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Text Content
FEATURED TAGS * hjbendergifs * hjbenderart * hjbwrites * thorki * hjbedit THIS MESS IS A PLACE hal bender. fandom, fiction & fun. 18+ advised. * Home * Archive * Ask * Einen Eintrag senden * RSS-Feed abonnieren FOLGE MIR * WORK IN PROGRESS @wip * TUMBLR STAFF @staff * CHANGES ON TUMBLR @changes hjbender thesaurus-with-no-words Gepostet am 19 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Freitag, 19 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Freitag Juli 19th Gepostet um 11:38 Gepostet am Freitag, dem 19th. Juli 2024 um 11:38 * * dear-ao3 ALT ALT [x] * #writing woes hjbender thesnadger Gepostet am 19 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Freitag, 19 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Freitag Juli 19th Gepostet um 11:06 Gepostet am Freitag, dem 19th. Juli 2024 um 11:06 * * yardsards but i stay silly! *←said in the most world-weary voice you ever did hear* hjbender ecto-stone Gepostet am 19 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Freitag, 19 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Freitag Juli 19th Gepostet um 10:36 Gepostet am Freitag, dem 19th. Juli 2024 um 10:36 * * theshitpostcalligrapher the curse of summer is buying and eating an inadvisable amount of fruit in single sittings. amethystsoda nubeareull theshitpostcalligrapher ayyyyy congrats everyone! at 80k notes, this post, with absolutely nothing to do with calligraphy, is my HIGHEST NOTE POST EVER * #cartoon is me but with mangos * #pound of cherries last week * #whole pineapple this week * #eat them in one sitting bc we forget about them in the fridge and then have to hurry up & eat them * #before they go bad * #hence the gluttony hjbender sidmjkgc Gepostet am 19 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Freitag, 19 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Freitag Juli 19th Gepostet um 10:04 Gepostet am Freitag, dem 19th. Juli 2024 um 10:04 * * internetwerewolf Listen, there's no secret mankind won't one day know and perhaps regret knowing the-void-dragons secret third option hjbender aces-to-apples Gepostet am 19 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Freitag, 19 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Freitag Juli 19th Gepostet um 9:34 Gepostet am Freitag, dem 19th. Juli 2024 um 9:34 * * geekandmisandry What is the primary name by which you call this creature? Dachshund (please put your country in the notes/responses) Sausage Dog (please put your country in the notes/responses) Weiner Dog (please put your country in the notes/responses) Other (please put your country in the notes/responses) Poll started on Friday, July 19, 2024 at 02:38:03 AM Poll ended on Friday, July 26, 2024 at 02:38:03 AM * #dachshund. usa * #my partner calls them DASH hunds * #because he likes sounding ignorant on purpose hjbender primeemeraldheiress Gepostet am 19 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Freitag, 19 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Freitag Juli 19th Gepostet um 9:02 Gepostet am Freitag, dem 19th. Juli 2024 um 9:02 * * toastbutteregg hjbender disgustinggf Gepostet am 19 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Freitag, 19 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Freitag Juli 19th Gepostet um 8:32 Gepostet am Freitag, dem 19th. Juli 2024 um 8:32 * * ovur If I block you you're the problem if you block me you're the problem hjbender woulduknowmore Gepostet am 19 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Freitag, 19 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Freitag Juli 19th Gepostet um 1:50 Gepostet am Freitag, dem 19th. Juli 2024 um 1:50 * * sapphicdib tumblr is the worst designed website on the fucking planet bro hjbender To everyone in the notes saying “actually :) this is good :) it lets you choose whether you—” LISTEN TO ME. I ALREADY CHOSE. I MADE THAT CHOICE ABUNDANTLY CRYSTAL CLEAR WHEN I MANUALLY WENT IN AND ADDED BLOCKED TAGS AND FILTERS. I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO KEEP MAKING THE SAME CHOICES EVERY SINGLE RELENTLESS DAY WHEN I’VE ALREADY EXPRESSED AN EXPLICIT DESIRE TO GET THESE THINGS OFF MY DASH. Sometimes just seeing the warning is enough to irritate me. I don’t want to see the thing(s). Ever. Period. Done. Finito. End of transaction. I am much happier without seeing the thing(s). If I were in any way ambiguous about my choice, or if it didn’t bother me that much, I would not be blocking/filtering it in the first place. It’s the digital equivalent of an obnoxious older relative constantly nudging you in the ribs with their elbow and saying, “Are you sure? Are you sure? You don’t wanna change your mind? Ah, you’re young. You’ll change your mind someday. Oh, look, here’s another one!” * #just * #fucking give us an option to hide it forever * #[tumblr] hjbender ecto-stone Gepostet am 18 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag, 18 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag Juli 18th Gepostet um 22:30 Gepostet am Donnerstag, dem 18th. Juli 2024 um 22:30 * * important-animal-images goodnightguys * #lmaooo hjbender iwritesometimes Gepostet am 18 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag, 18 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag Juli 18th Gepostet um 21:58 Gepostet am Donnerstag, dem 18th. Juli 2024 um 21:58 * * gayhoediaz “it sounds like you’re justifying their actions-“ i am. they’re a fictional character. i’m okay with anything they do all the time. hope this helps. * #they’re supposed to do shit * #that’s what moves the story hjbender cacodaemonia Gepostet am 18 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag, 18 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag Juli 18th Gepostet um 21:28 Gepostet am Donnerstag, dem 