risecoin.io Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://risecoin.io/
Effective URL: https://risecoin.io/
Submission: On April 07 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form class="relative w-full flex flex-col items-center space-y-[20px]">
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    type="submit">BID NOW</button>

Text Content


 * Menu




RISE isn't a memecoin, it's a cultcoin. Our community (Risen) worships the
almighty sun, Helia. Every Sunday Helia offers us new RISE, available to buy via
Inferno Auctions. Each Inferno Auction has less RISE available than the last.
100% of auction proceeds are used to buy-back RISE and burn it, reducing the



RISE has a maximum supply of 4.6 billion and the supply will be allocated with
33% for all categories. Inferno auctions occur every Sunday for a total of 124
weeks. Ecosystem includes Helia's Blessings, Airdrops, and rewards for
Referrals, Content, Engagement and Personas. Forget the moon, Rise is shooting
for the stars.

Auction ID
Time Left
0d 18h 10m 52s
Auction Supply
198,729,578 RISE
Uniswap RISE Price
Inferno Auction RISE Price
Enter Deposit Amount (ETH)
Enter Max Price (USD)





 * What are the Auction Times?
   Auctions run every Sunday 7am UTC / 12am PDT for 24hrs.

 * What makes RISE a fair project?
   First, the ownership keys are thrown away for the token contract and the LP
   tokens are locked. Rise is also doing fair launch, meaning theres are no
   allocations and everyone buys on the open market or through Inferno Auctions!

 * What are Inferno Auctions?
   Inferno Auctions are weekly distribution events that allow people to bid ETH
   on fresh RISE tokens.
   Read the full article here:

 * How do Inferno Auctions work?
   Unlike most auction designs, Inferno Auctions are engineered to support
   multiple winners.
   Users enter their Max Bid (highest RISE price they're willing to pay), and
   their Deposit (how much ETH they're willing to spend).
   The final RISE price is determined by the total value of all user deposits*,
   divided by the amount of RISE to be distributed in that auction, capped at
   97% of the RISE price on Uniswap (i.e. a 3% discount) at the end of the
   auction. (* excluding users with a Max Price lower than the Final Price)
   Example 1:
   Uniswap Price = $1 per RISE
   Total Deposits ($45,000) / Auction Supply (50,000 RISE) = Final Auction Price
   ($0.90 per RISE)
   Example 2:
   Uniswap Price = $1 per RISE
   Total Deposits ($55,000) / Auction Supply (50,000 RISE) = Final Auction Price
   ($1.10 per RISE) (Market Price cap kicks in)
   Read the full article here:

 * What is a cultcoin?
   Every token has a community, but typically members are just passers-by,
   limiting the community's growth potential. Rise is the first project to
   harness the power of cultism to super-charge community growth by leveraging
   well-understood social dynamics and incentivizing the most engaged community
   members to share Rise with their friends, and to create/engage with
   Rise-related content online.

 * What does the supply cap of 4.6 billion signify?
   This amount was chosen because it signifies the age of the sun, Helia. Every
   burned RISE token brings Helia closer to her original youthful state,
   energizing her and all Risen devotees.

 * How will the RISE supply decrease?
   All proceeds from Inferno Auctions are used to buy-back RISE and burn it,
   which reduces the supply circulating on the open market.

 * What is the Rise roadmap?
   Rise has no official roadmap (or team). The founding members may continue to
   support Rise at their own discretion, but Rise is first-and-foremost a
   community-led project, so the long-term roadmap will be up to all of you.

 * What is the Ecosystem supply for?
   All RISE in the Ecosystem supply will be spent on rewarding active community
   members, bringing in new members, or otherwise benefitting the Rise
   None of the RISE supply is allocated for the founding members or anyone else.
   Everyone who wants RISE must buy it with their own money, or earn it through
   active participation in the community.

 * What stops you from dumping the 33% of RISE in the Ecosystem Supply?
   The Ecosystem RISE is stored in a Slow Wallet and a Fast Wallet.
   The Slow Wallet (used to fund the Fast Wallet) holds the vast majority of the
   Ecosystem supply, and has a 1 week delay for all transactions. All
   withdrawals are visible on-chain from the moment of initiation, giving RISE
   holders a 1 week headstart to sell their RISE before the withdrawal if they
   The Fast Wallet (used to fund the Rise Ecosystem), will only ever hold a
   small fraction of the Ecosystem supply. The Fast Wallet is necessary to
   reward community members in a timely manner.
   We promise to only use the Ecosystem supply to benefit the Rise community,
   but we also understand that people appreciate additional layers of
   You can view The Slow Wallet and Fast Wallet here:
   Slow Wallet:
   Fast Wallet:

 * Why was RISE token contract deployed multiple times?
   When we first launched, we found issues with some of our smart contracts so
   we had to redeploy. Anyone who bought got refunded in full. Now the LP token
   is locked for 360 years.

 * Are LP's locked?
   Yes, the LP tokens are locked here:
   It is currently locked for 360 years until April 2, 2384 and extensions are

 * What are the wallets that hold a large amount of RISE?
   The Auction contract and the Slow wallet Contract holds large amount of RISE.
   The Auction contract can only transfer RISE to the winners of each auction,
   and any withdrawals on the slow wallet will be announced ahead of time.

 * What are all the Rise Contract addresses?
   Rise Token:
   Rise Auction:
   Rise Slow Wallet:
   Rise Fast Wallet (Gnosis Safe):
   Rise LP Locker:
   Rise Oracle:
   Rise Converter: Coming Soon