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11/25/2017by admin5 Comments

Meine Schwester Christine 0. Inzest Tabus. Eigentlich wollte sie mit Silke
lernen, aber es kam alles ganz anders. Dieses Erlebnis beginnt einige Monate vor
der Geschichte, die ich in Mtter drfen das erzhle Aus dem Zimmer meines Bruders
kamen eindeutige Gerusche, es war das Sthnen von Silke, die bereits in den
hchsten Tnen jauchzte. Silke ist die beste Freundin meiner jngeren Schwester
Christine, sie waren Klassenkameradinnen und machten wirklich alles gemeinsam.
An dem Tag wollten sie zusammen auf eine Klassenarbeit lernen, drum war sie kurz
nach dem Mittagessen schon bei uns aufgekreuzt. Sie war regelmig bei uns, und in
den letzten Wochen ganz besonders oft. Ich denke, sie benutzte Christine nur
noch als Ausrede bei ihr zu Hause, in Wirklichkeit wollte sie immer zu Robert.
Robert ist mein lterer Bruder. Ich war neidisch auf ihn, er hatte immer
Freundinnen, war nie lang ohne, hatte berall Super Chancen. Er war schlank, gro,
mit dunklen Haaren, wie damals blich eben etwas lnger getragen. Ich war nur ein
wenig kleiner, aber runder, mit blonden, ebenfalls langen Haaren. Der Fremdfick
meiner Frau Zur Einleitung Meine Frau Dany ist 35 Jahre alt schlank mit 75C Ich
bin Frank 38 Jahre mit kleinem Buchlein. wir sind seid 21. Ich betrachtete meine
Schwester im Halbdunkel des Raumes. Lediglich die knappe Straenbeleuchtung
erhellte etwas die Situation. Ihre Silhouette zeichnete sich. Geile Hochzeit.
Zwei Geschwisterpaare lassen sich auch durch die Heirat der Schwester und des
Bruders nicht davon abhalten, es wieder und wieder miteinander zu treiben. Erst
treibt er es mit der Schwester, wird dann von der Mutter erwischt und dann geht
es ab. EINLEITUNG Am besten, ich stelle mich erst. Hier finden Sie aktuelle
PromiNews ber internationale Stars und Prominente. Blick. ch People berichtet fr
Sie in Wort und Bild ber Berhmtheiten, aus der Welt. Wir drei wohnten noch zu
Hause, Robert und Christine gingen in weiterbildende Schulen, ich war in einer
Ausbildung. Wir hatten das Dach vor vielen Jahren ausgebaut, als wir noch Kinder
waren. Die Treppe hoch gleich rechts war mein Zimmer, geradeaus war Christines
Zimmer, nach links durch einen kurzen Gang war Roberts Zimmer. Christine stand
gerade bei mir im Zimmer und beklagte sich ber Silke. Sie wollten auf die Arbeit
lernen, da sie wirklich wichtig sei, und sie geht wieder zu Robert zum PoppenDie
beiden gingen nicht miteinander, Robert hatte eigentlich eine Freundin, aber
Silke hat sich ihm frmlich an den Hals geworfen. Und er hat die Gelegenheit
ergriffen und sie gleich ins Bett gekriegt. Seither trieben es die beiden fast
schon regelmig in Roberts Zimmer. Und Christine und ich durften oder soll ich
sagen mussten alles mit anhren. Da kam pltzlich Silke zu uns rber, nur im Slip,
die Brste mit einem Arm verdeckt, und fragte, ob wir denn ein Kondom htten. Sie
nahm zwar die Pille, aber sie hatte gerade noch ihre Tage, und Robert wollte
nicht ins rote Meer stechen, wie sie sich ausdrckte. Geile Geschichten Die
Freundin meiner Mutter Pornogeschichten, Fickgeschichten, Sexgeschichten, Heisse
Geschichten, Erotik Geschichten, Analgeschichten. Wir starrten uns an, waren
zunchst platt, dann zog ich ein Kondom aus meinem Schreibtisch, denn man war ja
immer gut ausgestattet. Ich gab es Silke mit einem kurzen Viel Spa, die
daraufhin sofort wieder verschwand. Nun war es Christine, die mich anstarrte
Was, Du hast Kondome hier Na klar, meine Freundin Birgit nahm keine Pille, also
mussten wir uns anders behelfen. Christine war berrascht, dass wir es schon
miteinander taten. Es war damals noch nicht so, dass man sofort miteinander ins
Bett ging Christine hatte schon seit lngerem einen Freund, Maik. Ich denke, die
beiden kamen super miteinander aus, schlielich schlief sie immer wieder bei ihm.
