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Submitted URL: http://amyonamazon.com/
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CF48JN4K
Submission: On September 02 via api from SG — Scanned from SG
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CF48JN4K
Submission: On September 02 via api from SG — Scanned from SG
Form analysis
5 forms found in the DOMName: site-search — GET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss
<form id="nav-search-bar-form" accept-charset="utf-8" action="/s/ref=nb_sb_noss" class="nav-searchbar nav-progressive-attribute" method="GET" name="site-search" role="search">
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POST /gp/product/handle-buy-box/ref=dp_start-bbf_1_glance
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<div class="a-section a-spacing-small a-text-center"> <span class="a-color-price a-text-bold">目前無法使用</span> <br>我們不知道該商品何時或何時會恢復庫存。 </div>
<div id="exports_desktop_outOfStock_buybox_export_alternative_widget_ingress_feature_div" class="celwidget" data-feature-name="exports_desktop_outOfStock_buybox_export_alternative_widget_ingress" data-csa-c-type="widget"
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function atwlEarlyClick(e) {
if (window.atwlLoaded) {
return; //if JS is loaded then we can ignore the early click case
var ADD_TO_LIST_FROM_DETAIL_PAGE_VENDOR_ID = "website.wishlist.detail.add.earlyclick";
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"asin": "B0CF48JN4K",
"isAjax": "false"
var url = "/hz/wishlist/additemtolist?ie=UTF8";
for (var param in paramMap) {
url += "&" + param + "=" + paramMap[param];
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", url, false);
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xhr.onload = function() {
window.location = xhr.responseURL; //Needed to force a redirect; not supported on IE!
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'use strict';
P.when('A').execute(function(A) {
A.declarative('atwlDropdownClickDeclarative', 'click', function(e) {
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(function() {
if (window.P && window.atwlLoaded) {
window.P.when('A').execute(function(A) {
A.trigger('wl-drop-down', window.wlArrowEv);
window.atwlEc = true;
var b = document.getElementById('add-to-wishlist-button-group');
var s = document.getElementById('atwl-dd-spinner-holder');
if (!(s && b)) {
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s.style.width = b.clientWidth + 'px';
s.style.zIndex = 1;
return false;
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請從左側的選項中選擇加入您的清單中。" class="a-button-group a-declarative a-spacing-none" data-action="a-button-group" role="radiogroup" data-csa-c-id="3b3apn-3ce1t7-q736ia-c7i7sz"> <span id="wishListMainButton"
class="a-button a-button-groupfirst a-spacing-none a-button-base a-declarative" role="radio" data-action="add-wishlist-declarative" aria-posinset="1" aria-setsize="1"><span class="a-button-inner"><a href="https://www.amazon.com/-/zh_TW/ap/signin?openid.return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Faw%2Fd%2FB0CF48JN4K&openid.identity=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.assoc_handle=usflex&openid.mode=checkid_setup&openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.ns=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0&" name="submit.add-to-registry.wishlist.unrecognized" title="新增至清單" data-hover="<!-- If PartialItemStateWeblab is true then, showing different Add-to-wish-list tool-tip message which is consistent with Add-to-Cart tool tip message. -->
請從左側的選項中選擇加入您的清單中。" class="a-button-text a-text-left"> 新增至清單 </a></span></span> </div>
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<div class="a-section a-spacing-base a-padding-base a-text-left a-popover-inner">
<h3 class="a-color-error"> 很抱歉,出現了一個問題。 </h3> <span> 檢索您的願望清單時發生錯誤。 請再試一次。 </span>
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<h3 class="a-color-error"> 很抱歉,出現了一個問題。 </h3> <span> 列表無法使用。 </span>
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if (_np.guardFatal) {
} else {
}(function(P) {
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window.P.now('atwl-ready').execute(function(atwlModule) {
var isRegistered = (typeof atwlModule !== 'undefined');
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var isRegistered = (typeof module !== 'undefined');
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In Unfinished Business, Amy takes us on a heartfelt journey from detachment to deep connection with her own parents as she delves into the stories she holds about them; from "My success will never be good enough for my parents" to "I must be mentally tough and never ask for help"and everything in between. She illuminates the power of conversation as she invites us to see the world through her and your parents' eyes. By engaging in meaningful dialogues and taking the time to truly understand their experiences and struggles, we discover that our parents are not just figures from our past, but complex individuals with their own hopes, dreams, and fears. Each chapter provides a framework of self-reflective prompts, practical tips, and thought-provoking questions to ask your parents, empowering you to embark on your own journey of connection. Because, regardless of the generation we belong to, we all long to be heard and understood. And that includes our parents. Join Amy on this poignant exploration of family, identity, and the power of conversation. It's time to embrace the unfinished business, unravel the untold stories, and forge a deeper bond with the ones who shaped us. This is not and was