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URL: https://f1000research.com/articles/11-155/v3
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Sau K and Nayak Y. Scopus based bibliometric and scientometric analysis of
occupational therapy publications from 2001 to 2020 [version 3; peer review: 1
approved]. F1000Research 2023, 11:155
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Research Article


[version 3; peer review: 1 approved]

Koushik Sau1, Yogendra Nayak
Koushik Sau1, Yogendra Nayak
PUBLISHED 22 Jun 2023
Author details Author details
1 Department of Occupational Therapy, Manipal College of Health Professions,
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, 576104, India
2 Department of Pharmacology, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, 576104, India

Koushik Sau
Roles: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Formal Analysis, Investigation,
Methodology, Validation, Visualization, Writing – Original Draft Preparation
Yogendra Nayak
Roles: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Methodology, Supervision, Validation,
Writing – Original Draft Preparation


This article is included in the Research on Research, Policy & Culture gateway.

This article is included in the Manipal Academy of Higher Education gateway.


Background: Occupational therapy (OT) is one of the allied health professions,
with its first journals in 1920. The main objective of this study was to find
out the publication trend in the field of OT research for the period of
2001-2020 using the principles of bibliometrics and scientometrics.
Methods: The data was retrieved from Scopus from the past 20 years (2001-2020).
VOSviewer software was used to find year-wise publications in OT-specific and
non-OT-specific Journals along with top journals, countries, organisations,
authors, cited articles, and highly used keywords.
Results: There was a steady growth of OT articles over the past 20 years. Scopus
indexes 16 OT-specific journals are identified. American Journal of Occupational
Therapy, British Journal of Occupational Therapy Journal, Australian
Occupational Therapy Journal, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, and
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy are the leading publications and
citations. A comparison of OT-specific and non-OT journals inferred that the
OT-specific papers are three times more published in non-OT journals. There is a
trend in publishing multidisciplinary medical journals than OT journals. The US
publishes the most articles, followed by the UK, Australia, Canada, and Germany.
Though the US alone produced a considerable number of articles (9517), only five
organisations are listed in the top 20, compared to Canada (n=6) and Australia
(n=5). Australia represents the highest number of published authors (n=11/20).
Canada represents a highly cited author from the top-cited publications. The
five common keywords used by OT-authors are "occupational therapy",
“rehabilitation”, “stroke”, “physical therapy,” and “activities of daily
living”. This study lists top-20 journals along with their CiteScore and Journal
Impact Factor.
Conclusions: This study will help the budding researchers in OT to select a
suitable quality journal for publication and, further, helpful for research
promotion, researcher incentivising, grant allocations, and policymakers in the
OT field.


Occupational therapy, occupational therapy journals, core journals, citations
metrics, Scopus, VOSviewer

Corresponding Author(s)
Yogendra Nayak (yogendra.nayak@manipal.edu)
Corresponding author: Yogendra Nayak

Competing interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
Grant information: The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in
supporting this work.
Copyright:  © 2023 Sau K and Nayak Y. This is an open access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.

How to cite: Sau K and Nayak Y. Scopus based bibliometric and scientometric
analysis of occupational therapy publications from 2001 to 2020 [version 3; peer
review: 1 approved]. F1000Research 2023, 11:155
(https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.108772.3) First published: 08 Feb 2022,
11:155 (https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.108772.1) Latest published: 22
Jun 2023, 11:155 (https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.108772.3)


There was error in writing abbreviation of low- and middle-income countries
(LMIC). The term LIMC is replaced with LMIC in the whole of revised manuscript.

There was error in writing abbreviation of low- and middle-income countries
(LMIC). The term LIMC is replaced with LMIC in the whole of revised manuscript.

See the authors' detailed response to the review by Sureshkumar Kamalakannan



Occupational therapy (OT) is one of the allied health professions practiced
globally. Research and research publications are an integral part of the OT
profession. “Archives of Occupational Therapy” was the first published OT
journal published in 1922 (Cruz et al., 2019). In the 21st century, most
journals became online web-based after the invention of the internet (Cruz et
al., 2019). Thirty-nine journals have been published that contain “occupational
therapy” in journal-title available online. Thirty-two journals are published in
English (Cruz et al., 2019). These journals are core OT journal that mainly
publishes OT-related articles. With the advancement in electronic databases and
the online availability of periodicals, the newer bibliometrics and
scientometrics methods of journal evaluation or evaluation of research measures
are evolved (Meho and Yang, 2006). Citation analysis and content analysis are
two commonly used methods of bibliometric analysis (Wallin 2005; T. Brown,
Gutman, Ho, et al., 2018). This method is proven to examine the impact or
influence of published articles, journals, researchers, institutions, and
countries. Further, this method evaluates micro-level performance, such as
institution/university performance, to macro-level performance of a particular
profession in research and country-wise research evaluation (Wallin 2005; T.
Brown, Gutman, Ho, et al. 2018).

Content and citation analysis is a common practice in the bibliometrics of
occupational therapy. In the past, most of the content analysis was performed
for specific OT journals such as the American Journal of Occupational Therapy
(AJOT) (Ottenbacher and Short, 1982; Ottenbacher and Petersen, 1985), Canadian
Journal of Occupational Therapy (CJOT) (Ernest, 1983), Australian Occupational
Therapy Journal (AOTJ) (Trevan-Hawke, 1986; Madill et al., 1989), British
Journal of Occupational Therapy Journal (BJOT) (Cusick, 1995; Mountain 1997) and
Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (OTJR) (G. T. Brown and Brown, 2005).
Pearl et al. (2014) evaluated and reported the content of five occupational
therapy journals: AJOT, AOTJ, BJOT, CJOT, and the Scandinavian Journal of
Occupational Therapy (SJOT).

Most of the reported studies were based on the cited journal analysis, that is,
analysis of what OT journal articles cited from other journals (Johnson and
Leising, 1986; Roberts, 1992; Reed, 1999; Potter, 2010). Recently, Nowrouzi-Kia
et al. (2018) evaluated top publications with more than 100 citations in
occupational therapy. This study was the first to uncover the highest annual
citation rates, randomized control trials, literature reviews, and
cross-sectional studies in occupational therapy.

