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Favorite Share Flag FLAG THIS ITEM FOR * Graphic Violence * Explicit Sexual Content * Hate Speech * Misinformation/Disinformation * Marketing/Phishing/Advertising * Misleading/Inaccurate/Missing Metadata movies TRUE STORIES (1986) (ESP SUB) by David Byrne Publication date 1986 Topics David Byrne, John Goodman, Talking Heads A small but growing Texas town, filled with strange and musical characters, celebrates its sesquicentennial and converge on a local parade and talent show. Addeddate 2021-01-18 08:27:34 Color color Identifier ts-1986-480p Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Sound sound Year 1986 PLUS-CIRCLE ADD REVIEW COMMENT REVIEWS There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 4,302 Views 69 Favorites DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file ITEM TILE download download 1 file MPEG4 download download 1 file TORRENT download download 96 Files download 6 Original SHOW ALL IN COLLECTIONS Feature Films Movies Uploaded by io_moon.exe on January 18, 2021 SIMILAR ITEMS (BASED ON METADATA) PLAY PLAY ALL Ford Hall Forum 136 136 "Creatures of Love" - The Poodles Mar 31, 2019 03/19 by bnn movies EYE 136 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 Creatures of Love" (written by David Byrne), performed by The Poodles at Boston's Downtown Crossing, Summer, 1994. The Poodles are: Ruth Rappaport, guitar & vocals, Ruthie Dornfeld, fiddle and vocals, Leah Weiss, fiddle & vocals, Carol Hamm, bass & vocals. The Poodles recorded "The Poodles Unleashed" CD in 1993 on Northeastern Records (NR 5016), and "The Poodles" cassette in 1986. Cameras: Rob McCausland, Richard Mott. Video produced & edited by Rob... Topics: Massachusetts, Boston, Ford Hall Forum, BNN, Public Access TV, Community Media, PEG, Youtube,... Miscellaneous Podcasts 63 63 Music Review Rei Momo David Bryne 1989 May 12, 2019 05/19 by john vicary movies EYE 63 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 Music Review Rei Momo by David Byrne Released in 1989 Topics: David Byrne, Rei Momo, Music review, 1989 Albums, Talking Heads, Brazilian music Taped Rugs Productions Audio 1,988 2.0K ReUpholstered Vinyl Mar 5, 2009 03/09 by don campau & charles rice goff iii audio EYE 1,988 FAVORITE 2 COMMENT 0 ReUpholstered Vinyl by Don Campau & Charles Rice Goff III In late 2003, home recording artists Don Campau and Charles Rice Goff III began collaborating to create an album of “cover songs.” Working separately in California and Kansas, each of the artists produced the basics for five pieces, which they recorded onto CDRs and mailed to each other through the US Post. 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Christopher John Stephens Music 2,283 2.3K Naive Melody [this Must Be The Place] Jul 12, 2015 07/15 audio EYE 2,283 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 March 6, 2015 cover version of the Talking Heads song Topics: Talking Heads, David Byrne, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth, Jerry Harrison, Shawn Colvin, Counting... Miscellaneous Podcasts 297 297 SFFCH 287 Stop Making Sense Aug 30, 2020 08/20 by spoiler filled film audio EYE 297 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 Stop Making Sense [1984] Topics: Spoiler Filled, Film Conversation, Hooray!, SFFCH, Movie Review, Podcast, Movie, Film, Cinema, Stop... Miscellaneous Podcasts 213 213 Windows Sep 10, 2022 09/22 by raiders of the podcast audio EYE 213 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 This week one man dreams of a life and a town celebrates its people and their eccentricities. Ivan is unable to follow in his father's footsteps. He flees Russia, trading the organized crime organization he was meant to one day inherit for the sunny skies of California. 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