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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On January 23 via manual from RO — Scanned from DE
Submission: On January 23 via manual from RO — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
0 forms found in the DOMText Content
(function() { var m, aa = function(a) { var b = 0; return function() { return b < a.length ? { done: !1, value: a[b++] } : { done: !0 } } }, da = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, b, c) { if (a == Array.prototype || a == Object.prototype) return a; a[b] = c.value; return a }, ea = function(a) { a = ["object" == typeof globalThis && globalThis, a, "object" == typeof window && window, "object" == typeof self && self, "object" == typeof global && global]; for (var b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) { var c = a[b]; if (c && c.Math == Math) return c } throw Error("a"); }, fa = ea(this), r = function(a, b) { if (b) a: { var c = fa;a = a.split("."); for (var d = 0; d < a.length - 1; d++) { var e = a[d]; if (!(e in c)) break a; c = c[e] } a = a[a.length - 1];d = c[a];b = b(d);b != d && null != b && da(c, a, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: b }) } }; r("Symbol", function(a) { if (a) return a; var b = function(f, g) { this.uf = f; da(this, "description", { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: g }) }; b.prototype.toString = function() { return this.uf }; var c = "jscomp_symbol_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0) + "_", d = 0, e = function(f) { if (this instanceof e) throw new TypeError("b"); return new b(c + (f || "") + "_" + d++, f) }; return e }); r("Symbol.iterator", function(a) { if (a) return a; a = Symbol("Symbol.iterator"); for (var b = "Array Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array".split(" "), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { var d = fa[b[c]]; "function" === typeof d && "function" != typeof d.prototype[a] && da(d.prototype, a, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: function() { return ha(aa(this)) } }) } return a }); r("Symbol.asyncIterator", function(a) { return a ? a : Symbol("Symbol.asyncIterator") }); var ha = function(a) { a = { next: a }; a[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }; return a }, ja = function(a) { return a.raw = a }, ka = function(a, b) { a.raw = b; return a }, u = function(a) { var b = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && a[Symbol.iterator]; if (b) return b.call(a); if ("number" == typeof a.length) return { next: aa(a) }; throw Error("c`" + String(a)); }, ma = function(a) { if (!(a instanceof Array)) { a = u(a); for (var b, c = []; !(b = a.next()).done;) c.push(b.value); a = c } return a }, na = function(a, b) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, b) }, oa = "function" == typeof Object.assign ? Object.assign : function(a, b) { for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) { var d = arguments[c]; if (d) for (var e in d) na(d, e) && (a[e] = d[e]) } return a }; r("Object.assign", function(a) { return a || oa }); var pa = "function" == typeof Object.create ? Object.create : function(a) { var b = function() {}; b.prototype = a; return new b }, qa; if ("function" == typeof Object.setPrototypeOf) qa = Object.setPrototypeOf; else { var ra; a: { var sa = { a: !0 }, ta = {}; try { ta.__proto__ = sa; ra = ta.a; break a } catch (a) {} ra = !1 } qa = ra ? function(a, b) { a.__proto__ = b; if (a.__proto__ !== b) throw new TypeError("d`" + a); return a } : null } var ua = qa, w = function(a, b) { a.prototype = pa(b.prototype); a.prototype.constructor = a; if (ua) ua(a, b); else for (var c in b) if ("prototype" != c) if (Object.defineProperties) { var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, c); d && Object.defineProperty(a, c, d) } else a[c] = b[c]; a.ti = b.prototype }, va = function() { this.Lb = !1; this.Va = null; this.Yd = void 0; this.la = 1; this.Ga = this.Wa = 0; this.ld = this.ha = null }; m = va.prototype; m.Ua = function() { if (this.Lb) throw new TypeError("f"); this.Lb = !0 }; m.Mb = function(a) { this.Yd = a }; m.Ub = function(a) { this.ha = { qe: a, Je: !0 }; this.la = this.Wa || this.Ga }; m.return = function(a) { this.ha = { return: a }; this.la = this.Ga }; m.eb = function(a) { this.la = a }; var wa = function(a, b, c) { c = a.ld.splice(c || 0)[0]; (c = a.ha = a.ha || c) ? c.Je ? a.la = a.Wa || a.Ga : void 0 != c.eb && a.Ga < c.eb ? (a.la = c.eb, a.ha = null) : a.la = a.Ga: a.la = b }, xa = function(a) { this.l = new va; this.Qh = a }; xa.prototype.Mb = function(a) { this.l.Ua(); if (this.l.Va) return ya(this, this.l.Va.next, a, this.l.Mb); this.l.Mb(a); return za(this) }; var Aa = function(a, b) { a.l.Ua(); var c = a.l.Va; if (c) return ya(a, "return" in c ? c["return"] : function(d) { return { value: d, done: !0 } }, b, a.l.return); a.l.return(b); return za(a) }; xa.prototype.Ub = function(a) { this.l.Ua(); if (this.l.Va) return ya(this, this.l.Va["throw"], a, this.l.Mb); this.l.Ub(a); return za(this) }; var ya = function(a, b, c, d) { try { var e = b.call(a.l.Va, c); if (!(e instanceof Object)) throw new TypeError("e`" + e); if (!e.done) return a.l.Lb = !1, e; var f = e.value } catch (g) { return a.l.Va = null, a.l.Ub(g), za(a) } a.l.Va = null; d.call(a.l, f); return za(a) }, za = function(a) { for (; a.l.la;) try { var b = a.Qh(a.l); if (b) return a.l.Lb = !1, { value: b.value, done: !1 } } catch (c) { a.l.Yd = void 0, a.l.Ub(c) } a.l.Lb = !1; if (a.l.ha) { b = a.l.ha; a.l.ha = null; if (b.Je) throw b.qe; return { value: b.return, done: !0 } } return { value: void 0, done: !0 } }, Ba = function(a) { this.next = function(b) { return a.Mb(b) }; this.throw = function(b) { return a.Ub(b) }; this.return = function(b) { return Aa(a, b) }; this[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } }, Ca = function(a) { function b(d) { return a.next(d) } function c(d) { return a.throw(d) } return new Promise(function(d, e) { function f(g) { g.done ? d(g.value) : Promise.resolve(g.value).then(b, c).then(f, e) } f(a.next()) }) }, Da = function(a) { this[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return this }; this[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return a }; this.next = function(b) { return Promise.resolve(a.next(b)) }; void 0 !== a["throw"] && (this["throw"] = function(b) { return Promise.resolve(a["throw"](b)) }); void 0 !== a["return"] && (this["return"] = function(b) { return Promise.resolve(a["return"](b)) }) }, x = function() { for (var a = Number(this), b = [], c = a; c < arguments.length; c++) b[c - a] = arguments[c]; return b }; r("Promise", function(a) { function b() { this.Pa = null } function c(g) { return g instanceof e ? g : new e(function(h) { h(g) }) } if (a) return a; b.prototype.fe = function(g) { if (null == this.Pa) { this.Pa = []; var h = this; this.ge(function() { h.ig() }) } this.Pa.push(g) }; var d = fa.setTimeout; b.prototype.ge = function(g) { d(g, 0) }; b.prototype.ig = function() { for (; this.Pa && this.Pa.length;) { var g = this.Pa; this.Pa = []; for (var h = 0; h < g.length; ++h) { var k = g[h]; g[h] = null; try { k() } catch (l) { this.Ef(l) } } } this.Pa = null }; b.prototype.Ef = function(g) { this.ge(function() { throw g; }) }; var e = function(g) { this.yb = 0; this.Rb = void 0; this.ub = []; this.Le = !1; var h = this.ed(); try { g(h.resolve, h.reject) } catch (k) { h.reject(k) } }; e.prototype.ed = function() { function g(l) { return function(n) { k || (k = !0, l.call(h, n)) } } var h = this, k = !1; return { resolve: g(this.Xh), reject: g(this.Id) } }; e.prototype.Xh = function(g) { if (g === this) this.Id(new TypeError("g")); else if (g instanceof e) this.li(g); else { a: switch (typeof g) { case "object": var h = null != g; break a; case "function": h = !0; break a; default: h = !1 } h ? this.Wh(g) : this.we(g) } }; e.prototype.Wh = function(g) { var h = void 0; try { h = g.then } catch (k) { this.Id(k); return } "function" == typeof h ? this.mi(h, g) : this.we(g) }; e.prototype.Id = function(g) { this.gf(2, g) }; e.prototype.we = function(g) { this.gf(1, g) }; e.prototype.gf = function(g, h) { if (0 != this.yb) throw Error("h`" + g + "`" + h + "`" + this.yb); this.yb = g; this.Rb = h; 2 === this.yb && this.bi(); this.jg() }; e.prototype.bi = function() { var g = this; d(function() { if (g.mh()) { var h = fa.console; "undefined" !== typeof h && h.error(g.Rb) } }, 1) }; e.prototype.mh = function() { if (this.Le) return !1; var g = fa.CustomEvent, h = fa.Event, k = fa.dispatchEvent; if ("undefined" === typeof k) return !0; "function" === typeof g ? g = new g("unhandledrejection", { cancelable: !0 }) : "function" === typeof h ? g = new h("unhandledrejection", { cancelable: !0 }) : (g = fa.document.createEvent("CustomEvent"), g.initCustomEvent("unhandledrejection", !1, !0, g)); g.promise = this; g.reason = this.Rb; return k(g) }; e.prototype.jg = function() { if (null != this.ub) { for (var g = 0; g < this.ub.length; ++g) f.fe(this.ub[g]); this.ub = null } }; var f = new b; e.prototype.li = function(g) { var h = this.ed(); g.bc(h.resolve, h.reject) }; e.prototype.mi = function(g, h) { var k = this.ed(); try { g.call(h, k.resolve, k.reject) } catch (l) { k.reject(l) } }; e.prototype.then = function(g, h) { function k(p, t) { return "function" == typeof p ? function(A) { try { l(p(A)) } catch (F) { n(F) } } : t } var l, n, y = new e(function(p, t) { l = p; n = t }); this.bc(k(g, l), k(h, n)); return y }; e.prototype.catch = function(g) { return this.then(void 0, g) }; e.prototype.bc = function(g, h) { function k() { switch (l.yb) { case 1: g(l.Rb); break; case 2: h(l.Rb); break; default: throw Error("i`" + l.yb); } } var l = this; null == this.ub ? f.fe(k) : this.ub.push(k); this.Le = !0 }; e.resolve = c; e.reject = function(g) { return new e(function(h, k) { k(g) }) }; e.race = function(g) { return new e(function(h, k) { for (var l = u(g), n = l.next(); !n.done; n = l.next()) c(n.value).bc(h, k) }) }; e.all = function(g) { var h = u(g), k = h.next(); return k.done ? c([]) : new e(function(l, n) { function y(A) { return function(F) { p[A] = F; t--; 0 == t && l(p) } } var p = [], t = 0; do p.push(void 0), t++, c(k.value).bc(y(p.length - 1), n), k = h.next(); while (!k.done) }) }; return e }); r("Object.values", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b) { var c = [], d; for (d in b) na(b, d) && c.push(b[d]); return c } }); var Ea = function(a, b) { a instanceof String && (a += ""); var c = 0, d = !1, e = { next: function() { if (!d && c < a.length) { var f = c++; return { value: b(f, a[f]), done: !1 } } d = !0; return { done: !0, value: void 0 } } }; e[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return e }; return e }; r("Array.prototype.keys", function(a) { return a ? a : function() { return Ea(this, function(b) { return b }) } }); r("WeakMap", function(a) { function b() {} function c(k) { var l = typeof k; return "object" === l && null !== k || "function" === l } function d(k) { if (!na(k, f)) { var l = new b; da(k, f, { value: l }) } } function e(k) { var l = Object[k]; l && (Object[k] = function(n) { if (n instanceof b) return n; Object.isExtensible(n) && d(n); return l(n) }) } if (function() { if (!a || !Object.seal) return !1; try { var k = Object.seal({}), l = Object.seal({}), n = new a([ [k, 2], [l, 3] ]); if (2 != n.get(k) || 3 != n.get(l)) return !1; n.delete(k); n.set(l, 4); return !n.has(k) && 4 == n.get(l) } catch (y) { return !1 } }()) return a; var f = "$jscomp_hidden_" + Math.random(); e("freeze"); e("preventExtensions"); e("seal"); var g = 0, h = function(k) { this.Kb = (g += Math.random() + 1).toString(); if (k) { k = u(k); for (var l; !(l = k.next()).done;) l = l.value, this.set(l[0], l[1]) } }; h.prototype.set = function(k, l) { if (!c(k)) throw Error("j"); d(k); if (!na(k, f)) throw Error("k`" + k); k[f][this.Kb] = l; return this }; h.prototype.get = function(k) { return c(k) && na(k, f) ? k[f][this.Kb] : void 0 }; h.prototype.has = function(k) { return c(k) && na(k, f) && na(k[f], this.Kb) }; h.prototype.delete = function(k) { return c(k) && na(k, f) && na(k[f], this.Kb) ? delete k[f][this.Kb] : !1 }; return h }); r("Map", function(a) { if (function() { if (!a || "function" != typeof a || !a.prototype.entries || "function" != typeof Object.seal) return !1; try { var h = Object.seal({ x: 4 }), k = new a(u([ [h, "s"] ])); if ("s" != k.get(h) || 1 != k.size || k.get({ x: 4 }) || k.set({ x: 4 }, "t") != k || 2 != k.size) return !1; var l = k.entries(), n = l.next(); if (n.done || n.value[0] != h || "s" != n.value[1]) return !1; n = l.next(); return n.done || 4 != n.value[0].x || "t" != n.value[1] || !l.next().done ? !1 : !0 } catch (y) { return !1 } }()) return a; var b = new WeakMap, c = function(h) { this[0] = {}; this[1] = f(); this.size = 0; if (h) { h = u(h); for (var k; !(k = h.next()).done;) k = k.value, this.set(k[0], k[1]) } }; c.prototype.set = function(h, k) { h = 0 === h ? 0 : h; var l = d(this, h); l.list || (l.list = this[0][l.id] = []); l.U ? l.U.value = k : (l.U = { next: this[1], Ka: this[1].Ka, head: this[1], key: h, value: k }, l.list.push(l.U), this[1].Ka.next = l.U, this[1].Ka = l.U, this.size++); return this }; c.prototype.delete = function(h) { h = d(this, h); return h.U && h.list ? (h.list.splice(h.index, 1), h.list.length || delete this[0][h.id], h.U.Ka.next = h.U.next, h.U.next.Ka = h.U.Ka, h.U.head = null, this.size--, !0) : !1 }; c.prototype.clear = function() { this[0] = {}; this[1] = this[1].Ka = f(); this.size = 0 }; c.prototype.has = function(h) { return !!d(this, h).U }; c.prototype.get = function(h) { return (h = d(this, h).U) && h.value }; c.prototype.entries = function() { return e(this, function(h) { return [h.key, h.value] }) }; c.prototype.keys = function() { return e(this, function(h) { return h.key }) }; c.prototype.values = function() { return e(this, function(h) { return h.value }) }; c.prototype.forEach = function(h, k) { for (var l = this.entries(), n; !(n = l.next()).done;) n = n.value, h.call(k, n[1], n[0], this) }; c.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = c.prototype.entries; var d = function(h, k) { var l = k && typeof k; "object" == l || "function" == l ? b.has(k) ? l = b.get(k) : (l = "" + ++g, b.set(k, l)) : l = "p_" + k; var n = h[0][l]; if (n && na(h[0], l)) for (h = 0; h < n.length; h++) { var y = n[h]; if (k !== k && y.key !== y.key || k === y.key) return { id: l, list: n, index: h, U: y } } return { id: l, list: n, index: -1, U: void 0 } }, e = function(h, k) { var l = h[1]; return ha(function() { if (l) { for (; l.head != h[1];) l = l.Ka; for (; l.next != l.head;) return l = l.next, { done: !1, value: k(l) }; l = null } return { done: !0, value: void 0 } }) }, f = function() { var h = {}; return h.Ka = h.next = h.head = h }, g = 0; return c }); var Fa = function(a, b, c) { if (null == a) throw new TypeError("l`" + c); if (b instanceof RegExp) throw new TypeError("m`" + c); return a + "" }; r("String.prototype.startsWith", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c) { var d = Fa(this, b, "startsWith"); b += ""; var e = d.length, f = b.length; c = Math.max(0, Math.min(c | 0, d.length)); for (var g = 0; g < f && c < e;) if (d[c++] != b[g++]) return !1; return g >= f } }); r("Number.isFinite", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b) { return "number" !== typeof b ? !1 : !isNaN(b) && Infinity !== b && -Infinity !== b } }); r("Array.prototype.values", function(a) { return a ? a : function() { return Ea(this, function(b, c) { return c }) } }); r("Object.is", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c) { return b === c ? 0 !== b || 1 / b === 1 / c : b !== b && c !== c } }); r("Array.prototype.includes", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c) { var d = this; d instanceof String && (d = String(d)); var e = d.length; c = c || 0; for (0 > c && (c = Math.max(c + e, 0)); c < e; c++) { var f = d[c]; if (f === b || Object.is(f, b)) return !0 } return !1 } }); r("String.prototype.includes", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c) { return -1 !== Fa(this, b, "includes").indexOf(b, c || 0) } }); r("Set", function(a) { if (function() { if (!a || "function" != typeof a || !a.prototype.entries || "function" != typeof Object.seal) return !1; try { var c = Object.seal({ x: 4 }), d = new a(u([c])); if (!d.has(c) || 1 != d.size || d.add(c) != d || 1 != d.size || d.add({ x: 4 }) != d || 2 != d.size) return !1; var e = d.entries(), f = e.next(); if (f.done || f.value[0] != c || f.value[1] != c) return !1; f = e.next(); return f.done || f.value[0] == c || 4 != f.value[0].x || f.value[1] != f.value[0] ? !1 : e.next().done } catch (g) { return !1 } }()) return a; var b = function(c) { this.wa = new Map; if (c) { c = u(c); for (var d; !(d = c.next()).done;) this.add(d.value) } this.size = this.wa.size }; b.prototype.add = function(c) { c = 0 === c ? 0 : c; this.wa.set(c, c); this.size = this.wa.size; return this }; b.prototype.delete = function(c) { c = this.wa.delete(c); this.size = this.wa.size; return c }; b.prototype.clear = function() { this.wa.clear(); this.size = 0 }; b.prototype.has = function(c) { return this.wa.has(c) }; b.prototype.entries = function() { return this.wa.entries() }; b.prototype.values = function() { return this.wa.values() }; b.prototype.keys = b.prototype.values; b.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = b.prototype.values; b.prototype.forEach = function(c, d) { var e = this; this.wa.forEach(function(f) { return c.call(d, f, f, e) }) }; return b }); r("Array.prototype.findIndex", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c) { a: { var d = this;d instanceof String && (d = String(d)); for (var e = d.length, f = 0; f < e; f++) if (b.call(c, d[f], f, d)) { b = f; break a } b = -1 } return b } }); r("Array.prototype.entries", function(a) { return a ? a : function() { return Ea(this, function(b, c) { return [b, c] }) } }); r("Array.prototype.fill", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c, d) { var e = this.length || 0; 0 > c && (c = Math.max(0, e + c)); if (null == d || d > e) d = e; d = Number(d); 0 > d && (d = Math.max(0, e + d)); for (c = Number(c || 0); c < d; c++) this[c] = b; return this } }); var Ga = function(a) { return a ? a : Array.prototype.fill }; r("Int8Array.prototype.fill", Ga); r("Uint8Array.prototype.fill", Ga); r("Uint8ClampedArray.prototype.fill", Ga); r("Int16Array.prototype.fill", Ga); r("Uint16Array.prototype.fill", Ga); r("Int32Array.prototype.fill", Ga); r("Uint32Array.prototype.fill", Ga); r("Float32Array.prototype.fill", Ga); r("Float64Array.prototype.fill", Ga); r("Object.entries", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b) { var c = [], d; for (d in b) na(b, d) && c.push([d, b[d]]); return c } }); r("Array.from", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c, d) { c = null != c ? c : function(h) { return h }; var e = [], f = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && b[Symbol.iterator]; if ("function" == typeof f) { b = f.call(b); for (var g = 0; !(f = b.next()).done;) e.push(c.call(d, f.value, g++)) } else for (f = b.length, g = 0; g < f; g++) e.push(c.call(d, b[g], g)); return e } }); r("Number.isInteger", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b) { return Number.isFinite(b) ? b === Math.floor(b) : !1 } }); r("Math.trunc", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b) { b = Number(b); if (isNaN(b) || Infinity === b || -Infinity === b || 0 === b) return b; var c = Math.floor(Math.abs(b)); return 0 > b ? -c : c } }); r("Math.log2", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b) { return Math.log(b) / Math.LN2 } }); r("Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER", function() { return 9007199254740991 }); r("Number.isSafeInteger", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b) { return Number.isInteger(b) && Math.abs(b) <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER } }); r("Number.isNaN", function(a) { return a ? a : function(b) { return "number" === typeof b && isNaN(b) } }); /* Copyright The Closure Library Authors. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ var Ha = this || self, Ia = function(a, b) { a: { var c = ["CLOSURE_FLAGS"]; for (var d = Ha, e = 0; e < c.length; e++) if (d = d[c[e]], null == d) { c = null; break a } c = d } a = c && c[a]; return null != a ? a : b }, Ja = function(a) { var b = typeof a; return "object" != b ? b : a ? Array.isArray(a) ? "array" : b : "null" }, Ka = function(a) { var b = Ja(a); return "array" == b || "object" == b && "number" == typeof a.length }, La = function(a) { var b = typeof a; return "object" == b && null != a || "function" == b }, Ma = function(a, b) { function c() {} c.prototype = b.prototype; a.ti = b.prototype; a.prototype = new c; a.prototype.constructor = a; a.Ej = function(d, e, f) { for (var g = Array(arguments.length - 2), h = 2; h < arguments.length; h++) g[h - 2] = arguments[h]; return b.prototype[e].apply(d, g) } }, Na = function(a) { return a }; var Oa = function() { this.kf = 0 }; Oa.prototype.yi = function(a, b) { var c = this; return function() { var d = x.apply(0, arguments); c.kf = a; return b.apply(null, ma(d)) } }; var Pa = function() { var a = {}; this.za = (a[3] = [], a[2] = [], a[1] = [], a); this.ud = !1 }, Ra = function(a, b, c) { var d = Qa(a, c); a.za[c].push(b); d && 1 === a.za[c].length && a.flush() }, Qa = function(a, b) { return Object.keys(a.za).map(function(c) { return Number(c) }).filter(function(c) { return !isNaN(c) && c > b }).every(function(c) { return 0 === a.za[c].length }) }; Pa.prototype.flush = function() { if (!this.ud) { this.ud = !0; try { for (; Object.values(this.za).some(function(a) { return 0 < a.length });) Sa(this, 3), Sa(this, 2), Sa(this, 1) } catch (a) { throw Object.values(this.za).forEach(function(b) { return void b.splice(0, b.length) }), a; } finally { this.ud = !1 } } }; var Sa = function(a, b) { for (; Qa(a, b) && 0 < a.za[b].length;) a.za[b][0](), a.za[b].shift() }; fa.Object.defineProperties(Pa.prototype, { Zh: { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function() { return Object.values(this.za).some(function(a) { return 0 < a.length }) } } }); function Ta(a, b) { if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, Ta); else { var c = Error().stack; c && (this.stack = c) } a && (this.message = String(a)); void 0 !== b && (this.cause = b) } Ma(Ta, Error); Ta.prototype.name = "CustomError"; function Ua(a, b) { a = a.split("%s"); for (var c = "", d = a.length - 1, e = 0; e < d; e++) c += a[e] + (e < b.length ? b[e] : "%s"); Ta.call(this, c + a[d]) } Ma(Ua, Ta); Ua.prototype.name = "AssertionError"; function Va(a, b, c, d) { var e = "Assertion failed"; if (c) { e += ": " + c; var f = d } else a && (e += ": " + a, f = b); throw new Ua("" + e, f || []); } var z = function(a, b, c) { a || Va("", null, b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); return a }, Wa = function(a, b) { throw new Ua("Failure" + (a ? ": " + a : ""), Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); }, Xa = function(a, b, c) { "number" !== typeof a && Va("Expected number but got %s: %s.", [Ja(a), a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)) }, Ya = function(a, b, c) { "function" !== typeof a && Va("Expected function but got %s: %s.", [Ja(a), a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); return a }, Za = function(a, b, c) { Array.isArray(a) || Va("Expected array but got %s: %s.", [Ja(a), a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); return a }, ab = function(a, b, c, d) { a instanceof b || Va("Expected instanceof %s but got %s.", [$a(b), $a(a)], c, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3)); return a }; function $a(a) { return a instanceof Function ? a.displayName || a.name || "unknown type name" : a instanceof Object ? a.constructor.displayName || a.constructor.name || Object.prototype.toString.call(a) : null === a ? "null" : typeof a }; var bb = Array.prototype.indexOf ? function(a, b) { z(null != a.length); return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(a, b, void 0) } : function(a, b) { if ("string" === typeof a) return "string" !