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Submitted URL: http://hotelbahiasantander.com/
Effective URL: https://www.hotelbahiasantander.com/en/
Submission Tags: hades
Submission: On April 01 via api from ES — Scanned from ES

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          <div class="DateInput DateInput_1"><input class="DateInput_input DateInput_input_1 DateInput_input__readOnly DateInput_input__readOnly_2" aria-label="Check-in" type="text" id="BE.startDate" name="BE.startDate" placeholder="Check-in"
              autocomplete="off" readonly="" aria-describedby="DateInput__screen-reader-message-BE.startDate" value="">
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            <p class="DateInput_screenReaderMessage DateInput_screenReaderMessage_1" id="DateInput__screen-reader-message-BE.endDate">Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the
              keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.</p>
  <div class="mi-be-occupation-select mi-dropdown open-down open-left">
    <div class="mi-be-occupation-field mi-dropdown-button mi-be-multiroom-field"><span class="mi-ico-dropdown"></span><label class="mi-dropdown">1 room 2 adults</label><span class="mi-ico-arrow-down-dark"></span></div>
    <div class="mi-be-occupation-dropdown mi-dropdown-layout">
      <div data-role="occupation" class="BE_djU_ll29 BE_Yrx80v0l">
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                  data-role="text">From 11 years</span></div><button data-role="button" class="BE_QparBu5h BE_O3s4oCF6 BE_HV2Rw9hH BE_v76uJJL_ BE_HkzsCXiD"><span data-role="icon" class="BE__eoltq4x BE_hPcmukwY"><svg stroke="currentColor"
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            <div class="BE_djU_ll29 BE_WU9soQ5Q BE_S7fWb2wD BE_oSHRO_Rw BE_cNhCn35Z" data-role="input-number">
              <div class="BE_djU_ll29 BE_VGWAm1Up" data-role="view"><span class="BE_pbEjjXqc BE_GBo0Zm7s BE_qmapAp7t BE__QVDj5T7" data-role="text"> children </span><span class="BE_pbEjjXqc BE_YFSUW4Nv BE_qmapAp7t BE_uqcvju0b BE_AtN59xCY"
                  data-role="text">Up to 10 years</span></div><button data-role="button" class="BE_QparBu5h BE_uXRIAKcq BE_O3s4oCF6 BE_HV2Rw9hH BE_v76uJJL_ BE_E9ixsYAn" disabled=""><span data-role="icon" class="BE__eoltq4x BE_hPcmukwY"><svg
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                  class="BE__eoltq4x BE_hPcmukwY"><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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        <div class="BE_djU_ll29 BE_WU9soQ5Q BE_cZ9N8mC1 BE_cNhCn35Z" data-role="view"><button class="BE_QparBu5h BE_O3s4oCF6 BE_HkzsCXiD BE_KvKtU5PO" data-role="button">Add Room</button></div>
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    class="mi-be-button mi-be-book-btn ">Book</button>

