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urlscan Pro
Malicious Activity!
Public Scan
Submission: On January 19 via automatic, source openphish
TLS certificate: Issued by Let's Encrypt Authority X3 on December 14th 2018. Valid for: 3 months.
This is the only time www.ghanshyamtravels.in was scanned on urlscan.io!
urlscan.io Verdict: Potentially Malicious
Targeting these brands: Bank of America (Banking)Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
9 | | 46606 (UNIFIEDLA...) (UNIFIEDLAYER-AS-1 - Unified Layer) | |
1 | | 15224 (OMNITURE) (OMNITURE - Adobe Systems Inc.) | |
10 | 2 |
ASN46606 (UNIFIEDLAYER-AS-1 - Unified Layer, US)
PTR: 192-185-91-177.unifiedlayer.com
www.ghanshyamtravels.in |
ASN15224 (OMNITURE - Adobe Systems Inc., US)
bankofamerica.tt.omtrdc.net |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
9 |
www.ghanshyamtravels.in |
576 KB |
1 |
bankofamerica.tt.omtrdc.net |
2 KB |
10 | 2 |
Domain | Requested by | |
9 | www.ghanshyamtravels.in |
1 | bankofamerica.tt.omtrdc.net |
10 | 2 |
This site contains no links.
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
ghanshyamtravels.in Let's Encrypt Authority X3 |
2018-12-14 - 2019-03-14 |
3 months | crt.sh |
*.tt.omtrdc.net DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA |
2017-10-19 - 2020-11-25 |
3 years | crt.sh |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: 6FDD99B84397BFB9D23F8C156632A2DC
Requests: 10 HTTP requests in this frame
0 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
10 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H2 |
Primary Request
www.ghanshyamtravels.in/wp-includes/IXR/IXR/Customer-Ticket/bnkof_america/account/Signon/ |
11 KB 3 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
www.ghanshyamtravels.in/wp-includes/IXR/IXR/Customer-Ticket/bnkof_america/account/Signon/media/ |
444 KB 85 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
www.ghanshyamtravels.in/wp-includes/IXR/IXR/Customer-Ticket/bnkof_america/account/Signon/media/ |
2 MB 443 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
www.ghanshyamtravels.in/wp-includes/IXR/IXR/Customer-Ticket/bnkof_america/account/Signon/img/ |
4 KB 4 KB |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
www.ghanshyamtravels.in/wp-includes/IXR/IXR/Customer-Ticket/bnkof_america/account/Signon/img/ |
7 KB 8 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
www.ghanshyamtravels.in/wp-includes/IXR/IXR/Customer-Ticket/bnkof_america/account/Signon/media/ |
10 KB 1 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
bankofamerica.tt.omtrdc.net/m2/bankofamerica/mbox/ |
3 KB 2 KB |
application/json |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
www.ghanshyamtravels.in/pa/components/modules-app/VIPAA/header-vipaa-module/1.0/graphic/ |
32 KB 32 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
www.ghanshyamtravels.in/pa/global-assets/1.0/font/cnx-regular/ |
0 0 |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
www.ghanshyamtravels.in/pa/global-assets/1.0/font/cnx-regular/ |
0 0 |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
Potentially malicious activity detected
Disclaimer: These verdicts should be used to detect potentially malicious websites, not as a final verdict!
