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Submitted URL: https://auth.geeksforgeeks.org/user/jain_siddharth/?utm_source=3Dgeeksforgeeks&utm_medium=3Dmy_profile&utm_campaign=3Dauth_user
Effective URL: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/user/jain_siddharth/?utm_source=3Dgeeksforgeeks&utm_medium=3Dmy_profile&utm_campaign=3Dauth_user
Submission: On April 15 via manual — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/user/jain_siddharth/?utm_source=3Dgeeksforgeeks&utm_medium=3Dmy_profile&utm_campaign=3Dauth_user
Submission: On April 15 via manual — Scanned from DE
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* Courses * Tutorials * Jobs * Practice * Contests Sign In Switch to Dark Mode Data Structure Java Python HTML Interview Preparation person_outlineProfiledescriptionArticlesgroupCommunityschoolCollegesbusinessCompaniespeople_outlineCampus Ambassadors S jain_siddharth + Follow 10Rank Institute Rank Current POTD Streak STREAK 04/987 days Longest streak/Global longest streak Institution CMR Institute of Technology (CMRIT) Bangalore Language Used Java, C++, Python -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall Coding Score 1116 Total Problem Solved 485 Monthly Coding Score __ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apply for Campus Ambassador 76 submissions in current year Current20232022 chevron_leftchevron_right JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril SCHOOL (35) BASIC (75) EASY (209) MEDIUM (160) HARD (6) * Reverse a linked list * Occurence of an integer in a Linked List * Pairwise swap elements of a linked list * Given a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s, sort it. * Linked List in Zig-Zag fashion * Detect Loop in linked list * Rearrange linked list in-place * Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list * Reverse a Doubly Linked List * Bubble Sort * Selection Sort * Insertion Sort * Check for BST * Right View of Binary Tree * K distance from root * Mirror Tree * Maximum Width of Tree * Delete without head pointer * Height of Binary Tree * Check for Balanced Tree * Nth node from end of linked list * Finding middle element in a linked list * Left View of Binary Tree * Delete Middle of Linked List * Intersection of two sorted Linked lists * Find Transition Point * Remove duplicate element from sorted Linked List * Stack using two queues * Level order traversal in spiral form * Reverse Level Order Traversal * DFS of Graph * Insert a node in a BST * BFS of graph * Determine if Two Trees are Identical * Root to leaf path sum * Square root of a number * Lowest Common Ancestor in a BST * Implement two stacks in an array * Largest subarray of 0's and 1's * Remove duplicate elements from sorted Array * Unique rows in boolean matrix * Check if all leaves are at same level * Delete a Node in Single Linked List * Kth largest element in BST * Minimum distance between two numbers * Find duplicates in an array * Count distinct elements in every window * Check if two strings are k-anagrams or not * Special Stack * Three way partitioning * Level order traversal * Index Of an Extra Element * Intersection of Two Linked Lists * Insert in a Sorted List * Count More than n/k Occurences * Counting Sort * Max and min element in Binary Tree * Reverse a string using Stack * Symmetric Tree * Count Pairs whose sum is equal to X * Find length of Loop * Leaf under budget * Queue Reversal * Sum of Leaf Nodes * Sum of Right Leaf Nodes * Sum of Left Leaf Nodes * Closest Neighbour in BST * Delete middle element of a stack * Bitwise Operators * logical Operators - Java * Bitwise Operators - Java * Even Odd - Java * For Loop- primeCheck - Java * Step by Step Condition - Java * Swap the array elements * Predict the Column * The Pattern Matcher - Java * Find the Frequency * Stack Operations * Queue Operations * Get min at pop * Frequency Game * Find first set bit * Check whether K-th bit is set or not * Wave Array * Frequencies of Limited Range Array Elements * Equilibrium Point * Leaders in an array * Rotate Array * Floor in a Sorted Array * Print Matrix in snake Pattern * Rotate by 90 degree * Boundary traversal of matrix * Anagram * Winner of an election * Check if string is rotated by two places * Isomorphic Strings * Reverse words in a given string * Minimum indexed character * Non Repeating Character * Parenthesis Checker * Evaluation of Postfix Expression * Generate Binary Numbers * Minimum Cost of ropes * N meetings in one room * First Repeating Element * Missing number in array * Product array puzzle * Intersection of two arrays * Maximize sum(arr[i]*i) of an Array * Non-Repeating Element * Common elements * Find the element that appears once in sorted array * Minimum element in a sorted and rotated array * Maximum no of 1's row * Search in a matrix * Move all zeroes to end of array * Remove all duplicates from a given string * Minimize the sum of product * Move all negative elements to end * Bitonic Point * Convert a sentence into its equivalent mobile numeric keypad sequence * Rearrange a string * Rearrange string as alternate x and y occurences * Remove Duplicates * Facing the sun * Second Largest * Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion * Key Pair * Rotate Bits * Second most repeated string in a sequence * Find all pairs with a given sum * Reversing the equation * Does array represent Heap * Check if array is sorted * Sum Pair closest to X * Longest Common Prefix in an Array * Longest Distinct characters in string * Find first repeated character * Min Manipulations to make Strings Anagram * Min Number of Flips * Count pairs with given sum * Segregate 0s and 1s * Play With OR * First element to occur k times * Maximum sum of increasing order elements from n arrays * Merging two unsorted arrays in sorted order * Distinct absolute array elements * Four Elements * Palindrome String * Searching in an array where adjacent differ by at most k * Smallest greater elements in whole array * Fitting The Array * Pair with given sum in a sorted array * Number of 1 Bits * Max Sum Subarray of size K * Nth Fibonacci Number * Find maximum number * Nearest Perfect Square * Minimum number of Coins * Perfect Numbers * Maximize Toys * Largest number possible * Least Prime Factor * Reverse Coding * Recursive sequence * Maximum Diamonds * Arithmetic Number * Row with minimum number of 1's * Inorder Traversal and BST * English Words * Print Pattern * Search insert position of K in a sorted array * Queue using stack * Split the binary string into substrings with equal number of 0s and 1s * Minimum Sum of Absolute Differences of Pairs * Move Last Element to Front of a Linked List * Find pairs with given sum in doubly linked list * Pattern 2 * Pattern 3 * Pattern 4 * Pattern 14 * Pattern 15 * Pattern 16 * Pattern 17 * Pattern 18 * Pattern 19 * Pattern 20 * Pattern 21 * Print N to 1 without loop * Print GFG n times * Pattern 12 * Pattern 22 * Remove duplicates from a sorted doubly linked list * Assign Cookies * Introduction to Trees * Minimize the sum * Find the first node of loop in linked list * Type it! * Min operations * Wifi Range * Minimum Number * String Mirror * Make Palindrome * Binary Modulo * How Many Meets * Ticket Counter * Unique Number of Occurrences * Find Bots on Geeklandster * Rotate a Linked List * Add two numbers represented by linked lists * Add 1 to a number represented as linked list * Merge 2 sorted linked list in reverse order * Merge Sort * Quick Sort * Bottom View of Binary Tree * Intersection Point in Y Shaped Linked Lists * Diameter of a Binary Tree * Merge two sorted linked lists * Sum Tree * Connect Nodes at Same Level * Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree * Boundary Traversal of binary tree * Detect cycle in a directed graph * Detect cycle in an undirected graph * Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree * Binary Heap Operations * The Celebrity Problem * Largest subarray with 0 sum * Topological sort * Find the number of islands * Get minimum element from stack * Validate an IP Address * Remove loop in Linked List * Sorted subsequence of size 3 * Implement Atoi * Maximum Difference * Check if Linked List is Palindrome * Rat in a Maze Problem - I * Find the Closest Element in BST * Find triplets with zero sum * Sort a stack * Top View of Binary Tree * k-th smallest element in BST * Merge Sort for Linked List * Union of Two Linked Lists * Root to Leaf Paths * Linked List that is Sorted Alternatingly * Leftmost and rightmost nodes of binary tree * Check for Children Sum Property in a Binary Tree * ZigZag Tree Traversal * Ceil in BST * Smallest Positive missing number * Power Of Numbers * Rearrange an array with O(1) extra space * Trapping Rain Water * Kadane's Algorithm * Majority Element * Count Inversions * Two Repeated Elements * Union of Two Sorted Arrays * Find Indexes of a subarray with given sum * Triplet Sum in Array * Boolean Matrix * Search in a row-column sorted Matrix * Subarray with 0 sum * Longest consecutive subsequence * Stock span problem * Next Greater Element * Infix to Postfix * Nearly sorted * Activity Selection * Minimum number of jumps * Longest Common Subsequence * 0 - 1 Knapsack Problem * Lucky Numbers * Sort an array according to the other * Kth smallest element * Rotten Oranges * Print Anagrams Together * Rotate by 90 degree * Generate Parentheses * Find All Four Sum Numbers * Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s * Find Missing And Repeating * Maximize Number of 1's * Count Occurences of Anagrams * Count of Subarrays * Find the element that appears once * Search in a Rotated Array * Maximum Product Subarray * Row with max 1s * Column name from a given column number * Count number of substrings * Rotate a 2D array without using extra space * Number of occurrence * Reverse each word in a given string * Length of the longest substring * Find missing in second array * Longest K unique characters