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Text Content
We're hiring! * Payments Razorpay Payment Suite ACCEPT PAYMENTS * Payment Gateway Payments on your Website & App * Payment Links Create & send links to collect money * Payment Pages Get paid with personalized pages * Payment Buttons Create, Copy and Collect in 5 mins * QR CodesNEW Multi-feature QR for your business * Instant Settlement Customer payments settled faster * Invoices Create & send GST compliant invoices * Smart Collect Automate NEFT, RTGS, IMPS payments * Subscriptions Collect recurring subscription payments * International Payments Accept payments from across the globe * Razorpay TokenHQNEW Multi-network card tokenisation DISBURSE PAYMENTS * Route Split & manage market payments PARTNER APPS * App Store Find right app for your business MORE * Payments Mobile AppNEW Track and Accept payments * Magic CheckoutNEW Improve Order Conversions & Reduce RTOs * UPI AutoPayNEW Recurring payments using UPI App Explore Banking Suite Pricing Resources Partners Support Log In * Payment Gateway * Payment Links * Payment Buttons Explore Payment Suite -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Banking PlusBusiness Banking Plus Razorpay Banking Suite BUSINESS BANKING PLUS * RazorpayX Business banking powered for disruptors * Vendor Payments Automate vendor invoice and TDS payments * Payout Links Send money without recipient account details * Payouts 24x7, Instant & Automated Payouts * Current Account Supercharged for businesses * Tax Payments Pay your business taxes in under 30 seconds * Payroll Automate and execute payroll * View Live DemoNew See RazorpayX in action, no signup required! CREDIT * Razorpay Capital Get money for your business needs * Marketplace Instant SettlementsNEW Get Amazon Payouts Instantly * Corporate Cards Credit Card for growing businesses * Cash Advance Instant additional cash for business use *Banking Services and Razorpay powered Current Account is provided by Scheduled Banks *Banking Services and Razorpay powered Current Account is provided by Scheduled Banks MORE * RazorpayX Mobile AppNEW • Business banking made convenient Explore Payment Suite Pricing Resources Partners Support Log In * Current Account * Vendor Payments Explore All Solutions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pricing * Resources Resources AWARENESS * Blog Know about the nitty gritty of Payments, Banking & more! * Learn Learn about Business Management, Freelance & more! * Events Learn more about Startups, Products, Sales and Funding * White papers From data-driven fintech insights to best practices around handling payments * Customer Stories 50,00,000+ businesses powering payments with Razorpay DEVELOPERS * Developer Docs Get started with SDKs here * Integrations 30+ platforms that Razorpay supports * API Reference Official references for the Razorpay APIs SOLUTIONS * SaaS Multi-channel, Multi-mode Payments Experience * E-commerce Seamlessly accept, manage and disburse money! * Education Facilitate learning & growth for your students & customers * BFSI Solve unique challenges across lending, wealth management, and insurance sectors * Freelance Accept both domestic & international payments from your clients and cutomers! FREE TOOLS * GST Calculator The easiest way for businesses to calculate their GST * Online TDS PaymentNew Pay TDS for your business in 30 seconds * GST Number SearchNew The easiest way for businesses to view their GST Details Explore Payment Suite Explore Banking Suite Pricing Partners Support Log In * Partners Partners BECOME A PARTNER * Refer and Earn * Onboarding APIs Explore Payment Suite Explore Banking Suite Pricing Resources Support Log In * Support Support GET SUPPORT * Raise a request * Knowledgebase * Chargeback Guides * Settlement Guides Explore Payment Suite Explore Banking Suite Pricing Resources Partners Log In Pricing Log In Sign Up SPLIT AND TRANSFER PAYMENTS WITH RAZORPAY ROUTE Now easily split incoming payments to individual accounts, make vendor payouts, manage marketplace money flow and much more using powerful APIs. With Razorpay Route you can focus on your business and leave the hassles of money movement to us. Sign Up View Documentation OFFER Payout with zero integration at a limited time offer price. See pricing details. Razorpay Route OverviewBuilt for DevelopersPricing LET RAZORPAY HANDLE THE FINANCIAL COMPLEXITIES FOR YOU Money movement in the real world is a monumental task with strict compliance requirements, frequent auditing and dealing with systems manually through emails or files. Razorpay Route handles all of these for you out of the box, taking care of all complexities and regulatory requirements. Sign up now and start splitting payments through our intuitive platform. Sign UpView Pricing THERE'S AN API FOR THAT Control all aspects of Razorpay Route through powerful APIs built for enabling automation TRANSFER VIA ORDER Automate sending money to accounts REVERSAL Reverse the transfers through API 1. curl -X POST https://api.razorpay.com/v1/orders 2. -u <YOUR_KEY_ID>:<YOUR_KEY_SECRET> \ 3. -d 'amount=2400' \ 4. -d 'currency=INR' \ 5. -d 'payment_capture=1' \ 6. -d 'transfers[0][account]=acc_CY7vWwyvIKxlPk' \ 7. -d 'transfers[0][amount]=1000' \ 8. -d 'transfers[0][currency]=INR' \ 9. -d 'transfers[1][account]=acc_CNo3jSI8OkFJJJ' \ 10. -d 'transfers[1][amount]=500' \ 11. -d 'transfers[1][currency]=INR' 12. 