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Effective URL: https://www.bizgent.com/
Submission: On March 01 via manual from MX — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.bizgent.com/
Submission: On March 01 via manual from MX — Scanned from DE
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By signing up you agree with our Privacy Policy. 111 GIFTS POINTS 111 €0.00 1 Item has been added ${(function(){ const products = data.products; const getDefaultVariant = function(product){ if (product.min_price_variant.available){ return product.min_price_variant; }else { const avail_variants = product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); if (avail_variants.length) { return avail_variants[0]; } } }; const toQuery = obj => Object.keys(obj) .map(k => Array.isArray(obj[k]) ? obj[k].map(v => `${k}[]=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`).join('&') : `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[k])}` ) .join('&'); const getDefaultTrackParams = function(product, index){ const variant = getDefaultVariant(product); const params = { aid: 'smart_recommend.2.' + data.id, scm: product.scm || data.scm || '', spm: data.spmBase + '.' + index, ssp: data.ssp || '', }; const trackParams = Object.keys(params).map(function(key){ return params[key]; }).join('__'); return trackParams; }; const hasMore = (data.products.length - data.target_top_product_num - data.page * data.limit) === 0; return ` ${(function(){ return ` ${data.config.pop_title} ${data.rebate_tips || ''} `; })()} ${product.title} Added `; })()} class SpzCustomComponent extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.templates_ = null; this.container_ = null; this._atcLineItem = {}; this.cart_ = {}; this.top_product_ids_ = []; this.products_ = []; this.activityId_ = null; this.rendered_ = false; this.myInterceptor_ = null; this.i18n_ = {}; this.config_ = {}; this.page_ = 1; this.limit_ = 10; this.loading_ = false; } static deferredMount() { return false; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.CONTAINER; } buildCallback() { this.templates_ = SPZServices.templatesForDoc(this.element); this.setAction_(); } mountCallback() { console.log('pop mounted'); this.i18n_ = window.smartRecommendI18n && window.smartRecommendI18n[document.documentElement.lang || 'en-US'] || {}; const cartPopRenderEl = document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_render"); const modalEl = document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_modal"); 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api.render(data); }) }) } fetchActivityData(data) { const that = this; if (data.product_id) { that._atcLineItem = data; } that.loading_ = true; return that.getCart().then(cart => { that.cart_ = cart.cart; return fetch(window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root + "/api/possum/recommend_activities", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "store-id": window.SHOPLAZZA.shop.shop_id, }, body: JSON.stringify({ "show_type": 2, "line_item": { "product_id": that._atcLineItem.product_id, "variant_id": that._atcLineItem.variant_id, }, line_items: cart.cart.line_items, "page": data.page || 1, "limit": data.limit || 10, }) }).then(function(res){ if(res.ok){ return res.json(); } }).then(function(data){ data.cart = cart.cart; if (data.page === 1) { that.target_top_product_num_ = data.target_top_product_num || 0; } that.products_ = that.products_.concat(data.products || []); that.page_ = data.page || 1; that.limit_ = data.limit || 10; return data; }).catch(function(e){ console.log(e); }).finally(function(){ that.loading_ = false; 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charset=UTF-8', }, body: JSON.stringify({ show_type: 2, rule_id: `${activity_id}`, line_items: cart.cart.line_items, line_item: this._atcLineItem, }) }).then(res => res.json()) }) } renderProductsForm_(data) { const products = data.products; const listPopRenderEl = document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_render"); if (!listPopRenderEl) return; listPopRenderEl.querySelectorAll('.smart_cart_pop_atc_btn_bg').forEach(function(el){ el.style.background = data.config.add_to_cart_button_color; }); products.forEach(function(product){ const productId = product.id; const productFormEls = listPopRenderEl.querySelectorAll(`ljs-product-form[product-id="${productId}"]`); let variantsEl = listPopRenderEl.querySelectorAll(`ljs-product-form[product-id="${productId}"] #smart_cart_pop_variant_${productId}_mobile ljs-variants`); if (window.innerWidth > 768) { variantsEl = listPopRenderEl.querySelectorAll(`ljs-product-form[product-id="${productId}"] #smart_cart_pop_variant_${productId}_pc ljs-variants`); } productFormEls.forEach(function(el){ SPZ.whenApiDefined(el).then(function(api){ api.setProduct(product); 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"checked": ""; return ` ${value} ` }).join("") } ` })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return ` `; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return ` ${ variant.options.map(function(option){ return option.value; }).join("/") || 'Not exist' } `; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.data && data.data.variant; const defaultText = data.defaultText || 'Add To Cart'; const text = (!variant || variant.available) ? defaultText: data.soldOutText; return ` ${text} `; })()} ${(function(){ let cart = data; if(data.data) { cart = data.data; } return ` ${cart.item_count >=0 ? cart.item_count : '..'} `; })()} ${(function(){ return ` ${data.i18n.checkout} `; })()} See detail €0.00 Quantity 1 Originaltext Diese Übersetzung bewerten Mit deinem Feedback können wir Google Übersetzer weiter verbessern