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Ramblings of a witchy women’s journey




So, here we are – a blog – a few things to mention, I am not a Wiccan, I have no
interest in Wicca, though fully support and embrace those that are. So,
witchcraft eh? Or just ‘the craft’ – oldest of all beliefs, and wonderfully
uncomplicated, non-judgmental, all inclusive and damn useful too! How long have
I held these beliefs? Well, always it just took me some time to feel comfort
enough to not give a flying one about what others may think. And here we are, me
rambling about my journey, my experiences and thoughts. I love a question, so
feel free.

But let’s start off on the right foot, I will not tolerate hate, bigotry,
politics or just plan dumb-fuckery, so there you are. Be nice or move on.

Love, light and blessings

> Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.
> — Oscar Wilde.

Posted byDorestWitchery718th Jan 202013th Jan 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a
comment on My First Blog Post


So, here we are – a witch, a wise woman, a herbalist, a hippy and free spirit
choose your poison or plain and simply someone who feels the old ways and
traditions should not be lost. What is the world coming to! OK, here it is – I
felt that some of my experiences, my discoveries, triumphs, failures and
continued journey, learning, growing should be written down and chucked out
there for all to see.

So, to get started:

 * I am not a Wiccan, that is not my path
 * Am I a ‘good/white’ witch – don’t be ridiculous – who is perfect 24/7 and
   this is not Harry Potter?
 * Devil worship – AGAIN lets not be ridiculous, the devil is a christian
   construct and outside of TV/Film land nothing to do with
   witchcraft/herbal-ism, the natural path etc..
 * I am no time for ignorance, bullying, bigotry, politics – basically let’s
   keep the dumb-fuckery to a minimum
 * This blog is based on sharing, honesty, tolerance, learning, love life and
   all it’s tribulations – a no hate zone please, if you wish to spit your
   vitriol – please move along
 * Yes, I can be a tad grumpy

Another reason I have done this, on good old Facebook, I see a lot of confusion
and people just wanting to know more without being judged. So, along the way I
will address a few points and if I can I will answer some questions.

Love. light and blessings x

Posted byDorestWitchery718th Jan 202013th Jan 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a
comment on A bit about me…


So, it’s been ages and I am not totally sure anyone reads this, but most
probably my fault as well……I haven’t bloody posted much have I? And perhaps what
I have posted is utter pants, but i’ve enjoyed it so tuff tits.

Anyway, I have not been idle, I have completed writing up my notes on my two
tarot decks, realising I connect much more with one rather than the other, but
it’s all good – it’s how we learn, grow and hone our skills.

So, the herb garden is or rather was going all guns, all cut back and covered
for winter now, which is sad but needed.

I have signed up for a Foundation Course in Herbal Medicine, with the aim to
once I have completed that, go for getting the full qualification and getting
registered, that’s right…..I may well be let loose on the general public (not
for a few year’s, as LOTS of learning involved, so rest easy).

So the next few months for me will be my full time job, extra herbally learning
and Gin, lots of Gin – maybe the odd Rum, as it is a bit nippy outside!

Actually, you need to chuck in a shed load of work on the allotment in the New
Year, but I love doing it so can’t really count it as work! And it adds to and
backs up my course, so hopefully I am growing the herbs they use on the course –
save some pennies!

And Covid, cannot get away with not mentioning it, looks like the end is in
sight, but really…what a year, it has been hard, knocked me for six in all
honesty, physically, mentally and spiritually. I am sure it is the same for
everyone, so it is most definitely time to take stock, sort out the size of my
Covid arse, and get back to doing the witchy, hedgy, herbally stuff I love and
that keeps me sane and grounded.

Bye from me, love & light xxxx

Posted byDorestWitchery719th Dec 20209th Dec 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a
comment on Learning and Gin


So, the new normal i working from home, sunny walks at lunchtime and Zoom
meetings. Life has thrown us all a curve ball, and the negative energy that
seems to have been really prevalent seems – ‘seems‘ to be on the way out. It has
effected everyone – (in my opinion) – my lovely nephew has got himself in serous
mischief – so i spent 9 days on the run up to the new moon chucking everything i
could think of at a spell jar – fingers crossed, it seems to have helped.

