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Submission: On July 23 via api from US — Scanned from GB

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form _ngcontent-xob-c158="" novalidate="" class="login-form ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="form-field form-field__user">
    <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="form-field__user-text col-md-12">
      <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="email-field-label"><label _ngcontent-xob-c158="" for="login-email" translate="" class="email-field-label__text control-label"> Username </label><mc-info-popup _ngcontent-xob-c158="" _nghost-xob-c110=""><button
            _ngcontent-xob-c110="" type="button" class="efx-button-link info-popup-button" tabindex="0" aria-label="click to view username reminder information"><span _ngcontent-xob-c110=""
              class="popup-icon help-popup-svg"></span><!----><!----><!----></button><efx-modal _ngcontent-xob-c110="" class="efx-modal-md">
            <div tabindex="-1" role="dialog" class="modal efx-modal fade" id="efx-modal-29445" aria-labelledby="efx-modal-label-29445" data-keyboard="true" data-backdrop="true">
              <div role="document" class="modal-dialog modal-lg" id="efx-modal-dialog-29445">
                <div class="modal-content">
                  <div class="modal-header"><!----><button type="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close" title="Close" class="close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button><!----></div>
                  <div class="modal-body modal-no-footer">
                    <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" translate=""> If you are signing in to myEquifax for the first time, your username may or may not be an email address. If you already have a myEquifax account, your username will be your email address.
          </efx-modal></mc-info-popup><!----></div><efx-text-field _ngcontent-xob-c158="" label="" controlid="login-email" controlname="email" spellcheck="false" class="clearfix no-gutter ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid"
        <div _ngcontent-xob-c26="" class="form-group required" id="login-email-component"><!---->
          <div _ngcontent-xob-c26="" class="col-sm-12"><input _ngcontent-xob-c26="" class="form-control ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid focus-visible" id="login-email" name="undefined" type="text" placeholder="" autofocus="" tabindex="0"
              maxlength="" aria-describedby="login-email-errors" data-focus-visible-added="">
            <div _ngcontent-xob-c26="" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" id="login-email-errors">
              <div _ngcontent-xob-c26=""><!----></div><!---->
  <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="form-field form-field__password">
    <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="form-field__password-text col-md-12">
      <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="email-field-label"><label _ngcontent-xob-c158="" for="login-password" translate="" class="email-field-label__text control-label"> Password </label><mc-info-popup _ngcontent-xob-c158=""
          _nghost-xob-c110=""><button _ngcontent-xob-c110="" type="button" class="efx-button-link info-popup-button" tabindex="0" aria-label="click to view username reminder information"><span _ngcontent-xob-c110=""
              class="popup-icon help-popup-svg"></span><!----><!----><!----></button><efx-modal _ngcontent-xob-c110="" class="efx-modal-md">
            <div tabindex="-1" role="dialog" class="modal efx-modal fade" id="efx-modal-686485" aria-labelledby="efx-modal-label-686485" data-keyboard="true" data-backdrop="true">
              <div role="document" class="modal-dialog modal-lg" id="efx-modal-dialog-686485">
                <div class="modal-content">
                  <div class="modal-header">
                    <h4 tabindex="-1" class="modal-title" id="efx-modal-label-686485"><!----><span>Password Requirements</span></h4><!----><button type="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close" title="Close" class="close"><span
                  <div class="modal-body modal-no-footer">
                    <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body modal-no-footer">
                      <ul _ngcontent-xob-c158="">
                        <li _ngcontent-xob-c158="">
                          <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table">
                            <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table-row">
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__check-circle modal-body-table-cell"><i _ngcontent-xob-c158="" aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></div>
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__text modal-body-table-cell">Must be between 8 and 20 characters</div>
                        <li _ngcontent-xob-c158="">
                          <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table">
                            <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table-row">
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__check-circle modal-body-table-cell"><i _ngcontent-xob-c158="" aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></div>
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__text modal-body-table-cell">Must contain both upper and lower case letters</div>
                        <li _ngcontent-xob-c158="">
                          <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table">
                            <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table-row">
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__check-circle modal-body-table-cell"><i _ngcontent-xob-c158="" aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></div>
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__text modal-body-table-cell">Must contain at least 1 number</div>
                        <li _ngcontent-xob-c158="">
                          <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table">
                            <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table-row">
