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Effective URL: https://www.linkedin.com/company/traliant/?utm_source=pardot&utm_medium=email-in
Submission: On December 16 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Akzeptieren Ablehnen Weiter zum Hauptinhalt LinkedIn * Artikel * Personen * E-Learning * Jobs Mitglied werden Einloggen TRALIANT E-LEARNING-ANBIETER NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10.591 FOLLOWER:INNEN Folgen * alle 122 Mitarbeiter:innen anzeigen * Dieses Unternehmen melden INFO Helping Organizations Address Workplace Challenges and Create a Culture of Respect, Diversity and Inclusion We refuse to believe that compliance training has to be boring. That's why over 8,000 organizations nationwide choose to partner with Traliant for their compliance training needs. Our award-winning, behavior-based approach to online learning makes compliance training engaging, relevant and fun! It's earned us a #88 ranking on Deloitte's 2021 Technology Fast 500 list of the fastest-growing companies in North America. Backed by PSG, a leading growth equity firm, Traliant's modern approach to eLearning helps organizations successfully navigate important workplace topics such as preventing discrimination and harassment, and creating diversity, equity and inclusion. By ensuring courses satisfy required federal, state, city and industry training requirements, customers can confidently focus on other business challenges. Website https://www.traliant.com/ Externer Link zu Traliant Branche E-Learning-Anbieter Größe 51–200 Beschäftigte Hauptsitz New York, New York Art Privatunternehmen Spezialgebiete Custom Training Videos ORTE * Primär 169 Madison Ave 2429 New York, New York 10016, US Wegbeschreibung BESCHÄFTIGTE VON TRALIANT * AMY WELLS (SHE/HER) * GORDON KROGH COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST * KEVIN WADDLE ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT | CUSTOMER SUCCESS | PROJECT MANAGEMENT | TRUSTED ADVISOR & CONSULTANT * ANIL LADISLAUS D'SOUZA REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND ETHICS | LEARNING CONSULTANT Alle Beschäftigten anzeigen UPDATES * Traliant 10.591 Follower:innen 9 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden Did you miss Traliant’s sneak peek at survey results measuring how US employees feel about their safety at work? You’re in luck! Watch our 30-minute on-demand webinar to learn how workplace violence incidents in the workplace, incivility and harassment are making employees feel anxious, and what employers can do about it. On-Demand Webinar – New Traliant Survey: Employee Perceptions on Workplace Violence, Harassment and Mental Health https://bit.ly/47WoL6t * 8 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Traliant 10.591 Follower:innen 1 Tag Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden DigiCert, a leading global provider of digital trust, entrusted Traliant with its training program to foster an ethical, respectful and secure workforce environment. Traliant’s real-world course scenarios challenge employees to do the right thing and shows them the outcome of making ethical decisions to build healthy habits. Learn More About Engaging Courses With Positive Impact https://bit.ly/47XydHc * 11 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Traliant 10.591 Follower:innen 2 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Customers and partners utilizing the Traliant Learning Center (TLC) will step into a new era of learning management with enhanced functionality, scalability and security. The new TLC provides more robust functionalities to simplify administration, enhance reporting and provide better user experiences — all while ensuring sensitive and confidential information remains secure to protect data and privacy. Unwrapping the New Traliant Learning Center for 2024 https://bit.ly/47Ut033 * 15 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Traliant 10.591 Follower:innen 3 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Business gifts are a common way to show appreciation and gratitude during the holidays. But when gifts come wrapped with an expectation of influence or benefit, they present a conflict of interest that puts an employee and company at risk of unethical conduct. Use the holiday season to remind employees how to recognize and avoid bribes. Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Training / Get An Instant Course Preview https://bit.ly/482A5OJ * 10 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Traliant 10.591 Follower:innen 4 Tage Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden Breaking News! Traliant takes home the Silver Award in the Brandon Hall Group Excellence Awards for Best Advance in Learning Management Technology for Compliance Training! Elevate your compliance training with Traliant's cutting-edge technology! Here's why we stand out: ✅ Compliance Expertise: Expert compliance guidance from a team of in-house lawyers and a curated library of compliance courses help mitigate risks and protect your brand's integrity while fostering a positive work culture. ✅ Emotionally Engaging Courses: Realistic scenarios, Hollywood-quality videos, interactive games and a story-based approach captivate employees and create memorable training that resonates. ✅ Cost-Effective Customization: Courses can be quickly customized to reflect your brand and relevant policies. We can also have scenarios appear to take place in your work environment. Join the ranks of industry leaders who trust Traliant for top-notch compliance training solutions! www.traliant.com #BHGAwards #ComplianceTraining * 42 1 Kommentar Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Traliant 10.591 Follower:innen 4 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Violent incidents in the workplace, incivility and harassment have many employees feeling anxious about their safety. Join Traliant for a free and exclusive first look at survey results measuring how US employees feel about their safety and wellbeing at work, and how companies can respond to their fears. During this 60-minute webinar, we will cover: ▫️ Survey findings on employee exposure to workplace violence ▫️ Employee perceptions on misconduct & harassment at work ▫️ Workforce concerns over mental wellness ▫️ What employees want to see companies do in response ▫️ Next steps: What organizations should do with this data REGISTER FOR WEBINAR https://bit.ly/47WoL6t * 13 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Traliant 10.591 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden The International Labour Organization estimates 50 million people are living in modern slavery, with the majority being forced into labor in the production & delivery of goods & services. It’s incumbent upon organizations to eliminate modern slavery within their operations to ensure the human rights of all employees. #HumanRights Day Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Training https://bit.ly/3RsJtWw * 11 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Traliant 10.591 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden Terri Beckett joined Traliant in July 2022 and now works in Human Resources recruiting others to join the company she describes as “engaging, inclusive and fun!” Located in Bainbridge, WA – a 30-minute ferry ride from downtown Seattle – Terri works virtually, along with other Traliant colleagues. Despite being scattered all over the globe, she says “the Traliant staff shares the same mission to provide the best compliance training to clients to help their employees become better coworkers and managers.” During the holidays, you’ll also find Terri making pet collars, leashes and bandanas for her dog to give as gifts to doggie friends. But it’s hardly her only hobby. She also enjoys baking, hiking, photography and graphic arts depending on the season. * 33 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Traliant 10.591 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden Please join Traliant in welcoming new Chief Revenue Officer, Cory Gendron! Cory is a proven sales leader with deep industry experience in safety, quality and risk management solutions. He’s excited to build on and lead the company's global revenue-generation strategy by optimizing sales support and collaboration and enhancing customer relationships. "It’s been a pivotal year for Traliant and the training industry as more companies have realized how integral compliance training is to not just a healthy and sustainable workplace environment, but overall business performance. As an industry leader, Traliant continues to invest in its offerings to better serve its growing customer base, and I am eager to join the team to support the company’s next chapter of growth." — Cory Gendron, Traliant CRO Traliant Appoints Cory Gendron as Chief Revenue Officer https://bit.ly/3uHtr1W * 23 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Traliant 10.591 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden Violent incidents in the workplace, incivility and harassment have many employees feeling anxious about their safety. Join Traliant for a free and exclusive first look at survey results measuring how US employees feel about their safety and wellbeing at work, and how companies can respond to their fears. During this 60-minute webinar, we will cover: ▫️ Survey findings on employee exposure to workplace violence ▫️ Employee perceptions on misconduct & harassment at work ▫️ Workforce concerns over mental wellness ▫️ What employees want to see companies do in response ▫️ Next steps: What organizations should do with this data REGISTER FOR WEBINAR https://bit.ly/47WoL6t * 15 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen EINFACH ANMELDEN, DAMIT SIE NICHTS VERPASSEN. * Personen von Traliant finden, die Sie kennen * Persönliche Jobempfehlungen erhalten * Alle Updates, News und Artikel anzeigen Jetzt anmelden VERBUNDENE SEITEN * PREVENTING DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT ÄHNLICHE SEITEN * EASYLLAMA - HR COMPLIANCE TRAINING FOR MODERN TEAMS E-Learning-Anbieter * EXECONLINE E-Learning-Anbieter New York, New York * EVERFI E-Learning-Anbieter Washington, District of Columbia * KANTOLA TRAINING SOLUTIONS E-Learning-Anbieter San Francisco, California * SKILLSOFT E-Learning-Anbieter Nashua, New Hampshire * CLEAR LAW INSTITUTE - A TRALIANT COMPANY E-Learning Arlington, VA * BETTERUP Weiterbildung und Coaching Austin, Texas * UDEMY E-Learning-Anbieter San Francisco, CA * SCHOOLKIT Bildungsverwaltungsprogramme Washington, District of Columbia * GUILD Bildungswesen Denver, CO Mehr ähnliche Seiten anzeigen Weniger ähnliche Seiten anzeigen JOBS DURCHSUCHEN * EXECUTIVE-JOBS 700.389 freie Stellen * VICE PRESIDENT-JOBS 243.153 freie Stellen * FACHEXPERTE-JOBS 849.142 freie Stellen * ANALYST-JOBS 760.055 freie Stellen * PROJEKTMANAGER-JOBS 312.603 freie Stellen * PRÄSIDENT-JOBS 91.996 freie Stellen * KUNDENBETREUER-JOBS 87.726 freie Stellen * MANAGER-JOBS 2.003.890 freie Stellen * OPERATIONAL SPECIALIST-JOBS 79.719 freie Stellen * DIRECTOR-JOBS 1.374.979 freie Stellen * HR-GESCHÄFTSPARTNER-JOBS 26.652 freie Stellen * LEITER RECHTSABTEILUNG-JOBS 31.366 freie Stellen * SPEZIALIST FÜR MITARBEITERBEZIEHUNGEN-JOBS 17.431 freie Stellen * ÄRZTLICHER DIREKTOR DER RADIOLOGIE-JOBS 4.751 freie Stellen * QA-INGENIEUR-JOBS 34.617 freie Stellen * SACHBEARBEITER BUCHHALTUNG-JOBS 103.251 freie Stellen * FLUG-KRANKENPFLEGER-JOBS 45.977 freie Stellen * ERFOLGSCOACH-JOBS 15.013 freie Stellen * SOLUTIONS ENGINEER-JOBS 113.709 freie Stellen * SCHULUNGS- UND ENTWICKLUNGSEXPERTE-JOBS 9.650 freie Stellen Weitere ähnliche Jobs anzeigen Weniger ähnliche Jobs anzeigen Weitere Suchen Weitere Suchen * * Traliant-Jobs * Senior-Jobs * Leiter Rechtsabteilung-Jobs * Kundenbetreuer-Jobs * Controller-Jobs * Buchhaltungsmanager-Jobs * Qualitätssicherung-Jobs * Credit Risk Officer-Jobs * Chief Credit Officer-Jobs * Programmadministrator-Jobs * Buchhaltungsleiter-Jobs * Manager Debitorenbuchhaltung-Jobs * Manager Kreditorenbuchhaltung-Jobs * Solutions Engineer-Jobs * Vertriebstechniker-Jobs * Manager-Jobs * Instruktionsdesigner-Jobs * Büroadministrator-Jobs * Ökonom-Jobs * Senior Produktmanager-Jobs * Globaler Director-Jobs * Buchhalter-Jobs * Diversity-Manager-Jobs * Talent-Jobs * Autor-Jobs * Executive-Jobs * Fachexperte-Jobs * Projektmanager-Jobs * Leiter der Lohnabrechnung-Jobs * Technischer Recruiter-Jobs * Talentanwerbung-Jobs * Manager für Sozialleistungen-Jobs * Klinischer Therapeut-Jobs * Leiter Organisationsentwicklung-Jobs * Präsident-Jobs * Vice President-Jobs * Praktikant im Bereich Psychologie-Jobs * Bezirksleiter-Jobs * Wirtschaftsingenieur-Jobs * Senior Payroll Analyst-Jobs * Senior Human Resources Business Partner:in-Jobs * HR-Geschäftspartner-Jobs * Gehaltsanalyst-Jobs * Medizinvertreter-Jobs * Staatlich geprüfter Managementbuchhalter-Jobs * Director-Jobs * Leiter der Kreditabteilung-Jobs * Analyst für privates Eigenkapital-Jobs * Account-Manager-Jobs * Manager Internationales Steuerrecht-Jobs * Senior Vice President-Jobs * Senior Direktor-Jobs * HR-Generalist-Jobs * Lernentwicklungsberater-Jobs * Leiter-Jobs * Leiter Fachdienstleistungen-Jobs * Senior Generalist Personalwesen-Jobs * Entwickler-Jobs * Salesforce-Administrator-Jobs * Praktikant im Personalwesen-Jobs * LinkedIn © 2023 * Info * Barrierefreiheit * Nutzervereinbarung * Datenschutzrichtlinie * Cookie-Richtlinie * Copyright-Richtlinie * Markenrichtlinine * Einstellungen für Nichtmitglieder * Community-Richtlinien * * العربية (Arabisch) * Čeština (Tschechisch) * Dansk (Dänisch) * Deutsch * English (Englisch) * Español (Spanisch) * Français (Französisch) * हिंदी (Hindi) * Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesisch) * Italiano (Italienisch) * 日本語 (Japanisch) * 한국어 (Koreanisch) * Bahasa Malaysia (Malaysisch) * Nederlands (Niederländisch) * Norsk (Norwegisch) * Polski (Polnisch) * Português (Portugiesisch) * Română (Rumänisch) * Русский (Russisch) * Svenska (Schwedisch) * ภาษาไทย (Thai) * Tagalog (Tagalog) * Türkçe (Türkisch) * Українська (Ukrainisch) * 简体中文 (Chinesisch vereinfacht) * 正體中文 (Chinesisch traditionell) Sprache Zustimmen und LinkedIn beitreten Durch Klicken auf „Weiter“ stimmen Sie der Nutzervereinbarung, der Datenschutzrichtlinie und der Cookie-Richtlinie von LinkedIn zu. 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