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Text Content

 * Weather API
    * Sign Up for a Free Trial Account
    * Request a Quote for a Business Account
    * How to Use Weather API
      * Weather API News
      * Tech Blog
      * Use Cases
    * Weather API Documentation
    * Weather and Climate Data
      * Download Weather Data
    * EURO1k - European Weather Model

 * Weather Solutions
    * Weather API
    * Weather Data Shop
    * Weather Data Visualization
    * EURO1k - European Weather Model
    * Solar, Wind, and Hydro Forecasting
    * Meteodrone
    * Meteobase
    * Solutions for Industries
      * Agriculture
      * Automotive
      * Aviation
      * Energy
      * Governments and Defense
      * Insurance
        * InsurX
      * Shipping and Offshore
      * Transport and Logistics
    * Free Weather Tools
      * Weather Calendar
      * Weather Widget
      * 3D Weather Map
      * Weather App

 * Weather Blog
    * Customer Success Stories & Use Cases
    * Weather API News
    * Tech Blog
    * Climate, Weather and Business
    * Video Stories
    * Weather Research Studies

 * Technology
    * EURO1k - European Weather Model
    * Meteodrones
    * Meteobase

 * Company
    * News
    * Careers
    * Contact
    * Events

 * News

Make Your Business Better
Our approachContact us
Make Your Business Predictable
Weather DataWeather APIContact us
Make Your Business Better
Our approachContact us
Make Your Business Predictable
Weather DataWeather APIContact us


Intelligent workflow management with the world's most accurate weather and
climate data.

We are the world's leading provider of weather information. With unique
technologies, high-resolution weather models and far-reaching competencies, we
create a strong foundation so that you can work intelligently with weather data.
By using the world’s most accurate weather and climate data, you can improve
operational processes and manage extreme weather situations better.

Our approachOur services

Leading Brands Rely on Our Approach




Watch the video to learn how the Meteomatics Weather API makes the procurement
of weather data at BKW easier, faster and more flexible, thus facilitating the
integration of renewable energies into the electricity market.

You can also read the story here.

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Explore Our Services

We provide the most accurate weather data for any location, at any time, to
improve your business.

Precise Weather Data
We combine existing weather data with unique technologies and the skills of our
weather and data scientists to bring you the most accurate weather data.
Weather and Climate Data
Weather Data Shop
If you only need one-time access to certain weather data, you can directly
download individual weather data sets from our weather data shop. Here you will
find a comprehensive selection of current and historical weather data as well as
sector-specific weather parameters.
Explore Data Shop
Weather API
With our Weather API you get continuous access to worldwide high-resolution
weather, ocean, environment and climate data as well as historical data,
real-time data, forecasts and climate scenarios up to 2100.
Explore the Weather API
European weather model at 1 km resolution: get accurate weather forecasts across
Europe and make better decisions.
More about EURO1k
Visualise Weather
Visualise all weather events in a high-resolution map view - with our web-based
weather map tool MetX based on the Weather API.
MetX Weather Visualisation
Energy Forecasting
Energy forecasts for solar, wind and hydropower - based on the world's most
accurate weather data.
Explore Energy Forecasts
Closing the meteorological data gap in the Earth's lower atmosphere with
Meteodrones. Designed and assembled in Switzerland.
Explore Meteodrones
Meteobase - the home of our Meteodrone. The Meteobase is the perfect partner and
home for our weather drones to measure weather data at any location.
Explore Meteobase

Gianluca Corbellini
Managing Director
Hive Power

> It was clear from our own forecast benchmarking that Meteomatics was offering
> the most accurate weather forecast.

Free API Trial


We provide the most accurate weather data for any location, at any time, to
improve your business.

Our expert team of meteorologists and scientists is continuously working on the
optimisation, accuracy and availability of our data to deliver reliable
solutions for your business. Select your industry and we will create customised
solutions tailored to your application.

 * Energy and Utilities

 * Governments and Defense

 * Shipping and Offshore

 * Transport and Logistics

 * Aviation

 * Agriculture

 * Automotive

 * Insurance

 * Solar Power

 * Wind Power

 * Hydro Power

 * Climate Change


This is how we improve our clients' business with our approach.

