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Submission: On February 09 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Submission: On February 09 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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LinkedIn und Drittanbieter setzen essenzielle und nicht zwingend erforderliche Cookies ein, um die LinkedIn Dienste bereitzustellen, zu schützen, zu analysieren und zu verbessern und um auf LinkedIn und außerhalb von LinkedIn relevante Anzeigen zu präsentieren (einschließlich zielgruppenspezifischer Anzeigen und Stellenanzeigen). Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Cookie-Richtlinie. Wählen Sie „Akzeptieren“, um dieser Nutzung zuzustimmen, oder wählen Sie „Ablehnen“, um die nicht zwingend erforderlichen Cookies abzulehnen. Sie können Ihre Auswahl jederzeit in den Einstellungen aktualisieren. Akzeptieren Ablehnen Weiter zum Hauptinhalt LinkedIn * Artikel * Personen * E-Learning * Jobs * App laden Mitglied werden Einloggen DATAVAIL IT-DIENSTLEISTUNGEN UND IT-BERATUNG BROOMFIELD, CO 33.937 FOLLOWER:INNEN WE HELP CLIENTS TURN DATA INTO DECISIONS NO MATTER WHERE IT LIVES-IN APPS, ON-PREM, IN A HYBRID MODEL, OR IN THE CLOUD. Jobs anzeigen Folgen * alle 850 Mitarbeiter:innen anzeigen * Dieses Unternehmen melden * Übersicht * Stellen * Unternehmenskultur INFO Datavail is a proven technology consulting, implementation, and managed services partner headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado. Our world-class tech-enabled delivery platform enables us to provide an extensive solutions portfolio, including database management, analytics, application development, cloud infrastructure, and enterprise applications consulting — on-premises and in the cloud. With tens of thousands of hours of experience, our goal is to enable our clients to build modern, data-driven organizations that scale. Datavail maintains strong partnerships with leading technology companies to help our clients leverage the best-fit platform to optimize outcomes. In addition, we have poured over $25 million in R&D to bring world-class systems and application monitoring tools to the market. We seek to leverage the greatest that technology and talent have to offer to simplify and operationalize the IT systems organizations use to manage their most valuable data. We select the best across the globe so we can implement complex solutions for top brands as well as small-to-midsize organizations. Our passionate team of 1200+ certified, cloud-focused consultants deliver industry-focused solutions to 500+ customers with an average lifespan of 7+ years. These committed tech professionals help our clients jump-start their projects, improve time to value & reduce the risk for the core industries that we serve. Our Technology Alliances: Datavail has leading partnerships with AWS, Microsoft, Oracle, Google, Maria DB, Mongo DB, MySQL and can provide 24×7 managed services for all leading database and applications environments including: · AWS · Azure · Oracle · MongoDB · SQL Server · Db2 · PostgreSQL · MySQL · Cassandra · Hadoop · MariaDB · Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)/ Oracle PeopleSoft/ Oracle Hyperion technologies · Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) technologies · Oracle Analytics & Business Intelligence tech. Website http://www.datavail.com Externer Link zu Datavail Branche IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Größe 1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte Hauptsitz Broomfield, CO Art Privatunternehmen Gegründet 2007 Spezialgebiete Data Management, BI/DW, Analytics, Database Administration, Application Development, Enterprise Applications, Managed Services, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle E-Business Suite, OBIEE, Oracle Business Analytics, Dynamics 365 CRM, Hyperion, Office 365, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Cassandra, Oracle EPM, Oracle ERP, Amazon RDS, Amazon EC2, Amazon Aurora, Microsoft Power BI, Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC), Oracle Database, Kubernetes, Oracle GoldenGate, Cloud Migrations und Cloud Modernizations PRODUKTE Keine weiteren vorherigen Inhalte Datavail PayMatch®, Software für Gehaltsabrechnung DATAVAIL PAYMATCH® SOFTWARE FÜR GEHALTSABRECHNUNG Datavail TechBoost™, Cloud-Überwachungstools DATAVAIL TECHBOOST™ CLOUD-ÜBERWACHUNGSTOOLS Datavail ValueBoost™, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software DATAVAIL VALUEBOOST™ ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) SOFTWARE Keine weiteren nächsten Inhalte ORTE * Primär 11800 Ridge Parkway Suite 125 Broomfield, CO 80021, US Wegbeschreibung * A-902 Supreme