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MUUG Online 8.0, is brought to you by the Manitoba UNIX User Group (MUUG),
Manitoba's premier group for UNIX®, Linux, BSD, and macOS users, located in


 * What is MUUG?
   * Membership Application Form
   * Fee Payment
 * Our corporate sponsors

 * Our Mailman mailing list server
 * MUUG monthly general meetings Aug 02
 * MUUG Lines, the monthly newsletter
 * MUUG video archives
 * Tutorial Articles

 * Our software mirror
 * Our FTP server
 * FTP file locator


 * The USENIX Association's events schedule
 * Linux Archive (Linux Documentation Project)
 * UNIX History (including timeline chart)
 * The UNIX Heritage Society
 * O'Reilly & Associates' catalog of new titles and Open Books Project

 * User Friendly's Star Wars Parody (comics)

/ManitobaUnix @manitobaunix /Manitoba-UNIX-User-Group /MUUG Channel: Manitoba
UNIX User Group


MUUG WWW Administrator -- www@muug.ca This page was built by Gilbert Detillieux.

Home About Mailing Lists Meetings Newsletter FTP Locate File