Erst gestern hat sie wieder bei Maik bernachtet und kam erst heute nach der
Schule wieder nach HauseNun wurde sie aber doch eiferschtig Ihre beste Freundin
Silke tut es mit unserem Bruder, auch ich habe eine Freundin, mit der ich schon
schlafe. Ich denke, das hat sie irgendwie angemacht. Drben in Roberts Zimmer
wurde es nun lauter, die Holzwnde dmmten die Gerusche nur schwach. Zwischen
meinen Beinen hatte es schon lange Klick gemacht, einfach bei dem Gedanken, was
dort nun abging Christine war eiferschtig, und so ergab es sich ganz einfach,
dass ich sie umarmte und leicht an mich zog. Sie war einen halben Kopf kleiner
als ich, sportlich gebaut, mit schnen groen Brsten, die ich schon oft im Bad
gesehen habe, gro und kugelig wie pfel. Und sie hatte lange, blonde Haare, bis
zum Hintern Ich spielte mit ihren Haaren, streichelte ihren Rcken, hoch bis zur
Schulter, dann legte ich meinen Kopf an ihre Stirn. Selbstverstndlich schimpfte
ich auch ein wenig ber Silke, um Christine zu gefallen, und sie schimpfte noch
ein wenig mit. Dann hauchte ich ihr einen Kuss auf die Wange, meine ausgebeulte
Hose streifte ihr Becken. Ich hre Dich fast jeden Abend beim Wichsen, wenn Du
ins Bett gehst sagte sie mir, als wenn sie mich wegstoen wollte. Oh, tut mir
leid stammelte ich ertappt und zuckte ein wenig zurck. Ach was, ist doch schn
Sie zog mich wieder an sich. Anfangs war ich ein wenig verwundert, dann wurde
ich neugierig und habe Dir richtig zugehrt. Nach und nach habe ich angefangen,
mitzumachen, habe meinen Busen gestreichelt, meine Spalte gerieben bis sie nass
wurde. Wenn ich gehrt habe, dass Du abspritzst, habe ich schneller gemacht, um
auch noch schnell einen Orgasmus zu haben. Mittlerweile kenne ich Dich genau und
merke es, wenn Du kommst, und wir haben jedesmal fast gleichzeitig einen
Orgasmus. Ich war perblex, ich hatte nie etwas von ihr gehrt Klar, wenn ich
selber so laut war Mein Bett stand an der Wand zu ihrem Zimmer, ihr Bett stand
auf der anderen Seite der Wand, mit dem Kopfende an meinem Fuende. Und ich hatte
immer wieder daran gedacht, ein Loch durch die Holzwand zu bohren, um sie zu
beobachten. Ja, ich war scharf auf meine eigene Schwester, hatte sie beim
Wichsen oft vor meinen Augen. Und, wollen wir das mal zusammen versuchen fragte
ich frech. Au ja, ich habe richtig Lust darauf sagte sie, fasste mich an der
Hand und zog mich zu ihrem Zimmer. Ich war berrascht, dass sie so schnell darauf
einging. Sie musste also auch richtig hei sein Und wenn Silke wieder kommtKomm,
wir bleiben bei mir. Wir schlossen die Tr hinter uns, dann setzten wir uns auf
die Bettkante. Ich nahm sie in die Arme, meine Lippen nherten sich vorsichtig
ihrem Gesicht, ihren Lippen. Dann ksste ich sie. Es war berauschend, meine Hose
spannte, dass es schon schmerzte. Sie schob zaghaft ihre Zunge in meinem Mund,
ich erwartete sie schon mit meiner Zunge, umkreiste sie, sog sie in meinen Mund
hinein. Meine linke Hand fand ihren Busen, umfasste ihn, knetete ihn leicht.
Dann schob ich ihr T Shirt hoch, konnte nun ihre beiden Brste sehen, versteckt
hinter einem frechen, pinkfarbenen BH. Ich zog ihr das T Shirt ber den Kopf,
ksste ihre Brste, zuerst oberhalb des BHs, dann ertastete ich ihre Brustwarzen.
