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   * Skirts
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   Loungewear Activewear Swim Basics Rompers + Jumpsuits Dresses
   * Maxi Dresses
   * Short Dresses
   * Party Dresses
   * Little Black Dresses
   Matching Sets Outerwear
   * Kimonos
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New Arrivals Tops
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* Sleeveless Tops
* Long Sleeve Tops
* Sweaters
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Loungewear Activewear Swim Basics Rompers + Jumpsuits Dresses
* Maxi Dresses
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* Party Dresses
* Little Black Dresses
Matching Sets Outerwear
* Kimonos
* Cardigans
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New Arrivals drop throughout the week, join our email list to get alerts! We've
got the casual wardrobe staples and elevated basics you need! Limited quantities
mean they’re likely to sell out fast, so get those fingers clicking and add to
cart now!

The Wait Is Over Checker Cardigan with Pockets cardigansnewouterwearsweaterstops
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The Wait Is Over Checker Cardigan with Pockets $55.00

VERVET Kelsey High Rise Raw Hem Dad Jeans - Light Wash bottomsjeansnew
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VERVET Kelsey High Rise Raw Hem Dad Jeans - Light Wash $65.00

Misha Premium Double Layered V-Neck Tank Tops basicsnewsleeveless-topstops
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Misha Premium Double Layered V-Neck Tank Tops $19.99

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Backroads Hooded Flannel - Beige long-sleeve-topsnewtops
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Backroads Hooded Flannel - Beige $49.00

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Sasha Velvet Bow Hair Clip - Ivory accessorieshairnew
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Sasha Velvet Bow Hair Clip - Ivory $14.99

Sasha Velvet Bow Hair Clip - Black accessorieshairnew
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Sasha Velvet Bow Hair Clip - Black $14.99

Brielle Bow Accent Necklace - Gold accessoriesjewelrynecklacesnew
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Brielle Bow Accent Necklace - Gold $16.99

Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Coffee loungewearmatching-setsnew
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Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Coffee 3 reviews $79.00

Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Purple loungewearmatching-setsnew
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Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Purple 3 reviews $79.00

Miller Platform Sneakers - Ivory newshoessneakers
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Miller Platform Sneakers - Ivory $49.00

THREAD & SUPPLY Lolly Tee - Tea Leaf newshort-sleeve-topstops
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THREAD & SUPPLY Lolly Tee - Tea Leaf 2 reviews $33.00

Jessica Bodysuits bodysuitsnewsleeveless-topstops
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Jessica Bodysuits 1 review $19.99

"LONDON" Embroidered Hat - Camel accessorieshatsnew
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"LONDON" Embroidered Hat - Camel $17.99

"NEW YORK" Embroidered Hat - Camel accessorieshatsnew
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"NEW YORK" Embroidered Hat - Camel $17.99

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Can't Stay Ribbed Top - Dusty Rose long-sleeve-topsnewtops
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Can't Stay Ribbed Top - Dusty Rose $35.00

A Little Extra Sneakers - Gold newshoessneakers
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A Little Extra Sneakers - Gold 10 reviews $50.00