== typeof b || 1 != b.length ? -1 : a.indexOf(b, 0); for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c; return -1 }, cb = Array.prototype.filter ? function(a, b) { z(null != a.length); return Array.prototype.filter.call(a, b, void 0) } : function(a, b) { for (var c = a.length, d = [], e = 0, f = "string" === typeof a ? a.split("") : a, g = 0; g < c; g++) if (g in f) { var h = f[g]; b.call(void 0, h, g, a) && (d[e++] = h) } return d }, db = Array.prototype.map ? function(a, b) { z(null != a.length); return Array.prototype.map.call(a, b, void 0) } : function(a, b) { for (var c = a.length, d = Array(c), e = "string" === typeof a ? a.split("") : a, f = 0; f < c; f++) f in e && (d[f] = b.call(void 0, e[f], f, a)); return d }; function eb(a, b) { for (var c = "string" === typeof a ? a.split("") : a, d = a.length - 1; 0 <= d; d--) if (d in c && b.call(void 0, c[d], d, a)) return d; return -1 } function fb(a, b, c) { if (!Ka(a) || !Ka(b) || a.length != b.length) return !1; var d = a.length; c = c || gb; for (var e = 0; e < d; e++) if (!c(a[e], b[e])) return !1; return !0 } function gb(a, b) { return a === b }; function hb(a) { var b = [], c = 0, d; for (d in a) b[c++] = d; return b }; var ib; var kb = function(a) { if (jb !== jb) throw Error("n"); this.Ph = a }; kb.prototype.toString = function() { return this.Ph + "" }; var jb = {}, lb = function(a) { if (void 0 === ib) { var b = null; var c = Ha.trustedTypes; if (c && c.createPolicy) try { b = c.createPolicy("goog#html", { createHTML: Na, createScript: Na, createScriptURL: Na }) } catch (d) { Ha.console && Ha.console.error(d.message) } ib = b } a = (b = ib) ? b.createScriptURL(a) : a; return new kb(a) }; var nb = function(a) { if (mb !== mb) throw Error("o"); this.Oh = a }; nb.prototype.toString = function() { return this.Oh.toString() }; var mb = {}; new nb("about:invalid#zClosurez"); new nb("about:blank"); var ob = {}, pb = function() { if (ob !== ob) throw Error("p"); this.Nh = "" }; pb.prototype.toString = function() { return this.Nh.toString() }; new pb; var qb = {}, rb = function() { if (qb !== qb) throw Error("q"); this.Mh = "" }; rb.prototype.toString = function() { return this.Mh.toString() }; new rb; var sb = Ia(610401301, !1), tb = Ia(572417392, !0); var ub, vb = Ha.navigator; ub = vb ? vb.userAgentData || null : null; function wb(a) { return sb ? ub ? ub.brands.some(function(b) { return (b = b.brand) && -1 != b.indexOf(a) }) : !1 : !1 } function xb(a) { var b; a: { if (b = Ha.navigator) if (b = b.userAgent) break a;b = "" } return -1 != b.indexOf(a) }; function yb() { return sb ? !!ub && 0 < ub.brands.length : !1 } function zb() { return yb() ? wb("Chromium") : (xb("Chrome") || xb("CriOS")) && !(yb() ? 0 : xb("Edge")) || xb("Silk") }; var Ab = {}, Bb = function() { var a = Ha.trustedTypes && Ha.trustedTypes.emptyHTML || ""; if (Ab !== Ab) throw Error("r"); this.Lh = a }; Bb.prototype.toString = function() { return this.Lh.toString() }; new Bb; var Cb = function() { this.names = new Map }; Cb.prototype.pb = function(a) { var b = this.names.get(a); if (b) return b; var c; b = null != (c = a.description) ? c : Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()).toString(36) + Math.abs(Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()) ^ Date.now()).toString(36); this.names.set(a, b); return b }; /* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Google, Inc., Netflix, Inc., Microsoft Corp. and contributors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ var Eb = !1, Fb = { set ra(a) { a ? console.warn("s`" + Error().stack) : Eb && console.log("t"); Eb = a }, get ra() { return Eb } }; var Gb = "function" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.observable || "@@observable"; function Hb(a) { setTimeout(function() { throw a; }, 0) }; var Ib = { closed: !0, next: function() {}, error: function(a) { if (Fb.ra) throw a; Hb(a) }, complete: function() {} }; var Jb = function() { function a(b) { this.message = b ? b.length + " errors occurred during unsubscription:\n" + b.map(function(c, d) { return d + 1 + ") " + c.toString() }).join("\n ") : ""; this.name = "UnsubscriptionError"; this.errors = b; return this } a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return a }(); var Kb = Array.isArray || function(a) { return a && "number" === typeof a.length }; function Lb(a) { return "function" === typeof a }; function Mb(a) { return null !== a && "object" === typeof a }; var B = function(a) { this.closed = !1; this.jb = this.Bb = null; a && (this.wf = !0, this.Ca = a) }; B.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { if (!this.closed) { var a = this.Bb, b = this.wf, c = this.Ca, d = this.jb; this.closed = !0; this.jb = this.Bb = null; if (a instanceof B) a.remove(this); else if (null !== a) for (var e = 0; e < a.length; ++e) a[e].remove(this); if (Lb(c)) { b && (this.Ca = void 0); try { c.call(this) } catch (k) { var f = k instanceof Jb ? Nb(k.errors) : [k] } } if (Kb(d)) { e = -1; for (var g = d.length; ++e < g;) { var h = d[e]; if (Mb(h)) try { h.unsubscribe() } catch (k) { f = f || [], k instanceof Jb ? f = f.concat(Nb(k.errors)) : f.push(k) } } } if (f) throw new Jb(f); } }; B.prototype.add = function(a) { var b = a; if (!a) return B.EMPTY; switch (typeof a) { case "function": b = new B(a); case "object": if (b === this || b.closed || "function" !== typeof b.unsubscribe) return b; if (this.closed) return b.unsubscribe(), b; b instanceof B || (a = b, b = new B, b.jb = [a]); break; default: throw Error("u`" + a); } var c = b.Bb; if (null === c) b.Bb = this; else if (c instanceof B) { if (c === this) return b; b.Bb = [c, this] } else if (-1 === c.indexOf(this)) c.push(this); else return b; a = this.jb; null === a ? this.jb = [b] : a.push(b); return b }; B.prototype.remove = function(a) { var b = this.jb; b && (a = b.indexOf(a), -1 !== a && b.splice(a, 1)) }; var Ob = new B; Ob.closed = !0; B.EMPTY = Ob; function Pb(a) { return a instanceof B || a && "closed" in a && "function" === typeof a.remove && "function" === typeof a.add && "function" === typeof a.unsubscribe } function Nb(a) { return a.reduce(function(b, c) { return b.concat(c instanceof Jb ? c.errors : c) }, []) }; var D = function(a, b, c) { B.call(this); this.Ec = null; this.s = this.ma = this.Dc = !1; switch (arguments.length) { case 0: this.destination = Ib; break; case 1: if (!a) { this.destination = Ib; break } if ("object" === typeof a) { a instanceof D ? (this.ma = a.ma, this.destination = a, a.add(this)) : (this.ma = !0, this.destination = new Qb(this, a)); break } default: this.ma = !0, this.destination = new Qb(this, a, b, c) } }; w(D, B); D.EMPTY = B.EMPTY; D.create = function(a, b, c) { a = new D(a, b, c); a.ma = !1; return a }; m = D.prototype; m.next = function(a) { this.s || this.m(a) }; m.error = function(a) { this.s || (this.s = !0, this.oa(a)) }; m.complete = function() { this.s || (this.s = !0, this.B()) }; m.unsubscribe = function() { this.closed || (this.s = !0, B.prototype.unsubscribe.call(this)) }; m.m = function(a) { this.destination.next(a) }; m.oa = function(a) { this.destination.error(a); this.unsubscribe() }; m.B = function() { this.destination.complete(); this.unsubscribe() }; var Qb = function(a, b, c, d) { D.call(this); this.Cb = a; var e = this; if (Lb(b)) var f = b; else b && (f = b.next, c = b.error, d = b.complete, b !== Ib && (e = Object.create(b), Pb(b) && b.add(this.unsubscribe.bind(this)), e.unsubscribe = this.unsubscribe.bind(this))); this.Ba = e; this.m = f; this.oa = c; this.B = d }; w(Qb, D); Qb.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; Qb.create = D.create; m = Qb.prototype; m.next = function(a) { if (!this.s && this.m) { var b = this.Cb; Fb.ra && b.ma ? this.Oc(b, this.m, a) && this.unsubscribe() : this.Pc(this.m, a) } }; m.error = function(a) { if (!this.s) { var b = this.Cb, c = Fb.ra; if (this.oa) c && b.ma ? this.Oc(b, this.oa, a) : this.Pc(this.oa, a), this.unsubscribe(); else if (b.ma) c ? (b.Ec = a, b.Dc = !0) : Hb(a), this.unsubscribe(); else { this.unsubscribe(); if (c) throw a; Hb(a) } } }; m.complete = function() { var a = this; if (!this.s) { var b = this.Cb; if (this.B) { var c = function() { return a.B.call(a.Ba) }; Fb.ra && b.ma ? this.Oc(b, c) : this.Pc(c) } this.unsubscribe() } }; m.Pc = function(a, b) { try { a.call(this.Ba, b) } catch (c) { this.unsubscribe(); if (Fb.ra) throw c; Hb(c) } }; m.Oc = function(a, b, c) { if (!Fb.ra) throw Error("v"); try { b.call(this.Ba, c) } catch (d) { return Fb.ra ? (a.Ec = d, a.Dc = !0) : Hb(d), !0 } return !1 }; m.Ca = function() { var a = this.Cb; this.Cb = this.Ba = null; a.unsubscribe() }; function Rb(a) { return a }; function I() { return Sb(x.apply(0, arguments)) } function Sb(a) { return 0 === a.length ? Rb : 1 === a.length ? a[0] : function(b) { return a.reduce(function(c, d) { return d(c) }, b) } }; function Tb(a) { return a && "function" === typeof a.next && "function" === typeof a.error && "function" === typeof a.complete } var Ub = function(a) { D.call(this); this.destination = a }; w(Ub, D); Ub.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; Ub.create = D.create; var K = function(a) { a && (this.sa = a) }; m = K.prototype; m.zd = function(a) { var b = new K; b.source = this; b.operator = a; return b }; m.subscribe = function(a, b, c) { var d = this.operator; a: { if (a) { if (a instanceof D || Tb(a) && Pb(a)) break a; if (Tb(a)) { a = new Ub(a); break a } } a = a || b || c ? new D(a, b, c) : new D(Ib) } d ? a.add(d.call(a, this.source)) : a.add(this.source || Fb.ra && !a.ma ? this.sa(a) : this.Uc(a)); if (Fb.ra && a.ma && (a.ma = !1, a.Dc)) throw a.Ec; return a }; m.Uc = function(a) { try { return this.sa(a) } catch (e) { Fb.ra && (a.Dc = !0, a.Ec = e); var b; a: { for (b = a; b;) { var c = b.destination, d = b.s; if (b.closed || d) { b = !1; break a } b = c && c instanceof D ? c : null } b = !0 } b ? a.error(e) : console.warn(e) } }; m.forEach = function(a, b) { var c = this; b = Vb(b); return new b(function(d, e) { var f = c.subscribe(function(g) { try { a(g) } catch (h) { e(h), f && f.unsubscribe() } }, e, d) }) }; m.sa = function(a) { var b = this.source; return b && b.subscribe(a) }; K.prototype[Gb] = function() { return this }; K.prototype.g = function() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments); return 0 === a.length ? this : Sb(a)(this) }; K.create = function(a) { return new K(a) }; function Vb(a) { a || (a = Promise); if (!a) throw Error("w"); return a }; var Wb = function(a, b) { B.call(this); this.hf = a; this.Od = b; this.closed = !1 }; w(Wb, B); Wb.EMPTY = B.EMPTY; Wb.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { if (!this.closed) { this.closed = !0; var a = this.hf, b = a.Ja; this.hf = null; !b || 0 === b.length || a.s || a.closed || (a = b.indexOf(this.Od), -1 !== a && b.splice(a, 1)) } }; var Xb = function() { function a() { this.message = "object unsubscribed"; this.name = "ObjectUnsubscribedError"; return this } a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return a }(); var Yb = function() { this.Ja = []; this.kc = this.s = this.closed = !1; this.Pd = null }; w(Yb, K); m = Yb.prototype; m.zd = function(a) { var b = new Zb(this, this); b.operator = a; return b }; m.next = function(a) { if (this.closed) throw new Xb; if (!this.s) { var b = this.Ja, c = b.length; b = b.slice(); for (var d = 0; d < c; d++) b[d].next(a) } }; m.error = function(a) { if (this.closed) throw new Xb; this.kc = !0; this.Pd = a; this.s = !0; var b = this.Ja, c = b.length; b = b.slice(); for (var d = 0; d < c; d++) b[d].error(a); this.Ja.length = 0 }; m.complete = function() { if (this.closed) throw new Xb; this.s = !0; var a = this.Ja, b = a.length; a = a.slice(); for (var c = 0; c < b; c++) a[c].complete(); this.Ja.length = 0 }; m.unsubscribe = function() { this.closed = this.s = !0; this.Ja = null }; m.Uc = function(a) { if (this.closed) throw new Xb; return K.prototype.Uc.call(this, a) }; m.sa = function(a) { if (this.closed) throw new Xb; if (this.kc) return a.error(this.Pd), B.EMPTY; if (this.s) return a.complete(), B.EMPTY; this.Ja.push(a); return new Wb(this, a) }; m.Oa = function() { var a = new K; a.source = this; return a }; Yb.create = function(a, b) { return new Zb(a, b) }; var Zb = function(a, b) { Yb.call(this); this.destination = a; this.source = b }; w(Zb, Yb); Zb.create = Yb.create; Zb.prototype.next = function(a) { var b = this.destination; b && b.next && b.next(a) }; Zb.prototype.error = function(a) { var b = this.destination; b && b.error && this.destination.error(a) }; Zb.prototype.complete = function() { var a = this.destination; a && a.complete && this.destination.complete() }; Zb.prototype.sa = function(a) { return this.source ? this.source.subscribe(a) : B.EMPTY }; var $b = new K(function(a) { return a.complete() }); function ac(a, b) { return new K(function(c) { var d = new B, e = 0; d.add(b.Ma(function() { e === a.length ? c.complete() : (c.next(a[e++]), c.closed || d.add(this.Ma())) })); return d }) }; var bc = function(a) { return function(b) { for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d && !b.closed; c++) b.next(a[c]); b.complete() } }; function cc(a, b) { return b ? ac(a, b) : new K(bc(a)) }; function dc(a) { return a && "function" === typeof a.Ma }; function ec() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments), b = a[a.length - 1]; return dc(b) ? (a.pop(), ac(a, b)) : cc(a) }; var fc = { now: function() { return (fc.bg || Date).now() }, bg: void 0 }; var gc = function(a, b, c) { a = void 0 === a ? Infinity : a; b = void 0 === b ? Infinity : b; c = void 0 === c ? fc : c; Yb.call(this); this.Di = c; this.Xb = []; this.de = !1; this.Zd = 1 > a ? 1 : a; this.Bf = 1 > b ? 1 : b; Infinity === b ? (this.de = !0, this.next = this.jh) : this.next = this.lh }; w(gc, Yb); gc.create = Yb.create; m = gc.prototype; m.jh = function(a) { var b = this.Xb; b.push(a); b.length > this.Zd && b.shift(); Yb.prototype.next.call(this, a) }; m.lh = function(a) { this.Xb.push({ time: this.be(), value: a }); this.ee(); Yb.prototype.next.call(this, a) }; m.sa = function(a) { var b = this.de, c = b ? this.Xb : this.ee(), d = c.length; if (this.closed) throw new Xb; if (this.s || this.kc) var e = B.EMPTY; else this.Ja.push(a), e = new Wb(this, a); if (b) for (var f = 0; f < d && !a.closed; f++) a.next(c[f]); else for (f = 0; f < d && !a.closed; f++) a.next(c[f].value); this.kc ? a.error(this.Pd) : this.s && a.complete(); return e }; m.be = function() { var a = this.Di; return a ? a.now() : fc.now() }; m.ee = function() { for (var a = this.be(), b = this.Zd, c = this.Bf, d = this.Xb, e = d.length, f = 0; f < e && !(a - d[f].time < c);) f++; e > b && (f = Math.max(f, e - b)); 0 < f && d.splice(0, f); return d }; var ic = function(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? hc : b; this.vf = a; this.now = b }; ic.prototype.Ma = function(a, b, c) { b = void 0 === b ? 0 : b; return (new this.vf(this, a)).Ma(c, b) }; var hc = fc.now; (function() { function a() { this.message = "no elements in sequence"; this.name = "EmptyError"; return this } a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return a })(); function N(a, b) { if (a && "function" === typeof a.zd) return a.zd(b); throw new TypeError("x"); }; function jc() { return function(a) { return N(a, new kc) } } var kc = function() {}; kc.prototype.call = function(a, b) { b.Db++; a = new lc(a, b); var c = b.subscribe(a); a.closed || (a.connection = b.connect()); return c }; var lc = function(a, b) { D.call(this, a); this.lb = b; this.connection = null }; w(lc, D); lc.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; lc.create = D.create; lc.prototype.Ca = function() { var a = this.lb; if (a) { this.lb = null; var b = a.Db; 0 >= b ? this.connection = null : (a.Db = b - 1, 1 < b ? this.connection = null : (b = this.connection, a = a.ib, this.connection = null, !a || b && a !== b || a.unsubscribe())) } else this.connection = null }; var mc = function(a, b) { this.source = a; this.jf = b; this.Db = 0; this.Yb = !1 }; w(mc, K); mc.create = K.create; mc.prototype.sa = function(a) { return this.jc().subscribe(a) }; mc.prototype.jc = function() { var a = this.Zb; if (!a || a.s) this.Zb = this.jf(); return this.Zb }; mc.prototype.connect = function() { var a = this.ib; a || (this.Yb = !1, a = this.ib = new B, a.add(this.source.subscribe(new nc(this.jc(), this))), a.closed && (this.ib = null, a = B.EMPTY)); return a }; mc.prototype.bf = function() { return jc()(this) }; var oc, pc = mc.prototype; oc = { operator: { value: null }, Db: { value: 0, writable: !0 }, Zb: { value: null, writable: !0 }, ib: { value: null, writable: !0 }, sa: { value: pc.sa }, Yb: { value: pc.Yb, writable: !0 }, jc: { value: pc.jc }, connect: { value: pc.connect }, bf: { value: pc.bf } }; var nc = function(a, b) { D.call(this); this.destination = a; this.lb = b }; w(nc, D); nc.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; nc.create = D.create; nc.prototype.oa = function(a) { this.Ca(); D.prototype.oa.call(this, a) }; nc.prototype.B = function() { this.lb.Yb = !0; this.Ca(); D.prototype.B.call(this) }; nc.prototype.Ca = function() { var a = this.lb; if (a) { this.lb = null; var b = a.ib; a.Db = 0; a.Zb = null; a.ib = null; b && b.unsubscribe() } }; function O(a) { return function(b) { if ("function" !== typeof a) throw new TypeError("y"); return N(b, new qc(a)) } } var qc = function(a) { this.O = a; this.na = void 0 }; qc.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new rc(a, this.O, this.na)) }; var rc = function(a, b, c) { D.call(this, a); this.O = b; this.count = 0; this.na = c || this }; w(rc, D); rc.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; rc.create = D.create; rc.prototype.m = function(a) { try { var b = this.O.call(this.na, a, this.count++) } catch (c) { this.destination.error(c); return } this.destination.next(b) }; var sc = "function" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"; function tc(a) { return function(b) { uc(a, b).catch(function(c) { return b.error(c) }) } } function uc(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h; return Ca(new Ba(new xa(function(k) { switch (k.la) { case 1: k.Wa = 2; k.Ga = 3; var l = a[Symbol.asyncIterator]; f = void 0 !== l ? l.call(a) : new Da(u(a)); case 5: return l = f.next(), k.la = 8, { value: l }; case 8: d = k.Yd; if (d.done) { k.eb(3); break } g = d.value; b.next(g); k.eb(5); break; case 3: k.ld = [k.ha]; k.Wa = 0; k.Ga = 0; k.Wa = 0; k.Ga = 9; if (!d || d.done || !(e = f.return)) { k.eb(9); break } l = e.call(f); k.la = 9; return { value: l }; case 9: k.ld[1] = k.ha; k.Wa = 0; k.Ga = 0; if (c) throw c.error; wa(k, 10, 1); break; case 10: wa(k, 4); break; case 2: k.Wa = 0; l = k.ha.qe; k.ha = null; h = l; c = { error: h }; k.eb(3); break; case 4: b.complete(), k.la = 0 } }))) }; var vc = function(a) { return function(b) { var c = a[sc](); do { var d = void 0; try { d = c.next() } catch (e) { b.error(e); return } if (d.done) { b.complete(); break } b.next(d.value); if (b.closed) break } while (1); "function" === typeof c.return && b.add(function() { c.return && c.return() }); return b } }; var wc = function(a) { return function(b) { var c = a[Gb](); if ("function" !== typeof c.subscribe) throw new TypeError("z"); return c.subscribe(b) } }; var xc = function(a) { return function(b) { a.then(function(c) { b.closed || (b.next(c), b.complete()) }, function(c) { return b.error(c) }).then(null, Hb); return b } }; var yc = function(a) { if (a && "function" === typeof a[Gb]) return wc(a); if (a && "number" === typeof a.length && "function" !== typeof a) return bc(a); if (a && "function" !== typeof a.subscribe && "function" === typeof a.then) return xc(a); if (a && "function" === typeof a[sc]) return vc(a); if (Symbol && Symbol.asyncIterator && a && "function" === typeof a[Symbol.asyncIterator]) return tc(a); throw new TypeError("A`" + (Mb(a) ? "an invalid object" : "'" + a + "'")); }; var zc = function(a) { D.call(this); this.parent = a }; w(zc, D); zc.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; zc.create = D.create; zc.prototype.m = function(a) { this.parent.Ia(a) }; zc.prototype.oa = function(a) { this.parent.tb(a); this.unsubscribe() }; zc.prototype.B = function() { this.parent.fa(); this.unsubscribe() }; var Ac = function(a, b, c) { D.call(this); this.parent = a; this.zh = b; this.yh = c }; w(Ac, D); Ac.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; Ac.create = D.create; Ac.prototype.m = function(a) { this.parent.Ia(this.zh, a, this.yh) }; Ac.prototype.oa = function(a) { this.parent.tb(a); this.unsubscribe() }; Ac.prototype.B = function() { this.parent.fa(this); this.unsubscribe() }; var P = function() { D.apply(this, arguments) }; w(P, D); P.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; P.create = D.create; P.prototype.Ia = function(a) { this.destination.next(a) }; P.prototype.tb = function(a) { this.destination.error(a) }; P.prototype.fa = function() { this.destination.complete() }; var Bc = function() { D.apply(this, arguments) }; w(Bc, D); Bc.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; Bc.create = D.create; Bc.prototype.Ia = function(a, b) { this.destination.next(b) }; Bc.prototype.tb = function(a) { this.destination.error(a) }; Bc.prototype.fa = function() { this.destination.complete() }; function Cc(a, b) { if (!b.closed) return a instanceof K ? a.subscribe(b) : yc(a)(b) }; var Dc = {}; function Ec() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments), b = void 0, c = void 0, d = void 0; dc(a[a.length - 1]) && (c = a.pop()); "function" === typeof a[a.length - 1] && (b = a.pop()); if (1 === a.length) { var e = a[0]; Kb(e) && (a = e); Mb(e) && Object.getPrototypeOf(e) === Object.prototype && (d = Object.keys(e), a = d.map(function(f) { return e[f] })) } return N(cc(a, c), new Fc(b, d)) } var Fc = function(a, b) { this.La = a; this.keys = b }; Fc.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new Gc(a, this.La, this.keys)) }; var Gc = function(a, b, c) { Bc.call(this, a); this.La = b; this.keys = c; this.active = 0; this.values = []; this.Sa = [] }; w(Gc, Bc); Gc.EMPTY = Bc.EMPTY; Gc.create = Bc.create; m = Gc.prototype; m.m = function(a) { this.values.push(Dc); this.Sa.push(a) }; m.B = function() { var a = this.Sa, b = a.length; if (0 === b) this.destination.complete(); else { this.hb = this.active = b; for (var c = 0; c < b; c++) this.add(Cc(a[c], new Ac(this, null, c))) } }; m.fa = function() { 0 === --this.active && this.destination.complete() }; m.Ia = function(a, b, c) { var d = this.values, e = d[c]; e = this.hb ? e === Dc ? --this.hb : this.hb : 0; d[c] = b; 0 === e && (this.La ? this.yf(d) : this.destination.next(this.keys ? this.keys.reduce(function(f, g, h) { return f[g] = d[h], f }, {}) : d.slice())) }; m.yf = function(a) { try { var b = this.La.apply(this, a) } catch (c) { this.destination.error(c); return } this.destination.next(b) }; function Hc(a) { return a instanceof K ? a : new K(yc(a)) }; function Ic(a, b) { var c = void 0 === c ? Infinity : c; if ("function" === typeof b) return function(d) { return d.g(Ic(function(e, f) { return Hc(a(e, f)).g(O(function(g, h) { return b(e, g, f, h) })) }, c)) }; "number" === typeof b && (c = b); return function(d) { return N(d, new Jc(a, c)) } } var Jc = function(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? Infinity : b; this.O = a; this.dd = b }; Jc.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new Kc(a, this.O, this.dd)) }; var Kc = function(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? Infinity : c; P.call(this, a); this.destination = a; this.O = b; this.dd = c; this.qb = !1; this.buffer = []; this.index = this.active = 0 }; w(Kc, P); Kc.EMPTY = P.EMPTY; Kc.create = P.create; Kc.prototype.m = function(a) { if (this.active < this.dd) { var b = this.index++; try { var c = this.O(a, b) } catch (d) { this.destination.error(d); return } this.active++; a = new zc(this); this.destination.add(a); Cc(c, a) } else this.buffer.push(a) }; Kc.prototype.B = function() { this.qb = !0; 0 === this.active && 0 === this.buffer.length && this.destination.complete(); this.unsubscribe() }; Kc.prototype.Ia = function(a) { this.destination.next(a) }; Kc.prototype.fa = function() { var a = this.buffer; this.active--; 0 < a.length ? this.m(a.shift()) : 0 === this.active && this.qb && this.destination.complete() }; function Lc(a) { a = void 0 === a ? Infinity : a; return Ic(Rb, a) }; function Mc() { return Lc(1)(ec.apply(null, ma(x.apply(0, arguments)))) }; var Nc = function() { B.call(this) }; w(Nc, B); Nc.EMPTY = B.EMPTY; Nc.prototype.Ma = function() { return this }; var Oc = function(a, b) { return setInterval.apply(null, [a, b].concat(ma(x.apply(2, arguments)))) }; var Pc = function(a, b) { B.call(this); this.scheduler = a; this.Mc = b; this.pending = !1 }; w(Pc, Nc); Pc.EMPTY = Nc.EMPTY; m = Pc.prototype; m.Ma = function(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? 0 : b; if (this.closed) return this; this.state = a; a = this.id; var c = this.scheduler; null != a && (this.id = this.Ob(c, a, b)); this.pending = !0; this.delay = b; this.id = this.id || this.Qb(c, this.id, b); return this }; m.Qb = function(a, b, c) { return Oc(a.flush.bind(a, this), void 0 === c ? 0 : c) }; m.Ob = function(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c; if (null !