Sie drckten sich schon durch den dnnen Stoff, und ich knabberte mit meinen
Lippen daran. Schnell stlpte ich mein T Shirt ber den Kopf, dann umfasste ich
ihren Krper und suchte den Verschluss ihres BH auf dem Rcken. Sie musste lcheln,
fhrte meine Hnde zwischen ihre Brste und sagte leise Schau, hier. Der BH war
vorne zu ffnen Schnell hatte ich den Trick heraus, dann fielen die beiden Hlften
von ihren Brsten, und die festen pfel sprangen heraus, meine Augen sogen sich an
ihnen festUnd wenn jemand kommt fragte ich nochmals zur Sicherheit. Damit htten
wir beide noch zurck knnen. Wer soll kommen Mam ist beim Arbeiten, und Paps ist
sowieso nie da. Und Silke Der kann ich das erklren, und ich wusste, sie wrde es
ihr sowieso erzhlen. Damit zog sie mein Gesicht an ihre Brste, und ich ksste sie
genau in das Tal dazwischen. Wir wollten es beide, den Gedanken, dass wir etwas
Verbotenes taten, schoben wir weit von uns Meine Hnde umfassten beide Brste,
drckten sie seitlich an mein Gesicht, ich genoss es Meine Lippen wanderten zu
einer Brustwarze, die hart und klein wie eine Erbse abstand. Sie hatte ganz
kleine Warzenhfe, ich umleckte sie mit meiner Zunge, ksste darauf. Komm, lass
uns die Hosen ausziehen hrte ich sie sagen. Das war wirklich lngst berfllig



11/25/2017by admin15 Comments

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11/25/2017by admin0 Comments

Video game addiction Wikipedia. The classification of video game addiction as a
mental disorder is under debate. Video game addiction VGA is a hypothetical
behavioral addiction characterized by excessive or compulsive use of computer
games or video games, which interferes with a persons everyday life. 1 Video
game addiction may present itself as compulsive gaming, social isolation, mood
swings, diminished imagination, and hyper focus on in game achievements, to the
exclusion of other events in life. 23In May 2. American Psychiatric Association
APA proposed criteria for video game addiction in the 5th edition of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, concluding that there was
insufficient evidence to include it as an official mental disorder. 4 However,
proposed criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder were included in a section called
Conditions for Further Study. While Internet gaming disorder is proposed as a
disorder, it is still discussed how much this disorder is caused by the gaming
activity itself, or whether it is to some extent an effect of other disorders.
Contradictions in research examining video game addictiveness may reflect more
general inconsistencies in video game research. For example, while some research
has linked violent video games with increased aggressive behavior5 other
research has failed to find evidence for such links. 67Possible causeseditSome
theorists focus on presumed built in reward systems of the games to explain
their potentially addictive nature. 89 Many video games, particularly massively
multiplayer online role playing games and social network and mobile games,1. The
anticipation of such rewards can create a neurological reaction that releases
dopamine into the body, so that once the reward is obtained, the person will
remember it as a pleasurable feeling. This has been found similar to the same
neurological reaction believed to be associated with gambling addiction. 1. In
reference to gamers such as one suicide in China, the head of one software
association was quoted, In the hypothetical world created by such games, they
become confident and gain satisfaction, which they cannot get in the real world.
1. Griffiths has also proposed that another reason why online video games are
potentially addictive is because they can be played all day every day. Free
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that there is no end to the game can feel rewarding for some, and hence players
are further engaged in the game. 1. A high prenatal testosterone load may be a
risk factor for the development of video game addiction in adulthood. 1.
Ferguson, Coulson and Barnett in a meta analytic review of the research,
concluded that the evidence suggests that video game addiction arises out of
other mental health problems, rather than causing them. 1. Thus it is unclear
whether video game addiction should be considered a unique diagnosis. 1.
