks and events in
   locations where there is a high number of Graduateland members.
 * Birth date and gender are used to further identify the user and make the
   profile more visible on Graduateland.
 * Graduateland can also use the information provided by the user at the signup
   process to improve services and functionalities by analysing the way the user
   use the portal. As an example we can use the cookies and IP-addresses to see
   which parts of the webpage are most frequently used and thereby improve and
   optimise the services and functionalities mostly used.
 * Graduateland uses the user's information in Graduateland's backoffice
   recruitment system designed for Employers and Universities. This enables
   Employers and Universities to contact the user, based on the information
   provided by the user.
 * With your consent we share your profile information with employers that are
   online. Virtual Recruitment enables employers to see your profile information
   (the parts that you have set as ‘visible’) and may also use the information
   for business purposes. Based on the relevancy of your profile and skills
   employers can reach out to you via chat messages.
 * Any comment sent to Graduateland about this website can be used without
 * Received information will not be treated as confidential.


 * As previously mentioned the user must be aware that his/her profile and
   activities will be visible to employers and universities. In addition, parts
   of the profile will be visible to non-members visiting the site.
 * The user accepts that in case Graduateland's services are misused, the
   information at Graduateland's disposal such as IP address will be distributed
   to the relevant authorities in case this is required.
 * Graduateland shall be entitled to distribute all information about the user
   on the web site to a third party if it happens anonymously or if third party
   is included in an agreement about confidentiality. Such distribution can take
   place in connection with statistical analysis about the web site, market
   research and as preparation for commercials, general branding and recruitment
   activity on Graduateland. This information may also be used as input
   variables in Graduateland's backend solution designed for employers and


If the user realises that personal information on Virtual Recruitment is
incorrect or misleading the user shall have access to the profile where
necessary corrections can be made. Alternatively the user may contact
Graduateland and request that the corrections shall be made within a reasonable
time frame. The user is entitled to delete the profile. This means that the
profile cannot be found or accessed by anyone. Personal information can be
changed on "My Profile".


 * Graduateland shall be entitled to use of an external company to perform
   technical maintenance of the website. In such case the company will handle
   Graduateland's data responsibility.
 * Any company handling data on Virtual Recruitment will operate under the same
   regulations and law as Graduateland with regard to confidentiality.
 * In case the whole company Graduateland ApS or parts thereof is handed over to
   a third party the user accepts that personal data on Virtual Recruitment can
   be transferred to third party. This requires that the third party respects
   and follows the conditions for data handling as mentioned in this document.


Graduateland shall be entitled to change the above mentioned business principles
at any time. If any change is made this will be made public on Virtual
Recruitment after which the user has 30 days to become familiar with them. After
30 days it will be anticipated that all existing users accept and understand the


All photos and pictures uploaded to Virtual Recruitment must respect the
 * The photos and pictures must be free from copyrights and/or other restricted
   or limited use. The user must possess the complete rights to the photos and
   pictures that the user uploads. No third party must have the copyright or
   other rights to the photos or pictures that the user uploads. The people
   visible on the photos and pictures must have given their acceptance of public
 * The photos and pictures must be clear. Unclear and modified photos and
   pictures will be deleted.
 * The photos and pictures must not contain logos, links and references to other
   web pages or companies and/or their products.
 * The photos and pictures must not include violent, threatening, un-sober or
   sexual elements. The photos and pictures must not display weapons, money or
   illegal drugs.

Non-compliance of the above mentioned conditions for uploading photos and
pictures could lead to expulsion from this site. Graduateland shall not be
liable for the non-compliance of a user.


Profile photos and pictures are visible to employers and universities, which is
why the regulations for uploading such material are more restrictive than for
other categories. The profile photo or picture must only include you. In general
Graduateland maintains the right to block or delete all content that shows
threatening, hate full or vulgar behaviour. Any profile with discriminating
behaviour towards individuals or groups based on ethnic, religious or sexual
orientation will be deleted, blocked and reported to the legal authorities. Any
profile that pretends to be another person (a false profile) will be deleted,
blocked and reported to the legal authorities.


Any type of pornographic material will be deleted immediately and without
warning. This includes pictures or photos of sexual or erotic character as well
as abuse and physical damage of any kind.


Content on Virtual Recruitment protected by copyright shall belong to the
rightful owner. Other members shall thus not be allowed to use this material
without the acceptance of the rightful owner. Any material used but not
belonging to the rightful owner and protected by (©, ®, ™) will be deleted or
blocked. This includes any picture which is not yours and material which belongs
to Graduateland.