== c && this.delay === c && !1 === this.pending) return b; clearInterval(b) }; m.execute = function(a, b) { if (this.closed) return Error("D"); this.pending = !1; if (a = this.ae(a, b)) return a; !1 === this.pending && null != this.id && (this.id = this.Ob(this.scheduler, this.id, null)) }; m.ae = function(a) { var b = !1, c = void 0; try { this.Mc(a) } catch (d) { b = !0, c = !!d && d || Error(d) } if (b) return this.unsubscribe(), c }; m.Ca = function() { var a = this.id, b = this.scheduler, c = b.actions, d = c.indexOf(this); this.state = this.Mc = null; this.pending = !1; this.scheduler = null; - 1 !== d && c.splice(d, 1); null != a && (this.id = this.Ob(b, a, null)); this.delay = null }; var Qc = function(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? hc : b; ic.call(this, a, b); this.actions = []; this.active = !1; this.Bc = void 0 }; w(Qc, ic); Qc.prototype.flush = function(a) { var b = this.actions; if (this.active) b.push(a); else { var c; this.active = !0; do if (c = a.execute(a.state, a.delay)) break; while (a = b.shift()); this.active = !1; if (c) { for (; a = b.shift();) a.unsubscribe(); throw c; } } }; function Rc() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments), b = Infinity, c = void 0, d = a[a.length - 1]; dc(d) ? (c = a.pop(), 1 < a.length && "number" === typeof a[a.length - 1] && (b = a.pop())) : "number" === typeof d && (b = a.pop()); return !c && 1 === a.length && a[0] instanceof K ? a[0] : Lc(b)(cc(a, c)) }; function Sc() {}; var Tc = new K(Sc); function Q(a) { return function(b) { return N(b, new Uc(a)) } } var Uc = function(a) { this.Z = a; this.na = void 0 }; Uc.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new Vc(a, this.Z, this.na)) }; var Vc = function(a, b, c) { D.call(this, a); this.Z = b; this.na = c; this.count = 0 }; w(Vc, D); Vc.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; Vc.create = D.create; Vc.prototype.m = function(a) { try { var b = this.Z.call(this.na, a, this.count++) } catch (c) { this.destination.error(c); return } b && this.destination.next(a) }; function Wc() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments); if (1 === a.length) if (Kb(a[0])) a = a[0]; else return Hc(a[0]); return N(cc(a), new Xc) } var Xc = function() {}; Xc.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new Yc(a)) }; var Yc = function(a) { Bc.call(this, a); this.Jb = !1; this.Sa = []; this.Sb = [] }; w(Yc, Bc); Yc.EMPTY = Bc.EMPTY; Yc.create = Bc.create; m = Yc.prototype; m.m = function(a) { this.Sa.push(a) }; m.B = function() { var a = this.Sa, b = a.length; if (0 === b) this.destination.complete(); else { for (var c = 0; c < b && !this.Jb; c++) { var d = Cc(a[c], new Ac(this, null, c)); this.Sb && this.Sb.push(d); this.add(d) } this.Sa = null } }; m.Ia = function(a, b, c) { if (!this.Jb) { this.Jb = !0; for (var d = 0; d < this.Sb.length; d++) if (d !== c) { var e = this.Sb[d]; e.unsubscribe(); this.remove(e) } this.Sb = null } this.destination.next(b) }; m.fa = function(a) { this.Jb = !0; Bc.prototype.fa.call(this, a) }; m.tb = function(a) { this.Jb = !0; Bc.prototype.tb.call(this, a) }; function Zc() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments), b = void 0; "function" === typeof a[a.length - 1] && (b = a.pop()); return N(cc(a), new $c(b)) } var $c = function(a) { this.La = a }; $c.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new ad(a, this.La)) }; var ad = function(a, b, c) { void 0 === c && Object.create(null); D.call(this, a); this.wd = []; this.active = 0; this.La = b }; w(ad, D); ad.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; ad.create = D.create; ad.prototype.m = function(a) { var b = this.wd; Kb(a) ? b.push(new bd(a)) : "function" === typeof a[sc] ? b.push(new cd(a[sc]())) : b.push(new dd(this.destination, this, a)) }; ad.prototype.B = function() { var a = this.wd, b = a.length; this.unsubscribe(); if (0 === b) this.destination.complete(); else { this.active = b; for (var c = 0; c < b; c++) { var d = a[c]; d.si ? this.destination.add(d.subscribe()) : this.active-- } } }; ad.prototype.zf = function(a) { try { var b = this.La.apply(this, a) } catch (c) { this.destination.error(c); return } this.destination.next(b) }; var cd = function(a) { this.iterator = a; this.Cd = a.next() }; cd.prototype.lc = function() { return !0 }; cd.prototype.next = function() { var a = this.Cd; this.Cd = this.iterator.next(); return a }; cd.prototype.qb = function() { var a = this.Cd; return a && !!a.done }; var bd = function(a) { this.Xc = a; this.length = this.index = 0; this.length = a.length }; bd.prototype[sc] = function() { return this }; bd.prototype.next = function() { var a = this.index++, b = this.Xc; return a < this.length ? { value: b[a], done: !1 } : { value: null, done: !0 } }; bd.prototype.lc = function() { return this.Xc.length > this.index }; bd.prototype.qb = function() { return this.Xc.length === this.index }; var dd = function(a, b, c) { P.call(this, a); this.parent = b; this.observable = c; this.si = !0; this.buffer = []; this.td = !1 }; w(dd, P); dd.EMPTY = P.EMPTY; dd.create = P.create; dd.prototype[sc] = function() { return this }; m = dd.prototype; m.next = function() { var a = this.buffer; return 0 === a.length && this.td ? { value: null, done: !0 } : { value: a.shift(), done: !1 } }; m.lc = function() { return 0 < this.buffer.length }; m.qb = function() { return 0 === this.buffer.length && this.td }; m.fa = function() { if (0 < this.buffer.length) { this.td = !0; var a = this.parent; a.active--; 0 === a.active && a.destination.complete() } else this.destination.complete() }; m.Ia = function(a) { this.buffer.push(a); a: { a = this.parent; for (var b = a.wd, c = b.length, d = a.destination, e = 0; e < c; e++) { var f = b[e]; if ("function" === typeof f.lc && !f.lc()) break a } e = !1;f = []; for (var g = 0; g < c; g++) { var h = b[g], k = h.next(); h.qb() && (e = !0); if (k.done) { d.complete(); break a } f.push(k.value) } a.La ? a.zf(f) : d.next(f);e && d.complete() } }; m.subscribe = function() { return Cc(this.observable, new zc(this)) }; (function() { function a(b) { this.message = "Timeout has occurred"; this.name = "TimeoutError"; this.info = void 0 === b ? null : b; return this } a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return a })(); var ed = 1, fd, gd = {}; function hd(a) { return a in gd ? (delete gd[a], !0) : !1 } var id = function(a) { var b = ed++; gd[b] = !0; fd || (fd = Promise.resolve()); fd.then(function() { return hd(b) && a() }); return b }; var jd = function() { return id.apply(null, ma(x.apply(0, arguments))) }; var kd = function(a, b) { Pc.call(this, a, b); this.scheduler = a; this.Mc = b }; w(kd, Pc); kd.EMPTY = Pc.EMPTY; kd.prototype.Qb = function(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c; if (null !== c && 0 < c) return Pc.prototype.Qb.call(this, a, b, c); a.actions.push(this); return a.Bc || (a.Bc = jd(a.flush.bind(a, void 0))) }; kd.prototype.Ob = function(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c; if (null !== c && 0 < c || null === c && 0 < this.delay) return Pc.prototype.Ob.call(this, a, b, c); 0 === a.actions.length && (hd(b), a.Bc = void 0) }; var ld = function() { Qc.apply(this, arguments) }; w(ld, Qc); ld.prototype.flush = function(a) { this.active = !0; this.Bc = void 0; var b = this.actions, c, d = -1; a = a || b.shift(); var e = b.length; do if (c = a.execute(a.state, a.delay)) break; while (++d < e && (a = b.shift())); this.active = !1; if (c) { for (; ++d < e && (a = b.shift());) a.unsubscribe(); throw c; } }; var md = new ld(kd); var nd = function(a, b) { Pc.call(this, a, b); this.scheduler = a; this.Mc = b }; w(nd, Pc); nd.EMPTY = Pc.EMPTY; nd.prototype.Ma = function(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? 0 : b; if (0 < b) return Pc.prototype.Ma.call(this, a, b); this.delay = b; this.state = a; this.scheduler.flush(this); return this }; nd.prototype.execute = function(a, b) { return 0 < b || this.closed ? Pc.prototype.execute.call(this, a, b) : this.ae(a, b) }; nd.prototype.Qb = function(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c; return null !== c && 0 < c || null === c && 0 < this.delay ? Pc.prototype.Qb.call(this, a, b, c) : a.flush(this) }; var od = function() { Qc.apply(this, arguments) }; w(od, Qc); var pd = new od(nd); var qd = function() { function a() { this.message = "argument out of range"; this.name = "ArgumentOutOfRangeError"; return this } a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return a }(); (function() { function a(b) { this.message = b; this.name = "NotFoundError"; return this } a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return a })(); (function() { function a(b) { this.message = b; this.name = "SequenceError"; return this } a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); return a })(); var rd = function() { this.Fd = new Oa; this.h = new Pa; this.Ig = Symbol(); this.ne = new Cb }; fa.Object.defineProperties(rd.prototype, { Tb: { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function() { return this.Ig } } }); function sd(a) { var b, c, d; return !!a && "boolean" === typeof a.active && "function" === typeof(null == (b = a.clock) ? void 0 : b.now) && void 0 !== (null == (c = a.clock) ? void 0 : c.timeline) && !(null == (d = a.sc) || !d.timestamp) && "function" === typeof a.Jj && "function" === typeof a.te && "function" === typeof a.Oj && "function" === typeof a.map && "function" === typeof a.ak }; var td = function(a, b) { b = Error.call(this, b ? a + ": " + b : String(a)); this.message = b.message; "stack" in b && (this.stack = b.stack); this.code = a; this.__proto__ = td.prototype; this.name = String(a) }; w(td, Error); var ud = function() { td.call(this, 1003); this.__proto__ = ud.prototype }; w(ud, td); var vd = function() { td.call(this, 1009); this.__proto__ = vd.prototype }; w(vd, td); var wd = function() { td.call(this, 1007); this.__proto__ = ud.prototype }; w(wd, td); var xd = function(a) { td.call(this, 1004, String(a)); this.Dg = a; this.__proto__ = xd.prototype }; w(xd, td); var zd = function(a) { td.call(this, 1010, a); this.__proto__ = yd.prototype }; w(zd, td); var yd = function(a) { td.call(this, 1005, a); this.__proto__ = yd.prototype }; w(yd, td); var Ad = function(a) { td.call(this, 1006, a); this.__proto__ = Ad.prototype }; w(Ad, td); var Bd = Symbol("date"), Cd = function(a, b) { this.value = a; this.timeline = b }, Dd = function(a, b) { if (b.timeline !== a.timeline) throw new wd; }, Ed = function(a, b) { Dd(a, b); return a.value - b.value }; m = Cd.prototype; m.equals = function(a) { return 0 === Ed(this, a) }; m.maximum = function(a) { Dd(this, a); return this.value >= a.value ? this : a }; m.round = function() { return new Cd(Math.round(this.value), this.timeline) }; m.add = function(a) { return new Cd(this.value + a, this.timeline) }; m.toString = function() { return String(this.value) }; function Fd(a) { function b(c) { return "boolean" === typeof c || "string" === typeof c || "number" === typeof c || void 0 === c || null === c } return b(a) ? !0 : Array.isArray(a) ? a.every(b) : "object" === typeof a ? Object.keys(a).every(function(c) { return "string" === typeof c }) && Object.values(a).every(function(c) { return Array.isArray(c) ? c.every(b) : b(c) }) : !1 } function Gd(a) { if (Fd(a)) return a; if (sd(a)) return { sc: { value: Gd(a.sc.value), timestamp: Ed(a.sc.timestamp, new Cd(0, a.sc.timestamp.timeline)) }, active: a.active }; try { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a)) } catch (b) {} return String(a) }; var Hd = ["sessionStart", "sessionError", "sessionFinish"], Id = function(a, b) { this.ga = a; this.Lc = b; this.ready = !1; this.gb = []; this.ef = function() {}; this.qf = function() {}; this.ye = function() {}; this.Ge = function() {}; this.yc = function() {} }, Jd = function(a, b) { a.ef = b }, Kd = function(a, b) { a.qf = b }, Ld = function(a, b) { a.ye = b }, Md = function(a, b) { a.Ge = b }, Nd = function(a, b) { a.yc = b; a.yc(a.gb.length) }, Td = function() { for (var a = Od.Ta, b = u("geometryChange impression loaded start firstQuartile midpoint thirdQuartile complete pause resume bufferStart bufferFinish skipped volumeChange playerStateChange adUserInteraction".split(" ")), c = b.next(); !c.done; c = b.next()) a.ga.addEventListener(c.value, function(d) { Pd(a, d) }); Qd(a.ga, function(d) { "sessionStart" !== d.type && Pd(a, d) }, a.Lc); Qd(a.ga, function(d) { "sessionStart" === d.type && (Pd(a, d), Rd(a), Sd(a)) }, a.Lc) }, Pd = function(a, b) { a.gb.push(b); a.yc(a.gb.length); Sd(a) }, Sd = function(a) { if (a.ready) for (; 0 < a.gb.length;) { var b = a.gb.pop(); void 0 !== b && ("geometryChange" === b.type ? a.ye(b) : "impression" === b.type ? a.Ge(b) : Hd.includes(b.type) ? a.ef(b) : a.qf(b)); a.yc(a.gb.length) } }, Rd = function(a) { a.ready || (a.ready = !0, a.gb.sort(function(b, c) { return c.timestamp - b.timestamp })) }; function Ud(a) { return function(b) { return N(b, function(c) { var d = this, e = new B, f = null, g = !1, h; f = c.subscribe({ next: function(k) { return d.next(k) }, error: function(k) { try { h = Hc(a(k, Ud(a)(c))) } catch (l) { d.error(l) } h && (f ? (f.unsubscribe(), f = null, e.add(h.subscribe(d))) : g = !0) }, complete: function() { return d.complete() } }); g ? (f.unsubscribe(), f = null, e.add(h.subscribe(d))) : e.add(f); return e }) } }; function R(a) { return function(b) { return N(b, new Vd(a)) } } var Vd = function(a) { this.compare = a; this.xd = void 0 }; Vd.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new Xd(a, this.compare, this.xd)) }; var Xd = function(a, b, c) { D.call(this, a); this.xd = c; this.De = !1; "function" === typeof b && (this.compare = b) }; w(Xd, D); Xd.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; Xd.create = D.create; Xd.prototype.compare = function(a, b) { return a === b }; Xd.prototype.m = function(a) { try { var b = this.xd; var c = b ? b(a) : a } catch (e) { return this.destination.error(e) } b = !1; if (this.De) try { var d = this.compare; b = d(this.key, c) } catch (e) { return this.destination.error(e) } else this.De = !0; b || (this.key = c, this.destination.next(a)) }; function Yd(a) { if (isNaN(a)) throw new TypeError("E"); if (0 > a) throw new qd; return function(b) { return 0 === a ? $b : N(b, new Zd(a)) } } var Zd = function(a) { this.count = a }; Zd.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new $d(a, this.count)) }; var $d = function(a, b) { D.call(this, a); this.count = b; this.Af = 0 }; w($d, D); $d.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; $d.create = D.create; $d.prototype.m = function(a) { var b = this.count, c = ++this.Af; c <= b && (this.destination.next(a), c === b && (this.destination.complete(), this.unsubscribe())) }; function ae() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments); return function(b) { return Mc(b, ec.apply(null, ma(a))) } }; function be(a) { return function(b) { return N(b, new ce(a, b)) } } var ce = function(a, b) { this.Z = a; this.na = void 0; this.source = b }; ce.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new de(a, this.Z, this.na, this.source)) }; var de = function(a, b, c, d) { D.call(this, a); this.Z = b; this.na = c; this.source = d; this.index = 0; this.na = c || this }; w(de, D); de.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; de.create = D.create; de.prototype.fa = function(a) { this.destination.next(a); this.destination.complete() }; de.prototype.m = function(a) { var b = !1; try { b = this.Z.call(this.na, a, this.index++, this.source) } catch (c) { this.destination.error(c); return } b || this.fa(!1) }; de.prototype.B = function() { this.fa(!0) }; function ee() { return function(a) { return N(a, new fe) } } var fe = function() {}; fe.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new ge(a)) }; var ge = function() { D.apply(this, arguments) }; w(ge, D); ge.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; ge.create = D.create; ge.prototype.m = function() {}; function he(a) { return function(b) { return N(b, new ie(a)) } } var ie = function(a) { this.value = a }; ie.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new je(a, this.value)) }; var je = function(a, b) { D.call(this, a); this.value = b }; w(je, D); je.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; je.create = D.create; je.prototype.m = function() { this.destination.next(this.value) }; function V(a, b) { var c = !1; 2 <= arguments.length && (c = !0); return function(d) { return N(d, new ke(a, b, c)) } } var ke = function(a, b, c) { this.Wc = a; this.seed = b; this.Cg = void 0 === c ? !1 : c }; ke.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new le(a, this.Wc, this.seed, this.Cg)) }; var le = function(a, b, c, d) { D.call(this, a); this.Wc = b; this.Qc = c; this.ce = d; this.index = 0 }; w(le, D); le.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; le.create = D.create; le.prototype.m = function(a) { var b = this.destination; if (this.ce) { var c = this.index++; try { var d = this.Wc(this.Qc, a, c) } catch (e) { b.error(e); return } this.Qc = d; b.next(d) } else this.Qc = a, this.ce = !0, b.next(a) }; function me(a) { return function(b) { var c = "function" === typeof a ? a : function() { return a }; var d = Object.create(b, oc); d.source = b; d.jf = c; return d } }; function ne() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments); 1 === a.length && Kb(a[0]) && (a = a[0]); return function(b) { return N(b, new oe(a)) } } var oe = function(a) { this.Dd = a }; oe.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new pe(a, this.Dd)) }; var pe = function(a, b) { P.call(this, a); this.destination = a; this.Dd = b }; w(pe, P); pe.EMPTY = P.EMPTY; pe.create = P.create; pe.prototype.tb = function() { qe(this) }; pe.prototype.fa = function() { qe(this) }; pe.prototype.oa = function() { qe(this); this.unsubscribe() }; pe.prototype.B = function() { qe(this); this.unsubscribe() }; var qe = function(a) { var b = a.Dd.shift(); if (b) { var c = new zc(a); a.destination.add(c); Cc(b, c) } else a.destination.complete() }; function re() { return function(a) { return N(a, new se) } } var se = function() {}; se.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new te(a)) }; var te = function(a) { D.call(this, a); this.Fe = !1 }; w(te, D); te.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; te.create = D.create; te.prototype.m = function(a) { var b; this.Fe ? b = [this.Kh, a] : this.Fe = !0; this.Kh = a; b && this.destination.next(b) }; function ue(a) { var b = new gc(a, void 0, void 0); return function(c) { return me(function() { return b })(c) } }; function ve() { var a = void 0 === a ? Infinity : a; return function(b) { return 0 >= a ? $b : N(b, function(c) { var d = this, e = 0, f = new B, g, h = function() { var k = !1; g = c.subscribe({ next: function(l) { return d.next(l) }, error: function(l) { return d.error(l) }, complete: function() { ++e < a ? g ? (g.unsubscribe(), g = null, h()) : k = !0 : d.complete() } }); k ? (g.unsubscribe(), g = null, h()) : f.add(g) }; h(); return f }) } }; function we(a) { return function(b) { return N(b, new xe(a)) } } var xe = function(a) { this.Z = a }; xe.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new ye(a, this.Z)) }; var ye = function(a, b) { D.call(this, a); this.Z = b; this.Nd = !0; this.index = 0 }; w(ye, D); ye.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; ye.create = D.create; ye.prototype.m = function(a) { var b = this.destination; if (this.Nd) try { this.Nd = !!this.Z(a, this.index++) } catch (c) { this.destination.error(c) } this.Nd || b.next(a) }; function W() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments), b = a[a.length - 1]; return dc(b) ? (a.pop(), function(c) { return Mc(a, c, b) }) : function(c) { return Mc(a, c) } }; var ze = function(a, b, c) { b = void 0 === b ? 0 : b; c = void 0 === c ? md : c; this.source = a; this.delayTime = b; this.scheduler = c; 0 > b && (this.delayTime = 0); dc(c) || (this.scheduler = md) }; w(ze, K); ze.create = K.create; ze.cg = function(a) { return this.add(a.source.subscribe(a.Od)) }; ze.prototype.sa = function(a) { return this.scheduler.Ma(ze.cg, this.delayTime, { source: this.source, Od: a }) }; function Ae() { var a = void 0 === a ? 0 : a; return function(b) { return N(b, new Be(a)) } } var Be = function(a) { this.scheduler = pd; this.delay = a }; Be.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return (new ze(b, this.delay, this.scheduler)).subscribe(a) }; function Ce(a) { return function(b) { return N(b, new De(a)) } } var De = function(a) { this.O = a }; De.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new Ee(a, this.O)) }; var Ee = function(a, b) { P.call(this, a); this.destination = a; this.O = b; this.index = 0 }; w(Ee, P); Ee.EMPTY = P.EMPTY; Ee.create = P.create; m = Ee.prototype; m.m = function(a) { var b = this.index++; try { var c = this.O(a, b) } catch (d) { this.destination.error(d); return }(a = this.pc) && a.unsubscribe(); a = new zc(this); this.destination.add(a); this.pc = a; Cc(c, a) }; m.B = function() { var a = this.pc; a && !a.closed || P.prototype.B.call(this); this.unsubscribe() }; m.Ca = function() { this.pc = void 0 }; m.fa = function() { this.pc = void 0; this.s && P.prototype.B.call(this) }; m.Ia = function(a) { this.destination.next(a) }; function Fe(a) { var b = !0; b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b; return function(c) { return N(c, new Ge(a, b)) } } var Ge = function(a, b) { this.Z = a; this.rd = b }; Ge.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new He(a, this.Z, this.rd)) }; var He = function(a, b, c) { D.call(this, a); this.Z = b; this.rd = c; this.index = 0 }; w(He, D); He.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; He.create = D.create; He.prototype.m = function(a) { var b = this.destination; try { var c = this.Z(a, this.index++) } catch (d) { b.error(d); return } b = this.destination; c ? b.next(a) : (this.rd && b.next(a), b.complete()) }; function Ie(a, b, c) { return function(d) { return N(d, new Je(a, b, c)) } } var Je = function(a, b, c) { this.kh = a; this.error = b; this.complete = c }; Je.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new Ke(a, this.kh, this.error, this.complete)) }; var Ke = function(a, b, c, d) { D.call(this, a); this.Rc = this.Sc = this.Tc = Sc; this.Sc = c || Sc; this.Rc = d || Sc; Lb(b) ? (this.Ba = this, this.Tc = b) : b && (this.Ba = b, this.Tc = b.next || Sc, this.Sc = b.error || Sc, this.Rc = b.complete || Sc) }; w(Ke, D); Ke.EMPTY = D.EMPTY; Ke.create = D.create; Ke.prototype.m = function(a) { try { this.Tc.call(this.Ba, a) } catch (b) { this.destination.error(b); return } this.destination.next(a) }; Ke.prototype.oa = function(a) { try { this.Sc.call(this.Ba, a) } catch (b) { this.destination.error(b); return } this.destination.error(a) }; Ke.prototype.B = function() { try { this.Rc.call(this.Ba) } catch (a) { this.destination.error(a); return } return this.destination.complete() }; function Le() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments); return function(b) { var c; "function" === typeof a[a.length - 1] && (c = a.pop()); return N(b, new Me(a, c)) } } var Me = function(a, b) { this.Sa = a; this.O = b }; Me.prototype.call = function(a, b) { return b.subscribe(new Ne(a, this.Sa, this.O)) }; var Ne = function(a, b, c) { Bc.call(this, a); this.O = c; this.hb = []; a = b.length; this.values = Array(a); for (c = 0; c < a; c++) this.hb.push(c); for (c = 0; c < a; c++) this.add(Cc(b[c], new Ac(this, void 0, c))) }; w(Ne, Bc); Ne.EMPTY = Bc.EMPTY; Ne.create = Bc.create; Ne.prototype.Ia = function(a, b, c) { this.values[c] = b; b = this.hb; 0 < b.length && (c = b.indexOf(c), -1 !== c && b.splice(c, 1)) }; Ne.prototype.fa = function() {}; Ne.prototype.m = function(a) { 0 === this.hb.length && (a = [a].concat(ma(this.values)), this.O ? this.xf(a) : this.destination.next(a)) }; Ne.prototype.xf = function(a) { try { var b = this.O.apply(this, a) } catch (c) { this.destination.error(c); return } this.destination.next(b) }; var Oe = function(a) { this.ga = a }; Oe.prototype.bb = function(a) { return (null == a ? 0 : a.Cj) ? !0 : "POST" === (null == a ? void 0 : a.Fj) || (null == a ? 0 : a.gd) || (null == a ? 