Researchers at the University of Rochester and Immersyve, Inc. Celebration,
Florida, computer gaming think tank investigated what motivates gamers to
continue playing video games. According to lead investigator Richard Ryan, they
believe that players play for more reasons than fun alone. Ryan, a motivational
psychologist at Rochester, says that many video games satisfy basic
psychological needs, and players often continue to play because of rewards,
freedom, and a connection to other players. 1. Michael Brody, M. D., head of the
TV and Media Committee of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, stated in a 2. However, Brody also cautioned that for some children
and adolescents,. Karen Pierce, a psychiatrist at Chicagos Childrens Memorial
Hospital, sees no need for a specific gaming addiction diagnosis. Two or more
children see her each week because of excessive computer and video game play,
and she treats their problems as she would any addiction. Download Recoil
Windows Games The Iso Zone The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource. Get the latest
iOS Apps reviews, iOS Apps buying guides, and iOS Apps prices from the
knowledgeable experts at Macworld. She said one of her excessive gaming
patients. He is really a mess. 3Preliminary diagnosiseditThe American
Psychiatric Association decided that enough evidence exists to propose the
potential disorder of video game addiction as a condition requiring further
study in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as Internet
gaming disorder. 1. Video game addiction is a broader concept than internet
gaming addiction, but most video game addiction is associated with Internet
gaming. APA suggests, like Khan, the effects or symptoms of video game addiction
may be similar to those of other proposed psychological addictions. 2. Video
game addiction may be an impulse control disorder, similar to compulsive
gambling2. APA explains why Internet gaming disorder has been proposed as a
disorder This decision was based upon the large number of studies of this
condition and the severity of its consequences. Because of the distinguishing
features and increased risks of clinically significant problems associated with
gaming in particular, the Workgroup recommended the inclusion of only internet
gaming disorder in Section 3 of the DSM 5. Excessive use of video games may have
some or all of the symptoms of drug addiction or other proposed psychological
addictions. Some players become more concerned with their interactions in the
game than in their broader lives. Players may play many hours per day, neglect
personal hygiene, gain or lose significant weight due to playing, disrupt sleep
patterns to play resulting in sleep deprivation, play at work, avoid phone calls
from friends, or lie about how much time they spend playing video games. 32. APA
has developed 9 criteria for characterizing the proposed Internet gaming
disorder 1. Pre occupation. Do you spend a lot of time thinking about games even
when you are not playing, or planning when you can play next Withdrawal. Do you
feel restless, irritable, moody, angry, anxious or sad when attempting to cut
down or stop gaming, or when you are unable to play Tolerance. Do you feel the
need to play for increasing amounts of time, play more exciting games, or use
more powerful equipment to get the same amount of excitement you used to get
Reducestop. Do you feel that you should play less, but are unable to cut back on
the amount of time you spend playing gamesGive up other activities. Do you lose
interest in or reduce participation in other recreational activities hobbies,
meetings with friends due to gaming Continue despite problems. Do you continue
to play games even though you are aware of negative consequences, such as not
getting enough sleep, being late to schoolwork, spending too much money, having
arguments with others, or neglecting important duties Deceivecover up. Do you
lie to family, friends or others about how much you game, or try to keep your
family or friends from knowing how much you game Escape adverse moods. Do you
game to escape from or forget about personal problems, or to relieve
uncomfortable feelings such as guilt, anxiety, helplessness or depression
Risklose relationshipsopportunities. Do you risk or lose significant
relationships, or job, educational or career opportunities because of gaming One
of the most commonly used instruments for the measurement of addiction, the PVP
Questionnaire Problem Video Game Playing Questionnaire, was presented as a
quantitative measure, not as a diagnostic tool. 2. According to Griffiths,1.
Griffiths proposed that addiction has six components 1.



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11/25/2017by admin10 Comments

COM ExtractionRegistration in an Install. Shield Project. COM Extraction and
Registration of DLLs go hand in hand in an installation project. In Install.