Ziviani and colleagues (1984) analyzed the content and citation of three OT
journals, AJOT, BOTJ, and AOTJ. It was the first bibliometric study examining
both content and authority in the OT field. Recently, bibliometric studies have
become a popular method to know the publication trends, find researchers/authors
on a particular topic, and identify journals where prospective authors select to
publish their manuscripts. This study type helps identify a specific
profession’s publication landscape (MacDermid et al., 2015). These data are also
used as criteria for research promotion, researcher incentivizing, grant
allocations, and policymaking. Further, these data can be used to benchmark
faculty, department, institute, or research organization (T. Brown et al.,

Several studies were reported on the performance of OT researchers. Those
studies evaluate OT authors’ publication output regarding their content and
citation impact. All analyses were conducted for OT authors from specific
geographical locations such as Canada (MacDermid et al., 2015), Brazil (Folha et
al., 2017), the United Kingdom (T. Brown, Ho et al., 2018), and Australia (T.
Brown, Gutman, and Ho, 2018). Recently one study reported the bibliometric
analysis for authors of western countries and Asian countries. It includes a
total of nine countries among them, the United States (US), Canada, the United
Kingdom (UK), and Australia were included as countries of the west, and Hong
Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea were included as Asian countries
(Man et al., 2019). Among those few publications, it was observed that OT
authors had published many publications in non-OT journals (MacDermid et al.,
2015; T. Brown et al., 2017; T. Brown, Ho, et al., 2018; T. Brown, Gutman, and
Ho, 2018). Many highly cited OT papers are also published in non-OT-specific
journals (Man et al., 2019). Another study on OT publication in non-OT journals
from 2004 to 2015 found that publication in non-OT journals increased by 173%
(Folha et al., 2019). Because there has been an explosion of new online
electronic journals with open-access options for publications, publishing is a
multidisciplinary type of journal that has become a global trend among
prospective authors in any discipline.

Recently all bibliometric studies in the field of OT used Journal Citation
Report (JCR) matrices and Journal Impact Factor (JIF) for their analysis
provided by Web of Science (WOS) (T. Brown, Gutman, Ho, et al., 2018; MacDermid
et al., 2015; Gutman et al., 2017; Folha et al., 2017; T. Brown et al., 2017; T.
Brown et al., 2019; T. Brown, Gutman, and Ho, 2018; Man et al., 2019). A simple
mathematical formula calculates JIF. The total citations will be in the
numerator and the citable item as the denominator for the previous two years.
The denominator creates confusion because the authors cite anything from the
available literature. Journals do not label the publications as citable items in
their author guidance. Neither prevents any item from citing (Fernandez-Llimos,
2018). Similar to JIF, Scopus CiteScore also uses citation analysis for ranking
journals. The Scopus database that provides CiteScore is among the two databases
accepted worldwide. The other is the Web of Science (WOS), which provides JIF
(T. Brown and Gutman, 2019; Fernandez-Llimos 2018; Sau, 2020).

The CiteScore metrics released in 2017 offer access to citing and citation
articles. It computes all published materials as citable articles
(Fernandez-Llimos, 2018). However, there was concern about citable items such as
“notes”, “letter to the editor”, “editorials”, “erratum”, and “retracted”, and
there will be many unidentified items. This error has been fixed in the recently
updated version of CiteScore metrics 2020, where they have fixed for the
“articles”, “reviews”, “conference papers”, “book chapters”, and “data papers”
published. Scopus CiteScore has more excellent comprehensive coverage of
published research data (Fernandez-Llimos, 2018; Sau, 2020). Both JIF and
CiteScore calculations are based on citations received by a journal in a given
period for the published citable item in that duration (Fernandez-Llimos, 2018;
Sau, 2020). Significant and strong correlations were found between JIF and
CiteScore in recent studies comparing 14-OT journals published in English (T.
Brown and Gutman, 2019). Hence, both JIF and CiteScore for measuring journal
quality are used in our current study.

Thus, it indicates a requirement for a comprehensive bibliometric evaluation of
OT literature using accurate and accessible matrices, which can be used to
understand the global prospect of OT literature. These reasons prompted us to
conduct a detailed bibliometric and scientometric analysis of research output in
OT using the Scopus database. Hence, the following research questions were

 * i) What is the year-wise OT-publications trend in Scopus-indexed journals for

 * ii) What are the OT-specific and non-OT-specific publications trends for

 * iii) Which are the top journals that publish peer-reviewed OT publications
   between 2001 and 2020?

 * iv) Which are top-performing countries in OT-research publications between
   2001 and 2020?

 * v) What are the collaboration trends in OT for 2001-2020?

 * vi) Which are the top-performing organisations in OT for the period of

 * vii) Which are the top-cited publications in OT for 2001-2020?

 * viii) Which are the commonly used keywords in OT journals for 2001-2020?



This study was conducted based on data retrieved from Scopus between 2001 and
2020. Due to no human subjects’ involvement, ethical approval was not required.


Scopus database was used for the study. Scopus is one of the international
scientific committee’s best bibliographic databases (Fernandez-Llimos, 2018;
Sau, 2020). Scopus has covered 70 million items and 1.4 billion cited references
since 1970, making it the most extensive research publication database. Scopus
bibliometric information is expensively used in the scientometric analysis.
Citations vary between databases and it is based on the number of journals
indexed in that database. We selected Scopus for this study because it includes
more OT-specific journals compared to WOS and overall indexed more journals
compared to WOS. The citation count was calculated within the database. Due to
extensive coverage (Fernandez-Llimos, 2018; Sau, 2020), Scopus has a more
citable item and a probability of getting more citations to count.


The search was conducted in December 2021 and was limited to scientific articles
and reviews on OT published from 2001 to 2020. We used the TITLE-ABS-KEY
function using the advanced search option of the Scopus database. Keywords such
as “Occupational Therapy” and “Occupational Therapist” (T. Brown, Gutman, Ho, et
al., 2018; Nowrouzi-Kia et al., 2018; T. Brown et al., 2019; T. Brown et al.,
2017: Gutman et al., 2017) was used along with multiple Boolean operators such
as “AND”, and “OR” to retrieve the maximum number of relevant articles. We
excluded non-peer-reviewed documents such as “short surveys”, “conference
papers”, “editorials”, “notes”, “letters”, “books”, “book chapters”, “erratum”,
and “retracted papers” (T. Brown, Gutman, Ho, et al., 2018; Nowrouzi-Kia et al.,


The VOSviewer®, a free software, was used. Microsoft Excel 2016® was used for
all the figures and scientometric calculations.

