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Submitted URL: http://www.applygateway.com/sms/012b/1391871
Effective URL: https://www.reed.co.uk/jobs/sales-representative/49588348?utm_source=AdSwipe&aw_settings_id=default&aw_campaign_id=fa6a...
Submission: On January 26 via manual from IN — Scanned from GB

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Posted 1 week ago by TopClosers

£60,000 - £100,000 per annum, OTE
Ilford , Essex
Permanent, full-time
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£60,000 - £100,000 per annum, OTE
Ilford , Essex
Permanent, full-time
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Are you looking for your next exciting career move in sales? Are you driven,
self-motivated, and an excellent communicator? If the answer is YES, then look
no further as this is the role for you!

We have a fantastic opportunity as a sales representative, for individuals who
are motivated and looking to take their earning potential to the next level.

Top Closers are looking for experienced Sales Representative who are looking to
earn between £60,000 to £100,000 OTE.

We are currently recruiting for Field Sales Representative throughout the UK
with the leading Solar Panels Installer.

This could be an ideal role for people who have experience in working with
renewable energy, Solar PV, Battery Storage, Grid Trading, and Air Source Heat

Requirements/ Responsibilities of Sales Executives

 * Full UK Driver's Licence is essential

 * 2 years sales experience

 * Converting qualified leads to sales

 * Specifying solar panel products to the consumer

 * Excellent verbal and written communication skills

What we are offering:

 * Full product training available

 * Uncapped Commissions

 * Flexible working hours

 * Appointments provided, no cold calling

We're looking for the best of the best, so if you feel like there's no challenge
that can't be met and a goal that is unachievable then we want to hear from you!
Apply today.


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Reference: 49588348

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Business Development Manager £75,000 - £100,000 per annum, inc benefits, OTE
London, London Field Sales Representative £45,000 - £70,000 per annum Ilford,
Essex Field Sales Representative £45,000 - £70,000 per annum Romford, Essex
Charity Sales £45,000 - £70,000 per annum Ilford, Essex Charity Sales £45,000 -
£70,000 per annum Romford, Essex Venue Sales £45,000 - £60,000 per annum, OTE
Ilford, Essex Venue Sales £45,000 - £60,000 per annum, OTE Romford, Essex


Renewable Energy: Solar Online, Self-paced £12 Solar Renewable Energy Online,
Self-paced £14 Renewable Energy : Solar Online, Self-paced £150 View Renewable
energy courses


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Business Development Manager £75,000 - £100,000 per annum, inc benefits, OTE
London, London Field Sales Representative £45,000 - £70,000 per annum Ilford,
Essex Field Sales Representative £45,000 - £70,000 per annum Romford, Essex
Charity Sales £45,000 - £70,000 per annum Ilford, Essex Charity Sales £45,000 -
£70,000 per annum Romford, Essex Venue Sales £45,000 - £60,000 per annum, OTE
Ilford, Essex Venue Sales £45,000 - £60,000 per annum, OTE Romford, Essex


Renewable Energy: Solar Online, Self-paced £12 Solar Renewable Energy Online,
Self-paced £14 Renewable Energy : Solar Online, Self-paced £150 View Renewable
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