Business Park Hiranandani Gardens Powai, Mumbai 400610, IN Wegbeschreibung * Hosur Main Road Ground floor, South Wing Maruthi Chambers Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068, IN Wegbeschreibung * 21 Randolph Avenue Suite 100 Toronto, Ontario M6P 4G4, CA Wegbeschreibung * 1002 – 1003 Manjeera Trinity Corporate, JNTU-Hitech City Road, K P H B Phase 3, Kukatpally Hyderabad, Telangana 500072, IN Wegbeschreibung * Nawala Road Maga One, 11th Floor, No 200 Narahenpita, Colombo , LK Wegbeschreibung Weitere Orte anzeigen Weniger Orte zeigen BESCHÄFTIGTE VON DATAVAIL * DEREK PILLING INVESTOR AND OPERATOR IN GROWTH STAGE TECH-ENABLED SERVICE AND SAAS BUSINESSES. * JEFF FOSTER SENIOR PROCESS ANALYST | PROCESS OPTIMIZATION | BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION | ADEPT AT ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS | CLIENT COMMUNICATION | TRAINING | ESCALATION… * BERNARD PANONE * MAULIK M. COMBINE PASSION AND SKILLS TO HELP PROVIDE MEANINGFUL, SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Alle Beschäftigten anzeigen UPDATES * Datavail 33.937 Follower:innen 1 Std. Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden Is your team bogged down by slow, manual workflows that stifle your growth? Imagine a world where you could automate repetitive tasks, integrate different systems seamlessly, and free up your team to focus on strategic initiatives. That's the power of Microsoft Azure Logic Apps, and Datavail can help you unlock it. Datavail is a Microsoft Solutions Partner with over 17 years of expertise. Ready to unleash the power of automation? Contact Datavail today and let our Logic Apps experts show you how: https://bit.ly/3usVylH #microsoftazure #azure #logicapps #microsoftpartner #microsoft #microsoftlogicapps * 4 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Datavail 33.937 Follower:innen 3 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden Are you feeling the weight of complex data management challenges? Join us at the CDO/CIO New York Summit on March 19th and confidently navigate these challenges! This event, sponsored by Datavail, equips you with the latest strategies and best practices in data governance, privacy, and security. Learn from industry experts and fellow leaders as you chart your course to data-driven success. Register now and secure your spot! #datamanagement #data #cdo #ciosummit #datasecurity #dataprivacy Dieser Inhalt wird nicht unterstützt. 7 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Datavail 33.937 Follower:innen 23 Std. Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden Learn how Datavail helped Insurent, a lease guaranty service organization, improve Oracle performance and reliability by moving from on-premises infrastructure to Amazon RDS for Oracle. Datavail helped Insurent with its existing web application built on an on-premises Oracle 10g database that had several issues with performance, reliability and cost of scaling and licensing. https://bit.ly/3HQnvaj #oracle #database #oracledatabase #oracle10g #cloudinfrastructure * 5 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Datavail 33.937 Follower:innen 1 Tag Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden Need help with high costs, limited scalability, and looming end-of-support for your on-premises PeopleSoft? Our new whitepaper explores how migrating to AWS can transform your experience! Discover how to reduce infrastructure costs, increase agility, boost security, and prepare for future updates. Download it now and unlock the full potential of PeopleSoft in the cloud. https://bit.ly/3vCzp4t #peoplesoft #aws #cloud #cloudsolutions #cloudinfrastructure * 4 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Datavail 33.937 Follower:innen 3 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Did your first cloud migration attempt strand you with roadblocks like latency, security issues, and a demotivated team? Don't give up! Read the presentation to learn how a trucking company overcame similar hurdles and succeeded with the right partner and approach. https://bit.ly/3OaLWQe #cloud #cloudmigration #digitaltransformation #oracleerp #erp #epm * 6 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Datavail 33.937 Follower:innen 3 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Slash costs and boost agility with PeopleSoft on AWS! Our latest guide reveals five hidden gems to unlock efficiency and cost savings. It's time to ditch the limitations and embrace the cloud. Read more: https://bit.ly/3vJxqvw #peoplesoft #aws #cloud #erp #cloudinfrastructure * 8 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Datavail 33.937 Follower:innen 3 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Join Datavail and Strategy Insights on March 27th, 2024, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm ET, for a power-packed IT Strategy Days NYC virtual event. Gain valuable insights on: 1. Optimizing your data management and analytics strategy. 