1. curl https://api.razorpay.com/v1/transfers/trf_714iNLGsd7k36a/ reversals \ 2. -u {KEY}:{SECRET} \ 3. -d 'amount=10000' View Docs ExploreLife Easy splitting of payments with Razorpay Route ensures smooth ride for ExploreLifeTraveling Read More Goalwise 20% Cost and time savings for Goalwise with Razorpay Route Read More ExploreLife Easy splitting of payments with Razorpay Route ensures smooth ride for ExploreLifeTraveling Read More Goalwise 20% Cost and time savings for Goalwise with Razorpay Route Read More MANAGE END-TO-END PAYMENT FLOW AS PER YOUR BUSINESS USE CASE Does your business require you to transfer a payment to different bank accounts? Do you need to split a payment into multiple parts? Razorpay Route supports your model with a core that allows you to completely control over split and transfers as per your business logic. Sign up now to get started. Sign Up MARKETPLACES Connecting customers and sellers on your platform? Now split individual customer payments between multiple sellers with complete flexibility on how much to transfer, to whom and when to settle. MULTIPLE BANK ACCOUNTS Collecting payments centrally while managing multiple bank accounts for your business? Now split payments at source through automated routing between your various bank accounts with complete control over the business logic. ON-DEMAND SERVICES Building a platform for cab drivers, electricians, handyman, etc.? Now manage the entire payment process digitally with complete control over when the transfers are made and settled. MANAGE THE ENTIRE SPLIT PAYMENTS LIFECYCLE WITH RAZORPAY ROUTE E-COMMERCE & MARKETPLACES E-commerce & Marketplaces face inefficiencies around instantly distributing payments and enabling refund disputes to their sellers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Razorpay Route, commission payments can be automated and unnecessary time spent on manual reconciliation can be eliminated Easy commission payments & refund setup for sellers across India Improved payments lifecycle for service providers, partners, vendors, and customer refunds Elimination of manual reconciliation E-commerce & Marketplaces face inefficiencies around instantly distributing payments and enabling refund disputes to their sellers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Razorpay Route, commission payments can be automated and unnecessary time spent on manual reconciliation can be eliminated Easy commission payments & refund setup for sellers across India Improved payments lifecycle for service providers, partners, vendors, and customer refunds Elimination of manual reconciliation ONLINE SERVICE AGGREGATORS Online aggregators need an uncomplicated solution to route payments to their service providers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razorpay Route APIs automates the routing of high volume payments to multiple service providers without any hassles. Easy payouts of service providers High volumes of commission payments Improved payment and refund lifecycles Online aggregators need an uncomplicated solution to route payments to their service providers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razorpay Route APIs automates the routing of high volume payments to multiple service providers without any hassles. Easy payouts of service providers High volumes of commission payments Improved payment and refund lifecycles EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Education institutions and test prep companies need a solution to easily collect fee payments via different payment methods and distribute them across their internal branches or external partners based on their management’s needs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razorpay Route lets you set up an automated process of distributing funds of various departments across the network. Easy payouts across various departments Time and resources saved by automating payouts Transparent tracking & reporting of payments across multiple branches Education institutions and test prep companies need a solution to easily collect fee payments via different payment methods and distribute them across their internal branches or external partners based on their