Extensive distribution of one and the same content is strictly illegal on
Virtual Recruitment. Profiles showing such behaviour will be deleted
immediately. This includes the sending of unwanted emails, chain letters or
unwanted commercials such as product promotion and marketing of websites.


In general any illegal activity shall not be allowed on Virtual Recruitment. The
following will immediately be deleted from Virtual Recruitment:
 * Photos and pictures showing pornographic situations, illegal drugs, cash and
 * Vira and other computer codes with the aim of harming or destroy IT equipment
   belonging to us or our members.
 * Any activity that motivates illegal activities or distributes knowledge about
   it such as trade with illegal drugs and weapons.
 * This legal notice shall be governed by Danish Law. Any dispute arising out of
   or in relation to this legal notice which can not be solved amicably shall be
   decided by the Danish Courts.


Graduateland strives to create a positive and dynamic environment and therefore
expects the user to share this philosophy. Graduateland is here to collaborate.
The user is advised to read and accept Graduateland's rules and regulations
before signing in as a user.



 1. For the purpose of advancing your career, exposing you to job opportunities
    and employer branding (the “Purposes”), Graduateland ApS, Fruebjergvej 3,
    2100 Copenhagen Ø will collect and process personal data about you.
 2. Below you will find a description of the personal data, which Graduateland
    will process about you as well as the purpose and on which legal ground
    Graduateland is processing the personal data.


 1. Graduateland processes your personal data that you have submitted online in
    order to a) provide you with the services set out in the terms and
    conditions which were provided to you when you initially created your
    profile, and b) to fulfill other contractual relationship with you. Your
    personal data is processed for the purpose of legitimate interests of
    Graduateland pursuant to article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection
    Regulation (“GDPR”) and it is assessed that Graduateland’s interest in
    processing the personal data overrides your interests in not having your
    personal data being processed. The legitimate interests of processing your
    personal data are:
    1. to promote your professional profile to potential employers and thereby
       exposing you to job opportunities and advancements in your career;
    2. to provide you with information on job opportunities relevant to you to
       advance your career;
    3. to conduct statistics and reports and historical overviews to understand
       career trends;
    4. to make a profile of you based on your preferences and competencies to
       match your profile with business partners in section 3.3 and potential
       employers under section 3.4; and
    5. to administer your profile at Virtual Recruitment.

2. Graduateland can processes the following personal data about you for the
above-mentioned purposes:
 1. Contact information, including name, e-mail, phone number etc.;
 2. Information about your education, working experience, CV, job preferences,
    language skills, competencies, references; and
 3. Your Graduateland profile information, including gender, nationality, age,
    date of birth etc.


 1. All data will be treated as confidential information and will only be used
    for the purpose as set out in clause 1.
 2. Your personal data will be stored by Graduateland, Graduateland’s IT hosting
    provider, Graduateland’s IT services providers (incl. tracking software
    suppliers) and may be accessed by Graduateland group entities worldwide on a
    need to know basis.
 3. If you have signed up to Graduateland through one of the following business
    partner’s websites, the applicable business partner will also have access to
    your personal data: universities, business schools, public and private
    educational organisations, or other organisations.
 4. When you sign up and disclose your personal data to Graduateland,
    Graduateland will disclose your data to companies, universities,
    organisations, public authorities and institutions that match your
    preferences for the purpose set out in section 2.1. (a) and (b). You can at
    any moment hide your profile so the above-mentioned cannot access your
    profile data.
 5. Please be informed that the level of data protection as currently applied
    and enforced in countries outside the European Union does not conform to the
    level of data protection for personal data currently applied and enforced
    within the European Union.
 6. Graduateland may engage third party service providers that will have access
    to and process your personal data. If such third party services providers
    process your personal data outside of the EU/EEA, such transfer of personal
    data will either be subject to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield or the European
    Commission’s standard contractual clauses.
 7. Graduateland will keep your personal data for 5 years or as long as needed
    in order to conduct statistics and historical overviews and to administer
    your profile at Graduateland, unless Graduateland is required under
    applicable law or applicable agreements to delete it or keep your personal
    data for a longer period. If your profile is located in an event portal
    (this is a portal that hosts events only and does not work as a job portal
    outside of events) and if no specific agreement was concluded with the event
    organiser and if your portal is passive (this means that there has not been
    any new event(s) created on the portal in 12 months), your personal data
    will be deleted 12 months after the last event.
 8. Graduateland will analyse your behaviour and personal data, including
    registering your competencies and educational background, in order to match
    your profile with the most relevant career opportunities.