Phishing against: Bank of America (Banking)365 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
object| onselectstart object| onselectionchange function| queueMicrotask object| boa string| jQueryVersion boolean| $scIsIE function| getInternetExplorerVersion number| $IEver function| windowSetup function| displayPopup function| boaLangSetup function| boaLocationReplace function| boaEqualHeight function| boaEqualWidth function| boaCenterAlign function| boaVerCheck function| boaTLUIFieldValidationError function| boaTLAddCustomEvent function| boaTLAddEvent object| dartTag function| dartFireOnClick function| dartFireOnClickWithoutNumParam function| dartFireOnClickSpecial function| boaOBORestricted function| asyncPrintCssInclude function| boaGetCookie function| boaSetCookie function| boaGetUrlParam object| selectBofa object| cfLoader object| boaBrowserDetect function| setFlexLayoutFooterHeight number| flexLayoutFooterHeightOriginal number| flexLayoutCenterContentHeightOriginal object| $flexLayoutFooterDiv object| $flexLayoutFooterInner function| aam_tnt_cb function| mboxFactory function| mboxFactories object| SessionTimeout object| XEngineWidgetFramework undefined| debug_g object| widgetActionArray_g object| widgetPageLocationArray_g object| widgetDivIdArray_g object| widgetDefaultContentArray_g undefined| callbackTimeoutId_g undefined| callbackJsonTimeoutId_g undefined| ranCallbackOnTimer_g undefined| callbackWidgetTimeoutId_g undefined| ranCallbackOnWidgetTimer_g number| receivedAdCounter_g undefined| ranWidgetCallbackOnTimer_g undefined| widgetCallbackTimeoutId_g undefined| widgetCallbackJsonTimeoutId_g string| snippetLoadImage function| callWidget function| sendJsonWidgetRequest function| callWidgetJSON function| callbackOnWidgetRequestTimeout function| widget_show function| clearTimeouts function| handleWidgetResponse function| sendJsonRequest function| widgetTimeoutCallBackFunction function| widgetErrorCallBackFunction function| displayDefaultContent function| handleResponse function| BofaJsHttp function| initializeTC function| callTouchClarity function| callbackOnTimeout function| callback function| intializeTCTimeOutContent function| fetchTouchClarityHtml function| convertToJSONString function| getAdditionalRequestParams function| trimValue function| debug function| boaMboxCreate function| createBOAOnClickBE function| createBOAImpressionBE function| createBOAImpression function| showTola function| renderTola function| getTolaData function| getMVTparams function| logBusinessEvent function| jsonpCallback function| removejscssfile function| loadjscssfile function| loadAllCssJsFiles function| checkDuplicateCsJsFile function| findjscssfile undefined| openSumState undefined| openSumStateUrl undefined| openState function| summaryWidgetLoaded function| setSummaryWidgetState string| $errorMessageContent object| EmbedVideoPlayerUtil string| SEP string| PAIR function| PM_FP_activeXDetect function| PM_FP_stripIllegalChars function| PM_FP_stripFullPath object| PM_FP_BrowserDetect function| PM_FP_FingerPrint function| Hashtable function| IE_FingerPrint function| Mozilla_FingerPrint function| Opera_FingerPrint function| add_deviceprint function| PM_FP_urlEncode function| encode_deviceprint function| decode_deviceprint function| post_deviceprint function| post_deviceprint_sk function| decrypt function| encryptA function| decryptA function| asyncEncryptField object| JSEncryptExports function| JSEncrypt object| CryptoJS undefined| otpAjaxRequest string| otpContainerID undefined| otpScriptNode undefined| otpLinkNode number| otpChildIndex string| acwServiceURL object| otpInitSettings function| showOTPWidget function| getBrowserType function| addPassMarkFlash2 boolean| isIE boolean| isWin boolean| isOpera function| ControlVersion function| GetSwfVer function| DetectFlashVer function| AC_AddExtension function| AC_Generateobj function| AC_FL_RunContent function| AC_GetArgs function| isBrowserIE function| isBrowserOpera function| getVersionString function| isExternalInterfaceCompatible function| isWidgetCompatible function| isSitekeyWidgetCompatible string| spwSafePassNonFlashUrl string| spwPageCode string| spwFormName string| spwDeviceIndex string| spwExpand string| spwDivId number| spwProgressBarEachPercent string| spwContainerID undefined| spwScriptNode undefined| spwLinkNode function| showNonFlashWidget object| spwProgressBar number| requiredMajorVersion number| requiredMinorVersion number| requiredRevision string| src string| width string| height string| application string| bgcolor function| showWidget function| actionECDParam object| $popupFsdHeader object| setupInterstitialModal function| actionOnlineIDParam function| actionModalParam undefined| vendorURL string| CONTEXT object| olbTnCModuleTwoScrollSkin number| lpfielderror function| validNumeriChars function| isValid function| verifySubmit function| redirectPage object| onlineidverifyEmail