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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On May 11 via api from US — Scanned from DE
TLS certificate: Issued by E1 on April 14th 2024. Valid for: 3 months.
This is the only time drawio.violet956.com was scanned on urlscan.io!
urlscan.io Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
3 | 2606:4700:303... 2606:4700:3031::6815:3849 | 13335 (CLOUDFLAR...) (CLOUDFLARENET) | |
2 | | 13335 (CLOUDFLAR...) (CLOUDFLARENET) | |
6 | 3 |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
5 |
drawio.violet956.com |
1 MB |
6 | 1 |
Domain | Requested by | |
5 | drawio.violet956.com |
6 | 1 |
This site contains no links.
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
violet956.com E1 |
2024-04-14 - 2024-07-13 |
3 months | crt.sh |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: 7E3A09E1B08352528F39A567AB6B9064
Requests: 7 HTTP requests in this frame
0 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
6 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H2 |
Primary Request
drawio.violet956.com/ |
13 KB 5 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
drawio.violet956.com/styles/ |
53 KB 15 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
drawio.violet956.com/js/ |
1 KB 971 B |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H3 |
drawio.violet956.com/js/ |
8 MB 1 MB |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
drawio.violet956.com/mxgraph/css/ |
0 0 |
/ |
249 B 0 |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H3 |
drawio.violet956.com/js/ |
201 B 602 B |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
Failed requests
These URLs were requested, but there was no response received. You will also see them in the list above.
- Domain
- drawio.violet956.com
- https://drawio.violet956.com/mxgraph/css/common.css
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
365 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
object| urlParams boolean| mxIsElectron function| mxmeta function| mxscript function| mxinclude boolean| isLocalStorage boolean| mxScriptsLoaded boolean| mxWinLoaded function| checkAllLoaded object| t0 undefined| mxDevUrl undefined| drawDevUrl undefined| geBasePath string| mxBasePath string| DRAWIO_BASE_URL string| DRAWIO_SERVER_URL object| DRAWIO_VIEWER_URL string| DRAWIO_LIGHTBOX_URL string| DRAW_MATH_URL object| DRAWIO_CONFIG object| CryptoJS object| $jscomp function| _instanceof function| _inherits function| _setPrototypeOf function| _createSuper function| _possibleConstructorReturn function| _assertThisInitialized function| _isNativeReflectConstruct function| _getPrototypeOf function| _createForOfIteratorHelper function| _classCallCheck function| _defineProperties function| _createClass function| _typeof function| _toConsumableArray function| _nonIterableSpread function| _iterableToArray function| _arrayWithoutHoles function| _slicedToArray function| _nonIterableRest function| _unsupportedIterableToArray function| _arrayLikeToArray function| _iterableToArrayLimit function| _arrayWithHoles object| rough object| Base64 string| lang undefined| dash function| setCurrentXml object| mxClient object| mxLog object| mxObjectIdentity function| mxDictionary object| mxResources function| mxPoint function| mxRectangle object| mxEffects object| mxUtils object| mxConstants function| mxEventObject function| mxMouseEvent function| mxEventSource object| mxEvent function| mxXmlRequest object| mxClipboard function| mxWindow function| mxForm function| mxImage function| mxDivResizer function| mxDragSource function| mxToolbar function| mxUndoableEdit function| mxUndoManager function| mxUrlConverter function| mxPanningManager function| mxPopupMenu function| mxAutoSaveManager function| mxAnimation function| mxMorphing function| mxImageBundle function| mxImageExport function| mxAbstractCanvas2D function| mxXmlCanvas2D function| mxSvgCanvas2D function| mxGuide function| mxShape function| mxStencil object| mxStencilRegistry object| mxMarker function| mxActor function| mxCloud function| mxRectangleShape function| mxEllipse function| mxDoubleEllipse function| mxRhombus function| mxPolyline function| mxArrow function| mxArrowConnector function| mxText function| mxTriangle function| mxHexagon function| mxLine function| mxImageShape function| mxLabel function| mxCylinder function| mxConnector function| mxSwimlane function| mxGraphLayout function| WeightedCellSorter function| mxStackLayout function| mxPartitionLayout function| mxCompactTreeLayout function| mxRadialTreeLayout function| mxFastOrganicLayout function| mxCircleLayout function| mxParallelEdgeLayout function| mxCompositeLayout function| mxEdgeLabelLayout function| mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell function| mxGraphHierarchyNode function| mxGraphHierarchyEdge function| mxGraphHierarchyModel function| mxSwimlaneModel function| mxHierarchicalLayoutStage function| mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction function| MedianCellSorter function| mxMinimumCycleRemover function| mxCoordinateAssignment function| mxSwimlaneOrdering function| mxHierarchicalLayout object| mxHierarchicalEdgeStyle function| mxSwimlaneLayout function| mxGraphModel function| mxRootChange function| mxChildChange function| mxTerminalChange function| mxValueChange function| mxStyleChange