Scientometric data was retrieved from Scopus using a comma-separated file (CSV)
with complete information. The full details, such as citation, bibliographical,
abstract, keywords, funding, and other information, were downloaded as a CSV
file to analyse the data using VOSviewer.


All journal titles were screened to identify the OT-specific journals from the
Scopus database. The journals with titles that contained the “Occupational
therapy” word were categorised as OT-specific journals (Folha et al., 2019).
Additionally, we verified all journals’ title, which contains either of these
three words “Ergotherapia”, “Occupational Therapy”, or “OT” and confirmed the
organisation that published those journals. Further, the occupational therapy
organisation or association publishing journals were included in the OT-specific
journal list. The remaining journals were categorised as non-OT-specific
journals. Then year-wise CSV file was imported into VOSviewer to generate
year-wise publication of OT-specific, non-OT-specific information. We used
VOSviewer software citation per source function for this purpose. VOSviewer uses
“source” instead of “journal” in the software. Citation per publication is used
to generate ten-year journal publication output. Then the information is
imported into an Excel file to compute year-wise OT publications, year-wise
publications in OT-specific journals, and year-wise publications in
non-OT-specific journals. The cumulative publications for all three categories
were calculated separately to identify the growth trend of OT publications.


The VOSviewer was used to categorise the top twenty journal sources, countries,
and 20 organisations based on publication numbers. Similarly, we used
twenty-year files to identify the top twenty authors who published at least 25
articles and the top 20 individual articles based on the number of citations. We
referred to analysis using CiteScore 2020 from the Scopus database and Journal
Citation Report 2020 from WoS Master Journal List to tabulate the Scopus
CiteScore and JIF for the top-twenty journals.


A network map on international collaboration about OT publication and author
keywords visualisation was generated using VOSviewer software.


The overall OT publication trends revealed a steady growth of (7.72%) each year.
In OT-specific and non-OT-specific journals publication, growth was 0.29% and
7.44%, respectively (Figure 1). Approximately one-fourth (24.30%) of articles
were published in OT-specific journals in the last twenty years, and
three-fourths (75.69%) were published in non-OT-specific journals. From 2001 to
2020, OT publications increased by 165.14 % (n = 1544). Similarly, the overall
OT publication in OT-specific journals increased by 14.84 % (n=57). In contrast,
non-OT-specific journals overall publication increased by 269.85% (n =1487).


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A total of 16 OT-specific journals are listed in the Scopus database. Year-wise
OT-specific journal publications for the period of 2001 to 2020 showed in Figure
2. The top five journals published more than half of OT-specific journal
publications. Those journals were the American Journal of Occupational Therapy
(AJOT) 18.42 %, the British Journal of Occupational Therapy (BJOT) 17.56 %, the
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal (AOTJ) 11.53%, the Canadian Journal of
Occupational Therapy (CJOT) 7.64 % and Scandinavian Journal of Occupational
Therapy (SJOT) 7.64 %, (Table 1). Reaming articles were published in
Occupational Therapy in Health Care (OTHC) 6.87 (n=511), Ergotherapie und
Rehabilitation (ErgoR) 6.15 % (n=458), Occupational Therapy International (OTI)
5.28 %(n=393), OTJR Occupation, Participation and Health (OTJR) 4.27 % (n=318),
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health (OTMH) 3.56% (n=265), Journal of
Occupational Therapy, Schools, and Early Intervention (JOTSEI) 3.10 % (n=231),
Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics (POTP) 2.42% (n=180), Physical
and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics (POTG) 2.24% (n = 167), Brazilian Journal
of Occupational Therapy (BrJOT) 1.71 % (n=127), Hong Kong Journal of
Occupational Therapy (HKJOT)1.32% (n =98), and Irish Journal of Occupational
Therapy (IrJOT) 0.28 % (n=21).


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Sl …Sou…1Bri…2Ame…3Aus…


Sl noSourceISSNJournal Impact Factor (JIF) 2020/Journal Citation Indicator
(JCI)Cite score 2020Documentscitationscpd1British Journal of Occupational
Therapy0308-02261.2431.813071348910.322American Journal of Occupational
Therapy0272-94902.2462.612592777022.063Australian Occupational Therapy
Journal0045-07661.8562.18571220014.244Scandinavian Journal of Occupational
Therapy1103-81282.6112.7568791613.945Canadian Journal of Occupational
Therapy0008-41741.6141.95601051918.786Occupational Therapy in Health
Care0738-05770.531.351136067.067Ergotherapie Und
Rehabilitation0942-8623NA0458930.208Occupational Therapy
and Rehabilitation0963-82883.0333.9331656619.8411OTJR Occupation, Participation
and Health1539-44921.7682.2304377512.4212Occupational Therapy In Mental
Health0164-212X0.321.526416016.0613Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation0003-99933.9665.7256953137.2314Journal of Occupational Therapy,
Schools, and Early Intervention1941-12430.220.82318073.4915Journal Of Allied
Health0090-7421NA0.9179201911.2816International Journal of Therapy and
Rehabilitation1741-16450.180.51787824.3917Physical and Occupational Therapy in
Pediatrics0194-26382.362.9178361520.3118Physical and Occupational Therapy In
Rehabilitation0269-21553.4774.9157567136.1220Brazilian Journal of Occupational

The current analysis found that 14 of the top 20 are OT-specific journals, which
published one-fourth of OT articles from 2001 to 2020 (Table 1). Among those
journals, the AJOT received more citations (n = 27770). However, the Archives of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (APMR) received the highest citation per
document (37.27). The CiteScore of those 20 journals ranges from a minimum of
zero to a maximum of 5.7. Fifteen of the top 20 journals have journal impact
factors (JIF) or citation indicators (JCI). Six journals were indexed in WOS’s
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). In contrast, two journals were not
listed in WOS. Impact factors for those 15 journals were rage from 0.03 to

Among the top OT publishing countries, the US published the most articles (n=
9517), followed by the UK, Australia, Canada, and Germany (Table 2). The
Netherlands received the highest citation per document (41.84), followed by
Denmark, France, Italy, and Norway. Furthermore, data revealed that the US, UK,
Australia, and Australia have solid international collaboration among the best
20 countries published in the past 20 years (Figure 3).