See what our customers are saying

Give me all the hats!
"PARIS" Embroidered Hat - Black
Im a mama on the run and plus i love these trendy hats. They are comfortable and
I have both colors. I just love putting these on regardless of a bad hair day or
Bridgette H.
United States
Fabulous Fit
The Obsession Is Real Acid Wash Sweatshirts
OMG... the green one is my go to color and I love it. It has good length and fit
looks so good with jeans and even shorts. I paired with dark and light wash jean
and it looks so good. The material is not is rough at all. Such a fun color so
many colors too.
Bridgette H.
United States
So girly!
Show Them What You've Got Floral Dress
I love how delicate and girly this dress is! I have a larger bust so I sized up
to a medium and i'm so glad I did! I love wearing this dress with cowboy boots
or wedges. Super lightweight and comfortable!
United States
Give me more sets like this!
Everyday Ribbed Matching Set - Coral
When I tell run to get this one set.. i mean run..... its so comfy and easy to
style. Some days I just want a relaxed fit look and some days I dont want to
show my arms. This set is perfect for both. I snagged in the black too so i can
create more looks with just two pieces. I love it for traveling too and even
comfy to sleep in. You wont be disappointed.
Bridgette H.
United States
pearl perfection
Malibu Dream Pearl Tank - Pink
the cutest pearl top! It's so lightweight and I always get so many compliments
every time I wear it. I love all of the pearl accent details. Runs true to size
but for a more relaxed fit, I snagged a medium
United States
So good!!
As Fierce As They Come Onesie Jumpsuit - Grey
The most comfortable oneside jumpsuit! It stretches with your body and is so
incredibly flattering. I was so excited to layer this piece and even more
excited that it flattered all my curves since I was worried about weight I carry
in my mid section. Perfect to wear alone, or layered with graphic tops, jackets,
flannels, and more!
United States
So soft!
Like a Wildflower Sweater
The softest coziest sweater! Super lightweight and comfy. You definitely need
this for spring! I was able to stay TTS in a small.
United States
My Go-To Straight fit Jean!!!
FLYING MONKEY Luna High Rise Slim Straight Jeans
I was so surprised how flattering these jeans looked on my body. The jean hugs
my shape in all the right places and straight leg fit even made me look a little
bit slender. I love these so much and Im so happy I snagged them.
United States
Perfect sweater
Vibe Check Sweater - Black
This is the perfect midweight sweater! I love that it keeps me warm and cozy and
the material is so soft! I was able to stay TTS wearing a small. Definitely glad
I was able to snag this one!
United States
fun and flirty
Dripping in Finesse Strong Shoulder Top - Taupe
ordered this to wear under a blazer for work and it was so cute! I love the
details and sparkle of this top! The sleeveless cut and shoulder pads were
surprisingly so flattering on my curvier body. So glad I gave it a chance!
United States
So soft and cozy!
Moments to Remember Set - Mocha
This is the softest and most comfortable lounge set. Everytime I wear it I never
want to take it off. My TTS medium would've been a little more fitted, but I
like my loungey clothes to be more relaxed. I was a little worried that sizing
up to a large would make it look baggy or sloppy, but it's a perfect fit and
maybe a little too nice to wear just for lounging indoors. The color is
beautiful, but I wouldn't mind if this became available in additional colors
too. I definitely need more!
Nicole C.
United States
Short Girl Friendly!!!
HIDDEN Kelsey Cargo Pocket Raw Hem Flare Jeans - Medium Wash
Im 5'1 and I knew even with me being short I would love these. I love cargo
jeans and I knew I could alter these easily because of the raw hem. I get so
many complements on these jeans and I love how they flatter my body shape and
how lift my bottom!! SCORE!!!
Bridgette H.
United States
OK!! How did I not have these before?
THREAD & SUPPLY Lolly Tee - Terracotta
I snagged this color first. Its so pretty. But the quality of these tee's are
unreal and for the cost WOWZA. Its unbeatable.. I snagged the other colors too.
They are so simple to style, soft and so trendy. Its a basic tee that literally
elevated my look. These are too good to ever pass up again!!!
Bridgette H.
United States
fun and flirty
Limitless Overlay Crop Top - Olive
The cutest tie strappy top! I love how feminine it is with the cut and style. So
glad I snagged it! I was able to stay my TTS, size small in this one. Love to
play around with the style of the tie strings to create new looks. I've worn
this with denim and even with joggers to the gym. One of my absolute faves!
United States
Too Good Ribbed Hoodie - Mocha
Even for a shorty like me I love a hoodie that isnt too thick and heavy. This
one is perfect and soft. Plus the color is so attractive and pretty much goes
with any jeans or shorts. I love wearing these when I travel because they are
