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Submitted URL: https://wordfortheday.club/
Effective URL: https://www.wordfortheday.club/
Submission: On July 05 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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 * My 4 kids are all having fun with Word For The Day Club...
   "I homeschool 4 kids ages between 14 and 6 and honestly they are all having
   fun with learning the words and coming up with silly sentences so that they
   can remember the word."
   Rebecca M.
   Connecticut, USA

 * Word For The Day Club Has Leveled Up Our Vanilla Vernacular...
   "As a homeschooling Mother, I have enjoyed how Word For The Day Club has
   leveled up our vanilla vernacular. We have appreciated the increase of our
   intellect, the curiosities, and the conversations that have opened up with
   each new word, as well as the mastery of mouths and minds it has invited us
   Thank you for this absolute gold resource. Our future original rap
   repertoires thank you immensely."
   Leilani H.
   Palmerston North, New Zealand

 * Our Son Looks Forward To Word For The Day Club...
   "Word For The Day Club has given our family a fun challenge that our son
   looks forward to tackling each morning as we kick off school routines. It
   really just takes a few minutes, and I'm surprised how he actually gets into
   it by his own will.🙂
   Over the years, this will no doubt cultivate the ability to present and
   communicate intelligently amongst peers, while building confidence on a
   successful pathway!"
   JoAnne H.
   Texas, USA

 * Word For The Day Club is now part of our home education...
   "I have included Word For The Day Club in our home education. My daughter and
   her teacher go through a word each day, learn how to use it and then add it
   to their very own hand-written dictionary. It’s been a great tool to use in
   our education style."
   Melanie N.
   Durban, South Africa

 * My 4 kids are all having fun with Word For The Day Club...
   "I homeschool 4 kids ages between 14 and 6 and honestly they are all having
   fun with learning the words and coming up with silly sentences so that they
   can remember the word."
   Rebecca M.
   Connecticut, USA

 * Word For The Day Club Has Leveled Up Our Vanilla Vernacular...
   "As a homeschooling Mother, I have enjoyed how Word For The Day Club has
   leveled up our vanilla vernacular. We have appreciated the increase of our
   intellect, the curiosities, and the conversations that have opened up with
   each new word, as well as the mastery of mouths and minds it has invited us
   Thank you for this absolute gold resource. Our future original rap
   repertoires thank you immensely."
   Leilani H.
   Palmerston North, New Zealand

 * Our Son Looks Forward To Word For The Day Club...
   "Word For The Day Club has given our family a fun challenge that our son
   looks forward to tackling each morning as we kick off school routines. It
   really just takes a few minutes, and I'm surprised how he actually gets into
   it by his own will.🙂
   Over the years, this will no doubt cultivate the ability to present and
   communicate intelligently amongst peers, while building confidence on a
   successful pathway!"
   JoAnne H.
   Texas, USA

 * Word For The Day Club is now part of our home education...
   "I have included Word For The Day Club in our home education. My daughter and
   her teacher go through a word each day, learn how to use it and then add it
   to their very own hand-written dictionary. It’s been a great tool to use in
   our education style."
   Melanie N.
   Durban, South Africa

 * My 4 kids are all having fun with Word For The Day Club...
   "I homeschool 4 kids ages between 14 and 6 and honestly they are all having
   fun with learning the words and coming up with silly sentences so that they
   can remember the word."
   Rebecca M.
   Connecticut, USA

 * Word For The Day Club Has Leveled Up Our Vanilla Vernacular...
   "As a homeschooling Mother, I have enjoyed how Word For The Day Club has
   leveled up our vanilla vernacular. We have appreciated the increase of our
   intellect, the curiosities, and the conversations that have opened up with
   each new word, as well as the mastery of mouths and minds it has invited us
   Thank you for this absolute gold resource. Our future original rap
   repertoires thank you immensely."
   Leilani H.
   Palmerston North, New Zealand

 * Our Son Looks Forward To Word For The Day Club...
   "Word For The Day Club has given our family a fun challenge that our son
   looks forward to tackling each morning as we kick off school routines. It
   really just takes a few minutes, and I'm surprised how he actually gets into
   it by his own will.🙂
   Over the years, this will no doubt cultivate the ability to present and
   communicate intelligently amongst peers, while building confidence on a
   successful pathway!"
   JoAnne H.
   Texas, USA

 * Word For The Day Club is now part of our home education...
   "I have included Word For The Day Club in our home education. My daughter and
   her teacher go through a word each day, learn how to use it and then add it
   to their very own hand-written dictionary. It’s been a great tool to use in
   our education style."
   Melanie N.
   Durban, South Africa

 * My 4 kids are all having fun with Word For The Day Club...
   "I homeschool 4 kids ages between 14 and 6 and honestly they are all having
   fun with learning the words and coming up with silly sentences so that they
   can remember the word."
   Rebecca M.
   Connecticut, USA

 * Word For The Day Club Has Leveled Up Our Vanilla Vernacular...
   "As a homeschooling Mother, I have enjoyed how Word For The Day Club has
   leveled up our vanilla vernacular. We have appreciated the increase of our
   intellect, the curiosities, and the conversations that have opened up with
   each new word, as well as the mastery of mouths and minds it has invited us
   Thank you for this absolute gold resource. Our future original rap
   repertoires thank you immensely."
   Leilani H.
   Palmerston North, New Zealand

 * Our Son Looks Forward To Word For The Day Club...
   "Word For The Day Club has given our family a fun challenge that our son
   looks forward to tackling each morning as we kick off school routines. It
   really just takes a few minutes, and I'm surprised how he actually gets into
   it by his own will.🙂
   Over the years, this will no doubt cultivate the ability to present and
   communicate intelligently amongst peers, while building confidence on a
   successful pathway!"
   JoAnne H.
   Texas, USA

 * Word For The Day Club is now part of our home education...
   "I have included Word For The Day Club in our home education. My daughter and
   her teacher go through a word each day, learn how to use it and then add it
   to their very own hand-written dictionary. It’s been a great tool to use in
   our education style."
   Melanie N.
   Durban, South Africa


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