Slcountrydocumentscitationscpd1United States951721681022.782United
Korea369564715.3019South Africa356746620.9720Norway340756922.26


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The top five organizations publishing OT publications in the last 20 years are
the department of occupational science and occupational therapy, the University
of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, the department of health sciences, Lund University,
Lund, Sweden, the school of rehabilitation science, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Canada, school of health and rehabilitation sciences, the University
of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia and department of occupational therapy,
Colorado state university, Fort Collins, USA (Table 3). Among the top 20
universities of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, received the highest
citations (cpd = 200.50).



OrganizationCountrydocumentscitationsCPDDepartment of occupational science and
occupational therapy, university of Toronto, TorontoCanada414079.93Department of
health sciences, Lund university, Lund,Sweden3662417.33School of rehabilitation
science, McMaster university, Hamilton, on,Canada3661417.06School of health and
rehabilitation sciences, the university of Queensland,
Brisbane,Australia3546813.37Department of occupational therapy, Colorado state
university, fort Collins, co,United States3063021.00Department of occupational
therapy, university of Illinois at ChicagoUnited States2931810.97Department of
occupational therapy, school of rehabilitation sciences, Iran university of
medical sciences, Tehran,Iran27682.52National research centre for the working
environment, CopenhagenDenmark2663224.31Program in occupational therapy,
Washington university school of medicine, St. Louis, Mo,United
States2635513.65Harvard medical school, Boston, ma,United
States252723108.92Faculty of health sciences, university of Sydney, Sydney,
NSW,Australia24123851.58School of occupational therapy, college of medicine,
national Taiwan university, TaipeiTaiwan2435914.96Division of occupational
therapy, school of health and rehabilitation sciences, university of Queensland,
BrisbaneAustralia2257626.18McMaster university,
HamiltonCanada223172144.18University of British Columbia,
VancouverCanada224411200.50American occupational therapy association, Bethesda,
md,United States2122710.81Department of physical therapy, university of Toronto,
TorontoCanada211848.76School of occupational therapy and social work, Curtin
university, Perth, WAAustralia211426.76School of physical and occupational
therapy, McGill university, Montreal.Canada2128113.38Division of occupational
therapy, school of health and rehabilitation sciences, university of Queensland,

Among the top researcher, Brown T (n=128) was identified as a leading author
with the maximum number of articles in the field of OT, followed by Eklund M
(n=88), Kottorp A (n= 41), Rodger S (n=88), Ziviani J. (n=76) and Mackenzie I.
(n=67). The top authors’ citations per document and lifetime h Indexed are
provided in Table 4. Further, the top 20 highly cited publications are listed in
Table 5. The article published in 2017 received 2309 citations and was the most
cited article in the Lancet. We observed a negative correlation (-0.14278) when
comparing citations with the total year after publication.

Sl …Aut…1Bro…2Ekl…3Rod…


Sl noAuthorScopus idAffiliationCountryDoccitationscpdh index1Brown
T.35228602300Monash University, Melbourne.Australia12811378.88272Eklund
M.56216675200Institutionen för Hälsovetenskaper, Lund.Sweden88174219.80373Rodger
S.7005081814The University of Queensland,
Brisbane.Australia88204823.27354Ziviani J.6603664282The University of
Queensland, Brisbane.Australia76208127.38435Mackenzie L.7006703790The University
of Sydney, SydneyAustralia6787113.00216Clemson L.6602125528The University of
Sydney School of Health Sciences, SydneyAustralia63145323.06377Fleming
J.7401457123The University of Queensland, Brisbane.Australia60120720.12358Law
M.7202653007McMaster University, HamiltonCanada58262345.22639Gitlin
L.N.7003860203Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.United
States53304857.515010Gustafsson L.7203014989Griffith University,
BrisbaneAustralia534768.981611Kottorp A.6506079508Malmö Högskola,
MalmoSweden5275114.442612Mckenna K.7102801655The University of Queensland,
BrisbaneAustralia51118223.183213Abo M.7004758531The Jikei University School of
Medicine, TokyoJapan5058411.682714Kielhofner G.7007094254University of Illinois
at Chicago, ChicagoUnited States49116623.803315Gutman S.A.7004894255Columbia
University, New YorkUnited States483827.961516Lannin N.A.6602527646Affiliation
information is based on the most recent publication Monash University,
MelbourneAustralia4875315.693417Mccluskey A.55523738500The University of Sydney
School of Health Sciences, SydneyAustralia48117124.402218Iwarsson
S.26643085000Institutionen för Hälsovetenskaper, Lund.Sweden46159934.764319Tham
K.7004310672Malmö Högskola, MalmoSweden44107824.503220Lloyd C.7202193315Griffith
University, Brisbane,Australia4381819.0224

Sl NoArti…1Livi…2Shep…3Bate…


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Our study enlisted 20 author keywords commonly used in OT literature. Overall,
the best 20 keywords were identified, with at least 50 occurrences in the OT
publications (Figure 4).


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Over the last twenty years, overall OT publication output steadily increased,
indicating the profession’s growth in research, and its dissemination is not
significantly influencing the modern era of digitalization. Publication in
non-OT-specific journals is three times more compared to OT-specific journals. A
similar trend was also observed in recent studies (T. Brown et al., 2019; Gutman
et al., 2017; Folha et al., 2017; T. Brown, Ho et al., 2018; T. Brown, Gutman,
and Ho 2018; Folha et al., 2019). This increase may reflect the growth of
research activities in OT across the globe (Folha et al., 2019). Occupational
therapy works along with medical and other allied health professionals. It
allows occupational therapists to work as a part of a multidisciplinary team.
Similarly, it opens the door to interdisciplinary research opportunities. That
multidisciplinary research is used to publish in either medical-related or
multidisciplinary journals. Those journals have higher JIF than OT journals (T.
Brown et al., 2019; Gutman et al., 2017; Folha et al., 2017; T. Brown, Ho et
al., 2018; T. Brown, Gutman, and Ho 2018; Folha et al., 2019). A recent study
found that non-OT-specific journals have three times more JIF than OT-specific
journals (Folha et al., 2019). These multidisciplinary and medical-oriented
journals have more readers than OT-specific journals, giving more visibility and
increasing the chance of receiving more citations. It may also encourage OT
researchers to publish more in non-OT-specific journals (T. Brown et al., 2019;
Gutman et al., 2017; Folha et al., 2017; T. Brown, Ho et al., 2018; T. Brown,
Gutman, and Ho 2018; Folha et al., 2019).