0 : a.Hj) ? !1 : this.ga.bb() }; Oe.prototype.ping = function() { var a = this, b = ec.apply(null, ma(x.apply(0, arguments))).g(Ic(function(c) { return Pe(a, c) }), be(function(c) { return c }), ue(1)); b.connect(); return b }; var Pe = function(a, b) { var c = new gc(1); Qe(a.ga, b, function() { c.next(!0); c.complete() }, function() { c.next(!1); c.complete() }); return c }; Oe.prototype.Gh = function(a, b, c) { this.ping.apply(this, ma(x.apply(3, arguments))) }; function Re(a, b) { var c = !1; return new K(function(d) { var e = a.setTimeout(function() { c = !0; d.next(!0); d.complete() }, b); return function() { c || a.clearTimeout(e) } }) }; var Se = function(a) { this.ga = a; this.timeline = Bd }; m = Se.prototype; m.setTimeout = function(a, b) { return Number(this.ga.setTimeout(function() { return a() }, b)) }; m.clearTimeout = function(a) { this.ga.clearTimeout(a) }; m.now = function() { return new Cd(Date.now(), this.timeline) }; m.interval = function(a, b) { var c = this.rc(a).subscribe(b); return function() { return void c.unsubscribe() } }; m.rc = function(a) { return Re(this, a).g(ve(), V(function(b) { return b + 1 }, -1)) }; var Te = function(a, b) { this.context = a; this.vb = b }; Te.prototype.bb = function(a) { return this.vb.bb(a) }; var Ve = function(a, b) { if (!a.bb()) throw new vd; return new Ue(a.vb, b) }, Ue = function(a, b) { var c = this; this.vb = a; this.properties = void 0; this.url = b; this.qc = !0; this.gd = new Map; this.body = void 0; this.method = "GET"; this.Jf = Tc.subscribe(function() { c.sendNow() }) }; Ue.prototype.deactivate = function() { this.qc = !1 }; Ue.prototype.sendNow = function() { if (this.qc) if (this.Jf.unsubscribe(), this.vb.bb(this.properties)) try { if (0 < this.gd.size || void 0 !== this.body) { var a, b; this.vb.Gh(null != (a = this.properties) ? a : {}, this.gd, null != (b = this.body) ? b : "", this.url) } else this.vb.ping(this.url); this.qc = !1 } catch (c) {} else this.qc = !1 }; var Xe = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.mode = a; this.o = b; this.setTime = c; this.Pb = d; this.Sd = e; this.cd = f; this.Da = !1; this.id = 0 === this.mode ? We(this) : 0 }, We = function(a) { return a.o.setTimeout(function() { Ye(a) }, a.Pb) }, af = function(a, b) { var c = Ed(b, a.setTime); c >= a.Pb ? Ye(a) : (a.setTime = b, a.Pb -= c) }, Ye = function(a) { try { a.Sd(a.setTime.add(a.Pb)) } finally { a.Da = !0, a.cd() } }; Xe.prototype.Vd = function(a, b) { this.Da || (1 === this.mode && 1 === a ? af(this, b) : 1 === this.mode && 0 === a ? (this.mode = a, af(this, this.o.now()), this.Da || (this.id = We(this))) : 0 === this.mode && 1 === a && (this.mode = a, this.clear(), af(this, b))) }; Xe.prototype.clear = function() { this.Da || this.o.clearTimeout(this.id) }; var bf = function(a) { this.hd = a; this.sd = this.mode = 0; this.ea = {}; this.timeline = a.timeline; this.fb = a.now() }; m = bf.prototype; m.Vd = function(a, b) { this.mode = a; Dd(this.fb, b); this.fb = b; Object.values(this.ea).forEach(function(c) { return void c.Vd(a, b) }) }; m.now = function() { return 1 === this.mode ? this.fb : this.hd.now() }; m.setTimeout = function(a, b) { var c = this, d = ++this.sd, e = 1 === this.mode ? this.fb : this.hd.now(); this.ea[d] = new Xe(this.mode, this.hd, e, b, function(f) { var g = c.fb; 1 === c.mode && (c.fb = f); a(); c.fb = g }, function() { delete c.ea[d] }); return d }; m.clearTimeout = function(a) { this.ea[a] && (this.ea[a].clear(), delete this.ea[a]) }; m.interval = function() { throw Error("F"); }; m.rc = function() { throw Error("G"); }; function cf(a, b) { var c = new bf(a); a = b.subscribe(function(d) { c.Vd(d.value ? 1 : 0, d.timestamp) }); return { o: c, gk: a } }; function df(a) { var b = Object.assign({}, a); delete b.timestamp; return { timestamp: new Cd(a.timestamp, Bd), value: b } }; function ef(a) { return void 0 !== a && "number" === typeof a.x && "number" === typeof a.y && "number" === typeof a.width && "number" === typeof a.height }; /* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ var ff = ja([""]), gf = ka(["\x00"], ["\\0"]), hf = ka(["\n"], ["\\n"]), jf = ka(["\x00"], ["\\u0000"]), kf = ja([""]), lf = ka(["\x00"], ["\\0"]), mf = ka(["\n"], ["\\n"]), nf = ka(["\x00"], ["\\u0000"]); function of(a) { return Object.isFrozen(a) && Object.isFrozen(a.raw) } function pf(a) { return -1 === a.toString().indexOf("`") } var qf = pf(function(a) { return a(ff) }) || pf(function(a) { return a(gf) }) || pf(function(a) { return a(hf) }) || pf(function(a) { return a(jf) }), rf = of(kf) && of(lf) && of(mf) && of(nf); var sf = function(a, b) { this.name = a; this.value = b }; sf.prototype.toString = function() { return this.name }; var tf = new sf("OFF", Infinity), uf = new sf("WARNING", 900), vf = new sf("INFO", 800), wf = new sf("CONFIG", 700), xf = function() { this.cc = 0; this.clear() }, yf; xf.prototype.clear = function() { this.ie = Array(this.cc); this.le = -1; this.Ke = !1 }; var zf = function(a, b, c) { this.reset(a || tf, b, c, void 0, void 0) }; zf.prototype.reset = function(a, b, c, d) { d || Date.now(); this.fh = b }; zf.prototype.getMessage = function() { return this.fh }; var Af = function(a, b) { this.level = null; this.Ag = []; this.parent = (void 0 === b ? null : b) || null; this.children = []; this.Ne = { pb: function() { return a } } }, Bf = function(a) { if (a.level) return a.level; if (a.parent) return Bf(a.parent); Wa("Root logger has no level set."); return tf }, Cf = function(a, b) { for (; a;) a.Ag.forEach(function(c) { c(b) }), a = a.parent }, Ef = function() { this.entries = {}; var a = new Af(""); a.level = wf; this.entries[""] = a }, Ff, Gf = function(a, b, c) { var d = a.entries[b]; if (d) return void 0 !== c && (d.level = c), d; d = Gf(a, b.slice(0, Math.max(b.lastIndexOf("."), 0))); var e = new Af(b, d); a.entries[b] = e; d.children.push(e); void 0 !== c && (e.level = c); return e }, Hf = function() { Ff || (Ff = new Ef); return Ff }, If = function(a, b) { var c = uf, d; if (d = a) if (d = a && c) { d = c.value; var e = a ? Bf(Gf(Hf(), a.pb())) : tf; d = d >= e.value } if (d) { c = c || tf; d = Gf(Hf(), a.pb()); "function" === typeof b && (b = b()); yf || (yf = new xf); e = yf; a = a.pb(); if (0 < e.cc) { var f = (e.le + 1) % e.cc; e.le = f; e.Ke ? (e = e.ie[f], e.reset(c, b, a), a = e) : (e.Ke = f == e.cc - 1, a = e.ie[f] = new zf(c, b, a)) } else a = new zf(c, b, a); Cf(d, a) } }; var Jf = [], Kf = function(a) { var b = Gf(Hf(), "safevalues").Ne; b && If(b, "A URL with content '" + a + "' was sanitized away.") }; - 1 === Jf.indexOf(Kf) && Jf.push(Kf); function Lf(a) { var b = x.apply(1, arguments), c = b.length; if (!Array.isArray(a) || !Array.isArray(a.raw) || a.length !== a.raw.length || !qf && a === a.raw || !(qf && !rf || of(a)) || c + 1 !== a.length) throw new TypeError("H"); if (0 === b.length) return lb(a[0]); c = a[0].toLowerCase(); if (/^data:/.test(c)) throw Error("O"); if (/^https:\/\//.test(c) || /^\/\//.test(c)) { var d = c.indexOf("//") + 2; var e = c.indexOf("/", d); if (e <= d) throw Error("I"); d = c.substring(d, e); if (!/^[0-9a-z.:-]+$/i.test(d)) throw Error("J"); if (!/^[^:]*(:[0-9]+)?$/i.test(d)) throw Error("K"); if (!/(^|\.)[a-z][^.]*$/i.test(d)) throw Error("L"); d = !0 } else d = !1; if (!d) if (/^\//.test(c)) if ("/" === c || 1 < c.length && "/" !== c[1] && "\\" !== c[1]) d = !0; else throw Error("N"); else d = !1; if (!(d = d || RegExp("^[^:\\s\\\\/]+/").test(c))) if (/^about:blank/.test(c)) { if ("about:blank" !== c && !/^about:blank#/.test(c)) throw Error("M"); d = !0 } else d = !1; if (!d) throw Error("P"); c = a[0]; for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) c += encodeURIComponent(b[d]) + a[d + 1]; return lb(c) }; var Mf = ja(["https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/managed/js/activeview/", "/reach_worklet.html"]), Nf = ja(["./reach_worklet.js"]), Of = ja(["./reach_worklet.js"]), Pf = ja(["./reach_worklet.html"]), Qf = ja(["./reach_worklet.js"]), Rf = ja(["./reach_worklet.js"]); function Sf() { var a = {}; return a[0] = Lf(Mf, "current"), a[1] = Lf(Nf), a[2] = Lf(Of), a } Lf(Pf); Lf(Qf); Lf(Rf); var Uf = function(a, b, c, d) { c = void 0 === c ? null : c; d = void 0 === d ? Sf() : d; rd.call(this); this.ga = a; this.Lc = b; this.ec = c; this.Ta = null; this.Ld = new gc(3); this.Md = this.Ld.g(Q(function(e) { return "sessionStart" === e.value.type })); this.ff = this.Ld.g(Q(function(e) { return "sessionFinish" === e.value.type })); this.He = new gc(1); this.Wd = new gc; this.ob = new gc(10); this.kb = new Te(this, new Oe(a)); this.Jg = this.ga.bb(); this.o = Tf(this, new Se(this.ga)) }; w(Uf, rd); Uf.prototype.validate = function() { return this.Jg }; var Tf = function(a, b) { a.Ta = new Id(a.ga, a.Lc); var c = new gc; Jd(a.Ta, function(f) { f = df(f); c.next({ timestamp: f.timestamp, value: !0 }); a.Ld.next(f) }); Ld(a.Ta, function(f) { if (void 0 === f) var g = !1; else { g = f.data; var h; (h = void 0 === g) || (h = g.viewport, h = void 0 === h || void 0 !== h && "number" === typeof h.width && "number" === typeof h.height); h ? (g = g.adView, g = void 0 !== g && "number" === typeof g.percentageInView && (void 0 === g.geometry || ef(g.geometry)) && (void 0 === g.onScreenGeometry || ef(g.onScreenGeometry))) : g = !1 } g ? (f = df(f), c.next({ timestamp: f.timestamp, value: !0 }), a.ob.next(f)) : .01 >= Math.random() && (f = "https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/gen_204?id=av-js&type=error&name=invalid_geo&context=1092&msg=" + JSON.stringify(f), Ve(a.kb, f).sendNow()) }); Kd(a.Ta, function(f) { f = df(f); c.next({ timestamp: f.timestamp, value: !0 }); a.Wd.next(f) }); Md(a.Ta, function(f) { f = df(f); c.next({ timestamp: f.timestamp, value: !0 }); a.He.next(f) }); var d = 0; Nd(a.Ta, function(f) { d += f; 0 < d && 0 === f && c.next({ timestamp: a.o.now(), value: !1 }) }); var e = c.g(Fe(function(f) { return f.value })); return cf(b, e).o }; fa.Object.defineProperties(Uf.prototype, { global: { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function() { return Vf } } }); var Vf = {}; var Wf = function(a) { var b = void 0 === b ? Symbol() : b; this.sessionId = a; this.Tb = b }; var Xf = I(O(function(a) { return a.value }), Q(function(a) { return "sessionStart" === a.type }), O(function(a) { return new Wf(a.pa) })); function Z(a, b) { return function(c) { return c.g(Yf(a, ue(b))) } } function Yf(a, b) { function c(d) { return new K(function(e) { return d.subscribe(function(f) { Ra(a, function() { return void e.next(f) }, 3) }, function(f) { Ra(a, function() { return void e.error(f) }, 3) }, function() { Ra(a, function() { return void e.complete() }, 3) }) }) } return I(c, Ae(), b, jc(), c) }; var Zf = function(a) { this.value = a }; Zf.prototype.Oa = function(a) { return ec(this.value).g(Z(a, 1)) }; var $f = new Zf(!1), ag = new Zf(!0); function bg(a, b) { return cg(a, b, 2) } function cg(a, b, c) { return new K(function(d) { var e = !1, f = Array(b.length); f.fill(void 0); var g = new Set, h = new Set, k = function(p, t) { a.Zh ? (f[t] = p, g.add(t), e || (e = !0, Ra(a, function() { e = !1; var A = d.next; var F = f.length; if (0 < F) { for (var G = Array(F), v = 0; v < F; v++) G[v] = f[v]; F = G } else F = []; A.call(d, F) }, c))) : d.error(new xd(t)) }, l = function(p, t) { h.add(t); g.add(t); Ra(a, function() { d.error(p) }, c) }, n = function(p) { h.add(p); Ra(a, function() { h.size === b.length && d.complete() }, c) }, y = b.map(function(p, t) { return p.subscribe(function(A) { return void k(A, t) }, function(A) { return void l(A, t) }, function() { return void n(t) }) }); return function() { y.forEach(function(p) { return void p.unsubscribe() }) } }) }; function dg(a, b, c) { function d() { if (b.ec) { var G = b.ec, v = G.next; var C = { creativeId: b.ne.pb(c), requiredSignals: e, signals: Object.assign({}, f), hasPrematurelyCompleted: g, errorMessage: h, erroredSignalKey: k }; C = { specMajor: 2, specMinor: 0, specPatch: 0, timestamp: Ed(b.o.now(), new Cd(0, b.o.timeline)), instanceId: b.ne.pb(b.Tb), creativeState: C }; v.call(G, C) } } for (var e = Object.keys(a), f = {}, g = !1, h = null, k = null, l = {}, n = new Set, y = [], p = [], t = u(e), A = t.next(), F = {}; !A.done; F = { ka: void 0 }, A = t.next()) F.ka = A.value, A = a[F.ka], A instanceof Zf ? (l[F.ka] = A.value, n.add(F.ka), b.ec && (f[String(F.ka)] = Gd(A.value))) : (A = A.g(R(function(G, v) { return sd(G) || sd(v) ? !1 : G === v }), O(function(G) { return function(v) { b.ec && (f[String(G.ka)] = Gd(v), d()); var C = {}; return C[G.ka] = v, C } }(F)), Ud(function(G) { return function(v) { if (v instanceof xd) throw new zd(String(G.ka)); throw v; } }(F)), Ie(function(G) { return function() { n.add(G.ka) } }(F), function(G) { return function(v) { k = String(G.ka); h = String(v); d() } }(F), function(G) { return function() { n.has(G.ka) || (g = !0, d()) } }(F))), p.push(F.ka), y.push(A)); (a = 0 < Object.keys(f).length) && d(); t = cg(b.h, y, 1).g(Ud(function(G) { if (G instanceof xd) throw new yd(String(p[G.Dg])); throw G; }), O(function(G) { return Object.freeze(Object.assign.apply(Object, [{}, l].concat(ma(G)))) })); return (y = 0 < y.length) && a ? Rc(ec(Object.freeze(l)), t) : y ? t : ec(Object.freeze(l)) }; function eg(a, b, c, d) { var e = fg(); return a.Fd.yi.bind(a.Fd)(733, function() { var f = {}; try { return b.g(Ud(function(g) { d(Object.assign({}, f, { error: g })); return $b }), Ic(function(g) { try { var h = c(a, g) } catch (l) { return d(Object.assign({}, f, { error: l instanceof Error ? l : String(l) })), $b } var k = {}; return dg(h, a, g.Tb).g(Ie(function(l) { k = l }), ue(1), jc()).g(e, Ud(function(l) { d(Object.assign({}, k, { error: l })); return $b }), ae(void 0), O(function() { return !0 })) })).g(V(function(g) { return g + 1 }, 0), Ud(function(g) { d(Object.assign({}, f, { error: g })); return $b })) } catch (g) { return d(Object.assign({}, f, { error: g })), $b } })() }; function gg(a) { var b = new Map; if ("object" !== typeof a || null === a) return b; Object.values(a).forEach(function(c) { c && "function" === typeof c.te && (b.has(c.clock.timeline) || b.set(c.clock.timeline, c.clock.now())) }); return b }; function hg(a, b, c) { var d = ig, e = jg; c = void 0 === c ? .01 : c; return function(f) { 0 < c && Math.random() <= c && (a.global.HTMLFencedFrameElement && a.global.fence && "function" === typeof a.global.fence.reportEvent && a.global.fence.reportEvent({ eventType: "active-view-error", eventData: "", destination: ["buyer"] }), f = Object.assign({}, f, { errorMessage: f.error instanceof Error && f.error.message ? f.error.message : String(f.error), hg: f.error instanceof Error && f.error.stack ? String(f.error.stack) : null, fg: f.error instanceof Error && f.error.name ? String(f.error.name) : null, eg: String(a.Fd.kf) }), d(Object.assign({}, f, { Bh: function() { return function(g) { try { return e(Object.assign({}, g)) } catch (h) { return {} } } }(), Jc: [b] }), gg(f)).forEach(function(g) { Ve(a.kb, g).sendNow() })) } }; var jg = function(a) { return Object.assign({}, { v: a.Lf, bin: a.Kf, cb: a.Nf, e: a.event, sdk: a.ii, p: a.Xa, tos: a.Fc, mtos: a.Ra, mcvt: a.Ng, ps: a.dg, scs: a.hi, bs: a.Ni, mut: a.ek, a: a.volume, ft: a.xe, dft: a.V, at: a.Yc, dat: a.R, amtos: a.Oe, as: a.Df, vpt: a.Xd, is: a.Za, i0: a.Hg, i1: a.Eg, i2: a.Fg, i3: a.Gg, ic: a.X, cs: a.Xf, gmm: a.wg, std: a.Ib, nnut: a.hk, nmt: a.ih, pst: a.lk, tcm: a.xi, dur: a.duration, vmtime: a.bk, dtos: a.aa, dtoss: a.zi, vmer: a.Dk, vmmk: a.Fk, vmiec: a.Ek, c: a.ja, mc: a.Og, nc: a.bh, lte: a.Ad, tth: a.yk, femt: a.Sj, femvt: a.Tj, emc: a.Lj, emuc: a.Mj, emb: a.Kj, mv: a.Sg, nv: a.dh, avms: a.Xg, qi: a.nk, psv: a.Fh, psfv: a.Dh, psa: a.Ch, psm: a.Eh, ces: a.Yf, veid: a.Rj, ssb: a.ci, omida: a.oh, omidp: a.th, omidpv: a.uh, omidr: a.ik, omidv: a.wh, omids: a.vh, omidam: a.nh, omidct: a.ph, omidia: a.Te, omiddc: a.qh, omidlat: a.sh, omiddit: a.rh, sfr: a.xk, nopd: a.Ed }, { bt: a.Gj, dvs: a.ca, dfvs: a.W, dvpt: a.ba, context: a.eg, msg: a.errorMessage, stack: a.hg, name: a.fg, rxdbg: a.ai }) }, lg = function(a) { var b = { p0: a.Vf, p1: a.Sf, p2: a.Tf, p3: a.Uf, a0: a.Si, a1: a.Pi, a2: a.Qi, a3: a.Ri, c0: a.ng, c1: a.kg, c2: a.lg, c3: a.mg, ss0: a.gi, ss1: a.di, ss2: a.ei, ss3: a.fi, qmt: a.Xe, qnc: a.Sh, qas: a.We, qnv: a.Ze, qmv: a.Ye, mtos1: kg([0, 2, 4], a.Pg, !1), mtos2: kg([0, 2, 4], a.Qg, !1), mtos3: kg([0, 2, 4], a.Rg, !1) }; return Object.assign({}, jg(a), b) }, mg = function(a) { var b = { qmt: a.Xe, qnc: a.Sh, qas: a.We, qnv: a.Ze, qmv: a.Ye }; return Object.assign({}, jg(a), b) }, ng = function(a) { var b = Object, c = b.assign, d = jg(a); a = { atos: a.Zc, avt: kg([2], a.Zc), davs: a.T, dafvs: a.P, dav: a.S, ss: a.wb }; return c.call(b, {}, d, a) }; function kg(a, b, c) { if (b) return void 0 === c || c ? cb(b, function(d, e) { return 0 <= bb(a, e) }) : db(a, function(d, e, f) { return b.slice(0 < e ? f[e - 1] + 1 : 0, d + 1).reduce(function(g, h) { return g + h }, 0) }) }; function og() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments); return function(b) { var c = b.g(ue(1), jc()); b = a.map(function(d) { return c.g(d, ae(!0)) }); return Ec(b).g(Yd(1), ee()) } }; function pg() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments); return function(b) { var c = b.g(ue(1), jc()); b = a.map(function(d) { return c.g(d, ae(!0)) }); return Rc.apply(null, ma(b)).g(Yd(1), ee()) } }; function fg() { var a = og(qg, rg, sg, tg, ug, vg, wg, xg, yg, zg, Ag, Bg, Cg), b = pg(Dg, Eg, Fg); return function(c) { var d = c.g(ue(1), jc()); c = d.g(a, ae(!0)); d = d.g(I(b, ue(), jc()), ae(!0)); c = Ec([c, d]); return Wc(c, d).g(Yd(1), ee()) } }; function Gg(a, b) { return "string" === typeof a ? encodeURIComponent(a) : "number" === typeof a ? String(a) : Array.isArray(a) ? a.map(function(c) { return Gg(c, b) }).join(",") : a instanceof Cd ? a.toString() : a && "function" === typeof a.te ? Gg(a.Pj(b).value, b) : !0 === a ? "1" : !1 === a ? "0" : void 0 === a || null === a ? null : [a.top, a.left, a.top + a.height, a.left + a.width].join() } function Hg(a, b) { a = Object.entries(a).map(function(c) { var d = u(c); c = d.next().value; d = d.next().value; d = Gg(d, b); return null === d ? "" : c + "=" + d }).filter(function(c) { return "" !== c }); return a.length ? a.join("&") : "" }; function ig(a, b) { var c = a.Bh(a), d = Hg(c, b); return d ? db(a.Jc, function(e) { e = 0 <= e.indexOf("?") ? e : e + "?"; e = 0 <= "?&".indexOf(e.slice(-1)) ? e : e + "&"; return e + d }) : a.Jc }; var Ig = /(?:\[|%5B)([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(?:\]|%5D)/g, Jg = Gf(Hf(), "google3.javascript.ads.common.url_macros_substitutor", vf).Ne; function Kg(a, b) { return a.replace(Ig, function(c, d) { try { var e = null !== b && d in b ? b[d] : void 0; if (null == e) return Jg && If(Jg, "No value supplied for unsupported macro: " + d), c; if (null == e.toString()) return Jg && If(Jg, "The toString method of value returns null for macro: " + d), c; e = e.toString(); if ("" == e || !/^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(null == e ? "" : String(e))) return encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/%2C/g, ","); Jg && If(Jg, "Null value supplied for macro: " + d) } catch (f) { Jg && If(Jg, "Failed to set macro: " + d) } return c }) }; function Lg(a, b) { var c = a.D(a), d = a.vg(a), e = Hg(c, b), f = Hg(d, b); return db(a.Jc, function(g) { var h = {}; return Kg(g, (h.VIEWABILITY = e, h.GOOGLE_VIEWABILITY = f, h)) }) }; function Mg(a, b, c) { if (c.has(a) && c.get(a).has(b)) return !0; if (c.has(a)) c.get(a).add(b); else { var d = new Set; d.add(b); c.set(a, d) } return !1 } function Ng(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? new Map : c; return a === b ? !0 : a instanceof Error && b instanceof Error ? Ng(Object.assign({}, a, { stack: null }), Object.assign({}, b, { stack: null }), c) : Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b) ? Mg(a, b, c) ? !0 : fb(a, b, function(d, e) { return Ng(d, e, c) }) : La(a) && La(b) ? Mg(a, b, c) ? !0 : Og(a, b, c) : !1 } function Og(a, b, c) { if (a === b) return !0; if (hb(a).length !== hb(b).length) return !1; for (var d in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(d) && !Ng(a[d], b[d], c)) return !1; return !0 }; function Pg() { return I(Q(function(a) { return void 0 !== a }), O(function(a) { return a })) }; function Qg(a, b) { b = Math.pow(10, b); return Math.round(a * b) / b }; function Rg(a) { return 0 >= a.length ? $b : Ec(a.map(function(b) { var c = 0; return b.g(O(function(d) { return { index: c++, value: d } })) })).g(Q(function(b) { return b.every(function(c) { return c.index === b[0].index }) }), O(function(b) { return b.map(function(c) { return c.value }) })) }; function Sg(a, b) { a.me && (a.Gd = a.me); a.me = b; a.Gd && a.Gd.value ? (b = Math.max(0, Ed(b.timestamp, a.Gd.timestamp)), a.totalTime += b, a.Fb += b) : a.Fb = 0; return a } function Tg() { return I(V(Sg, { totalTime: 0, Fb: 0 }), O(function(a) { return a.totalTime })) } function Ug() { return I(V(Sg, { totalTime: 0, Fb: 0 }), O(function(a) { return a.Fb })) }; var Vg = O(function(a) { return [a.value.Na.width, a.value.Na.height] }); function Wg(a, b) { return function(c) { return Rg(b.map(function(d) { return c.g(a(d)) })) } }; function Xg() { var a; return I(Ie(function(b) { return void(a = b.timestamp) }), Ug(), O(function(b) { return { timestamp: a, value: Math.round(b) } })) }; function Yg(a, b) { return b.g(Q(function(c) { return "start" === c.value.type }), O(function(c) { return Number(c.value.data.duration) || 0 }), O(function(c) { return 1E3 * c }), Z(a, 1)) }; function Zg(a) { return ["backgrounded", "notFound", "hidden", "noOutputDevice"].includes(a) } function $g(a, b) { return a.ob.g(Q(function(c) { return c.value.pa === b.sessionId }), O(function(c) { var d = c.value.data.adView.reasons.some(Zg); return { timestamp: c.timestamp, value: d } }), W({ timestamp: a.o.now(), value: !1 }), Z(a.h, 1)) } function ah(a, b) { return a.ob.g(Q(function(c) { return c.value.pa === b.sessionId }), O(function(c) { var d = c.value.data.adView.reasons.includes("noOutputDevice"); return { timestamp: c.timestamp, value: d } }), Z(a.h, 1)) } function bh(a, b) { var c = $g(a, b); b = ah(a, b); a = b.g(V(function(d, e) { return d || e.value }, !1), W(!1), R(), Z(a.h, 1)); return { tg: c, Ed: a, Gi: b.g(O(function(d) { return d.value })) } }; var ch = { left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; function dh(a, b) { return a.left === b.left && a.top === b.top && a.width === b.width && a.height === b.height }; function eh(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? new Set : b; if (b.has(a)) return "(Recursive reference)"; switch (typeof a) { case "object": if (a) { var c = Object.getPrototypeOf(a); switch (c) { case Map.prototype: case Set.prototype: case Array.prototype: b.add(a); var d = "[" + Array.from(a, function(e) { return eh(e, b) }).join(", ") + "]"; b.delete(a); c !== Array.prototype && (d = fh(c.constructor) + "(" + d + ")"); return d; case Object.prototype: return b.add(a), c = "{" + Object.entries(a).map(function(e) { var f = u(e); e = f.next().value; f = f.next().value; return e + ": " + eh(f, b) }).join(", ") + "}", b.delete(a), c; default: return d = "Object", c && c.constructor && (d = fh(c.constructor)), "function" === typeof a.toString && a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString ? d + "(" + String(a) + ")" : "(object " + d + ")" } } break; case "function": return "function " + fh(a); case "number": if (!Number.isFinite(a)) return String(a); break; case "bigint": return a.toString(10) + "n"; case "symbol": return a.toString() } return JSON.stringify(a) } function fh(a) { var b = a.name; b || (b = (a = /function\s+([^\(]+)/m.exec(String(a))) ? a[1] : "(Anonymous)"); return b }; function gh(a, b) { a.Be = "function" === typeof b ? b : function() { return b }; return a } var hh = void 0; function ih() { throw Error(x.apply(0, arguments).map(function(a) { return "function" === typeof a ? a() : a }).filter(function(a) { return a }).join("\n").trim().replace(/:$/, "")); }; function jh() { var a = Error; return gh(function(b) { return b instanceof a }, function() { return fh(a) }) }; function kh(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? null : c; var d = new Yb, e = void 0, f = a.ob, g = d.g(O(function() { return e ? Object.assign({}, e, { timestamp: a.o.now() }) : null }), Q(function(k) { return null !