management’s needs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razorpay Route lets you set up an automated process of distributing funds of various departments across the network. Easy payouts across various departments Time and resources saved by automating payouts Transparent tracking & reporting of payments across multiple branches FINANCIAL SERVICES: MUTUAL FUNDS Mutual fund platforms want a dedicated settlement cycle to the AMCs (Asset Management Companies) to ensure that investors get the funds for the price at the time of the purchase and not for the price at the time of settlement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razorpay Route provides an automated splitting of payments that help mutual fund platforms settle to the right AMCs at a dedicated settlement cycle. A periodic settlement cycle for AMCs Automatic reconciliation to reduce the time and effort for Mutual Fund platforms Have full control over the settlement cycle for the AMCs. Put settlements on hold for payments made in advance and settle at the right time Mutual fund platforms want a dedicated settlement cycle to the AMCs (Asset Management Companies) to ensure that investors get the funds for the price at the time of the purchase and not for the price at the time of settlement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razorpay Route provides an automated splitting of payments that help mutual fund platforms settle to the right AMCs at a dedicated settlement cycle. A periodic settlement cycle for AMCs Automatic reconciliation to reduce the time and effort for Mutual Fund platforms Have full control over the settlement cycle for the AMCs. Put settlements on hold for payments made in advance and settle at the right time FINANCIAL SERVICES : INSURANCE Insurance providers want an easy but scalable solution to autoroute their daily fund collection to business units spread across different cities in India. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razorpay Route provides an end-to-end payment flow for Insurance providers to automate payouts to different business units. Automated fund collection across business units spread across different cities. Reduced manual reconciliations With automated payment flow, Insurance providers can focus on scaling up the core business Insurance providers want an easy but scalable solution to autoroute their daily fund collection to business units spread across different cities in India. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razorpay Route provides an end-to-end payment flow for Insurance providers to automate payouts to different business units. Automated fund collection across business units spread across different cities. Reduced manual reconciliations With automated payment flow, Insurance providers can focus on scaling up the core business REAL ESTATE Real Estate clients need a solution to instantly manage the disbursals of maintenance, utility, deposits or any other payments for different housing societies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razorpay Route lets Real Estate agencies to manage all payout operations without any hassles. Manage multiple payments and disburse payments for maintenance, utilities, deposits, etc. Automate the process of early payments of dues from housing society members Real Estate clients need a solution to instantly manage the disbursals of maintenance, utility, deposits or any other payments for different housing societies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Razorpay Route lets Real Estate agencies to manage all payout operations without any hassles. Manage multiple payments and disburse payments for maintenance, utilities, deposits, etc. Automate the process of early payments of dues from housing society members > Razorpay Route not only simplified the splitting of payments as a process but > also saved us man-hours in coding efforts with its completely API driven > approach. Now we can onboard more hosts on our platform with its easy > onboarding process and manage the payouts at a time best suited to our > business policy and still be in control of our business with deep view through > our dashboard > Vikram Kumar > Co-Founder & CEO, ExploreLifeTravelling AUTOMATE YOUR PAYMENT LIFECYCLE WITH RAZORPAY ROUTE Make use of our robust Payment Gateway for accepting payments from end customers, through any payment mode. You can even accept payments through Subscriptions, Payment Links, Invoices and Smart Collect which can then be split using Razorpay Route. Explore Docs LINKED ACCOUNTS Easily onboard your vendors, sellers, service providers, etc. as linked accounts on Razorpay Route without the hassles of any physical paperwork. TRANSFERS For each payment, create as many transfers as you need to various linked accounts with complete