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Submission: On April 05 via api from NL — Scanned from AU
Effective URL: https://kairos.org.au/
Submission: On April 05 via api from NL — Scanned from AU
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Skip to content Kairos Prison Ministry Australia VOLUNTEER DONATE * Home * About * About Kairos * Our Team * Testimonies * What We Do * Kairos Inside * Kairos Outside * Kairos Torch * Get Involved * Volunteer * Prayer * Donate * Bequests * Kairos Agape * Events * All Courses * Kairos Inside * Kairos Torch * Kairos Outside * Advanced Training (AKT) * Ezra Workshop * Conferences * News * MyKairosOz * Contact Menu * Home * About * About Kairos * Our Team * Testimonies * What We Do * Kairos Inside * Kairos Outside * Kairos Torch * Get Involved * Volunteer * Prayer * Donate * Bequests * Kairos Agape * Events * All Courses * Kairos Inside * Kairos Torch * Kairos Outside * Advanced Training (AKT) * Ezra Workshop * Conferences * News * MyKairosOz * Contact Donate Search Search Close this search box. KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY AUSTRALIA HELPING THOSE IMPACTED BY INCARCERATION, THROUGH THE LOVE, HOPE AND FAITH FOUND IN JESUS CHRIST. What We Do Join Us WHAT WE DO Kairos programs offer to prison residents, their families, and those who work with them the opportunity to receive God’s forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ, and to grow in their faith and servanthood in Christian community. KAIROS INSIDE FOR INCARCERATED MEN AND WOMEN Kairos Inside is a course in Christianity inside the prison for 3 to 5 days where participants witness Christ’s love through the service of Christian volunteers. This is done through talks, discussions and music with the aim of developing Christian communities inside prisons. More details KAIROS OUTSIDE FOR WOMEN IMPACTED BY THE IMPRISONMENT OF FAMILY OR FRIENDS Kairos Outside is conducted in the community outside the correctional institution. Kairos Outside is a special Weekend retreat designed to support the female relatives/friends of the men and women who are or have been incarcerated. More details KAIROS TORCH FOR YOUTH Kairos Torch offers unconditional love and acceptance, encouraging young men and women to share their life journey through participation in a long-term mentoring process. More details Having experienced a family member being incarcerated, I volunteered for my first Kairos Outside weekend. That was the beginning of an incredible journey, making lifelong friends, attending Reunion dinners, even travelling interstate to help set up new KO branches. Team Member Kairos Outside My brother had his life transformed in a Kairos Inside program many years ago. It was through Kairos that he found freedom in the Lord Jesus Christ. Kairos was just so good for him. He really came to know the Christ he had heard about in his Sunday school days. ParticipantKairos Inside There are women there who were Christians before they came to prison. But often these women don’t have the courage to show their faith. But when programs like Kairos are in [the prison], it provides a fellowship and it provides a sisterhood, I guess, and it encourages women to live their faith in a hard environment. Team memberKairos Inside The experience of having a loved one in prison impacted every area of my life. As a guest on Kairos Outside, I finally came to terms with that impact. Volunteering with Kairos now gives me the opportunity to share that gift with others and bring light out of the darkness. GuestKairos Outside Having experienced a family member being incarcerated, I volunteered for my first Kairos Outside weekend. That was the beginning of an incredible journey, making lifelong friends, attending Reunion dinners, even travelling interstate to help set up new KO branches. Team Member Kairos Outside My brother had his life transformed in a Kairos Inside program many years ago. It was through Kairos that he found freedom in the Lord Jesus Christ. Kairos was just so good for him. He really came to know the Christ he had heard about in his Sunday school days. ParticipantKairos Inside GET INVOLVED There are many ways to support Kairos SUPPORT Partner with Kairos as a volunteer, a prayer partner or many other ways to help shine a light in the darkness. How you can help FINANCIAL As a registered not-for-profit charity, Kairos Prison Ministry Australia depends greatly on the generosity of friends like you. make a donation TESTIMONIES Read about real life stories and testimonies from Kairos Prison Ministry View All KAIROS OUTSIDE – TEAM MEMBER TESTIMONY It has been a privilege to watch God at work, and I am in awe Read More » KAIROS INSIDE – WHY I VOLUNTEER Remembering the words of Christ, “the Son of man did not come to be served Read More » UPCOMING COURSES UPCOMING EVENTS Apr 8 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm AEST EZRA WORKSHOP (2024 MON 8-APR) ON ZOOM (KI & KO) Apr 15 April 15 - April 18 PARKLEA #13 (AREA-4 INSIDE FOR MEN) Apr 22 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm AEST EZRA WORKSHOP (2024 MON 22-APR) ON ZOOM (KI & KO) Apr 26 April 26 - April 28 PERTH #13 (OUTSIDE WA) Apr 26 April 26 - April 28 AMC #09 (INSIDE FOR MEN – ACT) View Calendar Kairos Prison Ministry Australia is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is a Charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission and is a Deductible Gift Recipient. Donate Donations over $2 are tax deductible KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY AUSTRALIA * ABN: 55 081 496 175 * Phone: 02 9987 2016 (ext 1) * Email: info@kairos.org.au * PO Box 388, Seven Hills NSW 1730 Facebook Svgrepo Com Youtube Svgrepo Com Linkedin Svgrepo Com NEWSLETTER SIGNUP If you would like to find out more about Kairos or to sign up to receive our email newsletter, please click on the button below to provide your details and preferences. Join Newsletter * © 2024 Kairos Prison Ministry Australia. * Privacy Policy. * Site by Creative Clarity Kairos Prison Ministry Australia acknowledge the First Nations people of the lands and waters where we serve and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.