== k }), O(function(k) { return k })); b = Ec([Rc(f, g), b]); var h = c; return b.g(Q(function(k) { k = u(k).next().value; null === h && (h = k.value.pa); return k.value.pa === h }), Ie(function(k) { return void(e = u(k).next().value) }), O(function(k) { var l = u(k); k = l.next().value; l = l.next().value; try { var n = k.value.data, y = k.timestamp, p = n.viewport, t, A, F = Object.assign({}, p, { width: null != (t = null == p ? void 0 : p.width) ? t : 0, height: null != (A = null == p ? void 0 : p.height) ? A : 0, x: 0, y: 0, kk: p ? p.width * p.height : 0 }), G = lh(F), v = n.adView, C = v.measuringElement && v.containerGeometry ? lh(v.containerGeometry) : lh(v.geometry), E = lh(v.geometry), L = v.reasons.some(Zg), J = L ? ch : lh(v.onScreenGeometry), H; l && (H = v.percentageInView / 100); l && L && (H = 0); return { timestamp: y, value: { Ab: "omid", Gb: C, Na: G, xa: d, Ea: "omid", ua: E, Wb: { x: C.left, y: C.top }, Ha: J, fc: H } } } catch (M) { A = M; n = jh(); y = hh; hh = void 0; p = []; t = n(A, p); !t && p && (A = "Expected " + n.Be() + ", got " + eh(A), p.push(A)); t || ih.apply(null, [void 0, y, "Guard " + n.Be() + " failed:"].concat(ma(p.reverse()))); var ba, ia; n = null != (ia = null == (ba = M) ? void 0 : ba.message) ? ia : "An unknown error occurred"; ba = "Error while processing geometryChange event: " + JSON.stringify(k.value) + "; " + n; throw Error(ba); } }), ue(1), jc()) } function lh(a) { var b, c, d, e; return { left: Math.floor(null != (b = null == a ? void 0 : a.x) ? b : 0), top: Math.floor(null != (c = null == a ? void 0 : a.y) ? c : 0), width: Math.floor(null != (d = null == a ? void 0 : a.width) ? d : 0), height: Math.floor(null != (e = null == a ? void 0 : a.height) ? e : 0) } }; var mh = { Ab: "ns", Gb: ch, Na: ch, xa: new Yb, Ea: "ns", ua: ch, Ha: ch, Wb: { x: 0, y: 0 } }; function nh(a, b) { return dh(a.Na, b.Na) && dh(a.ua, b.ua) && dh(a.Gb, b.Gb) && dh(a.Ha, b.Ha) && a.Ea === b.Ea && a.xa === b.xa && a.Ab === b.Ab && a.Wb.x === b.Wb.x && a.Wb.y === b.Wb.y }; function oh(a) { return function(b) { var c; return b.g(Ie(function(d) { return void(c = d.timestamp) }), O(function(d) { return d.value }), a, O(function(d) { return { timestamp: c, value: d } })) } }; var ph = function(a) { if(a.Ha.width * a.Ha.height / (a.ua.width * a.ua.height)==0){ return 1; } return a.Ha.width * a.Ha.height / (a.ua.width * a.ua.height) }, qh = oh(I(O(function(a) { var b; return null != (b = a.fc) ? b : ph(a) }), O(function(a) { return isFinite(a) ? a : 0 }))), rh = oh(I(O(function(a) { var b; return null != (b = a.fc) ? b : ph(a) }), O(function(a) { return isFinite(a) ? a : -1 }))); var th = function(a, b, c, d, e) { this.o = b; this.jd = c; this.Sd = d; this.cd = e; this.Da = this.hc = !1; this.setTime = b.now(); this.id = (this.hc = a) ? 0 : sh(this) }, sh = function(a) { return a.o.setTimeout(function() { try { a.Sd() } finally { a.Da = !0, a.cd() } }, a.jd) }; th.prototype.clear = function() { this.Da || this.o.clearTimeout(this.id) }; th.prototype.freeze = function(a) { this.hc || this.Da || (a = Ed(a, this.setTime), this.jd = Math.max(0, this.jd - a), this.o.clearTimeout(this.id), this.hc = !0) }; var uh = function(a) { this.Ve = a; this.timeline = Symbol(); this.Vc = 0; this.isFrozen = !1; this.sd = 0; this.ea = {}; this.yd = a.now() }, vh = function(a, b) { Object.values(a.ea).forEach(function(c) { return void c.freeze(b) }) }, wh = function(a) { Object.values(a.ea).forEach(function(b) { b.hc && !b.Da && (b.setTime = b.o.now(), b.id = sh(b)) }) }; uh.prototype.setTimeout = function(a, b) { var c = this, d = ++this.sd; this.ea[d] = new th(this.isFrozen, this.Ve, b, a, function() { return void delete c.ea[d] }); return d }; uh.prototype.clearTimeout = function(a) { this.ea[a] && (this.ea[a].clear(), delete this.ea[a]) }; uh.prototype.interval = function(a, b) { var c = this.rc(a).subscribe(b); return function() { return void c.unsubscribe() } }; uh.prototype.rc = function(a) { return Re(this, a).g(ve(), V(function(b) { return b + 1 }, -1)) }; var xh = function(a, b) { var c = a.isFrozen ? Math.max(0, Ed(b, a.yd)) : 0; b = Ed(b, new Cd(0, b.timeline)); return new Cd(b - a.Vc - c, a.timeline) }; uh.prototype.now = function() { return xh(this, this.Ve.now()) }; var yh = function(a) { return O(function(b) { var c = b.value; return { timestamp: xh(a, b.timestamp), value: c } }) }; function zh(a, b) { var c = new uh(a); a = b.subscribe(function(d) { c.isFrozen && (c.Vc += Math.max(0, Ed(d.timestamp, c.yd))); c.yd = d.timestamp; (c.isFrozen = d.value) ? vh(c, d.timestamp): wh(c) }); return { o: c, Uj: a } }; function Ah(a, b) { return 1 <= a ? !0 : 0 >= a ? !1 : a >= b }; function Bh(a) { return function(b) { return b.g(Le(a), O(function(c) { var d = u(c); c = d.next().value; d = d.next().value; return { timestamp: c.timestamp, value: Ah(c.value, d) } })) } }; var Ch = O(function(a) { if ("omid" === a.value.Ab) { if ("nio" === a.value.Ea) return "omio"; if ("geo" === a.value.Ea) return "omgeo" } return "geo" === a.value.Ea || "nio" === a.value.Ea ? a.value.Ab : a.value.Ea }); function Dh() { return I(Q(function(a, b) { return 0 < b }), Eh, W(-1), R()) } var Eh = I(Q(function(a) { return !isNaN(a) }), V(function(a, b) { return isNaN(a) ? b : Math.min(a, b) }, NaN), R()); var Fh = oh(I(O(function(a) { return a.Ha.width * a.Ha.height / (a.Gb.width * a.Gb.height) }), O(function(a) { return isFinite(a) ? Math.min(1, a) : 0 }))); function Gh(a, b, c) { return a ? Ec([b, c]).g(Q(function(d) { var e = u(d); d = e.next().value; e = e.next().value; return d.timestamp.equals(e.timestamp) }), O(function(d) { var e = u(d); d = e.next().value; e = e.next().value; return d.value > e.value ? d : e })) : b } function Hh(a) { return function(b) { var c = b.g(qh), d = b.g(Fh); return a instanceof K ? a.g(Ce(function(e) { return Gh(e, c, d) })) : Gh(a.value, c, d) } }; var Ih = I(oh(O(function(a) { a = a.fc ? a.fc * a.ua.width * a.ua.height / (a.Na.width * a.Na.height) : a.Ha.width * a.Ha.height / (a.Na.width * a.Na.height); return isFinite(a) ? a : 0 }))); function Jh(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? function(d, e) { return d === e } : c; return a.timestamp.equals(b.timestamp) && c(a.value, b.value) }; function Kh(a, b, c, d) { var e = d.ze, f = d.re, g = d.Ui, h = d.Cf, k = d.Me, l = d.Ug, n = d.Ee; d = d.Ji; b = Lh(a, c, b); c = Mh(a, c); d = Nh(b, d); var y = Oh(a, e, l, b), p = y.g(O(function(J) { return J.value }), R(), Z(a, 1), V(function(J, H) { return Math.max(J, H) }, 0)), t = y.g(O(function(J) { return J.value }), Dh(), Z(a, 1)), A = b.g(rh, O(function(J) { return J.value }), Yd(2), R(), Z(a, 1)); g = Ph(a, b, g, h); var F = g.g(W(!1), R(), O(function(J) { return J ? k : f })); h = y.g(Bh(F), R(), Z(a, 1)); var G = Ec([h, b]).g(Q(function(J) { var H = u(J); J = H.next().value; H = H.next().value; return J.timestamp.equals(H.timestamp) }), O(function(J) { var H = u(J); J = H.next().value; H = H.next().value; return { visible: J.value, geometry: H.value.ua } }), V(function(J, H) { return !H.visible && J.visible ? J : H }, { visible: !1, geometry: ch }), O(function(J) { return J.geometry }), W(ch), Z(a, 1), R(dh)); l = l instanceof K ? l.g(R(), he()) : Tc; F = Ec([l, F]).g(he()); var v = b.g(Q(function(J) { return "ns" !== J.value.Ab && "ns" !== J.value.Ea }), V(function(J) { return J + 1 }, 0), W(0), Z(a, 1)), C = c.g(he(!0), W(!1), Z(a, 1)); C = Ec([n, C]).g(O(function(J) { var H = u(J); J = H.next().value; H = H.next().value; return J && !H }), Z(a, 1)); var E = b.g(Ih, R()), L = E.g(O(function(J) { return J.value }), V(function(J, H) { return Math.max(J, H) }, 0), R(), Z(a, 1)); a = E.g(O(function(J) { return J.value }), Dh(), Z(a, 1)); return { ni: l, oi: F, ug: { pk: b, Xg: b.g(Ch), Xa: G.g(R(dh)), visible: h.g(R(Jh)), zb: y.g(R(Jh)), Tg: p, eh: t, he: b.g(Vg, R(fb)), Td: E, Pe: L, Re: a, Vj: c, xa: b.g(O(function(J) { return J.value.xa })), Yj: g, ze: e, Ee: n, Wj: C, Ck: v, Ad: A, Bk: d } } } function Mh(a, b) { return b.g(Q(function() { return !1 }), O(function(c) { return c }), Ud(function(c) { return (new Zf(c)).Oa(a) })) } function Lh(a, b, c) { return b.g(ne(Tc), Z(a, 1)).g(R(function(d, e) { return Jh(d, e, nh) }), W({ timestamp: c.now(), value: mh }), Z(a, 1)) } function Oh(a, b, c, d) { c = d.g(Hh(c), oh(O(function(e) { return Qg(e, 2) })), Z(a, 1)); return b instanceof Zf ? c : Ec([c, b]).g(O(function(e) { var f = u(e); e = f.next().value; f = f.next().value; return { timestamp: f.timestamp.maximum(e.timestamp), value: f.value ? 0 : e.value } }), R(Jh), Z(a, 1)) } function Ph(a, b, c, d) { b = [b.g(O(function(e) { return 242500 <= e.value.ua.width * e.value.ua.height }))]; c instanceof K && b.push(c.g(O(function(e) { return !!e }))); c = Ec(b); return d ? c.g(O(function(e) { return e.some(function(f) { return f }) }), W(!1), R(), Z(a, 1)) : (new Zf(!1)).Oa(a) } function Nh(a, b) { a = Ec([a, b]).g(O(function(d) { d = u(d); var e = d.next().value; if (d.next().value && e.value.isIntersecting) return e.value.Zj }), R()); b = a.g(O(function(d) { return void 0 === d ? !0 : d }), V(function(d, e) { return d || !e }, !1)); var c = a.g(V(function(d, e) { return void 0 === e ? d : e ? !1 : null != d ? d : !0 }, void 0), O(function(d) { return !!d })); return Zc(a, b, c).g(O(function(d) { var e = u(d); d = e.next().value; var f = e.next().value; e = e.next().value; var g = 0; if (void 0 === d) return 0; d && (g |= 1); d || (g |= 2); f && (g |= 4); e && (g |= 8); return g })) }; function Qh(a, b, c, d) { if (0 === a) return 0; var e = []; (void 0 === d ? 0 : d) ? c.forEach(function(f, g) { e[g] = 0 === g ? f : f + e[g - 1] }): e = c; b = eb(b, function(f) { return f >= a }); return -1 === b ? 0 : e[b] }; var Sh = function(a, b) { var c = this; this.o = a; this.Bd = this.tc = null; this.Vh = b.g(R()).subscribe(function(d) { Rh(c); c.Bd = d }) }, Th = function(a, b) { Rh(a); a.tc = a.o.setTimeout(function() { var c; return void(null == (c = a.Bd) ? void 0 : c.next()) }, b) }, Rh = function(a) { null !== a.tc && a.o.clearTimeout(a.tc); a.tc = null }; Sh.prototype.Ya = function() { Rh(this); this.Vh.unsubscribe(); this.Bd = null }; function Uh(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n, y, p) { var t = void 0 === t ? new Sh(b, p) : t; var A = Vh(d, e), F = Wh(c, d, f, g, h, k, l, n, y); return (new K(function(G) { var v = Ec([A, F]).g(R(fb), O(function(C) { var E = u(C); C = E.next().value; E = E.next().value; if (void 0 === C || void 0 === E) return !1; var L = E >= C; L ? Rh(t) : Th(t, Math.max(0, C - E)); return L }), V(function(C, E) { return E || C }, !1), R()).subscribe(G); return function() { t.Ya(); v.unsubscribe() } })).g(Fe(function(G) { return !G }), Z(a, 1)) } function Vh(a, b) { return b.g(O(function(c) { if (a.Qd) return a.Qd; if (a.md) return a.md * c })) } function Wh(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) { return Ec([c, d, e, f, g, h, k]).g(O(function(l) { var n = u(l); l = n.next().value; var y = n.next().value, p = n.next().value, t = n.next().value, A = n.next().value, F = n.next().value; n = n.next().value; return void 0 !== b.ja ? "mtos" === b.Rd ? b.audible ? Qh(b.ja, a, l, !0) : Qh(b.ja, a, A) : b.audible ? Qh(b.ja, a, y) : Qh(b.ja, a, F, !0) : "mtos" === b.Rd ? b.audible ? p : n : b.audible ? t : n })) }; function Xh(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = void 0 === f ? new Sh(b, e) : f; return (new K(function(g) { var h = Ec([c, d]).g(R(fb), O(function(k) { var l = u(k); k = l.next().value; l = l.next().value; var n = k >= l; n ? Rh(f) : Th(f, Math.max(0, l - k)); return n }), V(function(k, l) { return l || k }, !1), R()).subscribe(g); return function() { f.Ya(); h.unsubscribe() } })).g(Fe(function(g) { return !g }), Z(a, 1)) }; function Yh(a, b, c, d) { var e = Zh.Ci; var f = void 0 === f ? new Sh(b, c) : f; return (new K(function(g) { var h = Tc.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return $h(d) })).g(O(function(k) { var l = k.value; k = k.timestamp; var n = l.visible; l = l.dc; var y = l >= e; y || !n ? Rh(f) : (k = Math.max(0, Ed(b.now(), k)), Th(f, Math.max(0, e - l - k))); return y }), V(function(k, l) { return l || k }, !1), R()).subscribe(g); return function() { f.Ya(); h.unsubscribe() } })).g(Fe(function(g) { return !g }), Z(a, 1)) } function $h(a) { return Rg([a, a.g(Xg())]).g(O(function(b) { var c = u(b); b = c.next().value; c = c.next().value; return { timestamp: b.timestamp, value: { visible: b.value, dc: c.value } } }), R(function(b, c) { return Jh(b, c, function(d, e) { return d.dc === e.dc && d.visible === e.visible }) })) }; function ai() { return I(Ug(), V(function(a, b) { return Math.max(a, b) }, 0), O(function(a) { return Math.round(a) })) }; function bi(a) { return I(Bh(ec(a)), ai()) }; function ci(a, b) { a = b.g(O(function(c) { return Ed(c.timestamp, new Cd(0, c.timestamp.timeline)) }), W(0), R(), Z(a, 2)); b = a.g(re(), O(function(c) { return c[1] - c[0] }), V(function(c, d) { return c + (0 > d ? -d : 0) }, 0), W(0), R()); return { mediaTime: a, ih: b } }; var di = function() { this.ue = {} }, ei = function(a, b) { a = a.ue[b.key]; if ("proto" === b.valueType) { try { var c = JSON.parse(a); if (Array.isArray(c)) return c } catch (d) {} return b.defaultValue } return typeof a === typeof b.defaultValue ? a : b.defaultValue }; function fi(a) { var b = new di; return I(O(function(c) { if (null === c) return null; try { var d = JSON.parse(c)[0]; c = ""; for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) c += String.fromCharCode(d.charCodeAt(e) ^ "\u0003\u0007\u0003\u0007\b\u0004\u0004\u0006\u0005\u0003".charCodeAt(e % 10)); b.ue = JSON.parse(c) } catch (f) {} return b }), Z(a.h, 1)) }; var gi = yb() ? !1 : xb("Trident") || xb("MSIE"); !xb("Android") || zb(); zb(); xb("Safari") && (zb() || (yb() ? 0 : xb("Coast")) || (yb() ? 0 : xb("Opera")) || (yb() ? 0 : xb("Edge")) || (yb() ? wb("Microsoft Edge") : xb("Edg/")) || yb() && wb("Opera")); var hi = {}, ii = null, ki = function(a) { var b = ""; ji(a, function(c) { b += String.fromCharCode(c) }); return b }, li = function(a) { var b = a.length, c = 3 * b / 4; c % 3 ? c = Math.floor(c) : -1 != "=.".indexOf(a[b - 1]) && (c = -1 != "=.".indexOf(a[b - 2]) ? c - 2 : c - 1); var d = new Uint8Array(c), e = 0; ji(a, function(f) { d[e++] = f }); return e !== c ? d.subarray(0, e) : d }, ji = function(a, b) { function c(k) { for (; d < a.length;) { var l = a.charAt(d++), n = ii[l]; if (null != n) return n; if (!/^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(l)) throw Error("Q`" + l); } return k } mi(); for (var d = 0;;) { var e = c(-1), f = c(0), g = c(64), h = c(64); if (64 === h && -1 === e) break; b(e << 2 | f >> 4); 64 != g && (b(f << 4 & 240 | g >> 2), 64 != h && b(g << 6 & 192 | h)) } }, mi = function() { if (!ii) { ii = {}; for (var a = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".split(""), b = ["+/=", "+/", "-_=", "-_.", "-_"], c = 0; 5 > c; c++) { var d = a.concat(b[c].split("")); hi[c] = d; for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) { var f = d[e], g = ii[f]; void 0 === g ? ii[f] = e : z(g === e) } } } }; function ni(a) { return I(O(function(b) { if (void 0 === b.activeview_flags) return null; try { return ki(b.activeview_flags) } catch (c) { return b.activeview_flags } }), fi(a)) }; var oi = { tj: "start", Zi: "firstquartile", lj: "midpoint", vj: "thirdquartile", Wi: "complete", bj: "fullscreen", nj: "mute", zj: "unmute", qj: "pause", rj: "resume", Aj: "verification_debug", kj: "measurable_impression", Bj: "viewable_impression", cj: "fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression", sj: "skip" }; function pi(a) { if ("object" !== typeof a) return !1; var b = a.tracking_events; if (void 0 !== b && !qi(b)) return !1; a = a.custom_metric_configurations; return void 0 === a || Array.isArray(a) && !a.some(function(c) { return !ri(c) }) ? !0 : !1 } function qi(a) { return "object" !== typeof a ? !1 : Object.keys(a).every(function(b) { return Array.isArray(a[b]) && a[b].every(function(c) { return "string" === typeof c }) }) } function ri(a) { return "object" !== typeof a || void 0 !== a.id && "number" !== typeof a.id || void 0 !== a.name && "string" !== typeof a.name || void 0 !== a.criteria && (!Array.isArray(a.criteria) || a.criteria.some(function(b) { return "string" !== typeof b })) ? !1 : !0 } function si() { return I(O(function(a) { if (void 0 === a) throw new Ad("undefined"); var b = JSON.parse(a); if ("object" !== typeof b) var c = !1; else { c = b.activeview_metadata; var d = b.activeview_flags, e = b.ufs_integrator_metadata, f = b.tracking_configuration; c = void 0 !== c && "string" !== typeof c || void 0 !== e && "string" !== typeof e || void 0 !== d && "string" !== typeof d || void 0 !== f && !pi(f) ? !1 : !0 } if (c) return b; throw new Ad(a); }), Ud(function(a) { if (a instanceof Ad) throw a; throw new Ad("json parse failure"); }), Q(function(a) { return null !== a }), O(function(a) { return ti(a) })) } function ui(a) { return I(O(function(b) { return vi(b, a) })) } function vi(a, b) { var c; a = null == (c = a.tracking_configuration) ? void 0 : c.tracking_events; if (void 0 === b || void 0 === a) return []; var d; return null != (d = a[b]) ? d : [] } function ti(a) { "%%ACTIVEVIEW_METADATA%%" === a.activeview_metadata && (a.activeview_metadata = ""); "%%ACTIVEVIEW_FLAGS%%" === a.activeview_flags && (a.activeview_flags = ""); var b, c = null == (b = a.tracking_configuration) ? void 0 : b.tracking_events; if (void 0 !== c) { b = Object.keys(c).filter(function(f) { return !Object.values(oi).includes(f) }); b = u(b); for (var d = b.next(); !d.done; d = b.next()) d = d.value, d.startsWith("custom_metric_viewable_") || delete c[d] } var e; c = null == (e = a.tracking_configuration) ? void 0 : e.custom_metric_configurations; void 0 !== c && (a.tracking_configuration.custom_metric_configurations = wi(c)); return a } function wi(a) { a = a.filter(function(c) { return c.id && c.name && c.criteria }).map(function(c) { return { id: c.id, name: c.name, criteria: c.criteria.sort() } }).filter(function(c, d, e) { return d === e.findIndex(function(f) { return Ng(f, c) }) }); var b = a.filter(function(c, d, e) { return d !== e.findIndex(function(f) { return f.name === c.name }) }).map(function(c) { return c.name }); return a.filter(function(c) { return !b.includes(c.name) }) }; function xi(a, b, c, d) { return Ec([b, c, d]).g(Q(function(e) { var f = u(e); f.next(); e = f.next().value; f = f.next().value; return void 0 !== e && e.length === f.length }), O(function(e) { e = u(e); var f = e.next().value, g = e.next().value, h = e.next().value, k = {}; g.forEach(function(l, n) { k[l.name] = h[n] ? vi(f, l.name) : [] }); return k }), Z(a, 1)) }; function yi(a, b, c, d) { var e = new Yb, f = void 0, g = e.g(O(function() { return f ? Object.assign({}, f, { timestamp: a.o.now() }) : null }), Q(function(p) { return null !== p }), O(function(p) { return p })); b = Rc(b, g).g(Q(function(p) { return "volumeChange" === p.value.type || "start" === p.value.type }), Ie(function(p) { return void(f = p) }), oh(I(Le(c.g(W(!0))), O(function(p) { var t = u(p); p = t.next().value.data; t = t.next().value; a: { if (null !== p.deviceVolume && void 0 !== p.deviceVolume) t = p.deviceVolume; else { if (t) { p = null; break a } t = 1 } if (null !== p.mediaPlayerVolume && void 0 !== p.mediaPlayerVolume) p = p.mediaPlayerVolume; else if (null !== p.videoPlayerVolume && void 0 !== p.videoPlayerVolume) p = p.videoPlayerVolume; else { p = null; break a } p = Qg(t * p, 3) } return p }), Q(function(p) { return null !== p }), O(function(p) { return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, p)) }), O(function(p) { return { volume: p, xa: e } }))), d, Z(a.h, 1)); c = b.g(oh(I(O(function(p) { return 0 < p.volume }))), Z(a.h, 2)); d = b.g(O(function(p) { return p.value.volume }), V(function(p, t) { return Math.max(p, t) }, 0), R(), Z(a.h, 1)); g = b.g(O(function(p) { return p.value.volume }), Eh, Z(a.h, 1)); var h = c.g(O(function(p) { return p.value }), re(), O(function(p) { return p[0] && !p[1] }), R(), Q(function(p) { return p }), Z(a.h, 1)), k = c.g(O(function(p) { return p.value }), re(), O(function(p) { return !p[0] && p[1] }), R(), Q(function(p) { return p }), Z(a.h, 1)), l = h.g(V(function(p) { return p + 1 }, 0), W(0), Z(a.h, 1)), n = k.g(V(function(p) { return p + 1 }, 0), W(0), Z(a.h, 1)), y = c.g(V(function(p, t) { return p && t.value }, !0), W(!1), R(), Z(a.h, 1)); return { If: { Hc: b, Sg: d, dh: g, Gc: c, gh: h, Hi: k, Se: l, nf: n, Df: y, xa: e } } }; var zi = {}, Ai = (zi.sessionStart = 1, zi.sessionError = 2, zi.sessionFinish = 4, zi.impression = 8, zi.loaded = 16, zi.start = 32, zi.firstQuartile = 64, zi.midpoint = 128, zi.thirdQuartile = 256, zi.complete = 512, zi.pause = 1024, zi.resume = 2048, zi.bufferStart = 4096, zi.bufferFinish = 8192, zi.skipped = 16384, zi.volumeChange = 32768, zi.playerStateChange = 65536, zi.adUserInteraction = 131072, zi.geometryChange = 262144, zi); function Bi(a, b, c, d, e, f) { return Rc(a.g(O(function(g) { return g.timestamp })), b.g(O(function(g) { return g.timestamp })), c.g(O(function(g) { return g.timestamp })), e.g(O(function(g) { return g.timestamp })), f.g(O(function(g) { return g.timestamp })), d.g(O(function(g) { return g.timestamp }))).g(Pg()) } function Ci(a, b, c, d, e, f) { return Rc(a.g(he(Ai.sessionStart)), b.g(he(Ai.sessionFinish)), c.g(he(Ai.impression)), e.g(he(Ai.geometryChange)), f.g(he(524288)), d.g(O(function(g) { return Ai[g.value.type] }))).g(Pg()) } function Di(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { var h = Ci(b, c, d, e, f, g), k = h.g(V(function(l, n) { return l | n }, 0)); b = Bi(b, c, d, e, f, g); return Rg([h, k, b]).g(O(function(l) { var n = u(l); l = n.next().value; var y = n.next().value; n = n.next().value; return { oe: l, oeb: y, oet: +n.toString(), oept: Date.now() } }), Z(a.h, 1)) }; function Ei(a, b, c) { var d = b.g(O(function(p) { var t, A; return null == (t = p.value.data.context) ? void 0 : null == (A = t.app) ? void 0 : A.libraryVersion }), Pg(), Z(a.h, 1)), e = b.g(O(function(p) { var t, A; return null == (t = p.value.data.context) ? void 0 : null == (A = t.app) ? void 0 : A.appId }), Pg(), Z(a.h, 1)), f = b.g(O(function(p) { var t; return null == (t = p.value.data.context) ? void 0 : t.adSessionType }), O(function(p) { return "html" === p ? "h" : "native" === p ? "n" : "javascript" === p ? "j" : "x" }), Q(function(p) { return "x" !== p }), Z(a.h, 1)), g = b.g(O(function(p) { var t; return null == (t = p.value.data.context) ? void 0 : t.accessMode }), O(function(p) { return "full" === p ? "f" : "domain" === p ? "d" : "limited" === p ? "l" : "x" }), Q(function(p) { return "x" !== p }), Z(a.h, 1)), h = b.g(O(function(p) { var t; return null == (t = p.value.data.context) ? void 0 : t.environment }), Pg(), O(function(p) { return "app" === p }), Z(a.h, 1)), k = b.g(O(function(p) { var t, A, F, G, v; return null != (v = null == (t = p.value.data.context) ? void 0 : null == (A = t.omidNativeInfo) ? void 0 : A.partnerName) ? v : null == (F = p.value.data.context) ? void 0 : null == (G = F.omidJsInfo) ? void 0 : G.partnerName }), Pg(), Z(a.h, 1)), l = b.g(O(function(p) { var t, A, F, G, v; return null != (v = null == (t = p.value.data.context) ? void 0 : null == (A = t.omidNativeInfo) ? void 0 : A.partnerVersion) ? v : null == (F = p.value.data.context) ? void 0 : null == (G = F.omidJsInfo) ? void 0 : G.partnerVersion }), Pg(), Z(a.h, 1)); c = c.g(Q(function(p) { return "impression" === p.value.type || "loaded" === p.value.type }), O(function(p) { return p.value.data }), Le(f.g(W("x"))), O(function(p) { var t = u(p); p = t.next().value; t = t.next().value; if (void 0 !== p.Wf) return p.Wf; if (void 0 !== p.mediaType) return "video" === p.mediaType ? "video" : "n" === t ? "nativeDisplay" : "htmlDisplay" }), Q(function(p) { return void 0 !== p }), Yd(1), Z(a.h, 1)); var n = b.g(O(function(p) { var t; return null == (t = p.value.data.context) ? void 0 : t.deviceCategory }), Pg(), Z(a.h, 1)), y = b.g(O(function(p) { var t; return null == (t = p.value.data.lastActivity) ? void 0 : t.timestamp }), Pg(), Z(a.h, 1)); a = b.g(O(function(p) { var t; if (null != (t = p.value.data.lastActivity) && t.timestamp && p.timestamp) { var A; t = new Cd(null == (A = p.value.data.lastActivity) ? void 0 : A.timestamp, p.timestamp.timeline); return Math.round(Ed(p.timestamp, t) / 1E3) } }), Pg(), Z(a.h, 1)); return { wh: d, oh: e, vh: f, nh: g, Te: h, th: k, uh: l, ph: c, qh: n, sh: y, rh: a } }; var Fi = { Yi: "visible", Vi: "audible", wj: "time", xj: "timetype" }; function Gi(a) { try { var b = a.toLowerCase().split(","); if (b.some(function(n) { return n && Object.values(Fi).every(function(y) { return !n.includes(y) }) })) return null; a = { Rd: "tos" }; var c = b.filter(function(n) { return n.includes("visible=") }); if (1 < c.length) return null; if (1 === c.length) { var d = Number(c[0].toLowerCase().split("=")[1]); if (isNaN(d) || !isFinite(d) || 0 > d || 100 < d || !Number.isInteger(d)) return null; a.ja = d / 100 } var e = b.filter(function(n) { return n.includes("audible=") }); if (1 < e.length) return null; if (1 === e.length) { var f = e[0].toLowerCase().split("="); if (["0", "1"].includes(f[1])) a.audible = "1" === f[1]; else return null } var g = b.filter(function(n) { return n.includes("timetype=") }); if (1 < g.length) return null; if (1 === g.length) { var h = g[0].toLowerCase().split("="); if (["mtos", "tos"].includes(h[1])) a.Rd = h[1]; else return null } var k = b.filter(function(n) { return n.includes("time=") }); if (1 < k.length) return null; if (1 === k.length) { var l = k[0].toLowerCase().split("="); if (/^(100|[0-9]{1,2})%$/.test(l[1]) || /^([0-9])+ms$/.test(l[1])) l[1].includes("ms") ? a.Qd = Math.floor(Number(l[1].split("ms")[0])) : a.md = Math.floor(Number(l[1].split("%")[0])) / 100; else return null } return a.Qd || a.md ? a : null } catch (n) { return null } }; function Hi(a) { return { id: a.id, name: a.name, criteria: a.criteria.map(function(b) { return Gi(b) }) } }; function Ii(a, b, c, d) { var e = b.g(O(function(g) { return Math.floor(g / 1E3) }), Q(function(g) { return 32 >= g }), O(function(g) { return 1 << g }), V(function(g, h) { return g | h }, 0), R(), Z(a, 1)), f = b.g(O(function(g) { return Math.floor(g / 1E3) }), Q(function(g) { return 32 >= g }), Le(c), O(function(g) { var h = u(g); g = h.next().value; h = h.next().value; return [1 << g, Ah(h.value, .5)] }), V(function(g, h) { h = u(h); var k = h.next().value; return h.next().value ? g | k : g & ~k }, 0), R(), Z(a, 1)); c = b.g(O(function(g) { return Math.floor(g / 1E3) }), Q(function(g) { return 32 >= g }), Le(c), O(function(g) { var h = u(g); g = h.next().value; h = h.next().value; return [1 << g, Ah(h.value, 1)] }), V(function(g, h) { h = u(h); var k = h.next().value; return h.next().value ? g | k : g & ~k }, 0), R(), Z(a, 1)); a = bg(a, [b, d]).g(Q(function(g) { var h = u(g); g = h.next().value; h = h.next().value; return void 0 !