Watch our customer video stories
More Flexible, Faster and More Efficient: How BKW Benefits From the Meteomatics
Weather API.
Learn more
Weather Data Helps Toyota Optimize Energy Consumption at Its Plants in Europe
Learn more
Airbus Zephyr Goes Beyond the Troposphere - Made Possible by High-Quality
Weather Data from Meteomatics
Learn more
Stadtwerke Munich
Meteomatics' solar power forecasts improve Stadtwerke München's day-to-day
electricity trading business and optimize the integration of solar power into
the electricity market.
Learn More
Heimdall Power
Heimdall Power Increases Transmission Capacity of High-Voltage Power Lines by
25% on Average Using Weather Data from Meteomatics
Learn more
Weather Data Helps Navily’s Users Choose the Best Anchorages
Learn more
Ogre.AI Realizes Significant Costs Savings in the Energy Industry by Integrating
Meteomatics Api into Its Power Forecasts
Learn more
Meteomatics Data Improves ABS’s Navigational Safety and Sustainable Shipping
Learn more
Sunflower Labs
Safe Autonomous Flying - Thanks to Data from Meteomatics’ API
Learn more
Hive Power
Higher Accuracy Leads to Improved Machine Learning for Energy Forecasting! Hive
Power Reveals the Results of Its Weather Forecast Verification.
Learn more
Successful Integration of Meteomatics Weather Data into Pi System Enables
Numerous New Use Cases for Osisoft Users
Learn more
More Efficient Building Automation Thanks to High-Quality Weather Data!
Learn more
ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich’s Researchers Are Flying Meteomatics’ Weather Drones Into the Clouds
Learn more
Meteomatics provides high-resolution weather data for Unisphere's flight
management software.
Learn more
Swiss Academic Space Initiative (ARIS)
Meteomatics Supports Future Swiss Aerospace Engineers With Weather Data
Learn more
Defence Applications
Meteomatics' technology improves the accuracy of weather forecasts with in-house
developed weather drones and a high-resolution European weather model, helping
ensure the success of operations in the air, on land, and at sea.
Learn more

Individual Industry Solutions

> Our site-specific forecasting products are fully customisable to your business
> needs and industry. Contact our experts to learn more!

Get in touchFree API Trial
Dr. Martin Fengler
CEO / Founder



Forecast accuracy and direct and easy access to weather data are the most
important criteria for companies looking for reliable weather information. With
our Weather Intelligence approach, we aim to take the accuracy of weather
forecasts to a whole new level. To achieve this, we create unique technologies
for forecasts, calculate high-resolution weather models and combine all this
with the outstanding skills of our employees.

With our unique approach, we implement our vision and fulfil our entrepreneurial
mission every day.

Test our API for free
Our Vision

We are the global leader in weather intelligence.

Our Mission

We provide the most accurate weather data for any location at any time, to
improve our customers' business.

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Current Time 0:00
Duration 2:40
Loaded: 2.44%

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Remaining Time -2:40
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 * English

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 * Our Approach
    * Unique technologies for predictions
   Learn more

 * Our Weather Drones
    * Innovative measurement technology with weather drones
   Learn more

 * Our Products
    * Easy access to weather information
   Learn more



As the world's leading provider of weather information, we share responsibility
for society and nature with our services. For example, through our services, we
help to promote the use of renewable energies and the energy transition. We also
help to warn communities of dangerous weather events or to protect agriculture
from crop failures and planning errors. The weather has a very big impact on our
environment, but also on our economy. Understanding the weather is therefore an
important prerequisite for the development of our economic areas, but also for
the development of our natural habitat.


Our team consists of meteorologists, scientists, data scientists, electrical &
IT technicians and engineers. Specialised in different fields and educated at
top universities around the world, we as a team can draw on an incredibly wide
range of skills. We see our different backgrounds and nationalities as a great
enrichment to our corporate culture. We learn from each other, complement each
other and agree on one thing in particular: the passion to develop and specify
technological solutions independently - and from that, the idea to the complete


We understand that our offer provides a decisive added value and work with a lot
of passion and innovative spirit to improve our services every day and to expand
our position as a leading provider of weather information. Unique technologies,
paired with the Swiss claim for precision and our hands-on mentality, show us
that we have the best qualities to make it happen every day.