2. Modernizing your applications for efficiency and scalability. 3. Leveraging the cloud to drive innovation and agility. Register Now! #datamanagement #analytics #applicationdevelopment #cloud #itchallenges #clevel Dieser Inhalt wird nicht unterstützt. 11 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Datavail 33.937 Follower:innen 6 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden DBAs are the unsung heroes keeping our data running smoothly. However, late nights, constant demands, and limited resources can lead to burnout. Learn the key signs (physical, emotional, behavioral) to watch out for in yourself and your team. Download the free presentation for practical strategies to prevent and address burnout: https://bit.ly/3GuEdLr #dba #EmployeeBurnout #WorkplaceWellbeing #EmployeeWellbeing #worklifebalance * 5 1 Kommentar Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Datavail 33.937 Follower:innen 6 Tage Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden Data planning is the blueprint for your enterprise's success. Our experts assess, audit, and recommend tailored solutions for your data needs. Let's build a robust foundation for your business together! Whether you're enhancing existing databases, optimizing storage, or defining data models, Datavail ensures your enterprise understands how data sources relate to each other. Let's elevate your data strategy to new heights! https://bit.ly/4850Bac #data #dataplanning #database #datamanagement #dataservices #datastrategy * 5 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Datavail 33.937 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden Maintaining consistent data across all nodes is crucial for Cassandra's performance and reliability. But how do you achieve this? Our blog dives into three fundamental mechanisms: Hinted Handoff, Read Repair, and Anti-Entropy Repair. Read the blog to learn when to use each and ensure your data stays healthy! https://bit.ly/4b48Q8K #data #cassandra #database #databasemanagement #entropy * 9 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen EINFACH ANMELDEN, DAMIT SIE NICHTS VERPASSEN. * Personen von Datavail finden, die Sie kennen * Persönliche Jobempfehlungen erhalten * Alle Updates, News und Artikel anzeigen Jetzt anmelden VERBUNDENE SEITEN * SQL SERVER IT und Services * DB2 DATABASE ADMINISTRATION IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung * BITEAMWORK™ Softwareentwicklung * DATAVAILOPOLY: A GAME FOR DBAS, BY DBAS Softwareentwicklung ÄHNLICHE SEITEN * NAVANTIS IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Toronto, ON., M6P 4G4 * SKYBRIDGE GLOBAL IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Atlanta, GA * EPAM SYSTEMS IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Newtown, PA * TWILIO Softwareentwicklung San Francisco, California * TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Mumbai, Maharashtra * APOLLO.IO Softwareentwicklung San Francisco, California * DELOITTE Unternehmensberatung * COGNIZANT IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Teaneck, New Jersey * CAPGEMINI IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Paris, France * EVERTEC IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung San Juan, PR Mehr ähnliche Seiten anzeigen Weniger ähnliche Seiten anzeigen JOBS DURCHSUCHEN * DATAVAIL-JOBS 95 freie Stellen * SQL DBA-JOBS 431.504 freie Stellen * ORACLE-FUNKTIONSBERATER-JOBS 5.108 freie Stellen * ORACLE-FINANZFACHBERATER-JOBS 10.554 freie Stellen * ADMINISTRATOR-JOBS 476.673 freie Stellen * ANALYST-JOBS 760.055 freie Stellen * INGENIEUR-JOBS 608.159 freie Stellen * DATENBANKADMINISTRATOR-JOBS 443.449 freie Stellen * DIRECTOR-JOBS 1.374.979 freie Stellen * MITARBEITER GESCHÄFTSENTWICKLUNG-JOBS 64.128 freie Stellen * ORACLE-FINANZBERATER-JOBS 12.467 freie Stellen * FACHBERATER-JOBS 34.396 freie Stellen * MANAGER-JOBS 2.003.890 freie Stellen * TECHNISCHER ORACLE-BERATER-JOBS 6.842 freie Stellen * ORACLE DBA-JOBS 439.826 freie Stellen * ARCHITEKT-JOBS 159.792 freie Stellen * ORACLE-SPEZIALIST-JOBS 451.231 freie Stellen * ORACLE-BERATER-JOBS 8.205 freie Stellen * BUCHHALTER-JOBS 104.259 freie Stellen * ORACLE-ENTWICKLER-JOBS 16.448 freie Stellen Weitere ähnliche Jobs anzeigen Weniger ähnliche Jobs anzeigen FINANZIERUNG Datavail Insgesamt 6 Finanzierungsrunden Letzte Runde Serie nicht bekannt 25. 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