== g && void 0 !== h }), R(function(g, h) { g = u(g).next().value; h = u(h).next().value; return g === h }), O(function(g) { var h = u(g); g = h.next().value; h = h.next().value; return [Math.floor(g / 1E3), h.value] }), Q(function(g) { g = u(g); var h = g.next().value; g.next(); return 32 >= h }), O(function(g) { var h = u(g); g = h.next().value; h = h.next().value; return [1 << g, h] }), V(function(g, h) { h = u(h); var k = h.next().value; return h.next().value ? g | k : g & ~k }, 0), R(), Z(a, 1)); return { Eh: e, Fh: f, Dh: c, Ch: a } }; function Ji(a, b, c) { var d = b.g(Q(function(h) { return "pause" === h.value.type }), O(function(h) { return { timestamp: h.timestamp, value: "pause" } })), e = b.g(Q(function(h) { return "resume" === h.value.type }), O(function(h) { return { timestamp: h.timestamp, value: "resume" } })), f = b.g(Q(function(h) { return "start" === h.value.type }), O(function(h) { return { timestamp: h.timestamp, value: "start" } })), g = Ec([b, c]).g(Q(function(h) { h = u(h); var k = h.next().value; return h.next().value && "bufferStart" === k.value.type }), O(function(h) { return { timestamp: u(h).next().value.timestamp, value: "bufferStart" } })); b = Ec([b, c]).g(Q(function(h) { h = u(h); var k = h.next().value; return h.next().value && "bufferFinish" === k.value.type }), O(function(h) { return { timestamp: u(h).next().value.timestamp, value: "bufferFinish" } })); d = Rc(d, g, f, e, b).g(V(function(h, k) { return { timestamp: k.timestamp, value: 0 === h.value ? "start" === k.value ? 2 : 0 : "pause" === k.value || "bufferStart" === k.value ? 1 : 2 } }, { timestamp: a.o.now(), value: 0 }), W({ timestamp: a.o.now(), value: 0 }), Z(a.h, 2)); e = d.g(O(function(h) { return h.value }), re(), O(function(h) { return 1 !== h[0] && 1 === h[1] }), R(), Q(function(h) { return h }), Z(a.h, 1)); f = e.g(V(function(h) { return h + 1 }, 0), W(0), Z(a.h, 1)); g = d.g(O(function(h) { return h.value }), re(), O(function(h) { return 1 === h[0] && 2 === h[1] }), R(), Q(function(h) { return h }), Z(a.h, 1)); a = g.g(V(function(h) { return h + 1 }, 0), W(0), Z(a.h, 1)); return { Hh: { jk: e, wc: f, tk: g, Ac: a, lf: d } } }; function Ki(a, b, c) { b = b.g(Q(function(e) { return "playerStateChange" === e.value.type }), O(function(e) { return { timestamp: e.timestamp, value: e.value.data.state } }), W({ timestamp: a.o.now(), value: "normal" }), c, Z(a.h, 2)); c = b.g(oh(I(re(), O(function(e) { return "fullscreen" !== e[0] && "fullscreen" === e[1] }), R(), Q(function(e) { return e }))), Z(a.h, 1)); var d = c.g(O(function(e) { return e.value }), Z(a.h, 1)); a = d.g(V(function(e) { return e + 1 }, 0), W(0), Z(a.h, 1)); return { Ih: { Fi: b, rg: d, nd: a, Ei: c } } }; function Li(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = Mi, g = b.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return e.g(Wg(bi, f), W([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), R(fb)) }), Z(a, 1)), h = b.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return e.g(O(function(n) { return n.value }), V(function(n, y) { return Math.max(n, y) }, 0), W(0), R()) }), Z(a, 1)), k = b.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return c.g(O(function(n) { return n.value }), Eh, W(-1), R()) }), Z(a, 1)), l = b.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return c.g(O(function(n) { return n.value }), V(function(n, y) { return Math.max(n, y) }, 0), W(0), R()) }), Z(a, 1)); a = b.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return d.g(V(function(n, y) { return n && y.value }, !0), W(!1), R()) }), Z(a, 1)); return { Xe: g, mk: h, Ze: k, Ye: l, We: a } }; function Ni(a, b, c) { return Object.assign.apply(Object, [{}].concat(ma(Object.keys(c).map(function(d) { var e = c[d]; if (e instanceof Zf) { var f = {}; return f[d] = Oi(a, e.Oa(a), b).g(Z(a, 1)), f } f = {}; return f[d] = Oi(a, e, b).g(Z(a, 1)), f })))) } function Oi(a, b, c) { return bg(a, [c, b]).g(Q(function(d) { d = u(d); var e = d.next().value; d.next(); return void 0 !== e }), R(function(d, e) { d = u(d).next().value; return u(e).next().value === d }), O(function(d) { var e = u(d); d = e.next().value; e = e.next().value; var f = {}; return f[d] = e, f }), V(function(d, e) { return Object.assign({}, d, e) }, {}), Z(a, 1)) }; var Pi; Pi = ["av.key", "js", "20231213"].slice(-1)[0].substring(0, 8); function Qi(a, b, c) { var d; return b.g(R(), Ce(function(e) { return c.g(O(function() { if (!d) { d = !0; try { e.next() } finally { d = !1 } } return !0 })) }), W(!1), Z(a.h, 1)) }; function Ri(a) { return I(oh(O(function(b) { return Ah(b, a) })), Tg(), O(function(b) { return Math.round(b) })) }; function Si(a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (1 < f.length) for (var g = 0; g < f.length - 1; g++) if (f[g] < f[g + 1]) throw Error(); g = e.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return c.g(Xg()) }), R(), Z(a, 1)); e = e.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return c.g(ai()) }), R(), Z(a, 1)); return { Ra: d.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return b.g(Wg(bi, f)) }), R(fb), Z(a, 1)), Fc: d.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return b.g(Wg(Ri, f), O(function(h) { return h.map(function(k, l) { return 0 < l ? k - h[l - 1] : k }) })) }), R(fb), Z(a, 1)), Ng: e, dc: g.g(R(Jh), Z(a, 1)) } }; function Ti(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n, y, p, t, A, F, G) { c = bg(a, [F, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n, y, p, t, A]).g(Q(function(v) { return !!u(v).next().value }), O(function(v) { var C = u(v); C.next(); v = C.next().value; var E = C.next().value, L = C.next().value, J = C.next().value, H = C.next().value, ba = C.next().value, ia = C.next().value, M = C.next().value, T = C.next().value, U = C.next().value, ca = C.next().value, Ze = C.next().value, $e = C.next().value; C = C.next().value; var X = 0, Y = 0; v && (X |= 1, Y |= 0); E && (X |= 0, Y |= 1); void 0 !== J && (X |= 2, Y |= 2, J ? (X |= 4, Y |= 4) : (X |= 33554432, Y |= 33554432)); H && (X |= 8, Y |= 8); void 0 !== ba && (X |= 16, Y |= 16); ba && (X |= 32, Y |= 32); J && ba && (X |= 67108864, Y |= 67108864); J && E && (X |= 0, Y |= 64); J && v && (X |= 64, Y |= 0); L && (X |= 256, Y |= 256); ia && (X |= 0, Y |= 512); 1 === M && (X |= 0, Y |= 1024); 2 === M && (X |= 0, Y |= 2048); T && (X |= 0, Y |= 4096); U && (X |= 0, Y |= 8192); ca && (X |= 0, Y |= 32768); Ze && (X |= 0, Y |= 16384); $e && (X |= 0, Y |= 16777216); C && (X |= 134217728, Y |= 134217728); return [X, Y] })); b = c.g(O(function(v) { return u(v).next().value }), W(0), Z(a, 1)); c = c.g(O(function(v) { v = u(v); v.next(); return v.next().value }), V(function(v, C) { return v | C }, 0), W(0), Z(a, 1)); d = G.g(V(function(v) { return v + 1 }, 0)); a = bg(a, [d, G, c]).g(Q(function(v) { var C = u(v); v = C.next().value; var E = C.next().value; C = C.next().value; return void 0 !== E && void 0 !== C && void 0 !== v }), R(function(v, C) { v = u(v).next().value; return u(C).next().value === v }), O(function(v) { var C = u(v); C.next(); v = C.next().value; C = C.next().value; return [v, C] }), W(["unknown", 0]), re(), O(function(v) { var C = u(v); v = u(C.next().value); v.next(); v = v.next().value; var E = u(C.next().value); C = E.next().value; E = E.next().value; var L = {}; return L[C] = E ^ v, L }), V(function(v, C) { return Object.assign({}, v, C) }, {}), Z(a, 1)); return { Za: b, Xf: c, Y: a } }; function Ui(a, b, c) { return Object.assign.apply(Object, [{}].concat(ma(Object.keys(b).map(function(d) { var e = {}; return e[d] = Vi(a, b[d], c), e })))) } function Vi(a, b, c) { var d = 0; return bg(a, [c, b]).g(Q(function(e) { var f = u(e); e = f.next().value; f = f.next().value; return void 0 !== e && void 0 !== f }), R(function(e, f) { e = u(e).next().value; return u(f).next().value === e }), W(["unknown", 0]), re(), O(function(e) { var f = u(e); e = u(f.next().value); e.next(); e = e.next().value; var g = u(f.next().value); f = g.next().value; g = g.next().value; var h = {}; return h[f] = g - e, h.ji = ++d, h }), V(function(e, f) { return Object.assign({}, e, f) }, {}), Z(a, 1)) }; function Wi(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) { var n = Mi; if (1 < n.length) for (var y = 0; y < n.length - 1; y++) if (n[y] < n[y + 1]) throw Error(); if (1 < l.length) for (y = 0; y < l.length - 1; y++) if (l[y] < l[y + 1]) throw Error(); k = Si(a, c, e, h, k, n); d = d.g(Wg(Ri, l), R(fb), Z(a, 1)); l = k.Fc.g(O(function(E) { return Qh(.5, n, E, !0) }), Z(a, 1)); y = k.Fc.g(O(function(E) { return Qh(1, n, E, !0) }), Z(a, 1)); var p = f.g(Tg(), O(function(E) { return Math.round(E) }), Z(a, 1)), t = e.g(Tg(), O(function(E) { return Math.round(E) }), Z(a, 1)); g = g.g(Tg(), O(function(E) { return Math.round(E) }), Z(a, 1)); e = Ec([e, f]).g(O(function(E) { var L = u(E); E = L.next().value; L = L.next().value; return { timestamp: E.timestamp.maximum(L.timestamp), value: !E.value && L.value } }), ai(), O(function(E) { return Math.round(E) }), W(0), R(), Z(a, 1)); var A = f.g(ai(), Z(a, 1)), F = Ec([c, f]).g(O(function(E) { var L = u(E); E = L.next().value; L = L.next().value; return { timestamp: E.timestamp.maximum(L.timestamp), value: L.value ? E.value : 0 } }), Z(a, 1)); f = h.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return F.g(Wg(Ri, n)) }), R(fb), Z(a, 1)); var G = f.g(O(function(E) { return Qh(.5, n, E) }), Z(a, 1)), v = f.g(O(function(E) { return Qh(1, n, E) }), Z(a, 1)), C = F.g(oh(O(function(E) { return E >= n[2] })), Tg(), O(function(E) { return Math.round(E) }), Z(a, 1)); h = h.g(W(void 0), Ce(function() { return F.g(Wg(bi, n), O(function(E) { return E.map(function(L, J) { return 0 < J ? L - E[J - 1] : L }) })) }), R(fb), Z(a, 1)); a = Rc(c, b).g(O(function(E) { return { timestamp: E.timestamp, value: !0 } }), Tg(), O(function(E) { return Math.round(E) }), W(0), R(), Z(a, 1)); return Object.assign({}, k, { Dj: F, Zc: f, Oe: h, Mg: A, fk: e, Yc: p, Xd: a, xe: g, Bi: l, Ai: y, Gf: G, Ff: v, Hf: C, Oi: t, Mf: d }) }; var Zh = { Ci: 2E3, re: .5, Me: .3 }, Mi = [1, .75, Zh.re, Zh.Me, 0]; function bj(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n, y, p, t) { var A = Mi; e = Yh(a, c, t, e); var F = h.g(O(function(M) { return M[0] })), G = n.g(O(function(M) { return 2E3 <= M[0] }), W(!1), Z(a, 1)), v = b.g(Q(function(M) { return "midpoint" === M.value.type }), he(!0), W(!1), Z(a, 1)); b = bg(a, [v, p]).g(Q(function(M) { return u(M).next().value }), O(function(M) { M = u(M); M.next(); return M.next().value }), W(0), Z(a, 1)); var C = Ec([f, b]).g(O(function(M) { var T = u(M); M = T.next().value; T = T.next().value; return Math.min(0 < M ? M / 2 : 15E3, 0 < T ? T : 15E3, 15E3) }), Z(a, 1)); b = Xh(a, c, F, C, t); F = bg(a, [F, C, v]).g(O(function(M) { var T = u(M); M = T.next().value; var U = T.next().value; T = T.next().value; return void 0 === M || void 0 === U || void 0 === T ? !1 : M >= U || T }), R(), Z(a, 1)); var E = 0, L = 0, J = 0, H = new gc(1), ba = new gc(1), ia = new gc(1); d = d.g(Q(function(M) { return !!M }), O(function(M) { return M.map(function(T) { ia.next(++J); T = T.criteria.filter(function(U) { return null !== U }).map(function(U) { return U }).map(function(U) { return Uh(a, c, A, U, f, g, h, k, l, n, y, p, t) }); return Rc.apply(null, ma(T)).g(Q(function(U) { return U }), W(!1), Ie(function(U) { U && H.next(++E) }), R(), Ie(function(U) { U && ba.next(++L) })) }) }), Ce(function(M) { return Ec(M) }), R(), Z(a, 1)); v = bg(a, [H.g(Z(a, 1)), ba.g(Z(a, 1)), ia.g(Z(a, 1))]).g(O(function(M) { var T = u(M); M = T.next().value; var U = T.next().value; T = T.next().value; return { tmcr: M, tmcf: U, tvcf: T } }), Z(a, 1)); return { Vb: e, Ib: b, pd: F, ag: d, Jh: G, Zf: v } }; var cj = function(a) { this.key = a; this.defaultValue = !1; this.valueType = "boolean" }, dj = function(a) { this.key = a; this.defaultValue = 0; this.valueType = "number" }; var ej = new cj("45430027"), fj = new cj("100006"), gj = new dj("45362137"), hj = new cj("45377435"), ij = new cj("45372163"), jj = new cj("45407241"), kj = new cj("45382077"), lj = new cj("45407239"), mj = new cj("45407240"), nj = new cj("45430682"), oj = new cj("45427308"); var pj = new dj("45389692"); function qj(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n, y, p; return { Rf: null != (b = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, fj)) ? b : !1, Nj: null != (c = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, gj)) ? c : 0, Qj: null != (d = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, hj)) ? d : !1, uk: null != (e = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, ij)) ? e : !1, wk: null != (f = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, kj)) ? f : !1, Ij: null != (g = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, pj)) ? g : 0, zk: null != (h = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, lj)) ? h : !1, Ak: null != (k = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, mj)) ? k : !1, vk: null != (l = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, jj)) ? l : !1, Ti: null != (n = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, oj)) ? n : !1, Qf: null != (y = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, ej)) ? y : !1, Gk: null != (p = null == a ? void 0 : ei(a, nj)) ? p : !1 } }; function rj(a, b) { if (a) throw Error("R"); b.push(65533) } function sj(a, b) { b = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, b); return null == a ? b : a + b } var tj = void 0, uj, vj, wj = "undefined" !== typeof TextDecoder; var xj = "undefined" !== typeof Uint8Array, yj = !gi && "function" === typeof btoa; function zj(a) { if (!yj) { var b; z(Ka(a), "encodeByteArray takes an array as a parameter"); void 0 === b && (b = 0); mi(); b = hi[b]; for (var c = Array(Math.floor(a.length / 3)), d = b[64] || "", e = 0, f = 0; e < a.length - 2; e += 3) { var g = a[e], h = a[e + 1], k = a[e + 2], l = b[g >> 2]; g = b[(g & 3) << 4 | h >> 4]; h = b[(h & 15) << 2 | k >> 6]; k = b[k & 63]; c[f++] = "" + l + g + h + k } l = 0; k = d; switch (a.length - e) { case 2: l = a[e + 1], k = b[(l & 15) << 2] || d; case 1: a = a[e], c[f] = "" + b[a >> 2] + b[(a & 3) << 4 | l >> 4] + k + d } return c.join("") } b = ""; c = 0; for (d = a.length - 10240; c < d;) b += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a.subarray(c, c += 10240)); b += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, c ? a.subarray(c) : a); return btoa(b) } var Aj = /[-_.]/g, Bj = { "-": "+", _: "/", ".": "=" }; function Cj(a) { return Bj[a] || "" } function Dj(a) { if (!yj) return li(a); var b = a; Aj.test(b) && (b = b.replace(Aj, Cj)); try { var c = atob(b) } catch (d) { throw Error("S`" + a + "`" + d); } a = new Uint8Array(c.length); for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++) a[b] = c.charCodeAt(b); return a } var Ej, Fj = {}; var Gj, Ij = function(a, b) { if (b !== Fj) throw Error("T"); this.Kc = a; if (null != a && 0 === a.length) throw Error("U"); this.dontPassByteStringToStructuredClone = Hj }; function Hj() {}; function Jj(a) { if ("string" === typeof a) return { buffer: Dj(a), ab: !1 }; if (Array.isArray(a)) return { buffer: new Uint8Array(a), ab: !1 }; if (a.constructor === Uint8Array) return { buffer: a, ab: !1 }; if (a.constructor === ArrayBuffer) return { buffer: new Uint8Array(a), ab: !1 }; if (a.constructor === Ij) { ab(a, Ij); if (Fj !== Fj) throw Error("T"); var b = a.Kc; null == b || xj && null != b && b instanceof Uint8Array || ("string" === typeof b ? b = Dj(b) : (Wa("Cannot coerce to Uint8Array: " + Ja(b)), b = null)); return { buffer: (null == b ? b : a.Kc = b) || Ej || (Ej = new Uint8Array(0)), ab: !0 } } if (a instanceof Uint8Array) return { buffer: new Uint8Array(a.buffer, a.byteOffset, a.byteLength), ab: !1 }; throw Error("da"); }; var Kj = "function" === typeof Uint8Array.prototype.slice, Lj = 0, Mj = 0; function Nj(a) { var b = 0 > a; a = Math.abs(a); var c = a >>> 0; a = Math.floor((a - c) / 4294967296); b && (c = u(Oj(c, a)), b = c.next().value, a = c.next().value, c = b); Lj = c >>> 0; Mj = a >>> 0 } function Pj() { var a = Lj, b = Mj; b >>>= 0; a >>>= 0; if (2097151 >= b) var c = "" + (4294967296 * b + a); else "function" === typeof BigInt ? c = "" + (BigInt(b) << BigInt(32) | BigInt(a)) : (c = (a >>> 24 | b << 8) & 16777215, b = b >> 16 & 65535, a = (a & 16777215) + 6777216 * c + 6710656 * b, c += 8147497 * b, b *= 2, 1E7 <= a && (c += Math.floor(a / 1E7), a %= 1E7), 1E7 <= c && (b += Math.floor(c / 1E7), c %= 1E7), z(b), c = b + Qj(c) + Qj(a)); return c } function Qj(a) { a = String(a); return "0000000".slice(a.length) + a } function Oj(a, b) { b = ~b; a ? a = ~a + 1 : b += 1; return [a, b] }; var Sj = function(a, b) { this.ta = null; this.ad = !1; this.A = this.va = this.Ua = 0; Rj(this, a, b) }, Rj = function(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? {} : c; a.ac = void 0 === c.ac ? !1 : c.ac; b && (b = Jj(b), a.ta = b.buffer, a.ad = b.ab, a.Ua = 0, a.va = a.ta.length, a.A = a.Ua) }; m = Sj.prototype; m.ve = function() { this.clear(); 100 > Tj.length && Tj.push(this) }; m.clear = function() { this.ta = null; this.ad = !1; this.A = this.va = this.Ua = 0; this.ac = !1 }; m.setEnd = function(a) { this.va = a }; m.reset = function() { this.A = this.Ua }; m.da = function() { return this.A }; m.advance = function(a) { Uj(this, this.A + a) }; var Vj = function(a) { var b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = a.ta, f = a.A; do { var g = e[f++]; b |= (g & 127) << d; d += 7 } while (32 > d && g & 128); 32 < d && (c |= (g & 127) >> 4); for (d = 3; 32 > d && g & 128; d += 7) g = e[f++], c |= (g & 127) << d; Uj(a, f); if (128 > g) return 4294967296 * (c >>> 0) + (b >>> 0 >>> 0); throw Error("aa"); }, Uj = function(a, b) { a.A = b; if (b > a.va) throw Error("ba`" + b + "`" + a.va); }, Wj = function(a) { var b = a.ta, c = a.A, d = b[c++], e = d & 127; if (d & 128 && (d = b[c++], e |= (d & 127) << 7, d & 128 && (d = b[c++], e |= (d & 127) << 14, d & 128 && (d = b[c++], e |= (d & 127) << 21, d & 128 && (d = b[c++], e |= d << 28, d & 128 && b[c++] & 128 && b[c++] & 128 && b[c++] & 128 && b[c++] & 128 && b[c++] & 128))))) throw Error("aa"); Uj(a, c); return e }, Xj = function(a) { return Wj(a) >>> 0 }, Yj = function(a) { return Vj(a) }, Zj = function(a) { var b = a.ta, c = a.A, d = b[c + 0], e = b[c + 1], f = b[c + 2]; b = b[c + 3]; a.advance(4); return (d << 0 | e << 8 | f << 16 | b << 24) >>> 0 }, ak = function(a) { for (var b = 0, c = a.A, d = c + 10, e = a.ta; c < d;) { var f = e[c++]; b |= f; if (0 === (f & 128)) return Uj(a, c), !!(b & 127) } throw Error("aa"); }, bk = function(a, b) { if (0 > b) throw Error("ca`" + b); var c = a.A, d = c + b; if (d > a.va) throw Error("ba`" + (a.va - c) + "`" + b); a.A = d; return c }; Sj.prototype.af = function(a, b) { var c = bk(this, a), d = z(this.ta); if (wj) { var e; b ? (e = uj) || (e = uj = new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: !0 })) : (e = vj) || (e = vj = new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: !1 })); var f = c + a; d = 0 === c && f === d.length ? d : d.subarray(c, f); try { var g = e.decode(d) } catch (n) { if (b) { if (void 0 === tj) { try { e.decode(new Uint8Array([128])) } catch (y) {} try { e.decode(new Uint8Array([97])), tj = !0 } catch (y) { tj = !1 } } b = !tj } b && (uj = void 0); throw n; } } else { a = c + a; g = []; for (var h = null, k, l; c < a;) k = d[c++], 128 > k ? g.push(k) : 224 > k ? c >= a ? rj(b, g) : (l = d[c++], 194 > k || 128 !== (l & 192) ? (c--, rj(b, g)) : (k = (k & 31) << 6 | l & 63, z(128 <= k && 2047 >= k), g.push(k))) : 240 > k ? c >= a - 1 ? rj(b, g) : (l = d[c++], 128 !== (l & 192) || 224 === k && 160 > l || 237 === k && 160 <= l || 128 !== ((e = d[c++]) & 192) ? (c--, rj(b, g)) : (k = (k & 15) << 12 | (l & 63) << 6 | e & 63, z(2048 <= k && 65535 >= k), z(55296 > k || 57343 < k), g.push(k))) : 244 >= k ? c >= a - 2 ? rj(b, g) : (l = d[c++], 128 !== (l & 192) || 0 !== (k << 28) + (l - 144) >> 30 || 128 !== ((e = d[c++]) & 192) || 128 !== ((f = d[c++]) & 192) ? (c--, rj(b, g)) : (k = (k & 7) << 18 | (l & 63) << 12 | (e & 63) << 6 | f & 63, z(65536 <= k && 1114111 >= k), k -= 65536, g.push((k >> 10 & 1023) + 55296, (k & 1023) + 56320))) : rj(b, g), 8192 <= g.length && (h = sj(h, g), g.length = 0); z(c === a, "expected " + c + " === " + a); g = sj(h, g) } return g }; Sj.prototype.Hd = function(a) { if (0 == a) return Gj || (Gj = new Ij(null, Fj)); var b = bk(this, a); if (this.ac && this.ad) b = this.ta.subarray(b, b + a); else { var c = z(this.ta); a = b + a; b = b === a ? Ej || (Ej = new Uint8Array(0)) : Kj ? c.slice(b, a) : new Uint8Array(c.subarray(b, a)) } ab(b, Uint8Array); return 0 == b.length ? Gj || (Gj = new Ij(null, Fj)) : new Ij(b, Fj) }; var Tj = []; z(!0); var dk = function(a, b) { if (Tj.length) { var c = Tj.pop(); Rj(c, a, b); a = c } else a = new Sj(a, b); this.i = a; this.Fa = this.i.da(); this.j = this.ya = this.sb = -1; ck(this, b) }, ck = function(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? {} : b; a.kd = void 0 === b.kd ? !1 : b.kd }; dk.prototype.ve = function() { this.i.clear(); this.j = this.sb = this.ya = -1; 100 > ek.length && ek.push(this) }; dk.prototype.da = function() { return this.i.da() }; dk.prototype.reset = function() { this.i.reset(); this.Fa = this.i.da(); this.j = this.sb = this.ya = -1 }; dk.prototype.advance = function(a) { this.i.advance(a) }; var fk = function(a) { var b = a.i; if (b.A == b.va) return !1; - 1 !== a.ya && (b = a.i.da(), a.i.A = a.Fa, Xj(a.i), 4 === a.j || 3 === a.j ? z(b === a.i.da(), "Expected to not advance the cursor. Group tags do not have values.") : z(b > a.i.da(), "Expected to read the field, did you forget to call a read or skip method?"), a.i.A = b); a.Fa = a.i.da(); b = Xj(a.i); var c = b >>> 3, d = b & 7; if (!(0 <= d && 5 >= d)) throw Error("W`" + d + "`" + a.Fa); if (1 > c) throw Error("X`" + c + "`" + a.Fa); a.ya = b; a.sb = c; a.j = d; return !0 }, hk = function(a) { if (2 != a.j) Wa("Invalid wire type for skipDelimitedField"), gk(a); else { var b = Xj(a.i); a.i.advance(b) } }, gk = function(a) { switch (a.j) { case 0: 0 != a.j ? (Wa("Invalid wire type for skipVarintField"), gk(a)) : ak(a.i); break; case 1: z(1 === a.j); a.i.advance(8); break; case 2: hk(a); break; case 5: z(5 === a.j); a.i.advance(4); break; case 3: var b = a.sb; do { if (!fk(a)) throw Error("Z"); if (4 == a.j) { if (a.sb != b) throw Error("$"); break } gk(a) } while (1); break; default: throw Error("W`" + a.j + "`" + a.Fa); } }, jk = function(a) { var b = a.Fa; gk(a); return ik(a, b) }, ik = function(a, b) { if (!a.kd) { var c = a.i.da(); a.i.A = b; b = a.i.Hd(c - b); z(c == a.i.da()); return b } }, kk = function(a, b, c) { z(2 == a.j); var d = a.i.va, e = Xj(a.i), f = a.i.da() + e, g = f - d; 0 >= g && (a.i.setEnd(f), c(b, a, void 0, void 0, void 0), g = f - a.i.da()); if (g) throw Error("V`" + e + "`" + (e - g)); a.i.A = f; a.i.setEnd(d) }, mk = function(a, b) { z(11 === a.ya); for (var c = 0, d = 0; fk(a) && 4 != a.j;) 16 !== a.ya || c ? 26 !== a.ya || d ? gk(a) : c ? (d = -1, kk(a, c, b)) : (d = a.Fa, hk(a)) : (c = lk(a), d && (z(0 < d), a.ya = -1, a.j = -1, a.i.A = d, d = 0)); if (12 !