the perfect texture. The lengh is perfect too. Not too long and cover my
bottom!!! A must have ladies...
Bridgette H.
United States
Prettier in person!
Lucky Star Earrings - Gold
These super cute lightweight earrings are my favorite! The details are so pretty
and even better in person. I love how lightweight and comfy they are to wear
since i'm super picky about heavier jewelry.
United States
Cool For The Summer Lounge Set
OMG.. Solid shorts are the best for me because they are so effortless when its
coming to mix and matching. If your on the go mama like me these will be your go
to for the spring and summer. They are light weight, comfortable and so cute.
Bridgette H.
United States
Sized up
Clueless Vegan Leather Skirt - Black
Super cute and trendy skirt! I had to size up from small to medium and so glad I
did! It fits perfectly after sizing up. Super fun and playful cut. Definitely
worth snagging!
United States
So Cute!
Making It Look Easy Half Zip Pullovers
Such a cute sweater. The front zipper gives it such a cute look. Its such a coxy
and relaxed sweater. Stay true to size in it. It has plenty of room.
Bridgette H.
United States
all in the details
In My Rhinestone Era Top - White
oh my goodness, the details of this top are so good! It's such a soft and
comfortable fabric too! The sleeves are so flattering, especially since my arms
are an area of concern when it comes to fit. I love love love this one! Perfect
for keeping it causal or dressing up with a skirt and heels!
United States
So flattering!!
Hi Ken Romper - Fuchsia
I am in love with this little jumpsuit! it's so incredibly flattering and the
material quality is so good! I stayed true to size with a small and i'm so happy
because it fits perfectly. The cutout details on the side are so cute and I love
that it has pockets. Do not sleep on this one!
United States
office influencer
She Means Business Trousers - Black
I cannot get over how amazing these pants are! They're perfect for the office,
church, date night, or even styling a super cute casual outfit pairing them with
a graphic t and sneakers! The quality and comfort are so good!
United States
Love these pants
Junie Toggle Parachute Pants - Hot Pink
The color is amazing and they are very comfy.
Misty K.
United States
The only Self Tanning Mousse I use!!!
CCBRONZE Self Tanning Mousse
Thetransformation glow is unreal. I look a darker glow so i leave on for 3 hours
and I dont have any orangy or weird after smell. Its so easy to use and I
grabbed the kit because the mitt and the brush are so easy to use. The texture
of the mousse glides on easily and I can start to see a difference right away.
Its just a no hassle self tanning mousse and it does not dry out my skin at all.
Bridgette H.
United States
Perfect cropped tee!
If You're Not Too Busy Cropped Tee - Black
This is a closet staple and the perfect casual piece to style alone or layer
with other pieces! The fabric is super soft and comfortable with perfect
stretch. For more length you could size up however, I stayed true to size in a
small since I am shorter.
United States
Super cute, but runs small!
Nikki Hyperstretch Mid-Rise Coated Skinny Pants - Black Stars
I had to size up in these since they run much smaller than the other Nikki
hyperstretch jeans. So glad I did! I love the subtle star print and the material
is so comfortable. I am usually a size small but sized up to a medium in these.
United States
Lots of Stretch!
Your Next Concert Fit Criss Cross Top
I grabbed this color and black in small.OMG.........the fit and stretch is
incredible. I was blown away. Looks so cute with waisted jeans, joggers and
shorts its perfect and doesnt show any of the mid section. The tie in the back
can be adjusted and is so flattering. These are so cute for spring and summer.
Im so happy with the fit!!!
Bridgette H.
United States
Pop of Color Ribbed Puff Sleeve Top - Orange
The color itself is beautiful.... but this top really gave me that slimming
feel. it has stretch in it. Very comfortable not rough feeling at all. The
sleeves complete the look. I would snag this so cute with jeans and shorts.
Bridgette H.
United States
Give me more
Everyday Ribbed Matching Set - Black
I need more colors in these sets.... They are that good. I was looking for solid
sets because they are simply to mix and match. Plus I like to chnage things up
and just loose comfy sets. I also like the additional lengh in the sleeve it
gives some coverage in the arms. Perfect for days I just want to cover up. I
love the fit perfect for traveling too.
Bridgette H.
United States
Perfect for travel
Too Good Ribbed Hoodie - Olive
I travel a lot and I love wearing something comfy but not heavy and this is
perfect. It very soft and the color is so flattering too. And the lengh is
perfect with leggings or jeans.
Bridgette H.
United States


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Dresses Dresses

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