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Inicio » Shop » Singular objects » Ancient Instruments » Planispherical
astrolabe L.H.V., 20∅x2,5cm


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Reproduction in current materials of ancient instruments that are part of the
cultural and scientific heritage because of their scientific, historical and
aesthetic value.

The instrument is accompanied by a documentation with description in which their
use is explained in detail.

The astrolabe is considered the jewel of mathematical Middle Ages. Until late in
the seventeenth century, the portable unit has been in the entire history of
astronomy. Furthermore, it is effective because it allowed with clear and simple
way to understand the celestial mechanics and the apparent movement of the
stars. It dates from the fourth century Alexandria, was perfected by the Arabs
and of them it was introduced across Spain, in Europe in the early tenth century
It consists of a disk named Mater (or STEM), which represented the ground
coordinates and spiders coordinates (disk depth, which represents the celestial
coordinates). If the spiders coordinates rotate about the ground coordinates,
one gets the representation of the apparent movements of the stars on the
observation point. Outside, he wears a graduated float as KRONE called, in which
are engraved the hours.
With this instrument you can make and / or solve up to 43 astronomical
calculations, such as the knowledge of the position of the stars, solar time,
latitude …

Planiferic (Catholic or European) astrolabe, set for 40º latitude. Specially
developed by Hemisferium with classic Renaissance design.
Zamac with brass bath laquered on oven. Wood sapelli (teinted with natural wax
and polished)
Box size: width 25cm, height: 7,5cm  lenght: 24cm  Total weight (with packaging
and instructions): 2500gr


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