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__check-circle modal-body-table-cell"><i _ngcontent-xob-c158="" aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></div>
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__text modal-body-table-cell">Must contain at least 1 of these special characters ! @ $ * + -</div>
                        <li _ngcontent-xob-c158="">
                          <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table">
                            <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table-row">
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__check-circle modal-body-table-cell"><i _ngcontent-xob-c158="" aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></div>
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__text modal-body-table-cell">Cannot contain any other special characters beside those listed above</div>
                        <li _ngcontent-xob-c158="">
                          <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table">
                            <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table-row">
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__check-circle modal-body-table-cell"><i _ngcontent-xob-c158="" aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></div>
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__text modal-body-table-cell">Cannot contain more than 2 repeating characters</div>
                        <li _ngcontent-xob-c158="">
                          <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table">
                            <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table-row">
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__check-circle modal-body-table-cell"><i _ngcontent-xob-c158="" aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></div>
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__text modal-body-table-cell">Cannot include part of your email address</div>
                        <li _ngcontent-xob-c158="">
                          <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table">
                            <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table-row">
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__check-circle modal-body-table-cell"><i _ngcontent-xob-c158="" aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></div>
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__text modal-body-table-cell">Cannot contain 9 or more consecutive numbers</div>
                        <li _ngcontent-xob-c158="">
                          <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table">
                            <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-body-table-row">
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__check-circle modal-body-table-cell"><i _ngcontent-xob-c158="" aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-check-circle"></i></div>
                              <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="modal-list__text modal-body-table-cell">Cannot contain spaces</div>
      <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="password-container"><efx-text-field _ngcontent-xob-c158="" label="common.password" controlid="login-password" controlname="password" type="password"
          class="clearfix no-gutter ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid" _nghost-xob-c26="">
          <div _ngcontent-xob-c26="" class="form-group required" id="login-password-component"><!---->
            <div _ngcontent-xob-c26="" class="col-sm-12"><input _ngcontent-xob-c26="" class="form-control ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid" id="login-password" name="undefined" type="password" placeholder="" tabindex="0" maxlength=""
              <div _ngcontent-xob-c26="" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" id="login-password-errors">
                <div _ngcontent-xob-c26=""><!----></div><!---->
        </efx-text-field><button _ngcontent-xob-c158="" id="toggle-password-hide" aria-hidden="true" class="efx-button-link show">Show</button><!----><!----></div>
    <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="col-md-12"><a _ngcontent-xob-c158="" id="forgot-password-link" translate="" href="#/recoverPassword">Forgotten your password?</a></div><!---->
  <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="form-field form-field__signIn">
    <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="col-md-12"><button _ngcontent-xob-c158="" id="login-button" type="submit" class="efx-button-extra" disabled=""><span _ngcontent-xob-c158="" translate="">SIGN INTO MYEQUIFAX</span></button></div>
  <div _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="col-md-12">
    <p _ngcontent-xob-c158="" class="customer-message">Business or Public Sector Customer?
      <a class="anchor" href="">Click <span class="sr-only">for my equifax</span>here</a></p>

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If you are signing in to myEquifax for the first time, your username may or may
not be an email address. If you already have a myEquifax account, your username
will be your email address.



 * Must be between 8 and 20 characters
 * Must contain both upper and lower case letters
 * Must contain at least 1 number
 * Must contain at least 1 of these special characters ! @ $ * + -
 * Cannot contain any other special characters beside those listed above
 * Cannot contain more than 2 repeating characters
 * Cannot include part of your email address
 * Cannot contain 9 or more consecutive numbers
 * Cannot contain spaces

Forgotten your password?

Business or Public Sector Customer? Click for my equifaxhere




The email address you have entered does not match the email address the invite
was sent to. Please note that you must register or use an account with the same
email address in the invite.

You can either change the email address to match that from the invitation or
reach out to the main account holder to resend the invite to a different email



Unable to complete registration as you have not navigated to the page with your
unique link. Please refer to your invitation email and click the link to get

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