 1. You can obtain further information on the personal data which Graduateland
    stores and processes about you by contacting dpo@graduateland.com. Further,
    you may object to your personal data being processed, request that your
    personal data is rectified or restrict the processing of your personal data.
    If you wish to object to your personal data being processed, have your data
    rectified or restrict the processing of your personal data, please contact
    dpo@graduateland.com with this message. Further, if you have any complaints
    about Graduateland’s processing of your personal data, you may contact the
    Danish Data Protection Agency.
 2. You can obtain a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used
    and machine-readable format via your account settings. If technically
    feasible, you may request that the personal data is transmitted directly to
    another company or person acting as a data controller.
 3. If you are no longer interested in being exposed to employers and receiving
    information on relevant job opportunities, please notify Graduateland at
    dpo@graduateland.com and the DPO will delete your profile and data. You can
    also delete your profile and data at the bottom of your Settings page,
    typing "delete" and then clicking the Delete button.


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Only accept necessary cookies Accept You cannot use Virtual Recruitment without
getting some cookies. Accepting all cookies gives you the best experience,
whereas not accepting all will solely give you the necessary ones, and not the
cookies related to statistics and marketing. Read more


At Virtual Recruitment, we are thrilled about the opportunities that new
technology is bringing us. Cookies are just one way that we can deliver an even
better experience for you. Consequently we use cookies to create the most
effective experience for you by serving relevant information as well as
continuously improving the experience.


We use cookies for a lot of things, however here is a list if you want to know
more in detail:

 * We use cookies to log you into our site
 * We use cookies to automatically keep you logged in
 * We use cookies to limit the amount of times you see the same content
 * We use cookies to continuously measure what and how you interact with our
   portal, to make the experience better
 * We use cookies to avoid showing you the cookie disclaimer next time you visit
 * We use cookies to understand your interests across our partner sites in order
   to present you with the most relevant content at our own site and in emails
 * We use cookies to communicate relevant content to you across third party
   sites i.e. via re-marketing campaigns


Yes. If you choose not to accept all cookies you can still use the Virtual
Recruitment site. You will still get the 'necessary' cookies, which are critical
to logging you in and giving you relevant content. Secondly, there are certain
behavioral cookies that we deem 'necessary', as certain clients need to
understand the activity on their jobs and employer profiles. This data is 100%
anonymized. If you do not accept all cookies you will not get the cookies
related for overall statistics and marketing purposes.

All the best,

Team Virtual Recruitment

Cookie Owner

__cfduid Necessary

Cookie associated with sites using CloudFlare, used to speed up page load times.
According to CloudFlare it is used to override any security restrictions based
on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It does not contain any user
identification information. adsymptotic.com

__mp_opt_in_out_* Necessary

Third party cookie from MixPanel. An analytics tool that we use to understand
how our website is used and improve usability. These cookies are set upon your
consent. Virtual Recruitment

_dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxxxx Necessary

Used by Google Tag Manager to control the loading of a Google Analytics script
tag. Virtual Recruitment

_ga Necessary

Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the
visitor uses the website. Virtual Recruitment

_gclxxxx Necessary

Google conversion tracking cookie Virtual Recruitment

_gid Necessary

This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. It appears to
store and update a unique value for each page visited. Virtual Recruitment

_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress Necessary

This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a
True/False flag set by the cookie. Virtual Recruitment

02db* Necessary


allow_cookies Necessary

This cookie stores information about cookies consent by the user Virtual

AWSALB Necessary

This cookie is managed by AWS and is used for load balancing. Virtual


This cookie is managed by AWS and is used for load balancing. Virtual

bscookie Necessary

This cookie is used to track visitors so that more relevant ads can be presented
based on the visitor's preferences. www.linkedin.com

delete_cookies Necessary

This cookie stores information about cookies consent by the user Virtual

dismissed_ads Necessary

Sets the values of the ads that were shown before and were dismissed by the user
Virtual Recruitment

hidden_profile_info_ignore Necessary

Sets the boolean value, whether alert for user about being hidden should not be
displayed anymore Virtual Recruitment

hide_applicant_send_message_reminder Necessary

Sets the boolean value, whether the reminder about sending the message to the
applicant should be hidden Virtual Recruitment

hideInboxMsgAlert_* Necessary

Sets the boolean value, whether the alert about particular messages should be
silenced Virtual Recruitment


