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Home Prison Break: 21 Days to Spiritual Freedom


by Juan Martinez
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AVAILABLE NOW FOR PRE-ORDER. Book Release Date is 8/6/2024

A life with Christ is about unshackling your chains of bondage to embrace a life
of freedom.

After reading this book I will understand the value of experiencing physical and
psychological freedom that can only be found in Christ. I will be encouraged to
uncover the root issues of my past traumas so that I can find real healing and
transformation for a fruitful life.

Brief Summary:

After experiencing the realities of a physical prison cell, Pastor Juan Martinez
has made it his mission to help others find freedom in every way
possible—spiritually, culturally, emotionally, psychologically, and physically.

Encouraging life change through practical steps—such as challenging negative
thinking patterns with positive affirmations and setting realistic goals—this
twenty-one-day devotional helps expose the internal anxiety, faulty thinking,
and traumas that put readers behind figurative or literal bars, causing them to
repeatedly make bad decisions and experience relationship challenges. Readers
will recognize the root causes of the psychological chains breaking them so they
can reach greater personal growth. Prison Break serves as a poignant reminder
that freedom is possible and shows readers that with the right mindset, they can
overcome past mistakes, forgive others, be renewed by the transformation of
their minds, and lead a fulfilling life.

 * Daily readings that encourage readers to seek healing and wholeness, reject
   old mindsets, and embrace new life in Christ.

 * Reflections on God's unconditional love and forgiveness

 * Affirmations to help readers find strength and hope

 * Prayer prompts to guide readers in seeking divine protection and direction

 * Motivation to trust God's will and plans

Also available at these other Retailers:





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*By submitting you agree to receive periodic email updates, special offers, and
freebies from Charisma Media and its authors. You may unsubscribe at any time.
For U.S. residents only.


Juan Martinez is the lead pastor of Get Wrapped Church and founder of Love Live
Lead Ministries. A radio and television host and true revivalist, Martinez has a
passion to reach the lost, broken, and sick with the love of Jesus. He has
appeared on several televised programs, including on TBN Salsa, TBN, and CTN
Vegas, and he is a popular conference speaker. The author of Beyond the Yellow
Brick Road: Unlocking the Promises of God, he lives in Houston with his wife,
Ruthy. They have six children: Johnathan, Jay, Jonathan, Valery, Janina, and


Retail: US $ 19.99
ISBN-13: 978-1-63641-387-7
E-Book ISBN: 978-1-63641-388-4
Binding: Trade Paper
Size: 5” x 7” X 0.52”
Page Count: 208
Case Quantity: 36
Rights: Full
Hometown: Houston, TX
BISAC Category:
RELIGION /Christian Living/Spiritual Warfare
RELIGION / Christianity/Pentecostal & Charismatic
RELIGION / Christian Living/Spiritual Growth

About the Author:+−
Product Details:+−

AVAILABLE NOW FOR PRE-ORDER. Book Release Date is 8/6/2024

A life with Christ is about unshackling your chains of bondage to embrace a life
of freedom.

After reading this book I will understand the value of experiencing physical and
psychological freedom that can only be found in Christ. I will be encouraged to
uncover the root issues of my past traumas so that I can find real healing and
transformation for a fruitful life.

Brief Summary:

After experiencing the realities of a physical prison cell, Pastor Juan Martinez
has made it his mission to help others find freedom in every way
possible—spiritually, culturally, emotionally, psychologically, and physically.

Encouraging life change through practical steps—such as challenging negative
thinking patterns with positive affirmations and setting realistic goals—this
twenty-one-day devotional helps expose the internal anxiety, faulty thinking,
and traumas that put readers behind figurative or literal bars, causing them to
repeatedly make bad decisions and experience relationship challenges. Readers
will recognize the root causes of the psychological chains breaking them so they
can reach greater personal growth. Prison Break serves as a poignant reminder
that freedom is possible and shows readers that with the right mindset, they can
overcome past mistakes, forgive others, be renewed by the transformation of
their minds, and lead a fulfilling life.

 * Daily readings that encourage readers to seek healing and wholeness, reject
   old mindsets, and embrace new life in Christ.

 * Reflections on God's unconditional love and forgiveness

 * Affirmations to help readers find strength and hope

 * Prayer prompts to guide readers in seeking divine protection and direction

 * Motivation to trust God's will and plans

Also available at these other Retailers:





Enter your email to download a FREE sample chapter:
 * * Email

 * Download My FREE Sample

*By submitting you agree to receive periodic email updates, special offers, and
freebies from Charisma Media and its authors. You may unsubscribe at any time.
For U.S. residents only.

Juan Martinez is the lead pastor of Get Wrapped Church and founder of Love Live
Lead Ministries. A radio and television host and true revivalist, Martinez has a
passion to reach the lost, broken, and sick with the love of Jesus. He has
appeared on several televised programs, including on TBN Salsa, TBN, and CTN
Vegas, and he is a popular conference speaker. The author of Beyond the Yellow
Brick Road: Unlocking the Promises of God, he lives in Houston with his wife,
Ruthy. They have six children: Johnathan, Jay, Jonathan, Valery, Janina, and

Retail: US $ 19.99
ISBN-13: 978-1-63641-387-7
E-Book ISBN: 978-1-63641-388-4
Binding: Trade Paper
Size: 5” x 7” X 0.52”
Page Count: 208
Case Quantity: 36
Rights: Full
Hometown: Houston, TX
BISAC Category:
RELIGION /Christian Living/Spiritual Warfare
RELIGION / Christianity/Pentecostal & Charismatic
RELIGION / Christian Living/Spiritual Growth


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