== a.ya || !d || !c) throw Error("Y"); }, lk = function(a) { z(0 == a.j); return Xj(a.i) }, nk = function(a) { z(0 == a.j); return Vj(a.i) }; dk.prototype.af = function() { return ok(this) }; var ok = function(a) { z(2 == a.j); var b = Xj(a.i); return a.i.af(b, !0) }; dk.prototype.Hd = function() { z(2 == this.j); var a = Xj(this.i); return this.i.Hd(a) }; var pk = function(a, b, c) { z(2 == a.j); var d = Xj(a.i); for (d = a.i.da() + d; a.i.da() < d;) c.push(b(a.i)) }, ek = []; var qk = function(a, b, c, d) { this.Nc = a; this.tf = c; this.sf = d }; function rk(a) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(a) }; var sk; sk = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol() ? Symbol("INTERNAL_ARRAY_STATE") : void 0; z(13 === Math.round(Math.log2(Math.max.apply(Math, ma(Object.values({ jj: 1, hj: 2, gj: 4, pj: 8, oj: 16, mj: 32, Xi: 64, yj: 128, fj: 256, ej: 512, ij: 1024, aj: 2048, uj: 4096, dj: 8192 })))))); function tk(a) { z((a & 16777215) == a) } var uk = sk ? function(a, b) { tk(b); Za(a, "state is only maintained on arrays."); a[sk] |= b } : function(a, b) { tk(b); Za(a, "state is only maintained on arrays."); void 0 !== a.Qa ? a.Qa |= b : Object.defineProperties(a, { Qa: { value: b, configurable: !0, writable: !0, enumerable: !1 } }) }; function vk(a) { var b = wk(a); 1 !== (b & 1) && (Object.isFrozen(a) && (a = rk(a)), xk(a, b | 1)) } var yk = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Array.prototype, "Kg"); Object.defineProperties(Array.prototype, { Kg: { get: function() { function a(e, f) { e & b && c.push(f) } var b = wk(this), c = []; a(1, "IS_REPEATED_FIELD"); a(2, "IS_IMMUTABLE_ARRAY"); a(4, "IS_API_FORMATTED"); a(4096, "STRING_FORMATTED"); a(8192, "GBIGINT_FORMATTED"); a(8, "ONLY_MUTABLE_VALUES"); a(32, "MUTABLE_REFERENCES_ARE_OWNED"); a(64, "CONSTRUCTED"); a(128, "TRANSFERRED"); a(256, "HAS_SPARSE_OBJECT"); a(512, "HAS_MESSAGE_ID"); a(2048, "FROZEN_ARRAY"); var d = zk(b); 536870912 !== d && c.push("pivot: " + d); d = c.join(","); return yk ? yk.get.call(this) + "|" + d : d }, configurable: !0, enumerable: !1 } }); var wk = sk ? function(a) { Za(a, "state is only maintained on arrays."); return a[sk] | 0 } : function(a) { Za(a, "state is only maintained on arrays."); return a.Qa | 0 }; function Ak(a, b) { z(b & 64, "state for messages must be constructed"); z(0 === (b & 5), "state for messages should not contain repeated field state"); var c = zk(b), d = a.length; z(c + (+!!(b & 512) - 1) >= d - 1, "pivot %s is pointing at an index earlier than the last index of the array, length: %s", c, d); b & 512 && z("string" === typeof a[0], "arrays with a message_id bit must have a string in the first position, got: %s", a[0]); a = d ? a[d - 1] : void 0; z((null != a && "object" === typeof a && a.constructor === Object) === !!(b & 256), "arraystate and array disagree on sparseObject presence") } var Bk = sk ? function(a) { Za(a, "state is only maintained on arrays."); var b = a[sk]; Ak(a, b); return b } : function(a) { Za(a, "state is only maintained on arrays."); var b = a.Qa; Ak(a, b); return b }, xk = sk ? function(a, b) { Za(a, "state is only maintained on arrays."); tk(b); a[sk] = b } : function(a, b) { Za(a, "state is only maintained on arrays."); tk(b); void 0 !== a.Qa ? a.Qa = b : Object.defineProperties(a, { Qa: { value: b, configurable: !0, writable: !0, enumerable: !1 } }) }; function Ck() { var a = []; uk(a, 1); return a } function Dk(a, b) { xk(b, (a | 0) & -14591) } function Ek(a, b) { xk(b, (a | 34) & -14557) } function Fk(a, b) { Xa(b); z(0 < b && 1023 >= b || 536870912 === b); return a & -16760833 | (b & 1023) << 14 } function zk(a) { a = a >> 14 & 1023; return 0 === a ? 536870912 : a }; var Gk, Hk = {}; function Ik(a) { var b = a.Yg === Hk; z(!Gk || b === a instanceof Gk); return b } var Jk = {}; function Kk(a) { var b = !(!a || "object" !== typeof a || a.ck !== Jk); z(b === a instanceof Map); return b && 0 === ab(a, Map).size } function Lk(a, b) { Xa(a); z(0 < a); z(0 === b || -1 === b); return a + b } function Mk(a, b) { Xa(a); z(0 <= a); z(0 === b || -1 === b); return a - b } function Nk(a) { return null !== a && "object" === typeof a && !Array.isArray(a) && a.constructor === Object } var Ok, Pk = !tb; function Qk(a, b, c) { if (!Array.isArray(a) || a.length) return !1; var d = wk(a); if (d & 1) return !0; if (!(b && (Array.isArray(b) ? b.includes(c) : b.has(c)))) return !1; xk(a, d | 1); return !0 } var Rk, Sk = []; xk(Sk, 55); Rk = Object.freeze(Sk); var Tk = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && "undefined" != typeof Symbol.hasInstance; function Uk() {} var Vk; function Wk(a, b) { Za(a); if (b) { Vk || (Vk = Symbol("unknownBinaryFields")); var c = a[Vk]; c ? c.push(b) : a[Vk] = [b] } } function Xk(a, b) { Za(a); Za(b); (b = Vk ? Za(b)[Vk] : void 0) && (a[Vk] = rk(b)) } var Yk, Zk; function $k() { return Zk || (Zk = Symbol("JSPB_COMPARISON_TYPE_INFO")) } function al(a, b) { var c = wk(Za(a)); b || z(!(c & 2 && c & 4 || c & 2048) || Object.isFrozen(a)); b = !!(c & 8); c = !!(c & 16 && c & 32); if (b || c) { var d, e, f; a.forEach(function(g) { Array.isArray(g) ? f = !0 : g && Ik(g) && (wk(g.u) & 2 ? e = !0 : d = !0) }); f && z(!e && !d); c && z(!f && !d); b && z(!f && !e) } bl(a) } function bl(a) { var b = wk(a), c = b & 4, d = (4096 & b ? 1 : 0) + (8192 & b ? 1 : 0); z(c && 1 >= d || !c && 0 === d, "Expected at most 1 type-specific formatting bit, but got " + d + " with state: " + b); if (4096 & wk(a)) for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) "string" !== typeof a[b] && Wa("Unexpected element of type " + typeof a[b] + " in string formatted repeated 64-bit int field") } var cl = Object.freeze(new function() {}); Object.freeze(new function() {}); function dl(a) { if (null == a || "number" === typeof a) return a; if ("NaN" === a || "Infinity" === a || "-Infinity" === a) return Number(a) } function el(a) { if (null == a || "boolean" === typeof a) return a; if ("number" === typeof a) return !!a } var fl = /^-?([1-9][0-9]*|0)(\.[0-9]+)?$/; function gl(a) { var b = typeof a; return "number" === b ? Number.isFinite(a) : "string" !== b ? !1 : fl.test(a) } function hl(a) { if (null == a) return a; if ("string" === typeof a) { if (!a) return; a = +a } if ("number" === typeof a) return Number.isFinite(a) ? a | 0 : void 0 } function il(a) { if (null == a) return a; if ("string" === typeof a) { if (!a) return; a = +a } if ("number" === typeof a) return Number.isFinite(a) ? a >>> 0 : void 0 } function jl(a) { return "-" === a[0] ? !1 : 20 > a.length ? !0 : 20 === a.length && 184467 > Number(a.substring(0, 6)) } function kl(a) { z(0 > a || !(0 < a && a < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)); z(Number.isInteger(a)); if (0 > a) { Nj(a); var b = Pj(); a = Number(b); return Number.isSafeInteger(a) ? a : b } if (jl(String(a))) return a; Nj(a); return 4294967296 * Mj + (Lj >>> 0) } function ll(a) { if (null == a) return a; if (gl(a)) { if ("string" === typeof a) { z(gl(a)); z(!0); var b = Math.trunc(Number(a)); if (Number.isSafeInteger(b) && 0 <= b) a = String(b); else if (b = a.indexOf("."), -1 !== b && (a = a.substring(0, b)), z(-1 === a.indexOf(".")), !jl(a)) { z(0 < a.length); if (16 > a.length) Nj(Number(a)); else if ("function" === typeof BigInt) a = BigInt(a), Lj = Number(a & BigInt(4294967295)) >>> 0, Mj = Number(a >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295)); else { z(0 < a.length); b = +("-" === a[0]); Mj = Lj = 0; for (var c = a.length, d = 0 + b, e = (c - b) % 6 + b; e <= c; d = e, e += 6) d = Number(a.slice(d, e)), Mj *= 1E6, Lj = 1E6 * Lj + d, 4294967296 <= Lj && (Mj += Math.trunc(Lj / 4294967296), Mj >>>= 0, Lj >>>= 0); b && (b = u(Oj(Lj, Mj)), a = b.next().value, b = b.next().value, Lj = a, Mj = b) } a = Pj() } return a } if ("number" === typeof a) return z(gl(a)), z(!0), a = Math.trunc(a), 0 <= a && Number.isSafeInteger(a) ? a : kl(a) } }; var ml, nl, ol; function pl(a) { switch (typeof a) { case "boolean": return nl || (nl = [0, void 0, !0]); case "number": return 0 < a ? void 0 : 0 === a ? ol || (ol = [0, void 0]) : [-a, void 0]; case "string": return [0, a]; case "object": return Za(a), z(2 === a.length || 3 === a.length && !0 === a[2]), z(null == a[0] || "number" === typeof a[0] && 0 <= a[0]), z(null == a[1] || "string" === typeof a[1]), a } } function ql(a, b) { Za(b); return rl(a, b[0], b[1]) } function rl(a, b, c) { null == a && (a = ml); ml = void 0; if (null != a) for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) { var e = a[d]; Array.isArray(e) && al(e) } if (null == a) e = 96, c ? (a = [c], e |= 512) : a = [], b && (e = Fk(e, b)); else { if (!Array.isArray(a)) throw Error("fa`" + JSON.stringify(a) + "`" + Ja(a)); if (Object.isFrozen(a) || !Object.isExtensible(a) || Object.isSealed(a)) throw Error("ga"); e = wk(a); if (e & 64) return Ak(a, e), Zk && delete a[Zk], a; e |= 64; if (c && (e |= 512, c !== a[0])) throw Error("ha`" + c + "`" + JSON.stringify(a[0]) + "`" + Ja(a[0])); a: { d = a;c = e; if (e = d.length) { var f = e - 1; if (Nk(d[f])) { c |= 256; b = Mk(f, +!!(c & 512) - 1); if (1024 <= b) throw Error("ia`" + b); e = Fk(c, b); break a } } if (b) { b = Math.max(b, Mk(e, +!!(c & 512) - 1)); if (1024 < b) throw Error("ja`" + e); e = Fk(c, b) } else e = c } } xk(a, e); z(e & 64); return a }; var sl = function() { throw Error("ka"); }; if (Tk) { var tl = function() { throw Error("la"); }, ul = {}; Object.defineProperties(sl, (ul[Symbol.hasInstance] = { value: tl, configurable: !1, writable: !1, enumerable: !1 }, ul)); z(sl[Symbol.hasInstance] === tl, "defineProperties did not work: was it monkey-patched?") }; function vl(a, b) { return wl(b) } function wl(a) { switch (typeof a) { case "number": return isFinite(a) ? a : String(a); case "boolean": return a ? 1 : 0; case "object": if (a) { if (Array.isArray(a)) return Pk || !Qk(a, void 0, 9999) ? a : void 0; if (xj && null != a && a instanceof Uint8Array) return zj(a); if (a instanceof Ij) { var b = a.Kc; return null == b ? "" : "string" === typeof b ? b : a.Kc = zj(b) } } } return a }; function xl(a, b, c) { var d = rk(a), e = d.length, f = b & 256 ? d[e - 1] : void 0; e += f ? -1 : 0; for (b = b & 512 ? 1 : 0; b < e; b++) d[b] = c(d[b]); if (f) { b = d[b] = {}; for (var g in f) z(!isNaN(g), "should not have non-numeric keys in sparse objects after a constructor is called."), b[g] = c(f[g]) } Xk(d, a); return d } function yl(a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (null != a) { if (Array.isArray(a)) a = e && 0 == a.length && wk(a) & 1 ? void 0 : f && wk(a) & 2 ? a : zl(a, b, c, void 0 !== d, e, f); else if (Nk(a)) { var g = {}, h; for (h in a) g[h] = yl(a[h], b, c, d, e, f); a = g } else a = b(a, d); return a } } function zl(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = d || c ? wk(a) : 0; d = d ? !!(g & 32) : void 0; for (var h = rk(a), k = 0; k < h.length; k++) h[k] = yl(h[k], b, c, d, e, f); c && (Xk(h, a), c(g, h)); return h } function Al(a) { return Ik(a) ? a.toJSON() : wl(a) }; function Bl(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? Ek : c; if (null != a) { if (xj && a instanceof Uint8Array) return b ? a : new Uint8Array(a); if (Array.isArray(a)) { var d = wk(a); if (d & 2) return a; al(a); b && (b = 0 === d || !!(d & 32) && !(d & 64 || !(d & 16))); return b ? (xk(a, (d | 34) & -12293), a) : zl(a, Bl, d & 4 ? Ek : c, !0, !1, !0) } Ik(a) && (z(Ik(a)), c = a.u, d = Bk(c), a = d & 2 ? a : Cl(a, c, d, !0)); return a } } function Cl(a, b, c, d) { a = a.constructor; b = Dl(b, c, d); z(!!(wk(b) & 32)); ml = b; b = new a(b); ml = void 0; return b } function Dl(a, b, c) { var d = c || b & 2 ? Ek : Dk, e = !!(b & 32); a = xl(a, b, function(f) { return Bl(f, e, d) }); uk(a, 32 | (c ? 2 : 0)); return a } function El(a) { var b = a.u, c = Bk(b); return c & 2 ? Cl(a, b, c, !1) : a }; var Fl = function(a, b, c, d) { if (-1 === c) return null; if (c >= zk(b)) { if (b & 256) return a[a.length - 1][c] } else { var e = a.length; if (d && b & 256 && (d = a[e - 1][c], null != d)) return d; b = Lk(c, +!!(b & 512) - 1); if (b < e) return a[b] } }; function Gl(a, b, c, d) { z(!Nk(d), "Invalid object passed to a setter"); var e = zk(b); if (c >= e) { z(536870912 !== e); var f = b; if (b & 256) e = a[a.length - 1]; else { if (null == d) return; e = Lk(e, +!!(b & 512) - 1); z(e >= a.length && Number.isInteger(e) && 4294967295 > e, "Expected sparseObjectIndex (%s) to be >= %s and a valid array index", e, a.length); e = a[e] = {}; f |= 256 } e[c] = d; f !== b && xk(a, f) } else a[Lk(c, +!!(b & 512) - 1)] = d, b & 256 && (a = a[a.length - 1], c in a && delete a[c]) } function Hl(a, b) { if (!a) return a; z(wk(b) & 2 ? !!(wk(a.u) & 2) : !0); return a } var Il = function(a, b) { var c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c; var d = Bk(a); z(!0); var e = d & 2; c = Fl(a, d, b, c); Array.isArray(c) || (c = Rk); var f = !!(d & 32), g = wk(c); 0 === g && f && !e ? (g |= 33, xk(c, g)) : g & 1 || (g |= 1, xk(c, g)); if (e) g & 2 || uk(c, 34), Object.freeze(c); else if (2 & g || 2048 & g) c = rk(c), e = 1, f && (e |= 32), xk(c, e), Gl(a, d, b, c); b = c; d = !1; e = !0; d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d; e = void 0 === e ? !1 : e; al(b, d); z(!!(wk(b) & 1)); d || (e || z(Object.isFrozen(b) || !(wk(b) & 32)), z(wk(a) & 2 ? Object.isFrozen(b) : !0)); return b }, Jl = function(a, b, c, d) { var e = Bk(a); if (e & 2) throw Error("ea"); d = Fl(a, e, c, d); if (null != d && Ik(d)) return b = El(d), b !== d && Gl(a, e, c, b), b.u; if (Array.isArray(d)) { var f = wk(d); f = f & 2 ? Dl(d, f, !1) : d; f = ql(f, b) } else f = ql(void 0, b); f !== d && Gl(a, e, c, f); return f }, Kl = function(a, b, c, d) { a = a.u; var e = Bk(a); d = Fl(a, e, c, d); if (null != d && "object" === typeof d && Ik(d)) b = d; else if (Array.isArray(d)) { var f = wk(d), g = f; 0 === g && (g |= e & 32); g |= e & 2; g !== f && xk(d, g); b = new b(d) } else b = void 0; b !== d && null != b && Gl(a, e, c, b); return Hl(b, a) }; if ("undefined" !== typeof Proxy) { var Ml = Ll; new Proxy({}, { getPrototypeOf: Ml, setPrototypeOf: Ml, isExtensible: Ml, preventExtensions: Ml, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Ml, defineProperty: Ml, has: Ml, get: Ml, set: Ml, deleteProperty: Ml, apply: Ml, construct: Ml }) } function Ll() { throw Error("ma"); throw Error(); }; var Nl = function(a, b, c) { ab(this, Nl, "The message constructor should only be used by subclasses"); z(this.constructor !== Nl, "Message is an abstract class and cannot be directly constructed"); this.u = rl(a, b, c); this.preventPassingToStructuredClone = Uk }; m = Nl.prototype; m.toJSON = function() { if (Ok) var a = Ol(this, this.u, !1); else a = this.u, Za(a), a = zl(a, Al, void 0, void 0, !1, !1), a = Ol(this, a, !0); return a }; m.Cc = function() { Ok = !0; try { return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON(), vl) } finally { Ok = !1 } }; m.getExtension = function(a) { ab(this, a.og); var b = ab(this, Nl); b = a.mb ? a.vd ? a.Hb(b, a.mb, a.nb, void 0 !== cl ? 1 : 2, !0) : a.Hb(b, a.mb, a.nb, !0) : a.vd ? a.Hb(b, a.nb, void 0 !== cl ? 1 : 2, !0) : a.Hb(b, a.nb, a.defaultValue, !0); return a.Xj && null == b ? a.defaultValue : b }; m.hasExtension = function(a) { z(!a.vd, "repeated extensions don't support hasExtension"); if (a.mb) a = void 0 !== Kl(this, a.mb, a.nb, !0); else { z(!a.vd, "repeated extensions don't support getExtensionOrUndefined"); ab(this, a.og); var b = ab(this, Nl); a = a.mb ? a.Hb(b, a.mb, a.nb, !0) : a.Hb(b, a.nb, null, !0); a = void 0 !== (null === a ? void 0 : a) } return a }; m.clone = function() { var a = ab(this, Nl); z(Ik(a)); var b = a.u; return Cl(a, b, Bk(b), !1) }; m.ab = function() { return !!(wk(this.u) & 2) }; Gk = Nl; Nl.prototype.Yg = Hk; Nl.prototype.toString = function() { return Ol(this, this.u, !1).toString() }; function Ol(a, b, c) { var d = a.constructor.qk, e = Bk(c ? a.u : b), f = zk(e), g = !1; if (d && Pk) { if (!c) { b = rk(b); var h; if (b.length && Nk(h = b[b.length - 1])) for (g = 0; g < d.length; g++) if (d[g] >= f) { Object.assign(b[b.length - 1] = {}, h); break } g = !0 } f = b; c = !c; h = Bk(a.u); a = zk(h); h = +!!(h & 512) - 1; for (var k, l, n = 0; n < d.length; n++) if (l = d[n], l < a) { l = Lk(l, h); var y = f[l]; null == y ? f[l] = c ? Rk : Ck() : c && y !== Rk && vk(y) } else k || (y = void 0, f.length && Nk(y = f[f.length - 1]) ? k = y : f.push(k = {})), y = k[l], null == k[l] ? k[l] = c ? Rk : Ck() : c && y !== Rk && vk(y) } k = b.length; if (!k) return b; var p; if (Nk(f = b[k - 1])) { a: { var t = f;c = {};a = !1; for (var A in t) { h = t[A]; if (Array.isArray(h)) { n = h; if (Qk(h, d, +A) || Kk(h)) h = null; h != n && (a = !0) } null != h ? c[A] = h : a = !0 } if (a) { for (var F in c) { t = c; break a } t = null } } t != f && (p = !0);k-- } for (e = +!!(e & 512) - 1; 0 < k; k--) { A = k - 1; f = b[A]; if (null != f && !Qk(f, d, A - e) && !Kk(f)) break; var G = !0 } if (!p && !G) return b; b = g ? b : Array.prototype.slice.call(b, 0, k); g && (b.length = k); t && b.push(t); return b }; function Pl(a) { return Array.isArray(a) ? a[0] instanceof qk ? (z(2 === a.length), Ql(a[1]), a) : [Rl, Ql(a)] : [ab(a, qk), void 0] } var Ul = function(a, b, c) { Za(a); for (var d = c.se, e = {}; fk(b) && 4 != b.j;) if (e = { Ud: void 0 }, 11 === b.ya) { var f = b.Fa; e.Ud = !1; mk(b, function(g) { return function(h, k) { var l = c[h]; if (!l) { var n = d[h]; if (n) { l = Ql(n); var y = Sl(l), p = Tl(l).rb; l = c[h] = function(t, A, F) { return y(Jl(A, p, F, !0), t) } } } l ? l(k, a, h) : (g.Ud = !0, k.i.A = k.i.va) } }(e)); e.Ud && Wk(a, ik(b, f)) } else Wk(a, jk(b)) }, Wl = function(a, b) { return function(c, d, e) { return c.Nk(e, Vl(d, a), b) } }; function Xl(a, b, c) { if (Array.isArray(b)) { var d = wk(b); if (d & 4) return b; for (var e = 0, f = 0; e < b.length; e++) { var g = a(b[e]); null != g && (b[f++] = g) } f < e && (b.length = f); c && (xk(b, (d | 5) & -12289), d & 2 && Object.freeze(b)); return b } } function Vl(a, b) { return a instanceof Nl ? a.u : Array.isArray(a) ? ql(a, b) : void 0 } var Yl = Symbol("deserializeBinaryFromReaderCache"); function Sl(a) { var b = a[Yl]; if (!b) { var c = Zl(a), d = Tl(a), e = d.pe; b = e ? function(f, g) { return e(f, g, d) } : function(f, g) { for (; fk(g) && 4 != g.j;) { var h = g.sb, k = d[h]; if (!k) { var l = d.se; l && (l = l[h]) && (k = d[h] = $l(l)) } k && k(g, f, h) || Wk(f, jk(g)) } c === am || c === bm || c.Ue || (f[$k()] = c) }; a[Yl] = b } return b } function $l(a) { a = Pl(a); var b = ab(a[0], qk).Nc; if (a = a[1]) { Ql(a); var c = Sl(a), d = Tl(z(a)).rb; return function(e, f, g) { return b(e, f, g, d, c) } } return b } var am, bm, cm = Symbol("comparisonTypeInfoCache"); function dm(a, b, c) { var d = c[1]; if (d) { var e = d[cm]; var f = e ? e.rb : z(pl(d[0])); a[b] = null != e ? e : d } f && f === nl ? Za(a.uc || (a.uc = [])).push(b) : c[0] && Za(a.zc || (a.zc = [])).push(b) } function em(a, b) { return [a.tf, !b || 0 < b[0] ? void 0 : b] } function Zl(a) { var b = a[cm]; if (b) return b; b = fm(a, a[cm] = {}, em, em, dm); if (!b.zc && !b.uc) { var c = !0, d; for (d in b) { isNaN(d) || (c = !1); break } c ? (b = z(pl(a[0])) === nl, b = a[cm] = b ? bm || (bm = { rb: z(pl(!0)) }) : am || (am = {})) : b.Ue = !0 } return b } function gm(a, b, c, d) { var e; (e = b[a]) ? Array.isArray(e) && (b[a] = e = Zl(e)): e = void 0; if (e) { var f = b.zc; (f = (f ? Array.isArray(f) ? b.zc = new Set(f) : f : Yk || (Yk = new Set)).has(a)) || (f = b.uc, f = (f ? Array.isArray(f) ? b.uc = new Set(f) : f : Yk || (Yk = new Set)).has(a)); if (f) { if (Array.isArray(c)) for (f = 0; f < c.length; f++) { var g = c[f]; d = !1; if (g instanceof Nl) d = !0, g = g.u; else if (!Array.isArray(g)) throw Error("na`" + g + "`" + a + "`" + JSON.stringify(b)); hm(g, e, d) } } else { if (c instanceof Nl) d = !0, c = c.u; else if (!Array.isArray(c)) throw Error("oa"); hm(c, e, d) } } } function hm(a, b, c) { Za(a); if (b !== am && b !== bm) { b.Ue || (a[$k()] = b); var d = a.length; var e = z(b.rb); Za(e); e = e[1] ? 0 : -1; for (var f = 0; f < a.length; f++) { var g = a[f]; if (g && "object" === typeof g) if (f === d - 1 && Nk(g)) for (var h in g) { var k = +h; if (Number.isNaN(k)) { var l = g[h]; l && "object" === typeof l && gm(k, b, l, c) } } else k = Mk(f, e), gm(k, b, g, c) } } } var im = Symbol("makeCrossSerializerComparisonsCompatible"); function jm(a) { var b = a[im]; if (!b) { var c = Zl(a); b = function(d) { return hm(d, c, !0) }; a[im] = b } return b } function Ql(a) { Za(a); var b; if (!(b = km in a || lm in a) && (b = 0 < a.length)) { b = a[0]; var c = pl(b); null != c && c !== b && (a[0] = c); b = null != c } z(b); return a } function mm(a, b, c) { a[b] = c } function fm(a, b, c, d, e) { e = void 0 === e ? mm : e; b.rb = z(pl(a[0])); var f = 0, g = a[++f]; g && g.constructor === Object && (b.se = g, g = a[++f], "function" === typeof g && (b.pe = g, b.Lg = Ya(a[++f]), z(b.pe === Ul), z(b.Lg === Wl), g = a[++f])); for (var h = {}; Array.isArray(g) && "number" === typeof g[0] && 0 < g[0];) { for (var k = 0; k < g.length; k++) h[g[k]] = g; g = a[++f] } for (k = 1; void 0 !== g;) { "number" === typeof g && (z(0 < g), k += g, g = a[++f]); var l = void 0; if (g instanceof qk) var n = g; else n = nm, f--; if (n.sf) { g = a[++f]; l = a; var y = f; "function" == typeof g && (z(0 === g.length), g = g(), l[y] = g); Ql(g); l = g } g = a[++f]; y = k + 1; "number" === typeof g && 0 > g && (y -= g, g = a[++f]); for (; k < y; k++) { var p = h[k]; e(b, k, l ? d(n, l, p) : c(n, p)) } } return b } var lm = Symbol("serializerFnCache"), km = Symbol("deserializerFnCache"); function om(a, b) { var c = a.Nc; return b ? function(d, e, f) { return c(d, e, f, b) } : c } function pm(a, b, c) { var d = a.Nc, e, f; return function(g, h, k) { return d(g, h, k, f || (f = Tl(b).rb), e || (e = Sl(b)), c) } } function Tl(a) { var b = a[km]; if (b) return b; Zl(a); b = fm(a, a[km] = {}, om, pm); km in a && lm in a && (a.length = 0); return b } function qm(a, b) { return new qk(a, b, !1, !1) } function rm(a, b, c) { Gl(a, Bk(a), b, c) } function sm(a, b, c, d, e) { a.Mk(c, Vl(b, d), e) } var tm = qm(function(a, b, c) { if (1 !== a.j) return !1; z(1 == a.j); var d = a.i; a = Zj(d); var e = Zj(d); d = 2 * (e >> 31) + 1; var f = e >>> 20 & 2047; a = 4294967296 * (e & 1048575) + a; rm(b, c, 2047 == f ? a ? NaN : Infinity * d : 0 == f ? d * Math.pow(2, -1074) * a : d * Math.pow(2, f - 1075) * (a + 4503599627370496)); return !0 }, function(a, b, c) { a.Ik(c, dl(b)) }), um = qm(function(a, b, c) { if (5 !== a.j) return !1; z(5 == a.j); var d = Zj(a.i); a = 2 * (d >> 31) + 1; var e = d >>> 23 & 255; d &= 8388607; rm(b, c, 255 == e ? d ? NaN : Infinity * a : 0 == e ? a * Math.pow(2, -149) * d : a * Math.pow(2, e - 150) * (d + Math.pow(2, 23))); return !0 }, function(a, b, c) { a.Kk(c, dl(b)) }), vm = qm(function(a, b, c) { if (0 !== a.j) return !1; rm(b, c, nk(a)); return !0 }, function(a, b, c) { a.Sk(c, ll(b)) }), wm; wm = new qk(function(a, b, c) { if (0 !== a.j && 2 !== a.j) return !1; b = Il(b, c); 2 == a.j ? pk(a, Yj, b) : b.push(nk(a)); return !0 }, function(a, b, c) { a.Pk(c, Xl(ll, b, !1)) }, !0, !1); var xm = qm(function(a, b, c) { if (0 !== a.j) return !1; z(0 == a.j); a = Wj(a.i); rm(b, c, a); return !0 }, function(a, b, c) { a.Lk(c, hl(b)) }), ym = qm(function(a, b, c) { if (0 !== a.j) return !1; z(0 == a.j); a = ak(a.i); rm(b, c, a); return !0 }, function(a, b, c) { a.Hk(c, el(b)) }), zm = qm(function(a, b, c) { if (2 !== a.j) return !1; rm(b, c, ok(a)); return !0 }, function(a, b, c) { a.Qk(c, null == b || "string" === typeof b ? b : void 0) }), Rl = new qk(function(a, b, c, d, e) { if (2 !== a.j) return !1; kk(a, Jl(b, d, c, !0), e); return !0 }, sm, !1, !0), nm = new qk(function(a, b, c, d, e) { if (2 !== a.j) return !1; kk(a, Jl(b, d, c), e); return !0 }, sm, !1, !0), Am = qm(function(a, b, c) { if (0 !== a.j) return !1; rm(b, c, lk(a)); return !0 }, function(a, b, c) { a.Rk(c, il(b)) }), Bm; Bm = new qk(function(a, b, c) { if (0 !== a.j && 2 !== a.j) return !1; b = Il(b, c); 2 == a.j ? pk(a, Xj, b) : b.push(lk(a)); return !0 }, function(a, b, c) { a.Ok(c, Xl(il, b, !0)) }, !0, !1); var Cm = qm(function(a, b, c) { if (0 !