Shield, there are several ways to extract COM information and self register
DLLs. Through experience, I have come to the conclusion that there are no hard
and fast rules for doing this task. Just try each method and see if it works for
your case. One method generally does. Here are five methods to accomplish this
task In the Setup Design view, right click the desired feature and select
Component Wizard. Often you need to register COM DLLs in an InstallShield
project. There are several ways to do this that will be outlined in this
article. Windows Installer previously known as Microsoft Installer, codename
Darwin is a software component and application programming interface API of
Microsoft Windows. Comprehensive list of Xtras, tools, utilities and other
productssoftware relevant to the creation of Director applications. This article
will show you how to use InstallShield LE From VS2012 to create a Setup file to
install an application. i created windows application from vb. net and build to
setup in installshield, while i am building to setup i encountered error. i dont
know whats the problem, i cant. FRAMEDESIGNER DOWNLOAD. Important change. As of
2014 we no longer support our multivendor version 4. 4. Vendor specific versions
are available below. There are many ways to deploy a WPF application from our
development computer to an end users desktop. Here you will learn about
deploying WPF Application. Browse to the file, add it and select the Extract COM
Info Immediately checkbox. Then complete the Component Wizard. In the Setup
Design view, click the component that contains the DLL and set the COM Extract
at Build property to Yes. In the Setup Design view, click the component that
contains the DLL, expand the Files node, right click the key file and select
Extract COM Data for Key file. In the Setup Design view, click the component,
expand the Files node, right click the key file, select Properties, then select
the Self Register checkbox. Be sure to click Apply, then OK. In the Install.
Script view, you can do manual registration by calling regsvr. If you are doing
this from an Install. Script custom action in a Basic MSI project, you may need
to set the custom action to Deferred in System Context. Lets look at each of
these methods. In the first method, you right click on the feature you want to
add the new component to and select Component Wizard. Here is a screenshot of
that. In the second method, you set the COM Extract at Build property to Yes for
the component. Here is a screenshot of that. When you set this property to Yes,
the COM information will be extracted each time the installation is built. This
is useful if the information frequently changes. If it doesnt, you can use one
of the other methods. In the third method, you expand the Files node for a
component, right click on the key file and select Extract COM Data for key file.
Here is a screenshot of that. When you do this, it adds the COM information to
the registry node for the selected component. If you update the DLL after doing
this, you will probably need to delete the registry entries and extract the COM
information again. In the fourth method, you expand the Files node for a
component, right click the key file, select Properties and then select the Self
Register checkbox. Here is a screenshot of that. After you select the checkbox,
be sure to click Apply, then OK. In the fifth and final method, you can register
the DLL manually through Install. Script code. Here is a screenshot of that.
Next time youre faced with this issue, test each of these methods. One of them
should work for you. Install. Shield 2. SP2 Release Notes. Install. Shield 2.
Release Notesoriginally released June 2. SP2, released July, 2. Introduction.
Install. Shield is the industry standard for authoring high quality Windows
Installer and Install. Script based installations, as well as Microsoft App V
packages. Install. Shield 2. Install. Shield 2. Windows 1. 0 and Visual Studio
2. For the latest information about Install. Shield 2. 01. 5, including updates
to these release notes, see the online version of the Install. Shield 2. 01. 5
release notes. Changes in SP2. Integration with Flex. Net Code Aware. Install.
Shield now includes integration with Flex. Net Code Aware, an automated open
source risk assessment and package discovery solution that enables you to
quickly scan your products for security and intellectual property IP compliance
risk. The current release of Flex. Net Code Aware supports analysis of the
following files Security vulnerabilities are looked up against the National
Vulnerability Database NVD. Running Flex. Net Code Aware Flex. Net Code requires
a separate license from Install. Shield. There is also trialevaluation version.
For more information, refer to the Flex. Net Code Aware product page of the
Flexera Software website. To run Flex. Net Code Aware from within Install.
Shield, click Scan Project using Flex. Net Code Aware from the Install. Shield
Project menu. This menu option is disabled out if you are not currently in an
open Install. Shield project. A Flex. Net Code Aware icon is also available on
the Install. Shield standard toolbar. When Flex. Net Code Aware completes the
scan of your project, a summary displays showing the number of files scanned,
and the number of open source packages and vulnerabilities found. A View report
button is provided if you have a fully licensed version of Flex. Net Code Aware.
For more information about the details provided in this report, refer to Reading
the Flex. Net Code Aware Report. Reading the Flex. Net Code Aware Report. Note
The Flex. Net Code Aware Report is not available in trialevaluation mode. A
fully licensed version of Flex. Net Code Aware is required. To view the Flex.