  <div class="mi-be-datepicker-select mi-be-datapicker-prices" data-start-date="" data-end-date="">
    <div class="DateRangePicker DateRangePicker_1">
        <div class="DateRangePickerInput DateRangePickerInput_1"><button class="DateRangePickerInput_calendarIcon DateRangePickerInput_calendarIcon_1" type="button"
            aria-label="Interact with the calendar and add the check-in date for your trip."><span class="mi-ico-calendar"></span></button>
          <div class="DateInput DateInput_1"><input class="DateInput_input DateInput_input_1 DateInput_input__readOnly DateInput_input__readOnly_2" aria-label="Check-in" type="text" id="BE.startDate" name="BE.startDate" placeholder="Check-in"
              autocomplete="off" readonly="" aria-describedby="DateInput__screen-reader-message-BE.startDate" value="">
            <p class="DateInput_screenReaderMessage DateInput_screenReaderMessage_1" id="DateInput__screen-reader-message-BE.startDate">Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the
              keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.</p>
          <div class="DateRangePickerInput_arrow DateRangePickerInput_arrow_1" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"><svg class="DateRangePickerInput_arrow_svg DateRangePickerInput_arrow_svg_1" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000">
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          <div class="DateInput DateInput_1"><input class="DateInput_input DateInput_input_1 DateInput_input__readOnly DateInput_input__readOnly_2" aria-label="Check-out" type="text" id="BE.endDate" name="BE.endDate" placeholder="Check-out"
              autocomplete="off" readonly="" aria-describedby="DateInput__screen-reader-message-BE.endDate" value="">
            <p class="DateInput_screenReaderMessage DateInput_screenReaderMessage_1" id="DateInput__screen-reader-message-BE.endDate">Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the
              keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.</p>
  <div class="mi-be-occupation-select mi-dropdown open-down open-left">
    <div class="mi-be-occupation-field mi-dropdown-button mi-be-multiroom-field"><span class="mi-ico-dropdown"></span><label class="mi-dropdown">1 room 2 adults</label><span class="mi-ico-arrow-down-dark"></span></div>
    <div class="mi-be-occupation-dropdown mi-dropdown-layout">
      <div data-role="occupation" class="BE_djU_ll29 BE_Yrx80v0l">
        <div class="BE_U9hgNouS BE_z1oOLK2o BE_Hd_t_VrA BE_AU_JIms4" data-role="scrollview">
          <div data-role="view" class="BE_djU_ll29 BE_HI0KmJWe">
            <div class="BE_djU_ll29 BE_WU9soQ5Q BE_i2qSxpM0 BE_cNhCn35Z" data-role="view"><span data-role="text" class="BE_pbEjjXqc BE_FXOtn1zV">Room 1</span></div>
            <div class="BE_djU_ll29 BE_WU9soQ5Q BE_S7fWb2wD BE_oSHRO_Rw BE_cNhCn35Z" data-role="input-number">
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                  data-role="text">From 11 years</span></div><button data-role="button" class="BE_QparBu5h BE_O3s4oCF6 BE_HV2Rw9hH BE_v76uJJL_ BE_HkzsCXiD"><span data-role="icon" class="BE__eoltq4x BE_hPcmukwY"><svg stroke="currentColor"
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                  data-role="text">Up to 10 years</span></div><button data-role="button" class="BE_QparBu5h BE_uXRIAKcq BE_O3s4oCF6 BE_HV2Rw9hH BE_v76uJJL_ BE_E9ixsYAn" disabled=""><span data-role="icon" class="BE__eoltq4x BE_hPcmukwY"><svg
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                  </svg></span></button><span class="BE_pbEjjXqc BE_rEAALsqU BE_l0OLu92Q" data-role="text">0</span><button data-role="button" class="BE_QparBu5h BE_O3s4oCF6 BE_HV2Rw9hH BE_v76uJJL_ BE_HkzsCXiD"><span data-role="icon"
                  class="BE__eoltq4x BE_hPcmukwY"><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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        <div class="BE_djU_ll29 BE_WU9soQ5Q BE_cZ9N8mC1 BE_cNhCn35Z" data-role="view"><button class="BE_QparBu5h BE_O3s4oCF6 BE_HkzsCXiD BE_KvKtU5PO" data-role="button">Add Room</button></div>
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    class="mi-be-button mi-be-book-btn ">Book</button>

Text Content

Bahia Hotel Santander
My booking
(+34) 902 123 303

See availability

5% off by booking on our website

Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press
the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press
the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

1 room 2 adults
Room 1
adults From 11 years
children Up to 10 years
Add Room
Promotional Code



Opposite the bay that gave it its name, the hotel is located in a tranquil
pedestrianised area in the shopping, administrative and financial centre of the

See hotel
See location


The hotel’s rooms are designed to offer the best accommodation option in
Santander. They are spacious and comfortable and offer fantastic views of the
sea or the city.

See all rooms


Spacious room with a complete bathroom. This room is fully equipped and is the
ideal option for business trips.


With the option of one double bed or two singles beds, guests can also choose
between views of the sea or of the historic centre of the city.


Spacious room with three single beds, one of which is a supplementary bed. This
room has everything you need for a pleasant stay.


This suite has separate areas with the option of one large bed or two double
beds. It is spacious and elegant and includes a whirlpool bath, bath robe and


Spacious room perfect for families. It offers two separate spaces, one with a
double bed and another with bunk beds.



See all

We publish offers periodically. Visit us soon so you don't miss them.

 * Meetings & Events
 * Gastronomy
 * Catering


The hotel can offer up to eleven function rooms, many with sea views, for all
types of events, from corporate events to large celebrations such as weddings.

They are all equipped with the latest technology and are served by a team
experienced in event organisation who place a lot of pride and dedication in
their work.

See function rooms


Start the day with a satisfying breakfast at our buffet and enjoy your meal
while taking in the views of Centro Botín and the Pereda Gardens.

At lunch and dinner time, Restaurant Hotel Bahía Santander offers a selection of
regional dishes elaborated from the best products from the land and sea with a
touch of creativity.

See more


Hotel Bahía wants to extend its quality, professionalism and elegance to every
corner of Cantabria.

That’s why it offers a catering service for all types of events, from coffee
breaks and drinks receptions to weddings.

See more

 * es
 * en

 * Hotel
 * Contact

My booking
(+34) 902 123 303
 * Home
 * Location
 * Rooms
 * Offers
 * Gallery

 * Gastronomy
 * Meetings & Events
 * Catering


Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press
the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press
the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

1 room 2 adults
Room 1
adults From 11 years
children Up to 10 years
Add Room
Promotional Code

5% dto. por reservar en nuestra web

Cádiz,22 39002 Santander
hotelbahia@sardinerohoteles.com Tel: +34 94 220 50 00
 * Contact
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 * Cookies Policy
 * Reviews
 * Ethical channel

 * Quality policy
 * IQNet Certificate
 * Quality Management System Certificate
 * Privacy Policy

Discover our hotels in Santander and Madrid

Developed by Mirai
 * Cádiz,22
 * +34 94 220 50 00
 * hotelbahia@sardinerohoteles.com

 * es
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word word word word word word word word