Learn more about Meteomatics


We see complex industry solutions as challenges that we take on with great
passion and want to solve with technologies we have developed ourselves. Through
constant testing, trial and error and boundless curiosity, we manage to develop
new measurement techniques and thus increase the accuracy of weather data.


Thanks to our Swiss roots, our DNA makes us strive for the highest quality in
everything we do. Our solutions, our service and our interactions with all
stakeholders are driven by the idea of delivering the highest precision.


Through our expertise in meteorology combined with great expertise in IT,
electrical engineering, physics and engineering, we develop technologies
completely independently from the idea to the full implementation.

Alex Pachikov
Sunflower Labs Inc.

> Meteomatics provides the perfect solution for our needs. The data has been
> accurate, complete, easy to process and 100% reliable in all the time that we
> have used it.

Free API Trial

The Global Leader In Weather Intelligence

Weather Intelligence describes our approach at all levels and shows how we
succeed in providing intelligent and most accurate weather information. All
weather information relevant to your business is measured, collected, compiled
and analysed by our scientists and meteorologists. In this process, innovative
and self-developed measurement techniques and methods are used, which allows us
to be the only company to provide all information and data via only one
interface and in real time.

This means we can map the current and future state of our atmosphere at a
specific location at a specific time as accurately as possible and provide this
information in real time. This creates the basis for optimising processes,
minimising weather-related business risks and making important decisions with

Learn more about our vision


The processing of high-quality weather and satellite data, from leading centres
worldwide, with scientific procedures and post-processing methods developed
in-house, leads to highly accurate forecasts. For example, by computing our own
high-resolution weather models and using 90-metre downscaling, we are able to
scale and greatly refine weather model data in terms of local topographical
conditions. The combination of our self-developed high-resolution weather models
enriched with data collected by our drones, further improves the data basis of
the models. This is unique worldwide and leads to an unprecedented accuracy of
the forecasts.

Our Technology


Make Weather Forecasts Even More Accurate in the Future - With Meteodrones!

We want to make weather forecasts even more accurate in the future. That is why
we are the only company in the world to collect atmospheric data with our
self-developed and autonomous weather drone system "Meteodrones".

The meteodrones allow us to collect weather data from higher, but relevant
layers of the atmosphere, by taking a transverse measurement of the atmosphere
up to 6 km high.

This makes it possible to take precise and direct measurements of temperature,
humidity and wind at altitudes of up to 6 kilometres, for the first time. The
measured data is then fed into our in-house developed and high-resolution
weather models.


Make Forecasts of Extreme Weather Conditions More Precise!

Our goal is to calculate high-resolution weather models for the largest possible
areas and refine them with the innovative measurement technology of our weather
drones. This approach has been proven to lead to unprecedented accuracy of
weather forecasts. Especially on a local level for forecasting fog,
thunderstorms, hail and heavy rain. More information on our approach as well as
scientific publications (peer-reviewed) can be found here.

Meteodrones Technology


We want to provide weather information in a targeted and easily interpretable
way. Therefore, you either get permanent access to individual data sets via our
weather API or one-time access via our weather data shop. With the weather API
as the foundation, we provide all weather events in high-resolution map view for
visualisation with our web-based weather map tool MetX.

Permanent Access With the Weather API

Through our weather API, you get real-time access to over 25 models and more
than 1800 parameters through just one interface. You don't need to be a weather
expert to understand and use the basic weather parameters. And if you do need
help, our API documentation or one of our experts will help you.

Discover our weather API

Unique Access in the Weather Data Shop

If you only need one-time access to certain weather data, you can directly
download individual weather data sets from our weather data shop.

Here you will find a comprehensive selection of current and historical weather
data as well as sector-specific weather parameters.

To the weather data shop

Weather Visualisation

With weather maps, weather data can be made accessible to all. A simplified user
interface combined with our weather API provides you with a powerful tool for
visualising weather events worldwide: high-resolution and in real time.

Discover the weather map tool MetX


Stay up to date with the latest news from Meteomatics.