control over the splitting logic. Automate the process through powerful Transfer APIs. SETTLEMENTS Control the entire fund movements with flexible settlement plans. Select between periodic settlements or choose to defer them until some business conditions are met. SCALE WITH RAZORPAY 100,000+ Sellers? Millions of transactions? Razorpay Route is built for scale. Over the last couple of years, we have worked hard with our banking partners so you don’t have to. Razorpay's servers are completely hosted on Amazon AWS with auto-scaling systems that scale up to handle any traffic that you throw at it today or in the future. Sign Up CUSTOMIZABLE FOR ALL BUSINESS USE CASES Control the entire money movement with flexible settlement plans. Select between periodic settlements or choose to defer them until your business conditions are met. DEFAULT SETTLEMENTS Settle money as per the defined settlement schedule SCHEDULED SETTLEMENTS Explicitly set the settlement date for a transfer. SETTLEMENTS ON HOLD Put settlement on hold for a transfer until your business conditions are met. 1. curl https://api.razorpay.com/v1/payments/pay_7o52yYkoL/transfers \ 2. -u {KEY}:{SECRET} \ 3. -d 'transfers[0][account]=acc_7o7C7MnIbGk60l' \ 4. -d 'transfers[0][amount]=10000' \ 5. -d 'transfers[0][currency]=INR' \ 6. -d 'transfers[1][account]=acc_7jh0F05cEYJq48' \ 7. -d 'transfers[1][amount]=5000' \ 8. -d 'transfers[1][currency]=INR' 1. curl https://api.razorpay.com/v1/payments/pay_7o52yYkoL/transfers \ 2. -u {KEY}:{SECRET} \ 3. -d 'transfers[0][account]=acc_7o7C7MnIbGk60l' \ 4. -d 'transfers[0][amount]=10000' \ 5. -d 'transfers[0][currency]=INR' \ 6. -d 'transfers[0][on_hold]=1' 7. -d 'transfers[1][account]=acc_7jh0F05cEYJq48' \ 8. -d 'transfers[1][amount]=5000' \ 9. -d 'transfers[1][currency]=INR' \ 10. -d 'transfers[1][on_hold]=1' 1. curl https://api.razorpay.com/v1/payments/pay_7o52yYkoL/transfers \ 2. -u {KEY}:{SECRET} \ 3. -d 'transfers[0][account]=acc_7o7C7MnIbGk60l' \ 4. -d 'transfers[0][amount]=10000' \ 5. -d 'transfers[0][currency]=INR' \ 6. -d 'transfers[0][on_hold]=1' 7. -d 'transfers[0][on_hold_until]=1531543380' AND THERE'S A WEBHOOK FOR THAT With each state change available as a webhook event, easily keep your systems in sync with automated notification of events through webhooks on Razorpay Route. Setup webhooks through dashboard with different URLs for test and live mode. Learn More transfer.created Sync your systems with transfers created on the Razorpay dashboard. transfer.reversed Sync your systems with transfers that are reversed on the Razorpay dashboard. SIMPLE PRICING, NO HIDDEN CHARGES Split your payments and get charged only for successful transfers. LIMITED TIME OFFER STANDARD PLAN 0.25%* 0.1%* Charged on every transfer as addon pricing * Standard Payment Gateway pricing applies on the underlying payment. GST applicable. * Easy onboarding * Reports for all actions * Automate with APIs * Complete control over settlements Get Started CUSTOMIZED PLAN Sign up now to learn more about the Razorpay payments suite and explore our powerful dashboard. Sign Up Explore Route to split payments and make vendor payouts SPLIT YOUR PAYMENTS FROM OUR OTHER PRODUCTS WITH RAZORPAY ROUTE SUBSCRIPTIONS Offer your customers subscription plans with automated recurring transactions on various payment modes, through a platform that's built for automation. INVOICES Send your customers GST compliant invoices with item level details to accept online payments through debit/credit cards, netbanking, wallets, UPI etc. SMART COLLECT Now accept NEFT, RTGS and IMPS transfers through virtual accounts that can be generated on-demand with automated reconciliation for payments at scale. Also, take a look at other Razorpay products – Payment GatewayPayment LinksBharatQRUPI START DOING MORE WITH RAZORPAY ROUTE Complete control on money flow of incoming payments * Quick Onboarding * Unlimited Linked Accounts * Refund Capability For Linked Accounts * Complete Control Over Money Transfer Sign Up Razorpay is the only payments solution in India that allows businesses to accept, process and disburse payments with its product suite. It gives you access to all payment modes including credit card, debit card, netbanking, UPI and popular wallets including JioMoney, Mobikwik, Airtel Money, FreeCharge, Ola Money and PayZapp. RazorpayX supercharges your business banking experience, bringing effectiveness, efficiency, and excellence to all financial processes. With RazorpayX, businesses can get access to fully-functional current accounts, supercharge their payouts and automate payroll compliance. Manage your marketplace, automate bank transfers, collect recurring payments, share invoices with customers and avail working capital loans - all from a single platform. Fast forward your business with Razorpay. Disclaimer: The RazorpayX powered Current Account and VISA corporate credit card are provided by RBI licensed banks. Your RazorpayX powered account is provided by our partner bank, in accordance with RBI regulations. RazorpayX itself is not a bank and doesn't hold or claim to hold a banking license. 