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Submitted URL: http://k3d.io/
Effective URL: https://k3d.io/v5.6.0/
Submission: On November 15 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

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 * v5.6.0
 * v5.5.2
 * v5.5.1
 * v5.5.0
 * v5.4.9
 * v5.4.8
 * v5.4.7
 * v5.4.6
 * v5.4.4
 * v5.4.3
 * v5.4.2
 * v5.4.1
 * v5.4.0
 * v5.3.0
 * v5.2.2
 * v5.2.1
 * v5.2.0
 * v5.1.0
 * v5.0.3
 * v5.0.2
 * v5.0.1
 * v5.0.0
 * v4.4.8


Type to start searching
 * v5.6.0
 * 4.8k
 * 437

 * Overview
 * Guides
 * Design
 * FAQ

 * v5.6.0
 * 4.8k
 * 437

 * Overview Overview
   Table of contents
    * What is k3d?
    * Learning
    * Requirements
    * Releases
    * Installation
       * Install Script
          * Install current latest release
          * Install specific release
       * Other Installers
    * Quick Start
    * Connect
    * Related Projects

 * Guides
    * Using Config Files
    * Handling Kubeconfigs
    * Creating multi-server clusters
    * Using Image Registries
    * Exposing Services
    * Importing modes
    * K3s Features in k3d
    * Advanced Guides
      Advanced Guides
       * Use Calico instead of Flannel
       * Running CUDA workloads
       * Using Podman instead of Docker
    * Commands
       * K3d
       * K3d cluster
       * K3d cluster create
       * K3d cluster delete
       * K3d cluster edit
       * K3d cluster list
       * K3d cluster start
       * K3d cluster stop
       * K3d completion
       * K3d config
       * K3d config init
       * K3d config migrate
       * K3d image
       * K3d image import
       * K3d kubeconfig
       * K3d kubeconfig get
       * K3d kubeconfig merge
       * K3d node
       * K3d node create
       * K3d node delete
       * K3d node edit
       * K3d node list
       * K3d node start
       * K3d node stop
       * K3d registry
       * K3d registry create
       * K3d registry delete
       * K3d registry list
       * K3d version
       * K3d version list

 * Design
    * Project Overview
    * Concepts
    * Defaults
    * Networking

 * FAQ
    * FAQ
    * Compatibility

Table of contents
 * What is k3d?
 * Learning
 * Requirements
 * Releases
 * Installation
    * Install Script
       * Install current latest release
       * Install specific release
    * Other Installers

 * Quick Start
 * Connect
 * Related Projects



k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab’s minimal Kubernetes
distribution) in docker.

k3d makes it very easy to create single- and multi-node k3s clusters in docker,
e.g. for local development on Kubernetes.

Note: k3d is a community-driven project but it’s not an official Rancher (SUSE)
product. Sponsoring: To spend any significant amount of time improving k3d, we
rely on sponsorships:

- GitHub Sponsors: - LiberaPay: - IssueHunt: https://issuehunt.io/r/k3d-io/k3d

View a quick demo



k3d demo repository: iwilltry42/k3d-demo

Featured use-cases include:

 * hot-reloading of code when developing on k3d (Python Flask App)
 * build-deploy-test cycle using Tilt
 * full cluster lifecycle for simple and multi-server clusters
 * Proof of Concept of using k3d as a service in Drone CI

 * Rancher Meetup - May 2020 - Simplifying Your Cloud-Native Development
   Workflow With K3s, K3c and K3d (YouTube)


 * docker to be able to use k3d at all
   * Note: k3d v5.x.x requires at least Docker v20.10.5 (runc >= v1.0.0-rc93) to
     work properly (see #807)
 * kubectl to interact with the Kubernetes cluster


Platform Stage Version Release Date Downloads so far GitHub Releases stable
GitHub Releases latest Homebrew stable - - Chocolatey stable - -


You have several options there:



 * wget:
   wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k3d-io/k3d/main/install.sh | bash

 * curl:
   curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k3d-io/k3d/main/install.sh | bash


Use the install script to grab a specific release (via TAG environment

 * wget:
   wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k3d-io/k3d/main/install.sh | TAG=v5.0.0 bash

 * curl:
   curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k3d-io/k3d/main/install.sh | TAG=v5.0.0 bash


Other Installation Methods

 * :fontawesome-solid-beer: Homebrew (MacOS/Linux):
   brew install k3d
   Note: The formula can be found in homebrew/homebrew-core and is mirrored to

 * AUR (Arch Linux User Repository):
   yay -S rancher-k3d-bin
   Package rancher-k3d-bin

 * Download GitHub Release
   Grab a release binary from the release tab and install it yourself

 * Chocolatey (Windows): choco install k3d
   Note: package source can be found in erwinkersten/chocolatey-packages

 * arkade: arkade get k3d

 * asdf: asdf plugin-add k3d && asdf install k3d latest
   Note: asdf plugin-add k3d, then asdf install k3d <tag> with <tag> = latest or
   5.x.x for a specific version (maintained by spencergilbert/asdf-k3d)

 * Others
   * install via go: go install github.com/k3d-io/k3d/v5@latest (Note: this will
     give you unreleased/bleeding-edge changes)


Create a cluster named mycluster with just a single server node:

k3d cluster create mycluster

Use the new cluster with kubectl, e.g.:

kubectl get nodes

Getting the cluster’s kubeconfig (included in k3d cluster create)

Get the new cluster’s connection details merged into your default kubeconfig
(usually specified using the KUBECONFIG environment variable or the default path
$HOME/.kube/config) and directly switch to the new context:

k3d kubeconfig merge mycluster --kubeconfig-switch-context


 1. Join the Rancher community on slack via slack.rancher.io
 2. Go to rancher-users.slack.com and join our channel #k3d
 3. Start chatting


 * vscode-k3d: VSCode Extension to handle k3d clusters from within VSCode
 * k3x: a graphics interface (for Linux) to k3d.
 * AbsaOSS/k3d-action: fully customizable GitHub Action to run lightweight
   Kubernetes clusters.
 * AutoK3s: a lightweight tool to help run K3s everywhere including k3d
 * nolar/setup-k3d-k3s: setup K3d/K3s for GitHub Actions.


Last update: May 19, 2023
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