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Submitted URL: https://rubberflex.com.my/
Effective URL: https://www.rubberflex.com.my/
Submission: On June 28 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.rubberflex.com.my/
Submission: On June 28 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Skip to content Call Us Today! +603–20720011|info@rubberflex.com.my * English * 中文 * Español * Webmail * English * 中文 * Español * Webmail * HOME * ABOUT US * PRODUCT * RUBBER THREAD * RUBBER THREAD APPLICATION * AWARDS AND ACCREDITATIONS * OFFICES * ENQUIRY * HOME * ABOUT US * PRODUCT * RUBBER THREAD * RUBBER THREAD APPLICATION * AWARDS AND ACCREDITATIONS * OFFICES * ENQUIRY Leader in the rubber thread industry Contact UsLearn More Found in over 100 countries around the world Offers widest range of rubber thread RUBBER THREAD of excellence Marking Our Rubberflex Home Page – Rubber thread | Rubber thread Malaysia | Rubberflex | Latex threadwebmaster2019-07-18T08:41:16+00:00 THE RUBBERFLEX QUALITY OF EXCELLENCE One of the key factors to a good rubber thread can be traced back to its raw material (rubber latex) and its freshness upon extraction. We at Rubberflex have fully comprehended the importance of such variability as it is the freshness of the latex which determines the malleability and long lasting use of rubber threads. To ensure that our latex is consistently fresh, we have maintained a close proximity between our manufacturing facility and extraction source. Together with our innovation, specialized care and attention to detail, we have succeeded in developing the ideal rubber threads to be used safely by various industries. RUBBERFLEX CREATE EXCEPTIONAL LATEX RUBBER THREAD, PROVIDING BEST QUALITY. WHY RUBBERFLEX? With our practical know-how and technical expertise, we take pride in being consistent in delivering high end products with high standards and requirements. We know exactly what is required when it comes to quality products. We are always ready to cater to your needs while having the requirements of your business in mind. Our prominence is highlighted by our lead in this competitive market with which we have become world renowned in our field. Key features of our rubber threads include heat resistance, high elastic durability and a long lasting use. RECENT AWARDS AN AWARD WINNING COMPANY PRIMED FOR SUCCESS Click to view DO PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND ANY INQUIRIES AS WE WILL REPLY PROMPTLY. Get In Touch © Copyright 2016 | All Rights Reserved | Rubberflex Sdn Bhd +603 – 2072 0011 Email Us Go to Top × Fill out the form and our team will be in touch with you promptly. Thank you for your interest! Name (required) Email (required) Company Name (required) Company Tel (required) Company Website Company Address (required) Subject Your Message ×