A total of five journals, such as AJOT, BJOT, AOTJ, SJOT, and CJOT, published
half of the OT-specific journal articles. Previous studies also made similar
observations (T. Brown and Gutman 2019; T. Brown, Gutman, and Ho, 2018). These
journals are well-known in OT and have a long publishing history (T. Brown and
Gutman, 2019). AJOT, BJOT, AOTJ, and CJOT were published by prominent national
organizations of OT and recognised by the global OT community (T. Brown and
Gutman, 2019). These journals’ publication frequencies are more, and they
publish more articles per issue than other journals. Among these 16 OT journals,
two journals, BrJOT and IrJOT, are new in the Scopus database and have data from
the past three years. Hence, those journals will have a lower number of
articles. According to the previous study, Scopus-indexed OT-specific journal
numbers were 14 (T. Brown and Gutman, 2019). Among these two new journals, BrJOT
published many articles in three years and placed among the best 20 journals
that published OT-specific articles. OT-specific journals published one-third of
total OT publications. Several OT-specific journals are published globally and
have an online publication (Cruz et al., 2019) but are not included in the
Scopus database. Including all those OT-specific Journals might change the
citation matrices of occupational therapy journals because occupational therapy
journals tend to get more citations than OT-specific journals.

Out of the 20 top journals that produced the maximum number of articles in
occupational therapy, the first eight are OT-specific journals. There is a
normal phenomenon because these journals published OT-specific articles. ErgoR
received more minor citations among those ten OT-specific journals due to its
publication language. This is the only journal listed in the top twenty
published in Germany. All other periodicals are published in the English
language. AJOT, BJOT, AOTJ, SJOT, and CJOT received more citations in terms of
overall citation. It may be due to their large volume of publications (T. Brown
and Gutman, 2019; T. Brown, Gutman, Ho, et al., 2018). AJOT, BJOT, AOTJ, SJOT,
and CJOT received more than ten citations per document. Archives of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation received more citations per document than any other
journal in the top 20. It has the highest CiteScore and JIF. Among the
OT-specific journals, POTP had the highest CiteScore (2.9), and AJOT had the
highest JIF (2.246).

The US, Australia, the UK, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, and Italy are
the top most country in terms of the number of published articles, and this is
different from that of the previous study (T. Brown and Gutman 2019; T. Brown,
Gutman, Ho, et al., 2018). The US published approximately one-third of total OT
publications (n=9517). Other study findings also revealed that the US is the top
OT article (T. Brown, Gutman, Ho, et al., 2018). The US received many citations
(216810) for the published documents. The US is where OT originated from and has
a good education and research system in OT, which may be the reason for the huge
number of publications. The US is also the host country for many OT-specific and
non-OT-specific journals. This could also be a reason for the huge number of
publications in occupational therapy. However, citation per document is more
minor for US articles than in the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, France, and
Norway, with very few publications compared to the US. It may be due to the lack
of availability of OT-specific journals in their geographic location, which
triggered them to publish their research in non-OT-specific journals with higher
quality than OT-specific journals. The finding also suggested that high-income
countries (HIC) have produced more publications than low- and middle-income
countries (LMIC). It may be due to the lack of human resources, financial
support, and infrastructure for research and policies in LMIC (Prvu et al.,
2019; Regalado et al., 2023).

We found that the US, Australia, the UK, and Canada are the leading countries in
international collaborations in OT publications. The size of the level and
circle indicate the weightage of collaborative activity. A bigger size
represents more collaborations, and a smaller size means fewer collaborations.
The line between two nodes and their densities represents their link and
strength (Figure 3). Color expressed different cluster levels based on
international collaborations (Van Eck and Waltman, 2019). The finding suggests
that HIC courtiers have more international collaborations with more HIC than
LMIC. It may be the similarity of disease burden among HICs compared to LMIC.

Among the top 20 organizations, 18 are universities or entities of a university.
All the top 20 organizations are from HICs. These universities are mainly placed
in the urban set up with all necessary support, such as research culture among
academicians, well-equipped libraries with academic resources, affiliated
hospitals, client participation, internal funding, and grant office supports (T.
Brown et al., 2019). This is favorable for more research output, which may cause
the university domination’s top twenty organization list. Our study found only
one organization in this top list: research institutes from Denmark and one
occupational therapy association from the USA. Though the US alone produced many
OT articles, only five organizations are listed in the top 20, compared to the
US, Canada (n=6), and Australia (n=5). Despite having a high volume of
publications, less representation of US organizations in the top list was also
observed in previous studies (T. Brown, Gutman, Ho, et al., 2018; Man et al.,
2019). Other countries that are listed in top organizations are Denmark (n=1),
Iran (n=12), Sweden (n=1), and Taiwan (n=1).

Australia (n=11) has the highest representation in the top author list, followed
by Canada (n=1), Sweden (n=4), the US (n =3), and Japan (n=1). The US authors
are less in the top list instate having high publication volume. UK authors
produce more publications than US authors, but no authors from the UK are listed
in the top 20 author list. Law M. from McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada,
had the highest h indexed (63), and Gitlin L. N from Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, united states received the highest citation per document (57.51)
among top-20 authors. Our study found Brown T as a top author in publication
numbers. The finding of T. Brown, Gutman, Ho, et al. (2018) supported our study.
Findings also suggest that no authors are listed in the top twenty list from
LMICs. This shows the dominance of HICs in Occupational therapy research.