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Your next Prime Minister hasn’t ever served chAI, hasn’t ever sheltered underworld ke bhAI, hasn’t ever dissed movies by Subhash GhAI. Your next Prime Minister is not an aadmi, it is a cloud-based, omnipotent and omnipresent AI engine. It’s motherly, homely and an intelligent candidate. We call it AAI. Here’s introducing Non Aadmi Party and it’s motherly, homely and intelligent candidate--AAI. It’s transparent, it’s open, it’s omnipresent. It’s not your friend, it’s not your enemy. It’s you. PM AAI is such a beacon of intelligence that it knows you better than you know yourself. It understands your needs, your desires, your aspirations. PM AAI will fix open manholes even before children fall into them, PM AAI will provide jobs even before youngsters finish their education. The Non Aadmi Party is a political startup. Startups have successfully changed the way we run businesses; Non Aadmi Party will successfully change the way governments are run. Here is why you should choose Non Aadmi Party and AAI, the artificial intelligence PM, in the upcoming elections. We don’t want just your votes, we want your upvotes. Transparent funding activities Traditional political parties don’t disclose their funding sources, but being a political startup, it will probably be the only thing that Non Aadmi Party talks about. Get used to newspaper headlines like, “Non Aadmi Party Raises $100 million in Series A Funding” or “Multiple VCs Lead New Funding Round in NAP.” We’ll talk about funding even when we are not receiving any funding but want to stay in the news. We will be open to talking about our funding sources, but please don’t ask us how and where we are spending the money. Much like traditional parties, we also won’t know but we definitely will be the world’s first unicorn government. Cooler names for our cities Startups have cool names, why shouldn’t our cities have that too? Since there are so many breweries in Bangalore, we’ll rename it to Brewgalore. Mumbai and Chennai, of course, will become Mumb.ai and Chenn.ai. Unconfirmed sources have told us that there are numerous Dell outlets in Delhi, which is why we’ll rename it to DellKart. After this, we’ll just start skipping vowels, replacing i’s with y’s, etc. to better startup-ize our cities. Expect Hydrbd, Ahmdvd, Pn, Jypor, and Gandyngrrr. Great job titles for our cabinet ministers It is rather dull to call someone the ‘Minister of Human Resource Development’; we’ll call this post the Head of People Ops. The ‘Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment’ title doesn’t adequately reflect our culture, so it’ll be replaced by Chief Social Media Influencer. The guy heading the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public will be naturally be called our company’s Growth Hacker, and the Minister of Defence will henceforth be Chief Defence Ninja. A government of open offices Open offices have been the startup world's contribution to modernizing the way we work. The Non Aadmi Party offices will also be open offices. Any citizen can walk into any of our offices at any point in time. You can participate in the discussions party workers and government officials are having. And if by chance you find anyone taking a nap in a government office, take a nap with them. Pay income tax and get instant cashback Wow! Literally, wow! Has any government ever given you money to pay money? We will. Every time your company deducts TDS or professional tax from your salary, Non Aadmi Party will deposit cashback directly into a wallet of your choice. Cash has gone but cash came back also! The party will also report income tax collections as Gross Merchandise Value and aim to achieve hockeystick growth. A revamped Parliament In our opinion, Parliament House has been waiting for a startup to occupy it. Perhaps this is why they already sport an open office layout. To add to this, the Parliament under the Non Aadmi Party will sport a completely new look. It will only have bean bags, but members will show appreciation not by banging on tables but by upvoting Non Aadmi Party on Product Hunt. Every LS and RS session will be planned in fortnightly sprints, the sessions will be streamed on the party’s own channel called NAPflix and of course, the Parliament will have ping pong and foosball tables to allow our ministers to stay fit and energized. Citizens can review cabinets on Glassdoor If you’d like to tell us what we’re doing, you can review us on Glassdoor! The