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      <div class="main"> *** <h2> Todd <span style="cursor:help;color:Green;text-decoration:underline;" title="Boyt-luur">Beutler</span> &amp; Michelle <span style="cursor:help;color:Green;text-decoration:underline;" title="Eye-ahh-sh">Ayache</span>
        <p> </p>
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          <a id="MainContent_HyperLink1" href="Images/ToddandMeesh2007.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="Images/Thumb_ToddandMeesh2007.jpg" border="1" style="border:solid AliceBlue 5px;"></a>
        </div> We got engaged in February, and ever since we've been furiously working on putting together a wedding we hope everyone will enjoy. We have decided to have it in the Black Hills. We love staying in cabins there and it has become a
        tradition for us to visit in the Black Hills in the fall. It also happens to be a convenient midpoint between Michelle's family in Wyoming and Todd's Family in South Dakota. <br>
        <div style="float:right;width:150px;text-align:right;"><br>
          <a id="MainContent_HyperLink2" href="Images/Ring.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="Images/Thumb_Ring.jpg" border="1" style="border:solid AliceBlue 5px;"></a>
        <h3>Wedding Day</h3>
        <b>Saturday, September 13th, 2014 4:30pm</b><br> Canyon Lake Resort<br> 2720 Chapel Lane<br> Rapid City, SD 57702<br> Reception to follow at the same location. <h3>Pre-Wedding BBQ &amp; Potluck</h3> Friday, September 12th, 2014<br> For those
        of you who arrive a night early, we would like to invite you to an informal get together on Friday night. We still have details to hammer out for this, so more info to come. If you are planning to be there on Friday, please indicate on your
        RSVP and we can follow up with what to bring. <p></p>
        <p> After promptly marking your calendars, please head over to the <a id="MainContent_HyperLink3" href="Lodging.aspx">Lodging</a> page to see the options for nearby cabins, cottages and hotels. <b>Make your reservations early</b> because the
          fall is still a popular tourist time in the Black Hills. </p>
        <p>We realize that this is a destination wedding, so we understand if that makes it more difficult to attend. Please just let us know and check back later for pictures.</p>
      <div class="clear">
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      <div style="padding-top:45px;"> We look forward to seeing you there! </div>
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Text Content

 * Home
 * News
 * Lodging
 * Registry
 * Map & Directions
 * RSVP Form



We got engaged in February, and ever since we've been furiously working on
putting together a wedding we hope everyone will enjoy. We have decided to have
it in the Black Hills. We love staying in cabins there and it has become a
tradition for us to visit in the Black Hills in the fall. It also happens to be
a convenient midpoint between Michelle's family in Wyoming and Todd's Family in
South Dakota.


Saturday, September 13th, 2014 4:30pm
Canyon Lake Resort
2720 Chapel Lane
Rapid City, SD 57702
Reception to follow at the same location.


Friday, September 12th, 2014
For those of you who arrive a night early, we would like to invite you to an
informal get together on Friday night. We still have details to hammer out for
this, so more info to come. If you are planning to be there on Friday, please
indicate on your RSVP and we can follow up with what to bring.

After promptly marking your calendars, please head over to the Lodging page to
see the options for nearby cabins, cottages and hotels. Make your reservations
early because the fall is still a popular tourist time in the Black Hills.

We realize that this is a destination wedding, so we understand if that makes it
more difficult to attend. Please just let us know and check back later for

We look forward to seeing you there!