substring * Longest Palindrome in a String * Valid Expression * Arranging the array * K closest elements * Minimize the Heights II * First and last occurrences of x * Valid Substring * CamelCase Pattern Matching * Non Repeating Numbers * Coin Change * Perfect Sum Problem * Fibonacci Sum * Find distinct elements * Knapsack with Duplicate Items * Partition Equal Subset Sum * Min Coin * Part of it. * Matchsticks game * Subset Sums * Next Permutation * Smallest number on left * First non-repeating character in a stream * Replace O's with X's * Flood fill Algorithm * Maximum sum Rectangle * Save Your Life * Recursively remove all adjacent duplicates * Restrictive Candy Crush * Help Classmates * Inorder Traversal (Iterative) * Preorder traversal (Iterative) * Postorder Traversal (Iterative) * Subset Sum Problem * Longest Palindromic Substring * Subarrays with sum K * Substrings of length k with k-1 distinct elements * Number of Provinces * Prefix match with other strings * Minimize the Heights I * Subsets * Reverse a Stack * Find Maximum Equal sum of Three Stacks * Number Of Enclaves * Sum of Beauty of All Substrings * Fruit Into Baskets * Count Substring * Binary subarray with sum * Maximum point you can obtain from cards * Subarrays with K Different Integers * Next Greater Element 2 * Number of NGEs to the right * Prefix to Infix Conversion * Generate all binary strings * Delete all occurrences of a given key in a doubly linked list * Postfix to Infix Conversion * Lemonade Change * Replace elements by its rank in the array * Convert Min Heap to Max Heap * Count Number of Nodes in a Binary Tree * Index of the First Occurrence of pattern in a text * Floor in BST * Next Greater Element in Circular Array * Apple Sequences * Connect Nodes at Same Level * Maximum Length * Remove the balls * Unequal Arrays * Smaller Sum * Minimum Waiting Time * Print Linked List elements * Count nodes of linked list * Node at a given index in linked list * Power of Four * Size of Binary Tree * Inorder Traversal * Count Leaves in Binary Tree * Check If Circular Linked List * Postorder Traversal * Implement stack using array * Binary Search * Replace all 0's with 5 * Third largest element * Preorder Traversal * Search a node in BST * Peak element * Minimum element in BST * Anagram of String * Linked List Length Even or Odd? * Identical Linked Lists * Find the Sum of Last N nodes of the Linked List * Find n/k th node in Linked list * Triplet Family * Count Non-Leaf Nodes in Tree * Product of array elements * Count Odd Even * Queue Push & Pop * Power of 2 * Search an Element in an array * Sum of numbers in string * Reverse a String * Union of two arrays * Check if two arrays are equal or not * Print first n Fibonacci Numbers * Searching a number * Minimum Difference among K * Check for subsequence * Remove Consecutive Characters * Immediate Smaller Element * Sum of distinct elements * Uncommon characters * Repeated Character * Last index of One * Substrings with same first and last characters * Largest Element in Array * Cyclically rotate an array by one * Exceptionally odd * Array Subset of another array * Find the smallest and second smallest element in an array * Find minimum and maximum element in an array * Positive and negative elements * Check set bits * Find position of set bit * Set kth bit * Set the rightmost unset bit * Check perfect square * Factorial * Prime Number * Ladoo problem * Count Squares * Doctors Clinic * Minimum difference pair * Interesting Patterns * Pattern for Reverse Character Bridge * Pattern-1 * Max Min * Pattern 1 * Pattern 5 * Pattern 6 * Pattern 7 * Pattern 8 * Pattern 10 * Pattern 11 * Pattern 13 * Who has the majority? * Check for Binary * Palindromic Array * Print alternate elements of an array * Print 1 To N Without Loop * Sum of Array Elements * Perfect Arrays * Find Index * Sum of Array * Sum of Series * Print Elements of Array * Value equal to index value * Check String * Convert a list of characters into a String * Remove characters from alphanumeric string * Count of camel case characters * Remove vowels from string * Swap kth elements * Lower case to upper case * Smaller and Larger * Remove Spaces * Display longest name * Arrays (Sum of array) * C++ Array (print an element) | Set 2 * Upper case conversion * C++ Strings * Count of smaller elements * Convert String to LowerCase * Delete alternate characters * Reverse a String * Java Strings | Set 1 * GCD of two numbers * Addition of Two Numbers * Odd or Even * Java Hello World * Find the median * Merge Without Extra Space * Maximum Rectangular Area in a Histogram * Next Happy Number * Longest valid Parentheses * Count the number of subarrays * Cut The Edge 0 points Contributor 0 points Contributor 1 Point Proficient Proficient 100 Point Scholar Scholar 1k Point Master Master 10k Point Ace Ace 50k Point Find Your Place Among the Best Explore Our Badge Program and Start Writing. 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