So, it’s been a bit shit tbh….i am missing people far more than i expected, with
is a small bonus i suppose – as it indicates i am not such a completely grumpy
old crone as i thought…..but don’t test it.

I have managed to get in some good allotment time, and the herb beds are looking
fabulous, i am particularly happy with my wild Angelica – it is am amazing
plant, i will pop up some pictures. A small – 8ft by 25ft poly tunnel is in the
process of being built, i have small usual stuff planned for that – salad
leaves, toms, cucumbers but i will also try my hand at some more unusual stuff.
I will also use it to dry my herbs – and i am hugely tempted to try my hand at
distilling my own essential oils….more research needed there i think!

So, that is my very late belated, i will sign off…whilst watching some
cockwomble on the TV mess with a Ouija board…it ain’t gonna end well

Love and light xxxx

Posted byDorestWitchery7128th Jul 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a comment on
The new normal….


So, summoning up my motivation has been a struggle, still a struggle. but, over
the last few weeks i have got going again and feel so much better for it.

Small back-yard herb garden is growing really well, I am very please – my wild
Angelica is going mental and the feverfew is also growing really well. The
comfrey is also going a bomb, but i expected it too as a very easy and prolific

In this little space I have:

Comfrey, wild Angelica, mint, spearmint, thyme, sage variegated mint, feverfew,
Bergamont, Valerian, Oregano, Agrimony, Sweet Cecily, White Betony, Rue and

Beech Leaf Noyou, doing it’s thing. I managed to get a beautiful pale green
colour from the gin and leaf infusion, but upped the brandy when I added it (i
like it that way) and i only use natural sugar, so no nasty bleached white
stuff, which means sadly i lost the pretty colour. But, some of this in a
hip-flask in the winter whilst on the allotment will be perfect!

Comfrey drying in the shed, i will be making infused comfrey and lavender oil
and some comfrey hand lotion, and salve – will add some essentials oils and
lavender – or it will smell ‘socky’.

Elderflower cordial made!

Brownies & Blondies made!

Random cat picture…..

New crochet project, just loving the colours in this one, my favourite so far.

Treated myself to new slippers….

So there is my last month! Onto other musings, i have seen a few posts on
various FaceBook pages i follow so i am going to address some that have pricked
my interest (and pissed me off in equal measure). Here goes…

Satanism…..really? I mean really? Let’s look at some basic and (IMO) irrefutably
true facts – Satan is a Christian construct, so to believe in Satanism is to
believe in God, one goes with the other. It is purely ( again IMO) putting a
scary figure to darkness, badness, ‘evil’ if you will. There is a balance in all
things light and dark, good and evil, night and day. Nothing in this world is
purely ‘light’ and Satan helps Christianity put everything in a nice neat box
and keeps the masses under control.

Wicca/Witchcraft/Paganism – Wicca is a religion created the the early 1900’s by
a chap called Gerald Gardner and have are too many Freemasonry connotations for
my liking….so i don’t , but if you do and disagree then that is marvellous, as
we all have our own path.

Paganism, is a relatively new (still bloody old) term, for those who follow
nature based ideals and lifestyles, and i beautiful in it’s own right.

Witchcraft or The Craft or the way of the Wise Ones is the traditional path, the
one i follow. But all these things are subjective, and i like to think that the
whole community of Witches/Wicca’s/Pagan’s just let each do their own thing,
embrace our differences and learn, that is key – we must always learn, and
always help when asked.

Baby Witch – you are not a baby f*cking anything, you are a grown arse
human…..ppffttttt really annoys me, why would you demean your beliefs this way.
Please, just don’t – as there are no ‘Baby Christians, Baby Jews or Baby
Muslims’ out there they just ‘are’ because they that their shit seriously, it
just makes the belief system seem like a joke, like we all look like we have
stepped out of Hocus Pocus….as much as i love that film and others.

