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          <h4 id="contentbox2_0_SessionName"> Continuous Data Validation: Five Best Practices (With Audience Q&amp;A)</h4>
          <p id="contentbox2_0_Date" class="date">October 14, 2021</p>
            <p id="contentbox2_0_Prerequisite" class="prereq">Prerequisite: None</p>
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              <a href=" Window.aspx?SpeakerId={45815CC8-CD1A-4917-9D59-76129A964D8B}&amp;ID={CF0AB8B5-A545-4125-8F38-DF20E7305488}"><img src="-/media/TDWI/TDWI-Events/Images/Speaker-Images/cardno_andrew_2021_speaker.jpg"></a>
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              <p id="contentbox2_0_SpeakerInfo_Credentials_0" class="speakercredentials"></p>
              <p id="contentbox2_0_SpeakerInfo_SpeakerTitle_0" class="speakertitle">Inventor in Residence</p>
              <p id="contentbox2_0_SpeakerInfo_SpeakerCompany_0" class="speakercompany">Strong Force Capital</p>
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            <p><em>This session will include a moderated Q&amp;A featuring questions from the live audience</em>.</p>
            <p>Business users develop trust in data through use and continuous validation of results. Continuous, business-driven validation is based on an understanding of totals combined with specific, deep knowledge. During this user-driven
              validation process, there is a real and ongoing risk that the business users will lose trust in the data. Loss of trust may be triggered by finding outliers in the data or by identification of actual errors. This loss of trust is
              extremely detrimental to the ongoing success of an intelligence-driven project.</p>
            <p>In order to maintain trust, there is a real need to build automated data validation into the ongoing data processes. During this session, Andrew Cardno will introduce five best practices for implementing continuous data validation that
              will enable business users to maintain real trust in the data while accepting the outlier data occurrences as a natural part of the business intelligence process.</p>
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< TDWI Virtual Summits


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October 14, 2021

Prerequisite: None

Andrew Cardno

Inventor in Residence

Strong Force Capital

This session will include a moderated Q&A featuring questions from the live

Business users develop trust in data through use and continuous validation of
results. Continuous, business-driven validation is based on an understanding of
totals combined with specific, deep knowledge. During this user-driven
validation process, there is a real and ongoing risk that the business users
will lose trust in the data. Loss of trust may be triggered by finding outliers
in the data or by identification of actual errors. This loss of trust is
extremely detrimental to the ongoing success of an intelligence-driven project.

In order to maintain trust, there is a real need to build automated data
validation into the ongoing data processes. During this session, Andrew Cardno
will introduce five best practices for implementing continuous data validation
that will enable business users to maintain real trust in the data while
accepting the outlier data occurrences as a natural part of the business
intelligence process.

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October 13—14

Informizely customer feedback surveys

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