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31 March

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Image source, Justin Johnson
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Pietro Schirano asked ChatGPT to create Pong, Asteroids and Breakout for him
By Sean McManus
Technology Reporter

"It felt like magic to me," says Pietro Schirano. "It scared me a little bit
because it was so good."

He's talking about the latest version of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence
(AI) tool. You type something in, and it makes up a reply for you.

It's uncanny how human, friendly and intelligent the responses seem. Underneath
it is an AI model called GPT-4.

 * Everything you need to know about ChatGPT
 * ChatGPT chatbot banned in Italy

Mr Schirano, design lead at business finance company Brex, has been using
ChatGPT to make computer programs.

"I want to build a Pong-like game," he typed, referencing Atari's table tennis
game of the 1970s. "What's the best language to [use] so that lots of people can

ChatGPT not only recommended a programming language that runs in the browser
(JavaScript), but also generated the code for a simple version of the game.

What would have taken an experienced developer half an hour to write took
ChatGPT 40 seconds. It worked equally well for classic arcade games Breakout and

Image source, Getty Images
Image caption,
Pong, seen here being played at a trade fair in Cologne in 2019. ChatGPT quickly
created a simple version of the game

There are lots of code examples for these games online, but ChatGPT isn't
searching the internet for a ready-made answer.

Although it's been built using huge amounts of web content, ChatGPT generates
new text just for you by predicting the right answer.

"ChatGPT was able to understand my question about how I make this game more
popular," says Mr Schirano. "It has a lot of contextual understanding that
somebody who's never developed couldn't get from Google."

Using a search engine, you'd have to figure out which coding language to use,
how to use it, and how to finish any incomplete examples online. ChatGPT can
give you all the game code, together with instructions tailored to your needs.

"Now, even somebody who has no idea of what they're doing can create a simple
web app," says Mr Schirano.

Some say that recreating these old games was too easy because there are so many
examples online.

So Mr Schirano's colleague Ammaar Reshi, design manager at Brex, pushed ChatGPT
further. He asked it to recreate an old PC game for which there is no example
code online. It's a 3D game called Skyroads where you guide a car along a road,
jumping over barriers.

ChatGPT knew about the game from its Wikipedia page and Mr Reshi elaborated on
how the game works. "There was so much back and forth with this one," says Mr
Reshi. "Literally an hour of tweak this, tweak that." He had to test the game,
tell ChatGPT how to change the game behaviour, and repeat.

Even so, Mr Reshi was able to build an online 3D game, despite not knowing any
of the JavaScript language used to build it, and without ChatGPT having access
to code examples for that game.

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These are small games, and nobody's suggesting ChatGPT will be making modern
console games. But it could be used to make parts of a major game, or to help
create any other software.

But even with the productivity improvements, some hesitate to adopt AI for

"The risks of ChatGPT for software development still outweigh the benefits,"
says Tony Smith, chief technology officer at Rightly, an organisation that helps
people get their data deleted from company databases. "The code these AIs
generate is often flawed or inefficient."

Mr Smith asked ChatGPT to create some code to work out how many days are in a
given month. "The code looks great, however there's a problem with the shift to
British Summer Time, so it thinks March has 30 days," he says. "There's a subtle
bug that will show up once a year."

Others have found that AI-generated code can include security flaws. ChatGPT may
model bad behaviour it's seen online, overlook vulnerabilities or use outdated
techniques. Also, ChatGPT has limited knowledge of events after 2021.

The Italian data-protection authority has blocked ChatGPT while it investigates
whether it complied with General Data Protection Regulation.

Image source, Alex Bartok
Image caption,
Kevin Bocek says developers must be accountable for AI-generated code

Business risk increases, too, if people are tempted to use code they don't

Kevin Bocek is vice president, security strategy and threat intelligence, at
Venafi, a company that makes security software for authenticating machines. He
used ChatGPT to create Excel macros and PowerShell scripts, which are two
different ways to give a computer repeatable instructions. Hackers often use
them to launch an attack.

"Now I've got code that's come from 'out there' and I'm going to run it, and
I've got no idea what it does," he says. "The opportunity has now increased for
more code to come in that might be harmful."

While AI can be used to create code, it will always be the developer's
responsibility to check it at Venafi. "That's something we take very seriously,"
he says. "Code is reviewed multiple times by humans. Ultimately, it's the
professional developers that are responsible and accountable."

Image source, Herd
Image caption,
Matthew Hunt (second from left) asks whether ChatGPT might stop him growing his

Herd, a performance marketing and web agency, makes slideshow-style elements on
some of its websites. "Writing the JavaScript code individually for each section
can be painful, so ChatGPT really speeds that process up," says Matthew Hunt, a
junior web developer at Herd.

He's concerned, though, that ChatGPT could take away some of the satisfying
work, too. "Part of the joy of developing is learning exactly what a file does
and how it all works," he says. "If ChatGPT is doing this for us, we aren't
really growing as developers."

Dan Ciruli, vice president of technology at cloud management company D2iQ, has a
different take. He previously worked at Google.

Google's application programming interfaces (APIs) enable developers to connect
their software to Google services. There were 200 APIs and seven supported
programming languages, including Python. To provide instructions for every API
in each language, Google would have to create 1,400 code examples.

"That's something we struggled with," he says. "We just couldn't create samples
in every [programming] language. But when I got access to ChatGPT, the first
thing I did was ask it to show me how to call the Google Translate API in
Python. Boom - there it was."

The future of software development is likely to be a partnership between the
developer and the AI assistant, which is reflected in the name of one popular AI
tool. GitHub Copilot is a commercial tool that automatically completes code as
developers work. The code completion uses a faster but less accurate model than

"Given you're typing code, ideally every time you input a character, you get a
new response," says GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke.

Although Copilot has been upgraded with features to detect and block insecure
code, humans remain an essential safeguard. "Like any other coding tool, you
should always use GitHub Copilot together with human code review, testing
practices and security tools," says Mr Dohmke.

Will AI code generation lead to job losses? Mr Schirano and Mr Reshi can both
foresee that junior roles could be replaced if AI takes on repetitive coding

Manuel Doc is a front-end developer at user experience agency Illustrate
Digital. "I was so amazed by ChatGPT's code-level responses that I was scared my
job would be in jeopardy soon," he says.

"However, during my 1-2-1 with our head developer, he helped me understand that
I'm not just hired to write code, but to analyse problems and provide solutions
that ChatGPT can't give. It was very reassuring."


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 10. 10
     Wooing expat voters with post-Brexit woes in Spain


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