Of the top-twenty highly cited articles from 2001 to 2020, four papers were
published in 2008, two in 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2012, and one in 2002, 2003,
2004, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2017. Our study does not find any relation
with year after with more citations. Our findings opposed previous studies’
findings, which observe a long citation window helps an article gather total
citations (Gutman et al., 2017; T. Brown et al., 2019; T. Brown, Gutman, Ho, et
al., 2018; T. Brown et al., 2017). Most of the highly cited papers are published
in non-OT-specific journals. Most highly cited studies were published in
non-OT-specific journals like earlier studies. Those non-OT journals are
generally high-quality medical journals (Gutman et al., 2017; T. Brown, Gutman,
Ho, et al., 2018; T. Brown et al., 2019; T. Brown et al., 2017; T. Brown, Ho et
al., 2018). It may happen due to the increased pressure to publish in journals
with good impact factors or CiteScore. The quality of journals provides more
visibility, which helps the author get more readership and citations because it
helps in a grant application and promotion (Gutman et al. 2017; T. Brown et al.,

VOSviewer density visualisation (Figure 4), by default, uses blue, green, and
yellow to represent the density visualisation (Van Eck and Waltman, 2019). The
yellow indicates the number of items in a point’s neighborhood and the
neighboring items’ higher weights. Out of the total best 20 keywords,
“occupational therapy”, “rehabilitation,” “stroke”, “physical therapy”, and
“activities of daily living” are five common keywords used more frequently in OT
research, which are in yellow (Figure 4). Occupational therapy and
rehabilitation are commonly used as keywords because these two words are
identical terms for the occupational therapy profession. The authors used these
two words to make their research visible in the electronic search. Stoke is
probably the oldest and strongest research field where occupational therapists
work globally. Physical therapy is a common allied health profession
occupational therapists may collaborate and publish together. Activities of
daily living are one of the core practice areas of the occupational therapist.


Our study shows the dominance of HICs over LMICs in research production. This
might be due to multiple factors unfavorable for LMICs to conduct research,
which may be due to a lack of resources or knowledge translations published in a
specific language (Prvu et al., 2019; Regalado et al., 2023). This scientometric
research outcome gives a glimpse of OT research worldwide. It suggests further
research in OT to discover why the difference in research output between HICs
and LMICs and the different factors that influence occupational therapy research
in HICs and LMICs because these information might be essential for developing
country-specific research priorities or developing strategies in the field of
occupational therapy. Similarly, other disease-specific scientometric research
must be conducted to determine top researchers and countries’ collaborative
institutions. This study retrieved scientometric information from the Scopus
database and listed 25 journals with their CiteScore and Journal Impact Factor.
It was observed that OT articles were published three times more in
non-OT-specific journals, indicating that OT research significantly overlaps
with other disciplines of medicine. Hence, the investigation should not conclude
a literature search with only OT-specific journals. The SJOT is one of the core
OT journals but is listed under the subject category of “public health,
environmental and occupational health” rather than the category of “occupational


 * 1) From the Scopus database, twenty Journals were identified, which published
   a maximum number of occupational therapy articles.

 * 2) Scopus database indexed a total of 16 OT-specific journals. Scopus
   database also included two OT practice magazines in their database.

 * 3) VOSviewer software is an open-access tool that can be used as a
   cost-effective method for any scientometric analysis.

 * 4) BJOT, AJOT, AOTJ, SJOT, and CJOT are the leading occupational therapy
   journals in the number of published items.

 * 5) Compared to LMICs, HICs dominate research in occupational therapy.



Mendeley Data: Scopus Based Occupational Therapy Research (2001-2020).
https://doi.org/10.17632/yp7xjg4zs3.2 (Sau and Nayak, 2022)

This project contains the following underlying data:

Data File “20 best source which published maximum number of article” contains
analysis of the data obtained from Scopus for 2001-2020. The analysis includes
20 best sources, 20 best cited documents, 20 best authors, 20 best countries, 20
best organisations, 20 highest used keywords, year-wise publication analysis,
and OT-specific journal details.

Data files “Scopus-935-Analyze-Source”, “Scopus-981-Analyze-Source”,
“Scopus-984-Analyze-Source”, “Scopus-1029-Analyze-Source”,
“Scopus-1038-Analyze-Source”, “Scopus-1186-Analyze-Source”,
“Scopus-1365-Analyze-Source”, “Scopus-1287-Analyze-Source”,
“Scopus-1366-Analyze-Source”, “Scopus-1400-Analyze-Source”,
“Scopus-1508-Analyze-Source”, “Scopus-1657-Analyze-Source”,
“Scopus-1784-Analyze-Source”, “Scopus-1785-Analyze-Source”,
“Scopus-1819-Analyze-Source”, “Scopus-1776-Analyze-Source”,
“Scopus-1868-Analyze-Source”, “Scopus-1962-Analyze-Source”,
“Scopus-2234-Analyze-Source”, “Scopus-2479-Analyze-Source” respectively contains
the data obtained for the years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020
respectively with the keywords for search.

Data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International license (CC-BY 4.0).


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Version 3
Author details Author details
1 Department of Occupational Therapy, Manipal College of Health Professions,
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, 576104, India
2 Department of Pharmacology, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, 576104, India

Koushik Sau
Roles: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Formal Analysis, Investigation,
Methodology, Validation, Visualization, Writing – Original Draft Preparation
Yogendra Nayak
Roles: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Methodology, Supervision, Validation,
Writing – Original Draft Preparation

Competing interests
No competing interests were disclosed.
Grant information
The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting this work.
Article Versions (3)
version 3
Published: 22 Jun 2023, 11:155
version 2
Published: 11 May 2023, 11:155
version 1
Published: 08 Feb 2022, 11:155
© 2023 Sau K and Nayak Y. This is an open access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
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how to cite this article
Sau K and Nayak Y. Scopus based bibliometric and scientometric analysis of
occupational therapy publications from 2001 to 2020 [version 3; peer review: 1
approved] F1000Research 2023, 11:155

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Key to Reviewer Statuses VIEW HIDE
ApprovedThe paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if
any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations A number of small changes, sometimes more significant
revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers
academic merit.
Not approvedFundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and
Version 2
PUBLISHED 11 May 2023
How to cite this report:
Kamalakannan S. Reviewer Report For: Scopus based bibliometric and scientometric
analysis of occupational therapy publications from 2001 to 2020 [version 3; peer
review: 1 approved]. F1000Research 2023, 11:155
The direct URL for this report is:
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the
title is included in this citation.
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Reviewer Report 25 May 2023
Sureshkumar Kamalakannan, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), South Asia
Centre for Disability Inclusive Development and Research (SACDIR), Indian
Institute of Public Health - Hyderabad (IIPH-H), Hyderabad, Telangana, India; 
Department of Social Work, Education and Community Well-being, Northumbria
University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK 
It is good to see that the authors have revised the manuscript based on the
reviewer's comments. Please proofread the ... Continue reading
It is good to see that the authors have revised the manuscript based on the
reviewer's comments. Please proofread the manuscript. For example Low and
Middle-Income Country has an acronym LIMC.

I approve this submission.

Best Wishes

Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.