function| mxGeometryChange function| mxCollapseChange function| mxVisibleChange function| mxCellAttributeChange function| mxCell function| mxGeometry object| mxCellPath object| mxPerimeter function| mxPrintPreview function| mxStylesheet function| mxCellState function| mxGraphSelectionModel function| mxSelectionChange function| mxCellEditor function| mxCellRenderer object| mxEdgeStyle object| mxStyleRegistry function| mxGraphView function| mxCurrentRootChange function| mxGraph function| mxCellOverlay function| mxOutline function| mxMultiplicity function| mxLayoutManager function| mxSwimlaneManager function| mxTemporaryCellStates function| mxCellStatePreview function| mxConnectionConstraint function| mxGraphHandler function| mxPanningHandler function| mxPopupMenuHandler function| mxCellMarker function| mxSelectionCellsHandler function| mxConnectionHandler function| mxConstraintHandler function| mxRubberband function| mxHandle function| mxVertexHandler function| mxEdgeHandler function| mxElbowEdgeHandler function| mxEdgeSegmentHandler function| mxKeyHandler function| mxTooltipHandler function| mxCellTracker function| mxCellHighlight object| mxCodecRegistry function| mxCodec function| mxObjectCodec function| mxGenericChangeCodec object| mxStylesheetCodec object| mxJSColor function| Dialog function| ErrorDialog function| PrintDialog function| PageSetupDialog function| FilenameDialog function| WrapperWindow function| ChangeGridColor function| ChangePageSetup function| Sidebar function| TableLayout function| Actions function| Action function| Menubar function| Menu function| Toolbar function| OpenDialog function| ColorDialog function| AboutDialog function| TextareaDialog function| EditDiagramDialog function| ExportDialog function| EditDataDialog function| LinkDialog function| OutlineWindow function| LayersWindow function| StorageDialog function| SplashDialog function| EmbedDialog function| GoogleSitesDialog function| CreateGraphDialog function| BackgroundImageDialog function| ParseDialog function| NewDialog function| SaveDialog function| CreateDialog function| PopupDialog function| ImageDialog function| FeedbackDialog function| RevisionDialog function| DraftDialog function| FindWindow function| FreehandWindow function| DarkModeColorsWindow function| ChatWindow function| TagsWindow function| AuthDialog function| MoreShapesDialog function| PluginsDialog function| CropImageDialog function| EditGeometryDialog function| LibraryDialog function| EditShapeDialog function| CustomDialog function| BtnDialog function| FontDialog function| AspectDialog function| FilePropertiesDialog function| ConnectionPointsDialog function| CommentsWindow function| ConfirmDialog function| HeadlessEditorUi object| mxSettings function| mxAsyncCanvas function| mxJsCanvas function| mxODPicker function| editorResetGraph function| DiagramPage function| RenamePage function| MovePage function| SelectPage function| ChangePage function| ReplaceDiagram function| mxRuler function| mxDualRuler function| mxFreehand function| P2PCollab function| Spinner function| DOMPurify object| pako object| PerfectFreehand boolean| mxLoadSettings boolean| isSvgBrowser string| EXPORT_URL string| PLANT_URL string| VSD_CONVERT_URL string| EMF_CONVERT_URL string| REALTIME_URL string| DRAWIO_GITLAB_URL string| DRAWIO_GITLAB_ID string| DRAWIO_GITHUB_URL string| DRAWIO_GITHUB_API_URL string| DRAWIO_GITHUB_ID string| DRAWIO_DROPBOX_ID string| SAVE_URL string| OPEN_URL string| PROXY_URL string| NOTIFICATIONS_URL string| RT_WEBSOCKET_URL string| SHAPES_PATH string| GRAPH_IMAGE_PATH string| ICONSEARCH_PATH string| TEMPLATE_PATH string| NEW_DIAGRAM_CATS_PATH string| PLUGINS_BASE_PATH boolean| ALLOW_CUSTOM_PLUGINS string| RESOURCES_PATH string| RESOURCE_BASE boolean| mxLoadResources undefined| mxLanguage object| mxLanguageMap string| mxImageBasePath object| mxLanguages undefined| uiTheme string| DRAWIO_LOG_URL object| DOM_PURIFY_CONFIG number| MAX_REQUEST_SIZE number| MAX_AREA string| STENCIL_PATH string| IMAGE_PATH string| STYLE_PATH string| CSS_PATH string| OPEN_FORM boolean| mxForceIncludes string| mxResourceExtension boolean| mxLoadStylesheets function| Editor function| OpenFile function| EditorUi function| Graph function| HoverIcons function| mxCellEditorGetInitialValue function| mxCellEditorGetCurrentValue function| mxGraphHandlerIsValidDropTarget function| Format function| BaseFormatPanel function| ArrangePanel function| TextFormatPanel function| StyleFormatPanel function| DiagramStylePanel function| DiagramFormatPanel function| Menus function| DrawioFile function| LocalFile function| LocalLibrary function| StorageFile function| StorageLibrary function| RemoteFile function| RemoteLibrary function| UrlLibrary function| EmbedFile function| DrawioFilePuller function| DrawioFileSync function| DrawioClient function| DrawioUser function| DriveFile function| DriveLibrary object| DriveClient function| DropboxFile function| DropboxLibrary object| DropboxClient function| OneDriveFile function| OneDriveLibrary object| OneDriveClient function| GitHubFile function| GitHubLibrary function| GitHubClient function| TrelloFile function| TrelloLibrary object| TrelloClient function| GitLabFile function| GitLabLibrary function| GitLabClient function| DrawioComment function| DriveComment function| App0 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.