General purpose platform session cookie, used by sites written in JSP. Usually
used to maintain an anonymous user session nr-data.net

KU_application_warning_dismissed Necessary

Sets the boolean value, whether the application warning for KU is dismissed by
the user Virtual Recruitment

ku_application_warning_seen Necessary

Sets the boolean value, whether the application warning for KU is seen by the
user Virtual Recruitment

lang Necessary

Sets the language, and is used for determining witch language of the portal to
use for all the subsequent requests ads.linkedin.com

lang Necessary

Sets the language code that is used to identify the language to be set upon each
request to the server by the user Virtual Recruitment

lang Necessary

Sets the language, and is used for determining witch language of the portal to
use for all the subsequent requests Virtual Recruitment

m Necessary

This cookie is used by Stripe for fraud prevention and detection. m.stripe.com

mp_*_mixpanel Necessary

This cookie is used to analyse site visitors and traffic patterns. This cookie
has a unique identifier for the website. Identifies DEXMA Platform as a customer
and then identifies users who enter the site with your user name and tracked as
they move around within the site. cdn.mxpnl.com

mp_*_mixpanel Necessary

This cookie is used to analyse site visitors and traffic patterns. This cookie
has a unique identifier for the website. Identifies DEXMA Platform as a customer
and then identifies users who enter the site with your user name and tracked as
they move around within the site. Virtual Recruitment

MR Necessary

This is a Microsoft MSN 1st party cookie which we use to measure the use of the
website for internal analytics. bat.bing.com

MUID Necessary

This cookie is widely used my Microsoft as a unique user identifier. It can be
set by embedded microsoft scripts. bing.com

NID Necessary

Cookie set by Google google.com

oauth_gw Necessary

Authenticating via proxy SSO, indicates the gateway and oauth valuethat should
be passed Virtual Recruitment


Sets the unique ID of the session that is used to maintain the logged/unlogged
state of the user Virtual Recruitment

showOfflineAlert_* Necessary

Sets the boolean value, whether the alerts about the particular conversation
should be active Virtual Recruitment

test_cookie Necessary

This cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to determine if the
website visitor's browser supports cookies. doubleclick.net

U Necessary

Collects unidentifiable data that is sent to an unidentifiable source. The
source's identity is kept secret by the company, Whois Privacy Protection
Service, Inc. adsymptotic.com

UserMatchHistory Necessary

This cookie is used to track visitors so that more relevant ads can be presented
based on the visitor's preferences. linkedin.com


Stripe is used to making credit card payments. Stripe uses a cookie to remember
who you are and to enable the website to process payments without storing any
credit card information on its own servers. Virtual Recruitment


Stripe is used to making credit card payments. Stripe uses a cookie to remember
who you are and to enable the website to process payments without storing any
credit card information on its own servers. Virtual Recruitment


Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time
bidding from third party advertisers Virtual Recruitment


Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across
websites using their services Virtual Recruitment


This cookie stores User Attributes which are sent through the Hotjar Identify
API, whenever the user is not in the sample. These attributes will only be saved
if the user interacts with a Hotjar Feedback tool. script.hotjar.com


Hotjar cookie that is set when the customer first lands on a page with the
Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on
the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site
will be attributed to the same user ID. Virtual Recruitment


This cookie is associated with web analytics functionality and services from Hot
Jar. It uniquely identifies a visitor during a single browser session and
indicates they are included in an audience sample. Virtual Recruitment


Set by Google Tag Manager. Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple
websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the
website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.
Virtual Recruitment


Set by Google Tag Manager. Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order
to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. Virtual


Used by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of
embedded services. linkedin.com


Sets the type of the view selected for dashboard Virtual Recruitment


Sets the type of the view selected for employer search Virtual Recruitment


Contains browser and user unique ID combination, used for targeted advertising.


This domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is:
Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange doubleclick.net


Sets the language, and is used for determining witch language of the portal to
use for all the subsequent requests linkedin.com


Cookie is placed by LinkedIn to store browser details. linkedin.com


Cookie is placed by LinkedIn to store performed actions on the website.


Used by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of
embedded services. linkedin.com


Sets the link that was clicked when using the tracking links feature Virtual


Sets the previously logged in user, in order to identify them after they visit
the portal Virtual Recruitment