never going to be easy. But it can get easier. "The book I needed to read while struggling to straddle two worlds, American culture and that of my parents - Vietnamese refugees who escaped into the United States with only the clothing on our backs. Amy tells her story of finding her way home by examining her relationship with her parents. In doing so, she tells many of our stories with warmth and vulnerability, shining a light on the tenuous but beautiful of the parent-child relationship." Lan Phan, community of SEVEN, CEO "'Relationships are hard and relationships with parents are REALLY hard'. lf you've got parents and can relate to this quote then get ready for a menagerie of stories that will make you laugh and contemplate how you learned to love." Julie M. Wong, Leadership & Mental Fitness Coach, iEmpower Coaching 閱讀更多 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous page 1. 列印長度 364 頁 2. 語言 English 3. 出版者 Publish Your Purpose 4. 出版日期 28 九月 2023 5. 尺寸 15.24 x 2.39 x 22.86 cm 6. ISBN-13 979-8887970455 7. 查看所有詳細內容 Next page 編輯評論 評論 "Whether you want to let go of the guilt that you need to repay your parents for their sacrifices or you want to reframe your beliefs that your success won't ever be good enough for your parents, this book is for you. Part memoir, part guidebook to navigate conversations with your own parents, Amy shows us that this is not and was never going to be easy. But it can and will get easier." Lei Han, Head of Digital Product, SVB Private, a Division of First Citizen Bank "Amy beautifully captures the tension many of us feel while trying to honor our parents and cultural traditions, even when it conflicts with our inner voice and aspirations. She provides concrete steps you can take to untangle your family's priorities from your own. So, you can use that understanding to transform your definition of success into one that is more spacious, aligned, and compassionate." Leslie Forde, CEO & Founder, Mom's Hierarchy of Needs "Unfinished Business is a story of intergenerational trauma, gifts, love and healing laid out in intimate detail. I am in awe of what Amy and her parents have brought together via their challenging and both heartbreaking and heartwarming conversations." Newton Cheng, Director, Health + Performance Program, Google "The heartfelt insight from Amy's journey delivers hope, laughter, and a few tears. Her bravery in exploring her inner dialogue of being raised in one culture and being born into another eases the path in a dark tunnel so familiar to kids of immigrants. But the proverbial light is here! While there are never hard fast answers to each person's story, Amy does an extraordinary job by sharing her own path, helping us create space for ourselves to ask powerful questions so we too can repair and rebuild bridges with our parents and create even stronger ones with our children." Dorothy Liu, Mom & Coach for API families, Resonant Strategies, LLC "'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' - Laozi. Make sure you take that first step with Unfinished Business as your guide. This book will help open conversations for relationships burdened with cultural and generational differences. Amy shows that no matter how old you are, there are steps you can take to make things better. I have only a few more years with my older parents, but we have made strides in tearing down age old barriers. I am so grateful to Amy and Unfinished Business for allowing me to make new memories with my parents before it is too late." Ida Shen, Food Program Manager, Google 作者簡介 Amy Yip is a Somatic Life Transformation and Mental Fitness coach, keynote speaker, self-confidence trainer and author. She works with women of color to strengthen their mental fitness, heal their intergenerational wounds, and have agency to let go of all the 'shoulds' so that they can be the authors of their own life stories. Her mission is to empower AAPI women to be seen, to be heard, and to f-ing rock the boat. In January 2020, after 16+ years of building and leading global teams in organizations including Google, Clorox, and Booz Allen, Amy left the corporate world, sold everything, and took a one-way flight to Ghana with her husband to volunteer at a breast cancer nonprofit and travel the world. COVID-19 shifted their plans; they got stuck in Ghana for seven months. One of Amy's greatest learnings is this: Your mindset, not your circumstances, makes all the difference in your happiness and success. Through this lens, she works with organizational leaders, including corporate executives, nonprofits, and social entrepreneurs, to find their voice and the courage to speak up, build self-confidence, navigate change, and discover what they really want next in their lives and careers. Amy is an International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach, a Certified Hudson Institute Coach, a Certified Strozzi Institute Somatic Coach, and a pioneer Mental Fitness Coach certified through Positive Intelligence. Amy received her MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management, and her BS in computer science and BA in communications from the University of Maryland. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 產品詳細資訊 * ASIN : B0CF48JN4K * 出版者 : Publish Your Purpose (28 九月 2023) * 語言 : English * Hardcover : 364 頁 * ISBN-13 : 979-8887970455 * 商品重量 : 703 盎司 * 尺寸 : 15.24 x 2.39 x 22.86 cm * 暢銷商品排名: #1,203,928 在 圖書 (請參閱 圖書 前 100 名) * #676 在 僑民及移民傳記 * #871 在 亞裔及亞裔美國人傳記 * #886 在 家長與成年子女關係 Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. 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