Record-Breaking Heat in the US
07/27/2023 / As record-breaking heat scorches a large swath of the U.S.,
Meteomatics North America CEO, Paul Walsh, discusses the escalating health risks
and economic impacts with Fox Weather. Emphasizing the "Dome of Doom"
phenomenon, he underscores the urgency of proactive education and data-driven
measures to help prevent disaster.
Learn more
Ask an Academic
07/19/2023 / Lucille Borlaza used Meteomatics data to study the effects of
lockdown restrictions on the potential health implications of reducing the use
of fuel-burning vehicles.
Learn more
Billion-Dollar Disasters
07/19/2023 / A study finds climate change is projected to result in a 52% surge
in heavy rainfall events in the American Northeast. U.S. CEO Paul Walsh
discusses the economic implications and heightened importance of dealing with
what could be another billion-dollar disaster with Fox Weather.
Learn more
Best Weather APIs
07/13/2023 / In this article, we have thoroughly analyzed the distinctive
features of multiple weather APIs and compiled a list of the top-performing
options currently available in the market.
Learn more
Hurricane Season Summer 2023
07/13/2023 / Despite El Niño, long-range forecasters at Colorado State
University expect a busier Atlantic hurricane season, and now’s the time to
prepare your business. Fox Weather invites Paul Walsh, CEO of Meteomatics North
America, to share insights into the updated forecast.
Learn more
Schweizer Hagel
07/11/2023 / In this article, you will discover how Schweizer Hagel uses
Meteomatics' weather data to assess risks and determine insurance premiums while
enhancing its operational efficiency.
Learn more
Leading Electricity Companies Choose Meteomatics
07/10/2023 / We’re proud to share that 80% of the electricity companies with the
highest power capacity in Europe have chosen the Meteomatics Weather API as
their trusted source of weather data.
Learn more
EURO1k for Day-Ahead Trading
06/29/2023 / From mid-July onwards, traders can now harness the power of EURO1k
for day-ahead trading, thanks to the introduction of new 48-hour runs. As August
approaches, users will have the option to add EURO1k to the Meteomatics Power
MIX model, further enriching energy forecasts.
Learn more
Meteomatics in North Dakota
06/23/2023 / Together with our partner GrandSKY, we launched our first
Meteodrone system at the GrandSKY aviation park, located at Grand Forks Air
Force Base in North Dakota, along with the North Dakota 1K weather model.
Learn more
Home Repair Network
06/12/2023 / Home Repair Network's managers use Meteomatics’ InsurX tool to
guarantee precise and dependable assessment of the damages to help home and
property owners get back on their feet faster.
Learn more


We are here for you.

We help you understand your relationship with the weather from start to finish.

Melanie Luther
Head of Sales and Meteorologist
Melanie Luther studied Meteorology at the Freie Universität Berlin and
specialized in the Energy Industry. She has more than 20 years of experience as
a meteorologist, weathercaster, and key account manager in the field. Melanie
joined Meteomatics in 2017 and was appointed Head of Sales in 2019.
Christian Schluchter
Chief Technology Officer
Christian Schluchter studied Electrical Engineering and Robotics at ETH Zurich
and graduated with an MSc in Robotics, Systems, and Control in 2011. He has a
strong background in energy management, drone autopilot development, and
software engineering. Christian joined Meteomatics in 2016 and was appointed
Chief Technology Officer in 2017.
Dr. Martin Fengler
CEO / Founder
Dr. Martin Fengler studied at TU Kaiserslautern (Germany) where he received his
PhD in applied mathematics. After his studies he developed several numerical
weather prediction codes for Meteomedia AG (now MeteoGroup Switzerland) where he
became responsible for the technology & innovation department. In Spring 2012 he
founded Meteomatics in St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Dr. Martin Fengler
CEO / Founder


Get in touch - we are here for you.

Contact us if you have questions about specific industry applications or would
like advice from our experts! We look forward to your enquiry and will get back
to you within one working day.

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 * St. Gallen, Switzerland
   Meteomatics AG Unterstrasse 12 9000 St.Gallen Switzerland Phone +41 71 272 66
 * Berlin, Germany
   Meteomatics GmbH Schiffbauerdamm 40, Büro 5309 10117 Berlin Germany Phone +49
   30 200 74 280
 * Torquay, England
   Meteomatics Ltd. Sigma House Oak View Close Edginswell Park Torquay Devon TQ2
   7FF England
 * Exton, PA, United States of America
   Meteomatics Inc. 600 Eagleview Boulevard Eagleview Exton, PA 19341 United
   States of America Phone: +1 484-359-7206