Non Aadmi Party aims to be an open and transparent government, which is why there will be no need to open a Glassdoor account to look at all Glassdoor reviews -- they will be open for all. If, like startup founders and product managers, our ministers also reply to everything that Naval tweets, you can go ahead and give them negative reviews on Glassdoor. Social crimes on IPC With changing times, the traditional definitions of crime have also changed, and we’ve decided to update them. Calling yourself a “sapiosexual” and “only here for friends” on Tinder, or sending good morning messages on WhatsApp, or calling your blog “Random Musings”, or adding “Writer” to your Twitter bio should all be unlawful activities. And they will be. The Non Aadmi Party will ensure that such social crimes are recognized and penalized. Cloudy skies over clear skies Clouds are amazing. Look at our party symbol if you have any doubts. We love clouds so much that we'll make them omnipresent in our skies. We'll get rid of firewalls and data centres and move all your data to the clouds. More clouds will also mean more rain for our farmers, and will also mean the citizens will be protected from harmful UV rays. Safety, security and kheti-badi, all in one. Ab sabke mann ki baat Communication is important. A government should reach out to the citizens more often and hear what they have to say. Instead of a radio speech (which is hardly the way to reach Millenials), the Non Aadmi Party will host a Town Hall meeting every Sunday. Our honourable PM AAI will speak to the citizens of the country and take questions. For a short period of time, of course. And there will be pizza! Abolish Angel Tax Startups in India have been affected by the infamous Angel Tax regulation, which imposes taxation on VC investments in unlisted companies. However, with our superior intelligence, we will out-general this regulation by allowing VC funding via electoral bonds. This will not only allow all investments to be tax-free, but also allow all donations to be completely anonymous!* * - In doing so, we expect we will be just the start of a long line of startups attempting to get into politics once everyone realizes its potential for tax-free investments. But this government has first mover advantage! Better planning, better tracking, Jira for all! Older, dated government 5-year-plans will be replaced with the Non Aadmi Party’s own Startup Sprint Plan. Our new quarter planning scheme will be Vision 2025, and to help us achieve our goals, we shall define public OKRs for all senior government positions. As you would expect, their adherence to these OKRs will affect their appraisals during review cycles, determined via extensive anonymous peer review. Who needs NITI Aayog when you’ve got a national-level Scrum Master? Wildlife Conservation If there’s one thing the Non Aadmi Party is great at, it’s using technology to solve problems you never even knew existed. Non Aadmi Party will use established, robust methods of ensuring that the animals of this country are not just safe, but live forever! Get ready to look beyond CryptoCows, and move on to ROIRhinos, HODLHaathis, Royal Bengal TigerTokens, and of course, Blackbucks. VotEr Stock Ownership Plan (VESOPS) Finally, what kind of startup would we really be if we didn’t intend on someday going public? Get in on the craze now, as every member of the voting public who pledges their vote to NAP will be entitled to a percentage of ownership of the country. What’s that you say? How can a country be owned via stocks? Well, let’s just say that if war ever breaks out and territories of India have to be seceded acquired, you’re in for a huge buyback! Donate Now SHARE: Jokes Aside! Be an informed voter this elections We need your help to support the #MeraVoteMeraDesh campaign for the Lok Elections and State Assembly Elections in 2019. The campaign aims to eradicate corruption and criminalisation in the elections process. Donate Now x RAZORPAYX Share your details with us and we will get back to you. Your NameBusiness NameContact Details Are you a publicly funded startup? Submit Details WE HAVE SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED YOUR REQUEST, WE WILL GET BACK TO YOU SHORTLY ✕ ✕ ✕ GET IN TOUCH Have any questions or want to talk to us about the product? Share your details and we will get back to you. Your NameContact Details Company Name*RoleMessage (Optional)Get in touch WE HAVE SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED YOUR REQUEST, WE WILL GET BACK TO YOU SHORTLY. TRANSACTION SETTINGS Cash on Delivery Enable COD Fee Free₹49.00 Shipping Fee Free₹49.00 Coupons AvailableFLAT10, 10PER x LEARN HOW YOU CAN TRANSFORM YOUR BUSINESS BANKING And save big on time & money for your business. 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