18th. Juli 2024 um 21:28 * * cacodaemonia I've had this in my drafts for months, and I just saw a post complaining about fan artists (while having the nerve to start out with, "I love fan artists so much but...") who draw characters this way or don't draw them that way, so I figured it was about time to share this. YOU KNOW THAT UNWRITTEN RULE IN FANDOM THAT SAYS YOU SHOULDN'T DEMAND THAT FIC WRITERS CATER TO YOUR TASTES? "DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ"? HERE'S A REMINDER THAT THE SAME GOES FOR FANART. Sometimes, I see complaints that fan artists don't draw character A exactly how they look in canon/in a particular slice of canon/according to someone's specific headcanons. Sometimes, I see complaints that character A is being depicted, say, without enough body hair, or with the wrong body type, or as a different age than they appear in canon. If you find yourself getting upset with fan artists over things like this, I hope you'll take a moment: 1. mind your own business 2. consider how fucking hard art is I think a lot of people who haven't spent time in the art trenches have absolutely no clue how difficult it can be to draw a human, period—let alone human features you haven't already practiced a million times. This can be especially true for artists who don't have a lot of drawing experience. For example, when I was a kid, I mostly drew women, so learning to draw more typically masculine features was a challenge, and it took me many years to even get okay at it. It takes a lot of practice to figure out how to draw a variety of facial structures, body types, hair styles, ages, etc. For example, I have never known an artist who doesn't think drawing children is a bitch and a half, and wrinkle placement can mean the difference between drawing something that looks like an elderly human versus a shriveled apple. Simply drawing body hair can be very time consuming. You also have to understand hair growth patterns and direction and take into account if the person's body hair is very curly or more straight, etc. If I just want to do a really quick sketch, maybe I don't feel like spending 10-20 minutes adding body hair. Maybe some people don't like body hair so they don't want to draw it. Maybe some people have carpal tunnel syndrome or medial epicondylitis and the extremely repetitive motion of adding body hair to characters is physically painful. You don't know. And it's not your place to tell them they're wrong. FANART, JUST LIKE FANFICTION, IS ABOUT DRAWING THE THINGS WE LIKE—NOT CATERING TO WHAT OTHER PEOPLE WANT OR THINK WE SHOULD BE MAKING. So feel free to talk about how much you love it when fan artists draw characters in ways you like! But don't be a jerk by demanding people draw what you want, and don't put down those who don't cater to you. You can have all the personal preferences you want in fanart, but it's rude and entitled to force those preferences on others fans or act like you're a better person because of your tastes in the appearances of fictional characters. * #seconding that body hair point. fml * #i love hairy men * #i don’t love drawing each individual hair hjbender beyoursledgehammer Gepostet am 18 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag, 18 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag Juli 18th Gepostet um 20:56 Gepostet am Donnerstag, dem 18th. Juli 2024 um 20:56 * * ceasarslegion Tumblr users will contort themselves into knots to recycle to same "violent video games make kids violent" argument, this time trying to convince everyone that it's the progressive stance and that no one could possibly like horror or true crime or apparently royal fantasy without secretly ascribing to the beliefs of the worst person or character it covers. And then you get off the computer and leave your house and the most comically normal guy you work with will tell you all about how much he loves homicide new york and Stephen King novels and game of thrones before he cleans his glasses and shows you his kids' school pictures * #people are always shocked to learn i listen to some of the angriest meanest darkest hardest industrial screamo metal * #an insult really * #i must have paul rudd aura hjbender lekosis Gepostet am 18 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag, 18 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag Juli 18th Gepostet um 20:18 Gepostet am Donnerstag, dem 18th. Juli 2024 um 20:18 * * babyfoxcollectionthings hjbender mareebird Gepostet am 18 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag, 18 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag Juli 18th Gepostet um 16:51 Gepostet am Donnerstag, dem 18th. Juli 2024 um 16:51 * * mareebird Hey guys. I'm gonna troll for work. Major car expense just happened. I need some extra dough. And I paint digital portraits. Here's my recent work. And a link to my Insta. https://www.instagram.com/mareebirdart?igsh=b2I4bzM4emhuNHA0 I'm gonna do a special low rate of $35+ per commission, with the password Car Trouble. Let's talk! hjbender thesaltofcarthage Gepostet am 18 Juli, 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag, 18 Juli 2024 Gepostet am Donnerstag Juli 18th Gepostet um 16:18 Gepostet am Donnerstag, dem 18th. Juli 2024 um 16:18 * * Anonym fragte For fanfic writers, when did you write your first fanfic? Please feel free to add in the notes what the fanfic was about, I'm so curious to see that - Under 10yo - 11-14 - 15-17 - 18-21 - 22-25 - 25-30 - Over 30 apolladay replied For fanfic writers, when did you write your first fanfic? Please feel free to add in the notes what the fanfic was about, I’m so curious to see that Under 10yo 11-14 15-17 18-21 22-25 25-30 Over 30 * #11 Seite 1 von 542 Vorige Seite Nächste Seite Copyright © hjbender 2011–2024. All rights reserved. Renjana Theme by Fukuo. Powered by