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Submission: On February 09 via api from JP — Scanned from JP
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LOOKING TO INVEST IN AUSTRALIAN BONDS? Invest up to $250,000 safely with the FCS (Financial Claims Scheme)* COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW AND FIND YOUR PERFECT INVESTMENT. Free of charge and only takes 30 seconds! Compare the best funds, bonds, managed accounts and more in the whole of Australia. First name Valid first name is required. Last name Valid last name is required. Email Please enter a valid email address. Phone number Your phone number is required. Ideal Investment Amount $25,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $100,000 $100,000 - $250,000 $250,000 - 500,000 $500,000+ Please select a valid period of time. I'm looking to achieve 1-3% 4-8% 8%+ Please select a valid percentage. I'm Looking To Invest Immediately Within 14 Days Within 1 Month 1 Month + Please select a valid period of time. I am interested in Bonds Funds Managed Accounts Term Deposits Please select a valid option. Im Looking To Invest For 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years + Please select a valid period of time. State of residency New South Wales Queensland Northern Territory Western Australia South Australia Victoria Australian Capital Territory Tasmania Please provide a valid state. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compare Investments Now -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apply online in less that 5 minutes. BUILD A DIVERSE PORTFOLIO from a wide selection of government, investment grade and corporate bonds DEFINED AND REGULAR income payments HIGH QUALITY BOND ISSUERS such as Commonwealth Bank and Woolworths through to high growth companies such as Zip and Omni Bridgeway ACCESS TO OUR RESEARCH, investment strategy and portfolio construction expertise PROTECT YOUR WEALTH AND GENERATE A RELIABLE CASH FLOW When investing funds generated from years of hard work, many investors look for options that give them capital stability, while also generating a reliable income. But deposit accounts barely keep up with inflation and shares can experience a capital wipe-out in just days. That’s why more and more investors are turning to investment grade, Government and Corporate Bonds. Compare Investments Today! DELIVERING INCOME CERTAINTY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Because a bond is a loan on fixed terms, you can expect regular and consistent income payments at set intervals during the year. The bond’s performance is not tied to a company’s share price, so you can relax and focus on other things, rather than worrying about what the share market is doing. This makes bonds a great investment when looking for a more secure option to directly investing in these companies through shares. IT’S A SMART WAY TO DIVERSIFY With bonds available from companies in industries as varied as banking, construction, infrastructure, insurance, transport, airlines, retailing and more, it’s easy to ensure diversification for reduced capital risk. Compare Investments Today! EARN A BETTER RETURN Australian bonds have proven to deliver better returns than cash or International shares over the last 20 years. And all without as much risk. If you’re looking for strong returns, bonds are a great way to achieve your aims. CORPORATE BONDS GENERALLY PAY A HIGHER INCOME RETURN THAN CASH AND TERM DEPOSITS. Source: Gross returns for 20 years to 30 June 2020. Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd INTERNATIONAL SHARES 3.6% CASH 4.1% AUSTRALIAN BONDS 6.0% AUSTRALIAN SHARES 7.5% ACCESS YOUR FUNDS AT ANY TIME Just like buying shares, you can trade your bonds if your situation or investment strategy changes. This can be done in parcels of $25,000 – allowing you flexibility without needing to trade everything. Talk to our Expert! THE AUSTRALIAN LEADER IN FIXED INCOME Our clients are at the centre of what we do. For over 20 years we have put our clients first by providing fixed income expertise, direct access to a wide range of fixed income products, control and transparency through industry best practice custody and reporting services. Our staff are experts, with extensive experience working in fixed income markets in Australia and overseas. We have a vast range of best-in-class educational material to assist clients as well as a dedicated team of research and strategy professionals on hand. Compare Investments Today! CONTACT US * Best AU Investments * enquiries@au-bondfinder.com LINKS * Privacy Policy RISK WARNING There are no fees to use this service. This website offers information on investment products offered by our partners. Should you wish to invest this is at your risk you are under no condition to do. **By submitting this form, you agree to receive marketing communications from Best AU Investments. © 2021 Best AU Investments, All rights reserved.