undefined| $ssnfirst undefined| $ssnmiddle undefined| $ssnlast object| onlineidverify function| checkLists function| trimVal object| passcodeVerifyEnroll function| processCoremetrics object| passcodeVerify object| $quickHelpBoaLangObj string| questionValue boolean| duplicateExists function| printContinue function| dualActionClick function| actionSplashParam string| requestAuthUrl string| moduleContext function| ajaxCheckBoxRequestCallBack boolean| speedBumpEnterKey string| opt string| opt480 function| englishOnlyPopUp function| SborOOLPopUp function| ORCCOutagePopUp function| openHelp function| openHelpWindow function| openHelpHeaderModelWindow function| openHelpHeaderNWWindow function| openNWHelpWindow function| MLOOLPopUp function| OOLPopUp function| showNestedLayer function| hideNestedLayer object| cmPageViewForModal string| csrfTokenHiddenValue string| isModalOpen string| isSBModalOpen string| SBLangPostfix function| removeSBChangePINPageLoadedIndicator string| defaultemailaddress string| createusererrormsg object| vipaaModalContentModuleCreateUserSkin function| validateEmail boolean| moduleLoad object| subUserModalContentModuleCreateUserSkinObj function| fullModelOnOpen function| fullModelOnClose function| loadmodallayer function| addCreateUserFormatError function| removeCreateUserFormatError function| callCoremetricsForCreateUserLib function| encryptSensitive object| modalContentVipaaDeleteSkin string| modalskwContainerID function| setupModalValidation string| FPInitAuthResponse function| enterOnlineIDFormSubmit number| ppwNonBlankFieldCount string| ppwNextButtonADAText string| ppwSpanishErrorText undefined| currentErrorElement object| eCLO function| validatePPWForm function| validateState function| updateNextButtonState function| trim function| resetPPWErrorBubble function| ppwAttachSubmitHandlers function| ppwError function| showError boolean| uciPilot number| widgetPageCode string| languagePrefURLUpdate object| AddSafePass object| SafePassMobileUpdateModal function| formatPhoneNumber function| placeOrderNavigation object| PlaceOrder function| callBackSPOTP number| totalNumOfPages number| currentPLPage number| targetPLPage string| settingsaddSafepass object| safePassSetSkin string| alertWidgetlanguage function| printSecurityTipsPDF function| sc_device_sort_asc function| sc_device_sort_desc string| corsSettings boolean| corsSupported boolean| usePost string| savedOIDHtml string| newOnlineID boolean| offsetFlag boolean| enrollEligible string| fpuserID string| fpEnabledStatus function| fidofpCheck function| checkFpEligibilityFn function| paintFpSection function| callToeach function| detectCors function| scRequestJSONPPOST function| scRequestJSONP function| jsonpRequestCallBack function| securityCenterChangeId function| securityCenterChangePwd function| clickChangeId function| clickChangePwd function| securityCenterDisplayQandA function| securityCenterValidateQandA function| securityCenterConfirmQandA function| clearSavedId function| editSecurityPreference function| oncloseFunc function| u2fmodalClose function| offsetTooltips function| addServiceADAText object| $sideWellHelpBoaLangObj string| cipLabelErrorText string| cipSubmitButtonADAText string| cipButtonEnabledADAText string| cipButtonSubmittedADAText boolean| cipDOBFormatValid object| vipaaSubUserAMLCIPSkin object| vipaaSubUserEditProfileSkin string| currentDeviceId boolean| safePassFlag function| validateEditProfPhone function| loadServicesURL function| doSPWidgetCallback function| addFormatError function| removeFormatError function| callCoreMetricErrorLib function| sendToJavaScript function| changeUpandDownArrow boolean| isOBO undefined| targetModalId boolean| pageInitialized object| tpData undefined| revokedId string| tpsLanguage string| tpsRevokeButtonName string| tpsActiveStatusName string| tpsRevokedStatusName object| ModalApsMpModuleGetAppSkin function| $ function| jQuery object| boaGlobalData object| boaBrowserObject object| adobe function| mboxDefine function| mboxUpdate function| mboxCreate object| mboxFactoryDefault object| AuthHub function| applyFixPatches object| input object| KJUR object| Hex object| Base64 function| ASN1 object| OOo object| theBody object| $boaLangObj number| version object| $flexBottomRow object| passcodeCreateSkin object| $forgotModuleIdpwdSkin object| forgotIDPWdSkin object| ttMETA function| seTTCookie function| geTTCookieVal function| readCookie undefined| ThrottleVal undefined| isSBCustomer string| runOnce undefined| img object| v0 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
1 Console Messages
A page may trigger messages to the console to be logged. These are often error messages about being unable to load a resource or execute a piece of JavaScript. Sometimes they also provide insight into the technology behind a website.
Source | Level | URL Text |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.