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 * History
 * How One Woman’s Story Led to the Creation of Asian Pacific American Heritage


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Photograph of First Transcontinental Railroad, circa 1869.Fotosearch—Getty
By Kat Moon
May 23, 2019 11:45 AM EDT

One persistent voice expressing frustration toward the status quo can change the
way history is remembered. Case in point: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.
The observance now takes place every May in the U.S. and is marked by
communities within the country’s 22.2 million Asians and 1.6 million Native
Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders. And yet, despite that scale, the seeds for
the commemorative month originated from one woman.

During the Congressional hearing in 1992 in which then New York Congressman
Frank Horton introduced the bill that called for May to get that designation, he
made a point of singling out that woman: Jeanie Jew, a former Capitol Hill
staffer who had first approached Horton about the idea in the mid-1970s — more
than 15 years earlier.


She had witnessed the U.S. Bicentennial celebrations of 1976 and was concerned
about the lack of recognition given to Asian Pacific Americans. “She thought,
what are the different ways that we can promote public awareness of the
contributions?” says Claudine Cheng, a former president of OCA — Asian Pacific
American Advocates.

At the time, celebrations for Black History Month and Hispanic Heritage Week
were already in place. While Black History Month was decreed by President Gerald
Ford in 1976 to become a national observance, Hispanic Heritage Week was
designated as a national celebration by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968.
“The right thing to do was to push for the Asians to also have a similar time
during the year for commemoration and celebration,” Cheng says.

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And for Jew, the lack of recognition was very personal: Her great-grandfather,
M.Y. Lee, had come to the U.S. from China in the 1800s and had helped build the
transcontinental railroad. He and his peers had played a key role in American
history but had suffered for it.

In the late 19th century, U.S. federal law openly targeted Chinese immigrants.
The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers
to the U.S. for 10 years, and was renewed by the Geary Act, which additionally
required immigrants from China to carry permits at all times or face possible
deportation. (It was not until more than 60 years later, in 1943, that Congress
repealed the exclusion — and even then the law allowed only 105 Chinese people
to enter the country each year.) Toward those who did make it to the United
States, acts of violence were common. One incident involved 17 men and boys
murdered in Los Angeles in what is now known as the Chinese Massacre of 1871,
another involved San Jose’s Chinatown being burned and destroyed. Jeanie Jew’s
ancestor did not escape this fate.

“[Lee] later became a prominent California businessman,” Horton, a primary
sponsor of the resolution, said in 1992. “When the Chinese were having
difficulties in Oregon, Mr. Lee traveled to Oregon and was killed during that
period of unrest. It was a time of anti-Chinese and anti-Asian sentiment. The
revelations about Mr. Lee and the story of Asian Americans led this one woman to
believe that not only should Asians understand their own heritage, but that all
Americans must know about the contributions and histories of the Asian-Pacific
American experience in the United States.”

The month of May was selected for two reasons: First, to commemorate the arrival
of the first known Japanese immigrant to the U.S. on May 7, 1843; secondly, to
honor the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869 — the
building of which up to 20,000 Chinese workers participated in.

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Jew and Ruby Moy, Horton’s Chief of Staff, spearheaded the efforts to gain
support for a proclamation. In 1978, Horton and former California Rep. Norman
Mineta introduced a bill that called for the week beginning on May 4 — which
would include the dates of the two key events — to be designated as Asian
Pacific American Heritage Week. After the joint resolution was passed by
Congress, President Jimmy Carter signed it into law and thus the commemorative
occasion began as a week.

The law, however, did not designate the week as an annual celebration, and
community organizations and advocates were required to submit new requests
annually to have the bill reauthorized.

In 1990, the commemorative week expanded to a commemorative month after a new
bill was passed by Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.
Even then, the proclamation did not include an annual designation, and the
president had to reauthorize May as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
annually in the coming years. It was not until 1992 when Horton, along with
multiple co-sponsors, introduced the legislation that would permanently
designate May as the commemorative month — a legislation that became law after
receiving unanimous support in Congress.

“I want to commend the two women who made this event possible, Ruby Moy and
Jeanie Jew,” Horton said at the 1992 congressional hearing. “Mrs. Jew turned a
personal tragedy in her family history into a positive force.”

Former Ohio Rep. Thomas Sawyer, who also spoke at the session that presented the
legislation calling for an annual designation of Asian Pacific American Heritage
Month, addressed its importance on a larger scale. “The subject matter of the
bill is of extraordinary national significance in light of the substantial
demographic change sweeping the country,” he said. “The United States truly
continues to be a nation of immigrants, and the diversity of the population
continues to contribute to the strength and progress of the Nation.”


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