I confirm that I have read this submission and believe that I have an
appropriate level of expertise to confirm that it is of an acceptable scientific

Kamalakannan S. Reviewer Report For: Scopus based bibliometric and scientometric
analysis of occupational therapy publications from 2001 to 2020 [version 3; peer
review: 1 approved]. F1000Research 2023, 11:155

The direct URL for this report is:

NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the
title is included in all citations of this article.
Report a concern
 * Author Response 16 Nov 2023
   Yogendra Nayak, Department of Pharmacology, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical
   Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, India
   16 Nov 2023
   Author Response
   Thank you for this. We have corrected the error and revised the manuscript.
   Competing Interests: I declare that, I donot have any conflict of interest.
   Thank you for this. We have corrected the error and revised the manuscript.
   Thank you for this. We have corrected the error and revised the manuscript.
   Competing Interests: I declare that, I donot have any conflict of interest.
   Report a concern
 * Respond or Comment

 * Author Response 16 Nov 2023
   Yogendra Nayak, Department of Pharmacology, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical
   Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, India
   16 Nov 2023
   Author Response
   Thank you for this. We have corrected the error and revised the manuscript.
   Competing Interests: I declare that, I donot have any conflict of interest.
   Thank you for this. We have corrected the error and revised the manuscript.
   Thank you for this. We have corrected the error and revised the manuscript.
   Competing Interests: I declare that, I donot have any conflict of interest.
   Report a concern

Version 1

PUBLISHED 08 Feb 2022
How to cite this report:
Kamalakannan S. Reviewer Report For: Scopus based bibliometric and scientometric
analysis of occupational therapy publications from 2001 to 2020 [version 3; peer
review: 1 approved]. F1000Research 2023, 11:155
The direct URL for this report is:
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the
title is included in this citation.
Close Copy Citation Details
Reviewer Report 20 Jul 2022
Sureshkumar Kamalakannan, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), South Asia
Centre for Disability Inclusive Development and Research (SACDIR), Indian
Institute of Public Health - Hyderabad (IIPH-H), Hyderabad, Telangana, India; 
Department of Social Work, Education and Community Well-being, Northumbria
University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK 
Approved with Reservations
This is an important work implying the need for OT (occupational therapy)
research development. The primary concern is related to the selection of only
one database for this research study and the rationale/importance of this work
in the current context. ... Continue reading
This is an important work implying the need for OT (occupational therapy)
research development. The primary concern is related to the selection of only
one database for this research study and the rationale/importance of this work
in the current context. This needs to be justified and details related to the
rationale must be added. The other concern is related to the discussion
conclusion sections - where the authors highlight several aspects related to the
results from this research but fail to connect the findings with implications
for OT research, professional development, policies, and practice. Particularly
the implications for LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries). This study
highlights OT research developing in 5 high-income nations and misses to include
what could be done in the rest of the world to bring OT research to the
standards found in those 5 high-income nations. The conclusions are also not
directly relevant. These issues require revision. Additionally, the language
requires proofreading and revision.

I congratulate the authors for their efforts and suggestions to revise the
manuscript based on my comments.

 * Is the work clearly and accurately presented and does it cite the current

 * Is the study design appropriate and is the work technically sound?

 * Are sufficient details of methods and analysis provided to allow replication
   by others?

 * If applicable, is the statistical analysis and its interpretation

 * Are all the source data underlying the results available to ensure full

 * Are the conclusions drawn adequately supported by the results?

Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.

Reviewer Expertise: Disability, Public Health and Epidemiology

I confirm that I have read this submission and believe that I have an
appropriate level of expertise to confirm that it is of an acceptable scientific
standard, however I have significant reservations, as outlined above.

Kamalakannan S. Reviewer Report For: Scopus based bibliometric and scientometric
analysis of occupational therapy publications from 2001 to 2020 [version 3; peer
review: 1 approved]. F1000Research 2023, 11:155

The direct URL for this report is:

NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the
title is included in all citations of this article.
Report a concern
 * Author Response 11 May 2023
   Yogendra Nayak, Department of Pharmacology, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical
   Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, India
   11 May 2023
   Author Response
   Authors are thankful for the reviewer comment. We are writing the following
   responses with the revision of the manuscript.
    1. We have justified why we used one databased for
   ... Continue reading Authors are thankful for the reviewer comment. We are
   writing the following responses with the revision of the manuscript.
    1. We have justified why we used one databased for our study in methodology
       sections under the subheadings “source of data”. Citations vary between
       databases and it is based on the number of journals indexed in that
       database. We selected Scopus for this study because it includes more
       OT-specific journals compared to WOS and overall indexed more journals
       compared to WOS. The citation count was calculated within the database.
       Due to extensive coverage, Scopus has a more citable item and a
       probability of getting more citations to count.
    2. The suggestions of LIMC is included in the discussion sections of revised
    3. Conclusion is modified according to suggestions, incorporation of the
       implications for further research in the field of occupational therapy. 
    4. Language proofing taken care and the necessary changes are made in the
       revised manuscript.
   Authors are thankful for the reviewer comment. We are writing the following
   responses with the revision of the manuscript.
    1. We have justified why we used one databased for our study in methodology
       sections under the subheadings “source of data”. Citations vary between
       databases and it is based on the number of journals indexed in that
       database. We selected Scopus for this study because it includes more
       OT-specific journals compared to WOS and overall indexed more journals
       compared to WOS. The citation count was calculated within the database.
       Due to extensive coverage, Scopus has a more citable item and a
       probability of getting more citations to count.
    2. The suggestions of LIMC is included in the discussion sections of revised
    3. Conclusion is modified according to suggestions, incorporation of the
       implications for further research in the field of occupational therapy. 
    4. Language proofing taken care and the necessary changes are made in the
       revised manuscript.
   Competing Interests: Authors declare that there is no financial or
   non-financial conflict of interest Close
   Report a concern
 * Respond or Comment