Net Code Aware Report, click View report on the summary dialog that appears
after Flex. Net Code Aware has scanned your project. The Flex. Net Code Aware
report consists of several sections The initial Summary View presents the user
with a Scan Summary, Operational Risk assessment, Security Vulnerability
Exposure, and License Exposure. The Scan Summary section provides details
regarding the codebase that was scanned, including a breakdown of file types,
percent of files analyzed, and number of findings. The Operational Risk section
provides a composite risk rating based on the combination of packages with
Intellectual Property IP issues and packages with Security Vulnerabilities. The
Security Vulnerability Exposure and License Exposure sections provide a
breakdown of the types and categories of identified issues. The Package
Inventory View, available by clicking view full package inventory in the Scan
Summary section, provides a complete list of discovered open source and third
party packages with associated licenses, security vulnerabilities, dependencies,
and detected copyright statements. The Package Inventory View provides filters
that you can use to execute targeted queries to refine the list to various
package types of interest. The following figures show the initial Summary View
of a sample Flex. Net Code Aware Report. Flex. Net Code Aware Initial Summary
View. The following figures show the Package Inventory View of a sample Flex.
Net Code Aware Report. Flex. Net Code Aware Package Inventory View. Viewing
Package Details. Click a vulnerability count listed in the Vulnerabilities
column of the Package Inventory report page for each package you want to review
The Vulnerabilities detail page appears, covering a portion of the Package
Inventory report Resolved Issues in SP2. For descriptions of resolved issues in
Install. Shield 2. 01. 5 SP1, refer to Install. Shield 2. 01. 5 SP2. Changes in
SP1. Support for Windows 1. Install. Shield has support for Windows 1. Support
for Microsoft Visual Studio 2. Install. Shield includes support for Visual
Studio 2. You can create Install. Shield projects from within this version of
Visual Studio. Support for Microsoft App V 5. The Microsoft App V Assistant in
Install. Shield includes support for creating virtual applications that can run
on Microsoft App V 5. New Install. Shield Prerequisite for App V 5. Install.
Shield includes a new Install. Shield prerequisite that can be used when
including a Setup. App V 5. x package. Note that a Setup. Install. Shield
prerequisite needs to be included in the release. Microsoft App V 5. Desktop
Client. The redistributable file for this Install. Shield prerequisite is not
available for download from within Install. Shield, since you must obtain it
from Microsoft. Once you obtain the redistributable from Microsoft, place it in
the location that is displayed when you are editing the prerequisite in the
Install. Shield Prerequisite Editor. For more information on the prerequisites
necessary, see https technet. Windows 1. 0 Added to Operating System Options in
App V Assistant for App V 5. Versions. App V 5. Windows 1. 0 3. 2 bit and 6.
Accordingly, on the Package Information page of the Microsoft App V Assistant,
the list of available operating systems that are displayed when App V 5. New
Install. Shield Prerequisites for Microsoft Visual C 2. NET Framework 4. 6.
Install. Shield includes new Install. Shield prerequisites that you can add to
Advanced UI, Basic MSI, Install. Script, Install. Script MSI, and SuiteAdvanced
UI projects Microsoft Visual C 2. Redistributable Package x. Microsoft Visual C
2. Redistributable Package x. Microsoft. NET Framework 4. Full Microsoft. NET
Framework 4. 6 Web. These prerequisites install the appropriate technologies on
supported target systems. New Constant for the Dialog. Set. Info Function. A new
constant is available for the n. Info. Type parameter of the Install. Script
function Dialog. Set. Info DLGINFOALTIMAGEHIDPIThis constant specifies a high
DPI image to be displayed in the dialog. High DPI image types supported include
BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF. If transparency is required, image types that
support transparency such as PNG should be used and sz. Info. String should
specify the name of the image to be displayed optionally including the path in
the dialog. This parameter applies to all dialogs that display the standard
installation image on the left side of the dialog. When DLGINFOALTIMAGEHIDPI is
passed in n. Info. Type, the following parameter values are expected sz. Info.
StringThe name of an image file to display, optionally including the path. If no
path to the file is specific, the file is assumed to be in SUPPORTDIR. If this
file does not exist, Dialog. Set. Info returns ISERRFILENOTFOUND. n.
ParameterThe DPI scaling percentage. For example, pass 2. The minimum supported
scaling value is 2. If 0 is passed for this value, no image is displayed. If
DLGINFOALTIMAGEREVERTIMAGE is passed, the previous image used is displayed. This
functionality is available in Install. Script events in the following project
types Install. Script and Install. Script MSI. Option Added to Disable
Architecture Validation.



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