It is lovely to see groups on FB support each other, on the whole the message is
clear – we are a wonderful tolerant bunch – grumpy (me – yes). And one thing i
was told by a very experience witch – always help when asked, and i always will.

I will be back with more ‘doings and stuff soon.

Anyway, much love and light xxxx

Posted byDorestWitchery719th Jun 20209th Jun 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a
comment on Idle hands….



Pages: 1 2
Posted byDorestWitchery7110th May 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a comment on
It’s been a while….



So, I bought myself a lovely meditation cushion, which was promptly nicked by
the cat. I know, I should just hoist her off it, but this is MF Jones…..named
after Jamie Foxx’s character in the film Horrible Bosses, she is a wild girl,
and she will bite me if I try chuck her off, not that I am scared or
anything…..pppffftttttt, that would be daft

I do love my fur-babies, but Jones is a challenge! Cause I love my cats I try
not to use chemicals where I don’t need to. So this week I made some natural
Shake n’ Vac (I know, i am a child of the 70’s), so with some bicarbonate of
soda, lavender and some essential oils – job done, left it to infuse all week,
used it this morning – bloody lovely…..even if I do say so myself

love, light and blessings xxx

Posted byDorestWitchery7128th Mar 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a comment on
Nicked by MF Jones…


Honey cake with lemon drizzle

This is when we hit that perfect point of balance on the Wheel of the Year.
Night and day, are of equal length and in perfect harmony – dark and light, male
and female, all in balance. 

The light defeats the dark, the natural world is coming alive, the Sun is
gaining in strength and the days are becoming longer and warmer. Beltane is
getting closer and is fulfilled in the evident and abundant fertility of the
Earth at Ostara.

It is the first day of Spring! Ostara takes its name after the Germanic goddess,
Eostre/Ostara, who was traditionally honoured in the month of April with
festivals to celebrate fertility, renewal and re-birth. It was from Eostre that
the Christian celebration of Easter evolved, and indeed the naming of the
hormone Eostrogen, essential to women’s fertility. The Goddess Ostara has the
shoulders and head of a hare. The Symbols of Ostara are:

The Hare – the hare is sacred to the Goddess and is the symbolic animal of lunar
goddesses such as Hecate, Freyja and Holda – the hare is a symbol for the moon.
I found this fab site, with a lovely quote-

Hares are an animal which represent illumination, intuition, promise and
balance. They are strongly feminine in their energy and often come into your
life when you need to look within and figure things out. Time to calm down and
take a moment!

How lovely is that! so next time you catch out of the corner of your eye – some
hares boxing in a field or leaping across a corn field, take a deep breath and
centre yourself.

The Egg – and we should include all seeds here as they are the start of all
life. It symbolises rebirth , the fertility of the Earth and all nature. In many
traditions the egg is symbolic of the universe. The egg contains a balance of
male and female, light and dark, the egg yolk and egg white. The gold of the
yolk represents the Sun God enfolded by the White Goddess, perfect balance, so
it is particularly appropriate to Ostara and the Spring Equinox when the balance
is perfect for that moment in time, and underlying it all is the energy of

Me, I just love the beautiful primroses that pop up along the hedgerows and
borders, some gorgeous pink ones on one of my walks, I was so tempted to pick
some – but they belong where they are, under the sky – they belong not to me,
but to all.

Love, light and blessings xxx

Posted byDorestWitchery7120th Mar 202020th Mar 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a
comment on Honey Cake to help bring in Ostara and the Spring Equinox 


So, like most other I am working from home, so the 2.5 hrs I now save a day with
no commute, in that time i have started a project I have been meaning to do for
a long time. Creating a book of herbs and their uses.