 * Author Response 11 May 2023
   Yogendra Nayak, Department of Pharmacology, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical
   Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, India
   11 May 2023
   Author Response
   Authors are thankful for the reviewer comment. We are writing the following
   responses with the revision of the manuscript.
    1. We have justified why we used one databased for
   ... Continue reading Authors are thankful for the reviewer comment. We are
   writing the following responses with the revision of the manuscript.
    1. We have justified why we used one databased for our study in methodology
       sections under the subheadings “source of data”. Citations vary between
       databases and it is based on the number of journals indexed in that
       database. We selected Scopus for this study because it includes more
       OT-specific journals compared to WOS and overall indexed more journals
       compared to WOS. The citation count was calculated within the database.
       Due to extensive coverage, Scopus has a more citable item and a
       probability of getting more citations to count.
    2. The suggestions of LIMC is included in the discussion sections of revised
    3. Conclusion is modified according to suggestions, incorporation of the
       implications for further research in the field of occupational therapy. 
    4. Language proofing taken care and the necessary changes are made in the
       revised manuscript.
   Authors are thankful for the reviewer comment. We are writing the following
   responses with the revision of the manuscript.
    1. We have justified why we used one databased for our study in methodology
       sections under the subheadings “source of data”. Citations vary between
       databases and it is based on the number of journals indexed in that
       database. We selected Scopus for this study because it includes more
       OT-specific journals compared to WOS and overall indexed more journals
       compared to WOS. The citation count was calculated within the database.
       Due to extensive coverage, Scopus has a more citable item and a
       probability of getting more citations to count.
    2. The suggestions of LIMC is included in the discussion sections of revised
    3. Conclusion is modified according to suggestions, incorporation of the
       implications for further research in the field of occupational therapy. 
    4. Language proofing taken care and the necessary changes are made in the
       revised manuscript.
   Competing Interests: Authors declare that there is no financial or
   non-financial conflict of interest Close
   Report a concern


Version 3




Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:

Approved The paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor,
if any, improvements are suggested Approved with reservations A number of small
changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific
details and improve the papers academic merit. Not approved Fundamental flaws in
the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions


Invited Reviewers 1 Version 3
22 Jun 23 Version 2
11 May 23 read Version 1
08 Feb 22 read


 1. Sureshkumar Kamalakannan, Indian Institute of Public Health - Hyderabad
    (IIPH-H), Hyderabad, India; Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK



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© 2023 Kamalakannan S. This is an open access peer review report distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.

25 May 2023 | for Version 2

Sureshkumar Kamalakannan, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), South Asia
Centre for Disability Inclusive Development and Research (SACDIR), Indian
Institute of Public Health - Hyderabad (IIPH-H), Hyderabad, Telangana, India; 
Department of Social Work, Education and Community Well-being, Northumbria
University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK 


© 2023 Kamalakannan S. This is an open access peer review report distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
format_quote Cite this report speaker_notes Responses(1)



Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:

Approved The paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor,
if any, improvements are suggested Approved with reservations A number of small
changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific
details and improve the papers academic merit. Not approved Fundamental flaws in
the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
It is good to see that the authors have revised the manuscript based on the
reviewer's comments. Please proofread the manuscript. For example Low and
Middle-Income Country has an acronym LIMC.

I approve this submission.

Best Wishes



No competing interests were disclosed.


I confirm that I have read this submission and believe that I have an
appropriate level of expertise to confirm that it is of an acceptable scientific

replyRespond to this report



Author Response
16 Nov 2023


Thank you for this. We have corrected the error and revised the manuscript.
View more View less


I declare that, I donot have any conflict of interest.

reply Respond
Report a concern
keyboard_arrow_left Back to all reports


© 2022 Kamalakannan S. This is an open access peer review report distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.

20 Jul 2022 | for Version 1

Sureshkumar Kamalakannan, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), South Asia
Centre for Disability Inclusive Development and Research (SACDIR), Indian
Institute of Public Health - Hyderabad (IIPH-H), Hyderabad, Telangana, India; 
Department of Social Work, Education and Community Well-being, Northumbria
University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK 


© 2022 Kamalakannan S. This is an open access peer review report distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
format_quote Cite this report speaker_notes Responses(1)


Approved With Reservations

Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:

Approved The paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor,
if any, improvements are suggested Approved with reservations A number of small
changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific
details and improve the papers academic merit. Not approved Fundamental flaws in
the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
This is an important work implying the need for OT (occupational therapy)
research development. The primary concern is related to the selection of only
one database for this research study and the rationale/importance of this work
in the current context. This needs to be justified and details related to the
rationale must be added. The other concern is related to the discussion
conclusion sections - where the authors highlight several aspects related to the
results from this research but fail to connect the findings with implications
for OT research, professional development, policies, and practice. Particularly
the implications for LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries). This study
highlights OT research developing in 5 high-income nations and misses to include
what could be done in the rest of the world to bring OT research to the
standards found in those 5 high-income nations. The conclusions are also not
directly relevant. These issues require revision. Additionally, the language
requires proofreading and revision.

I congratulate the authors for their efforts and suggestions to revise the
manuscript based on my comments.

 * Is the work clearly and accurately presented and does it cite the current

 * Is the study design appropriate and is the work technically sound?

 * Are sufficient details of methods and analysis provided to allow replication
   by others?

 * If applicable, is the statistical analysis and its interpretation

 * Are all the source data underlying the results available to ensure full

 * Are the conclusions drawn adequately supported by the results?



No competing interests were disclosed.



Disability, Public Health and Epidemiology


I confirm that I have read this submission and believe that I have an
appropriate level of expertise to confirm that it is of an acceptable scientific
standard, however I have significant reservations, as outlined above.

replyRespond to this report



Author Response
11 May 2023


Authors are thankful for the reviewer comment. We are writing the following
responses with the revision of the manuscript.
 1. We have justified why we used one databased for our study in methodology
    sections under the subheadings “source of data”. Citations vary between
    databases and it is based on the number of journals indexed in that
    database. We selected Scopus for this study because it includes more
    OT-specific journals compared to WOS and overall indexed more journals
    compared to WOS. The citation count was calculated within the database. Due
    to extensive coverage, Scopus has a more citable item and a probability of
    getting more citations to count.
 2. The suggestions of LIMC is included in the discussion sections of revised
 3. Conclusion is modified according to suggestions, incorporation of the
    implications for further research in the field of occupational therapy. 
 4. Language proofing taken care and the necessary changes are made in the
    revised manuscript.

View more View less


Authors declare that there is no financial or non-financial conflict of interest

reply Respond
Report a concern
Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:
Approved - the paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor,
if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations - A number of small changes, sometimes more
significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the
papers academic merit.
Not approved - fundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings
and conclusions

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