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* Basket * Checkout * My Account * FREE Membership Complementary Compounding Pharmacy * Home * About Us * Quality Control * Our Lab * Our Point of Difference * Shop * Ordering * Shipping and Delivery Information * Conditions of Sale * Disclaimer * Privacy Policy * Online Consultations * FREE Access * Consultations * Adrenal Fatigue – Online Consult * Autoimmune Disease- Online Consult * Cardiovascular Health – Online Consult * Chronic Fatigue – Online Consult * Chelation Therapy – Online Consult * CIRS – Online Consult * Cortisol – Online Consult * Dermatology – Online Consult * DHEA – Online Consult * Glutathione – The Mother Antioxidant * Hair Loss – Online Consult * Hypothyroidism – Online Consult * Immune Function – Online Consult * Low Dose Naltrexone – Online Consult * Men’s Health Information * Andropause – Online Consult * Erectile Dysfunction – Online Consult * Premature Ejaculation – Online Consult * Chrysin – Online Consult * Multiple sclerosis * NAD – Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide * Nootropics – Smart Drugs – Online Consult * Osteoarthritis- Online Consult * Parasites – Online Consult * Pregnenolone – Online Consult * Reverse T3 Dominance – online consult * Skin Conditions – Online Consult * Acne Treatments * Eczema * Hyperpigmentation * Psoriasis * Rosacea * Wound Care * Women’s Health Information * Estrogen * Progesterone * Testosterone * Endometriosis * Osteoporosis * PMS * Reducing Excessive Estrogens in Women * Health Conditions * Adrenal Fatigue * Anti-Aging * Chronic Fatigue * Cosmaceuticals * Dental Compounding * Dermatology * Gastroenterology * Hair Loss * Hormone Testing * Hypothyroidism * Immune Function * Mast Cell Activation Syndrome * Men’s Health * Testosterone Deficiency * Erectile Dysfunction * Premature Ejaculation * Aromatase Inhibitors * Opthalmology * Pain Treatments * Back Pain * Migraine * Osteoarthritis * Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) * Parasites * Pediatric Compounding * Products * Sterile Compounding * Veterinary Compounding * Vitamin Therapy * Women’s Health * More Health Info * Response to Sue Dunlevy’s Article on Compounded Hormones * Acid: Alkaline Balance * Amino Acid Customized Formulas * Are Your Cosmetics Causing You Harm? * ATP – Increasing Cellular Energy with Ribose * Balancing Estrogens * Bioidentical Hormone Pellet Therapy * Candida/Fungal Infections * Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) * CIRS – Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome * Collagen * Customized Supplements * Detoxification Program * Discontinued Medications * Emotional Healing * Emotions Behind Hormone Imbalances in Men * Emotions Causing Your Hormone Imbalances? * Healing Adrenal Fatigue * Healthy Diet * Histapenia – Over methylation * Hormone Testing * Hormone Hyperexcretion and Cobalt * How to Find a Cooperative Doctor * Ingredients Used in Our Hormone Products * Iodine * Irritable Bowel Syndrome * Limitations of Lab Test Reference Ranges * Lipotropics * Magnesium Deficiency * Malic Acid * Meditation for Health * Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) * Methylfolate, Folinic acid and Folic Acid * MTHFR Mutation * Mitochondrial Dysfunction * MT Primer * NAD * Nasal Sprays * Natural Hair Loss Treatment * Over Stimulated Nervous System * Pernicious anemia * Private Health Insurance * Pyroluria * Passiflora Coerulea Extract * Reverse T3 Dominance * Risks of HRT * Saliva Hormone Testing – The Evidence * SHBG – Sex Hormone Binding Globulin * short chain fatty acids * Telomeres and the Aging Process * Topical Anesthetic Creams * Topical Botox Cream for Wrinkles * TRIMIX * Undermethylation * Universal Medicine * Vitamin D * Vitamin E * Vitamin K2 * Weight Loss * Why Are Doctors Critical of Bioidentical hormones? * Wyeth Employs Ghost Writers * Zeolites * Regulations * Image Based Scripts Ending Soon * Regulatory Culture Towards Compounding * Compounding Regulations and How They Effect Supply * Sterile Compounding Regulations * Contact Us * Ordering Prescriptions * * * * * * * * Previous * Next COMPOUNDING PHARMACY OurCompounding Pharmacy is one of the most experienced in complex and sterile compounding in Australia having been established in 2001 back when only a handful existed in this country. Simple compounding has always been apart of pharmacy practice in Australia however in the mid to late 1990's with advances in technology simple compounding pharmacy evolved into more complex compounding practice which involves more complex and sterile formulations being performed in state of the art laboratory facilities using newer advanced technologies as opposed to how it had previously been done mixing simple creams and mixtures in an old mortar and pestle in a regular pharmacy dispensary. Our laboratory consists of a state of the art multi-clean room facility to avoid any cross contamination of products in addition to a NATA certified sterile clean room for the production of sterile products. We adhere to strict Quality Control standards to ensure the quality of products supplied by our facility. We have sample products tested by an independent laboratory which consistently show they are within USP Pharmaceutical standards. Do not leave your compounding to someone with little experience, inappropriate or inadequate laboratory equipment or a lack of proven procedures to ensure the quality of your medication. Use an experienced compounding pharmacy you can trust. Our approach to treating illness is through nutritional medicine, otherwise known as integrative or orthomolecular medicine or biomedical treatments, as it treats the underlying physiological imbalance of most diseases rather than just treating the symptoms. Treatments offered therefore include bioidentical hormones for sex hormone imbalances in both women and men, in addition to adrenal, thyroid and other hormone imbalances. We also produce vitamin, mineral, antioxidant and amino acid combinations, to name but a few. Our website contains a wealth of information on a wide variety of subjects and we invite you browse at your leisure. Complementary Compounding Services - 1/130 Tamar St, Ballina NSW 2478. 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