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Text Content

Winer Observatory

P.O. Box 797, Sonoita, Arizona 85637-0797, USA

 * Home
 * About
   * Fees
   * Outreach
   * Projects
   * History
   * Staff
   * Irvin M. Winer
   * Documents
 * Site
   * Weather
   * Roof Status
   * Seeing Status
   * UPS Status
   * Operations
   * Commanding
   * Site
   * Facility
   * Directions
 * Archive
 * Science
   * Customers
   * Winer
   * Papers
   * MPECs
 * Donors
   * Campaign
   * Donations
   * Honor Roll
   * Documents
   * Amazon Smile
 * Downloads
 * Site Map
 * Contact Us



The Irvin Marvin Winer Memorial Mobile Observatory, Inc. (Winer Observatory) was
incorporated in 1983 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity to perform basic
research in astronomy, provide educational outreach programs, and provide site
and maintenance services for small telescopes through cooperative agreements
with other astronomical institutions.

The observatory is named after Irvin M. Winer, a physics professor whom our
Director, Mark Trueblood, met in graduate school. Irv made such an impression on
our Director that he named the observatory after Irv to keep alive the memory of
his friend and mentor. It was Irv's and Mark's friend Andrew J. Tomer who
suggested the name.

The "Mobile" in our official corporate name originates from our early interest
in observing asteroid occultations, which requires the observer to travel to a
particular remote location to make the observation. For more information, visit
the science section of this Web site.

The picture at the top left of this page is of our facility near Sonoita,
Arizona, approximately 50 miles southeast of Tucson, Arizona. It shows the roof
rolled back to the left (north) over the shop part of the building (compare this
photo with the aerial photo on the Site page). The observatory houses many
telescopes including:

 * The Planewave 20-inch (0.5-meter) telescope owned by the University of Iowa
   used primarily for undergraduate student labs
 * The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope also known as KELT, owned by The
   Ohio State University
 * The 20-inch telescope known as DEMONEX, owned by The Ohio State University
 * A lunar coronagraph in support of the LADEE mission operated by NASA Goddard
   Space Flight Center
 * A 28" PlaneWave CDK700 and a fiber-fed cross-dispersed Echelle spectrograph
   owned by The Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland

We have room for a total of six telescopes of up to one meter in aperture on a
20-acre site. Our dark skies and dry weather make the site well-suited to
astronomy. Nearby are several professional observatories, including Kitt Peak
National Observatory and the MMT Observatory (MMTO is only about 20 miles away).
Several amateur astronomers have made Sonoita the home for their observatories
as well, including James McGaha and Dr. Tim Hunter of Grasslands Observatory,
Mike Shade of Sonoita Hills Observatory, John Gross, and several others.


As a service to our customers, we provide access to an All Sky Camera. We are
currently installing a new camera, so this service has been temporarily

You can also download:

 * A small video clip of the All Sky Camera (320kB).
 * A larger video clip of the All Sky Camera (3992kB).

Click the image on the right to obtain the latest full-sized image. We invite
not only our customers, but the general community to download images from time
to time to see pictures of the weather above our site. Students may wish to
check images for meteors or other astronomical phenomena of interest. We plan to
add a filter wheel and color filters, funding for which was generously provided
by the Fred W. Stang Foundation.

Jason Eastman, then of Ohio State University (now the Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics) created the software to see yesterday's telescope movement at
night. You can edit the URL and replace 20240625 with a date (in format
YYYYMMDD) of your choice.

Template page last updated on: December 25, 2020






Main:     520-264-8013
Backup: 520-265-2139


Winer Observatory
22 Milky Way
Elgin Arizona 85611


P.O. Box 797
Arizona 85637-0797



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