Now, i am no artist – unlike my wonderful friend D and my sister – they have all
the natural talent, I have not let that stop me tho’. So with some cheapo
watercolours and colouring pencils I have made a start in my lovely leather
bound, tiger-eye embossed book. Only two painted, with medicinal and magical
uses listed. Although, what an expert would call naive in style – I have really
loved doing these and look forward to doing many more !


Love, light and blessings xxx

Posted byDorestWitchery7120th Mar 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a comment on
Getting a bit Arty Farty….


So, as someone who is trying to embrace the old ways, a more natural approach to
life and looking after myself and my loved ones, comes the questions “so do you
do spells and stuff”, well lets me start off with what I am not :




Such a cool lady, but nope…..

Still no…though the nose is close….

One day….

Reality…i’m so ‘normal’ nowadays, after a wonderfully mis-spent youth it’s
painful – sometimes i feel so un-rock n’roll I have to pinch myself and remember
the hangovers, ‘refreshing’ my hair with Fabreeze, and falling asleep at work
during the day with my head on the till…..and embrace being in bed by 9pm with a
cat on my head.

So, no – not in the way people obviously think, just like I do not expect a
Christian to walk on water or part the oceans, it’s all about intention and
thought, harnessing natural remedies and rhythms of the Earth to bring to
life/fruition/happening what I feels may need changing adjusting or balancing in
my life (and my loved ones).  So no, I do not flail around naked under the moon
– unpleasant for all concerned at my age….

I do follow certain rituals, yes – yes do – but more often it’s meditation,
mindfulness, having my own space – even the tiny little nook I have created for
myself is enough.  More over it makes me happy, I have not felt so grounded in

I had started to read up and start my Master Herbalist course, life as it does
got a bit in the way, so I will be picking it back up again and sharing what I
learn, sharing my creations as I am very keen to make some more tinctures, some
natural soaps and other remedies.

So, on this damp, grey Tuesday I am feeling full of joy, that will be partly
down to the passing of the retrograde and the full moon last night – feels like
a shift, a lightening, new beginnings and maybe if we are lucky – the sun might
peek out from behind a cloud some time soon .

Love , light and blessings xxxx

Posted byDorestWitchery7110th Mar 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a comment on
What the Bibbity Bobbity Holy F*ckballs is this shit………….


Take some time today, we will have a fabulous Full Moon, the Worm Moon – when
the wheel turns a little bit more and all the green lovely things start to grow
the soil will begin to thaw and earthworm casts will be visible on the ground
again. This will prompt birds to return to feed again, signalling the beginning
of spring. It will be a Super Moon as well – such treats – but let’s face it all
Moon’s are pretty bloody marvellous!

We also get a New Moon on the 24th March -March is making me merry, so get out
your crystals and special precious things, jars of water, get them out and under
the Full Moon – and get charging, enjoy doing something ancient and primal.

Love, light and blessings xxx

Posted byDorestWitchery719th Mar 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a comment on
Super Duper….


So, life has been busy so bottling up my tinctures has taken a back step, but i
was back on it this weekend. I hasten to add, the Fruit Pastille Vodka has been
drunk – yep it has been that kinda few weeks…

Got all the kit out for straining, jug, sieve, muslin cloth. And here they all,
all lovely and dark, steeped goodness!!!

Sterilise the bottles with boiling water & leave to dry.

Get to draining through the muslin, and don’t forget to give it a damn hefty
squeeze – there is wonderful herby goodness in there!

Fill em’ up & Label


All done, and now all tested – didn’t die (bonus) did have two lovely nights
sleep, so my work is done!

The house and my hands still smell a bit arse-watery however

So, i am happy with my results, enjoyed the process, LOVED the vodka. We all
have this knowledge hidden within us, never be afraid to explore it, engage with
it and embrace the ancient ways.

Love , light and blessings xxxx

Posted byDorestWitchery712nd Mar 2020Posted inUncategorizedLeave a comment on
Titting Around with Tinctures part #2 – the bottling….


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