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BOTH BELIEVED TO BE DEAD LOS ANGELES (AP) — Police used a tanklike vehicle with a battering ram to smash into a Southern California home and arrest the next-door neighbor of a couple living in a nudist community who were reported missing earlier this week, officials said Friday. 2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * BEST DEALS AND SALES TO SHOP NOW 50 BEST LABOUR DAY LONG WEEKEND SALES IN CANADA — UP TO 75% OFF CANADIAN TIRE, BEST BUY, AMAZON & MORE Celebrate the Labour Day long weekend with incredible savings on tech, home and more. 16 best Amazon cleaning deals: Save up to 54% This Roku Smart TV is $200 off for Labour Day Pillow review: My neck pain is 'practically gone' Save $90 on a knife set that slices 'like butter' My go-to hair hack is under $50 * Sports·Yahoo News Canada CANADIAN GYMNAST ELLIE BLACK WINS PRESTIGIOUS OLYMPIC AWARD FOR VIRAL ACT OF KINDNESS IN PARIS The four-time Canadian Olympic legend may not have won any medals in Paris, but she certainly didn't leave the Games empty handed. 6 min read Thanks for your feedback! * US Politics·The Canadian Press POP GROUP ABBA ASK DONALD TRUMP TO STOP USING THEIR SONGS, BUT TRUMP TEAM SAYS THEY HAVE THE OK NEW YORK (AP) — Swedish supergroup ABBA has asked Donald Trump to stop using their music at campaign rallies, but the Republican presidential nominee's campaign says it has permission. 2 min read Thanks for your feedback! 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Try again. Refresh Page TRENDING NOW 1.Johnny Gaudreau 2.Donald Trump 3.US Open Tennis Championships 4.Air Canada On Strike 5.2025 Cup Series Schedule 6.Atlanta Braves 7.Ottawa Senators 8.Big Brother 9.Artem Chigvintsev 10.TOUR Championship FEATURED PICKS * IS COVID-19 STILL AN ISSUE FOR KIDS? DO I NEED TO WORRY ABOUT HEAD LICE? WE ASKED A PEDIATRICIAN 5 BURNING BACK-TO-SCHOOL HEALTH QUESTIONS Yahoo Canada Style * CANADA'S ECONOMY GROWS MORE THAN BANK OF CANADA OR ECONOMISTS EXPECTED Yahoo Finance Canada * CANADA WILDFIRES 2024: THE LATEST ON ACTIVE WILDFIRE COUNTS, MAPS, EVACUATION ORDERS, AIR QUALITY AND SMOKE ALERTS NATIONWIDE Yahoo News Canada WEATHER WEATHER TORONTO View your Locations Remove from favorite locations Detect my locationView your LocationsPlease enable location service for your browser * Enter City or Zipcode * TodayCloudy with a 64% chance of precipitation. Winds variable at 7 to 11 mph (11 to 18 kph). The overnight low will be 71 °F (22 °C). 25°21° SatPartly cloudy today with a high of 82 °F (28 °C) and a low of 62 °F (17 °C). 28°17° SunPartly cloudy today with a high of 77 °F (25 °C) and a low of 57 °F (14 °C). There is a 51% chance of precipitation. 25°14° MonMostly sunny today with a high of 69 °F (21 °C) and a low of 53 °F (12 °C). 21°12° See more » ADVERTISEMENT Close this content, you can also use the Escape key at anytime ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT Display Advertisement