== a.j) return !1; z(0 == a.j); a = Wj(a.i); rm(b, c, a); return !0 }, function(a, b, c) { a.Jk(c, hl(b)) }); function Dm(a) { if (a instanceof Nl) return a.constructor.Ie }; (function() { var a = Ha.jspbGetTypeName; Ha.jspbGetTypeName = a ? function(b) { return a(b) || Dm(b) } : Dm })(); var Em = Nl; function Fm(a, b) { return function(c) { c = ab(ab(c, a), Nl); jm(b)(ab(c, Nl).u) } }; var Gm = function(a) { Em.call(this, a) }; w(Gm, Em); Gm.Ie = "ads.branding.measurement.client.serving.integrations.active_view.ActiveViewMetadata"; var Hm = [0, zm, -2, ym, -1]; Gm.makeCrossSerializerComparisonsCompatible = Fm(Gm, Hm); var Im = [0, zm, -1, ym, [0, Am, -4, Cm, ym, xm, um, Am, um, Am, xm, Am, -1, [0, xm, -3], Bm, wm, Am, vm, -1, xm, -1, vm, um, [0, vm, xm, -1, Cm, um, vm], tm]]; var Jm = function(a) { Em.call(this, a) }; w(Jm, Em); Jm.Ie = "ads.branding.measurement.client.serving.IntegratorMetadata"; var Km = [0, Im, Hm], Lm = function(a, b) { return function(c, d) { a: { if (ek.length) { var e = ek.pop(); ck(e, d); Rj(e.i, c, d); c = e } else c = new dk(c, d); try { var f = new a, g = f.u; Sl(b)(g, c); Zk && delete g[Zk]; var h = f; break a } finally { c.ve() } h = void 0 } return h } }(Jm, Km); Jm.makeCrossSerializerComparisonsCompatible = Fm(Jm, Km); var Mm = function() { this.ke = new Map }; Mm.prototype.start = function(a, b, c, d) { var e = this; if (void 0 === this.Kd && a.vc) { a = a.vc; this.je = d; d = a.Md.g(Xf); var f = a.Md.g(O(function(g) { return g.value.data.verificationParameters }), si()); c = f.g(O(function(g) { a: { if (g = g.ufs_integrator_metadata) try { var h = Lm(g); break a } catch (k) {} h = new Jm } return h })); a = f.g(ni(a), O(qj)); this.Kd = Zc(d, c, a).subscribe(function(g) { var h = u(g); g = h.next().value; var k = h.next().value; h = h.next().value; e.ke.set(g.Tb, g); b(g.Tb, k, h) }) } }; Mm.prototype.Ya = function() { var a, b; null == (a = this.Kd) || null == (b = a.unsubscribe) || b.call(a); this.Kd = void 0; var c; null == (c = this.je) || c.call(this); this.je = void 0 }; var Nm = I(Q(function(a) { return !!a.qa }), V(function(a, b) { var c; return { cf: !!b.Bg, state: null != (c = a.state) ? c : b } }, { cf: !1 }), Q(function(a) { return a.cf })), Om = I(Nm, Yd(1), ee()), Pm = I(Q(function(a) { return !!a.kb && !!a.pf && !!a.N && !!a.Ae && !!a.D && !!a.Ki }), Nm, Ie(function(a) { var b = a.state; a = gg(b); b.pf(Object.assign({}, b, { Jc: b.N, D: b.D, vg: b.Ae }), a).forEach(function(c) { Ve(b.kb, c).sendNow() }) }), Yd(1), ee()); var Dg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { qa: a.Of, N: a.Pf, event: 4, D: a.ui, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.complete, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.complete, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.complete, S: null == (e = a.H) ? void 0 : e.complete, T: null == (f = a.I) ? void 0 : f.complete, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.complete, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.complete, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.complete, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.complete, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.complete }) }), Pm); var tg = function(a) { var b = new Set, c = []; return a.g(Q(function(d) { return void 0 !== d.Jd }), Ie(function(d) { var e = d.Jd; Object.keys(e).filter(function(f) { return 0 < e[f].length }).forEach(function(f) { b.has(f) || (b.add(f), c.push(f)) }) }), Ic(function() { for (var d = [], e = {}; 0 < c.length;) e = { mf: void 0 }, e.mf = c.pop(), d.push(a.g(O(function(f) { return function(g) { var h, k, l, n, y, p, t, A, F, G; return Object.assign({}, g, { qa: !0, N: g.Jd[f.mf], event: 21, D: g.Aa, X: null == (h = g.Y) ? void 0 : h.custom_viewable, V: null == (k = g.J) ? void 0 : k.custom_viewable, R: null == (l = g.G) ? void 0 : l.custom_viewable, T: null == (n = g.I) ? void 0 : n.custom_viewable, S: null == (y = g.H) ? void 0 : y.custom_viewable, aa: null == (p = g.C) ? void 0 : p.custom_viewable, ca: null == (t = g.M) ? void 0 : t.custom_viewable, W: null == (A = g.K) ? void 0 : A.custom_viewable, P: null == (F = g.F) ? void 0 : F.custom_viewable, ba: null == (G = g.L) ? void 0 : G.custom_viewable }) } }(e)), Pm)); return Ec(d) }), ee()) }; var vg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { qa: a.pg, N: a.qg, event: 1, D: a.xc, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.firstquartile, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.firstquartile, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.firstquartile, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.firstquartile, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.firstquartile, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.firstquartile, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.firstquartile, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.firstquartile, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.firstquartile, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.firstquartile }) }), Pm); var Qm = function(a) { return a.g(R(function(b, c) { return b.ia === c.ia }), Q(function(b) { return !!b.ia && 0 < b.ia }), Ic(function(b) { return a.g(Q(function(c) { return !!c.ia && !!b.ia && c.ia >= b.ia }), O(function(c) { return Object.assign({}, { qa: !0 }, c) }), Pm) })) }; var Cg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { ia: a.nd, N: a.sg, event: 12, D: a.Aa, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.fullscreen, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.fullscreen, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.fullscreen, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.fullscreen, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.fullscreen, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.fullscreen, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.fullscreen, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.fullscreen, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.fullscreen, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.fullscreen }) }), Qm); var sg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { qa: "csm" === a.Ib, N: a.xg, event: 14, D: a.Aa, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression }) }), Pm); var wg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { qa: a.Zg, N: a.ah, event: 2, D: a.xc, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.midpoint, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.midpoint, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.midpoint, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.midpoint, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.midpoint, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.midpoint, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.midpoint, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.midpoint, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.midpoint, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.midpoint }) }), Pm); var yg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { ia: a.Se, N: a.hh, event: 10, D: a.Aa, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.mute, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.mute, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.mute, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.mute, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.mute, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.mute, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.mute, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.mute, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.mute, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.mute }) }), Qm); var Ag = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { ia: a.wc, N: a.Ah, event: 6, D: a.Aa, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.pause, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.pause, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.pause, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.pause, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.pause, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.pause, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.pause, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.pause, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.pause, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.pause }) }), Qm); var Bg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { ia: a.Ac, N: a.Yh, event: 7, D: a.Aa, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.resume, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.resume, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.resume, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.resume, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.resume, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.resume, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.resume, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.resume, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.resume, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.resume }) }), Qm); var Fg = I(Q(function(a) { return !!a.ki }), Yd(1), ee()); var Eg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { qa: a.pi, N: a.ri, event: 8, D: a.Aa, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.skip, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.skip, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.skip, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.skip, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.skip, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.skip, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.skip, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.skip, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.skip, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.skip }) }), Om); var xg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { qa: a.vi, N: a.wi, event: 3, D: a.xc, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.thirdquartile, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.thirdquartile, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.thirdquartile, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.thirdquartile, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.thirdquartile, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.thirdquartile, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.thirdquartile, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.thirdquartile, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.thirdquartile, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.thirdquartile }) }), Pm); var zg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { ia: a.nf, N: a.Ii, event: 11, D: a.Aa, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.unmute, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.unmute, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.unmute, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.unmute, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.unmute, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.unmute, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.unmute, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.unmute, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.unmute, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.unmute }) }), Qm); var qg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { qa: a.rf, N: a.Vg, event: 15, D: a.Aa, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.measurable_impression, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.measurable_impression, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.measurable_impression, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.measurable_impression, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.measurable_impression, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.measurable_impression, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.measurable_impression, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.measurable_impression, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.measurable_impression, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.measurable_impression }) }), Pm); var ug = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { qa: a.rf, N: a.Li, event: 0, D: a.xc, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.start, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.start, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.start, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.start, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.start, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.start, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.start, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.start, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.start, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.start }) }), Pm); var rg = I(O(function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, n; return Object.assign({}, a, { qa: a.Vb, N: a.Mi, event: 9, D: a.Aa, X: null == (b = a.Y) ? void 0 : b.viewable_impression, V: null == (c = a.J) ? void 0 : c.viewable_impression, R: null == (d = a.G) ? void 0 : d.viewable_impression, T: null == (e = a.I) ? void 0 : e.viewable_impression, S: null == (f = a.H) ? void 0 : f.viewable_impression, aa: null == (g = a.C) ? void 0 : g.viewable_impression, ca: null == (h = a.M) ? void 0 : h.viewable_impression, W: null == (k = a.K) ? void 0 : k.viewable_impression, P: null == (l = a.F) ? void 0 : l.viewable_impression, ba: null == (n = a.L) ? void 0 : n.viewable_impression }) }), Pm); var Rm = function(a, b) { var c = this; this.Rh = a; this.gg = void 0 === b ? .01 : b; this.xh = []; this.name = "omid_video"; this.Qe = new gc; this.Wg = new K(function(d) { var e = c.Qe.subscribe(d); return function() { e.unsubscribe(); c.Ya() } }); this.fd = new gc; this.controlledEvents = []; this.subscribedEvents = []; this.controlledEvents.push.apply(this.controlledEvents, ma(this.xh)) }; Rm.prototype.start = function(a) { void 0 === this.od && a.vc && (a = a.vc, this.od = Sm(a, this.fd.g(Z(a.h, 1)), this.gg).subscribe(this.Qe)) }; Rm.prototype.Ya = function() { this.fd.complete(); var a; null == (a = this.od) || a.unsubscribe(); this.od = void 0 }; Rm.prototype.handleEvent = function() {}; function Sm(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? .01 : c; var d = "https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/gen_204?id=av-js&type=error&bin=30&cb=rxov&v=" + Pi, e = [1, .9, .8, .7, .6, .5, .4, .3, .2, .1, 0], f = 0 < c && Math.random() <= c, g = a.He.g(Z(a.h, 1)), h = a.Md.g(Z(a.h, 1)); return eg(a, b, function(k, l) { var n = h.g(Q(function(q) { return q.value.pa === l.sessionId })), y = k.ff.g(Q(function(q) { return q.value.pa === l.sessionId }), O(function() { return !0 }), Z(k.h, 1)), p = n.g(O(function(q) { return q.value.data.verificationParameters }), si()), t = p.g(O(function(q) { var la; return null == q ? void 0 : null == (la = q.tracking_configuration) ? void 0 : la.custom_metric_configurations }), O(function(q) { return null == q ? void 0 : q.map(function(la) { return Hi(la) }) })), A = p.g(ni(k), O(qj)), F = A.g(O(function(q) { return q.Rf })), G = A.g(O(function(q) { return q.Qf })), v = k.Wd ? k.Wd.g(Q(function(q) { return q.value.pa === l.sessionId }), Z(k.h, 10)) : Tc, C = g.g(Q(function(q) { return q.value.pa === l.sessionId })); G = Ji(k, v, G).Hh; var E = G.lf.g(O(function(q) { return { timestamp: q.timestamp, value: 2 !== q.value } })), L = zh(k.o, E).o; E = Ei(k, n, Rc(v, C)); var J = ci(k.h, v), H = kh(k, F, l.sessionId).g(yh(L), Z(k.h, 1)); F = bh(k, l); var ba = F.tg.g(yh(L)), ia = yi(k, v, E.Te, yh(L)).If, M = Ki(k, v, yh(L)).Ih, T = Yg(k.h, v), U = Kh(k.h, L, H, Object.assign({}, Zh, { ze: ba, Ui: $f.Oa(k.h), Cf: !1, Ug: $f.Oa(k.h), Ee: ag.Oa(k.h), Ji: $f.Oa(k.h) })); H = U.ug; var ca = U.ni; U = U.oi; ca = Wi(k.h, v.g(yh(L)), H.zb, H.Td, H.visible, ia.Gc, M.Ei, ca, U, e); L = bj(k.h, v, L, t, H.visible, T, ca.Oe, ca.Zc, ca.Mg, ca.Yc, ca.Ra, ca.Fc, ca.Xd, H.xa); U = xi(k.h, p, t, L.ag); t = t.g(Q(function(q) { return void 0 !== q }), O(function(q) { return q.map(function(la) { return la.id }) }), Z(k.h, 1)); var Ze = Ii(k.h, J.mediaTime, H.zb, ia.Gc), $e = p.g(ui("measurable_impression")), X = p.g(ui("viewable_impression")), Y = p.g(ui("mute")), mn = p.g(ui("unmute")), nn = p.g(ui("start")), on = p.g(ui("firstquartile")), pn = p.g(ui("midpoint")), qn = p.g(ui("thirdquartile")), rn = p.g(ui("complete")), sn = p.g(ui("skip")), tn = p.g(ui("pause")), un = p.g(ui("resume")), vn = p.g(ui("fullscreen")); p = p.g(ui("fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression")); var Df = v.g(Q(function(q) { return "start" === q.value.type }), O(function() { return !0 }), Z(k.h, 1)), Xi = v.g(Q(function(q) { return "firstQuartile" === q.value.type }), O(function() { return !0 }), Z(k.h, 1)), Yi = v.g(Q(function(q) { return "midpoint" === q.value.type }), O(function() { return !0 }), Z(k.h, 1)), Zi = v.g(Q(function(q) { return "thirdQuartile" === q.value.type }), O(function() { return !0 }), Z(k.h, 1)), $i = v.g(Q(function(q) { return "complete" === q.value.type }), O(function() { return !0 }), Z(k.h, 1)), aj = v.g(Q(function(q) { return "skipped" === q.value.type }), O(function() { return !0 }), Z(k.h, 1)), S = Rc(Df.g(he("start")), Xi.g(he("firstquartile")), Yi.g(he("midpoint")), Zi.g(he("thirdquartile")), $i.g(he("complete"))).g(Z(k.h, 1)), wn = Li(k.h, S, ia.Hc.g(oh(I(O(function(q) { return q.volume })))), ia.Gc, H.zb), Db = Rc(S, ia.Se.g(Q(function(q) { return 0 < q }), R(), he("mute")), ia.nf.g(Q(function(q) { return 0 < q }), R(), he("unmute")), G.wc.g(Q(function(q) { return 0 < q }), R(), he("pause")), G.Ac.g(Q(function(q) { return 0 < q }), R(), he("resume")), Df.g(he("measurable_impression")), L.Vb.g(Q(function(q) { return q }), he("viewable_impression")), L.Ib.g(Q(function(q) { return q }), he("fully_viewable_audible_half_duration_impression")), U.g(Q(function(q) { return Object.values(q).some(function(la) { return 0 < la.length }) }), R(), he("custom_viewable"))).g(Z(k.h, 2)); A = A.g(O(function(q) { return q.Ti })); var Wd = S.g(O(function(q) { return void 0 !== q }), W(!1), R()); A = Ec([A, Wd]).g(O(function(q) { var la = u(q); q = la.next().value; la = la.next().value; return !q || la })); A = Ti(k.h, H.visible.g(O(function(q) { return q.value })), L.Vb, H.zb.g(O(function(q) { return 0 < q.value })), ia.Gc.g(O(function(q) { return q.value })), M.rg, ba.g(O(function(q) { return q.value })), L.pd, G.lf.g(O(function(q) { return q.value })), ia.gh, ia.Hi, aj, M.Fi.g(O(function(q) { return q.value }), re(), O(function(q) { var la = u(q); q = la.next().value; la = la.next().value; return "fullscreen" === q && "fullscreen" !== la })), L.Jh, F.Gi, A, Db); ba = Ui(k.h, { J: ca.xe, G: ca.Yc, H: ca.Hf, M: ca.Bi, K: ca.Ai, I: ca.Gf, F: ca.Ff, L: ca.Xd }, Db); Wd = Ui(k.h, { C: ca.Oi }, Db.g(we(function(q) { return "viewable_impression" !== q }))); S = Ni(k.h, S, { ja: H.zb.g(O(function(q) { return q.value })), volume: ia.Hc.g(O(function(q) { return q.value.volume })), Xa: H.Xa, wb: H.Td.g(O(function(q) { return q.value })), Ra: ca.Ra, Za: A.Za }); var xn = Qi(k, H.xa, Db); Db = Qi(k, ia.Hc.g(O(function(q) { return q.value.xa })), Db); n = Di(k, n, k.ff.g(Q(function(q) { return q.value.pa === l.sessionId })), C, v, k.ob.g(Q(function(q) { return q.value.pa === l.sessionId })), k.ob.g(Q(function(q) { return q.value.pa !== l.sessionId }))); n = Rc(L.Zf, n).g(V(function(q, la) { return Object.assign({}, q, la) }, {}), O(function(q) { return JSON.stringify(q) }), O(function(q) { return f ? q : null }), Z(k.h, 1)); return Object.assign({}, H, ca, ia, J, A, E, wn, Ze, { sk: xn, rk: Db, Lf: new Zf(Pi), Kf: new Zf(30), Nf: new Zf("rxov"), ii: new Zf("o"), dg: new Zf([0, 0]), hi: H.he, Ni: H.he, ja: H.zb.g(O(function(q) { return q.value })), Og: H.Tg, bh: H.eh, ng: S.ja.g(O(function(q) { return q.start })), kg: S.ja.g(O(function(q) { return q.firstquartile })), lg: S.ja.g(O(function(q) { return q.midpoint })), mg: S.ja.g(O(function(q) { return q.thirdquartile })), volume: ia.Hc.g(O(function(q) { return q.value.volume })), Si: S.volume.g(O(function(q) { return q.start })), Pi: S.volume.g(O(function(q) { return q.firstquartile })), Qi: S.volume.g(O(function(q) { return q.midpoint })), Ri: S.volume.g(O(function(q) { return q.thirdquartile })), Vf: S.Xa.g(O(function(q) { return q.start })), Sf: S.Xa.g(O(function(q) { return q.firstquartile })), Tf: S.Xa.g(O(function(q) { return q.midpoint })), Uf: S.Xa.g(O(function(q) { return q.thirdquartile })), wb: H.Td.g(O(function(q) { return q.value })), Pe: H.Pe, Re: H.Re, gi: S.wb.g(O(function(q) { return q.start })), di: S.wb.g(O(function(q) { return q.firstquartile })), ei: S.wb.g(O(function(q) { return q.midpoint })), fi: S.wb.g(O(function(q) { return q.thirdquartile })), dk: S.Ra.g(O(function(q) { return q.start })), Pg: S.Ra.g(O(function(q) { return q.firstquartile })), Qg: S.Ra.g(O(function(q) { return q.midpoint })), Rg: S.Ra.g(O(function(q) { return q.thirdquartile })), Hg: S.Za.g(O(function(q) { return q.start })), Eg: S.Za.g(O(function(q) { return q.firstquartile })), Fg: S.Za.g(O(function(q) { return q.midpoint })), Gg: S.Za.g(O(function(q) { return q.thirdquartile })), Vb: L.Vb, Ib: L.Ib.g(Q(function(q) { return q }), O(function() { return "csm" })), pd: L.pd, wc: G.wc, Ac: G.Ac, nd: M.nd, ki: y, rf: Df, pg: Xi, Zg: Yi, vi: Zi, Of: $i, pi: aj, Ki: new Zf("lidarv"), Vg: $e, Mi: X, xg: p, hh: Y, Ii: mn, Li: nn, qg: on, ah: pn, wi: qn, Pf: rn, ri: sn, Ah: tn, Yh: un, sg: vn, Jd: U, Yf: t, Bg: C.g(O(function() { return !0 })), kb: new Zf(k.kb), Ae: new Zf(ng), Aa: new Zf(jg), xc: new Zf(mg), ui: new Zf(lg), pf: new Zf(Lg), duration: T, wg: new Zf("4"), J: ba.J, G: ba.G, H: ba.H, C: Wd.C, zi: Wd.C.g(O(function(q) { return q.ji })), M: ba.M, I: ba.I, K: ba.K, F: ba.F, L: ba.L, ci: ca.Mf, xi: new Zf(0), Ad: H.Ad, Ed: F.Ed, ai: n }) }, hg(a, d, c)) }; function Tm(a, b) { if (!b) throw Error("pa`" + a); if ("string" !== typeof b && !(b instanceof String)) throw Error("qa`" + a); if ("" === b.trim()) throw Error("ra`" + a); } function Um(a) { if (!a) throw Error("ua`functionToExecute"); } function Vm(a, b) { if (null == b) throw Error("sa`" + a); if ("number" !== typeof b || isNaN(b)) throw Error("ta`" + a); if (0 > b) throw Error("va`" + a); }; function Wm() { return /\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-.*)?/.test("1.4.8-google_20230803") } function Xm() { for (var a = ["1", "4", "8"], b = ["1", "0", "3"], c = 0; 3 > c; c++) { var d = parseInt(a[c], 10), e = parseInt(b[c], 10); if (d > e) break; else if (d < e) return !1 } return !0 }; var Ym = function(a, b, c, d) { this.Ce = a; this.method = b; this.version = c; this.args = d }, Zm = function(a) { return !!a && void 0 !== a.omid_message_guid && void 0 !== a.omid_message_method && void 0 !== a.omid_message_version && "string" === typeof a.omid_message_guid && "string" === typeof a.omid_message_method && "string" === typeof a.omid_message_version && (void 0 === a.omid_message_args || void 0 !== a.omid_message_args) }, $m = function(a) { return new Ym(a.omid_message_guid, a.omid_message_method, a.omid_message_version, a.omid_message_args) }; Ym.prototype.Cc = function() { var a = {}; a = (a.omid_message_guid = this.Ce, a.omid_message_method = this.method, a.omid_message_version = this.version, a); void 0 !== this.args && (a.omid_message_args = this.args); return a }; var an = function(a) { this.Ic = a }; an.prototype.Cc = function() { return JSON.stringify(void 0) }; var bn = function(a) { return ["omid_v1_present", "omid_v1_present_web", "omid_v1_present_app"].some(function(b) { try { var c = a.frames && !!a.frames[b] } catch (d) { c = !1 } return c }) }; function cn(a, b) { return a && (a[b] || (a[b] = {})) }; function dn() { return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(a) { var b = 16 * Math.random() | 0; return "y" === a ? (b & 3 | 8).toString(16) : b.toString(16) }) }; function en() { var a = x.apply(0, arguments); fn(function() { throw new(Function.prototype.bind.apply(Error, [null, "Could not complete the test successfully - "].concat(ma(a)))); }, function() { return console.error.apply(console, ma(a)) }) } function fn(a, b) { "undefined" !== typeof jasmine && jasmine ? a() : "undefined" !== typeof console && console && console.error && b() }; var gn = function() { if ("undefined" !== typeof omidGlobal && omidGlobal) return omidGlobal; if ("undefined" !== typeof global && global) return global; if ("undefined" !== typeof window && window) return window; if ("undefined" !== typeof globalThis && globalThis) return globalThis; var a = Function("return this")(); if (a) return a; throw Error("wa"); }(); var hn = function(a) { this.Ic = a; this.handleExportedMessage = hn.prototype.yg.bind(this) }; w(hn, an); hn.prototype.sendMessage = function(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? this.Ic : b; if (!b) throw Error("xa"); b.handleExportedMessage(a.Cc(), this) }; hn.prototype.yg = function(a, b) { if (Zm(a) && this.onMessage) this.onMessage($m(a), b) }; function jn(a) { return null != a && "undefined" !== typeof a.top && null != a.top } function kn(a) { if (a === gn) return !1; try { if ("undefined" === typeof a.location.hostname) return !0 } catch (b) { return !0 } return !1 }; var ln = function(a, b) { this.Ic = b = void 0 === b ? gn : b; var c = this; a.addEventListener("message", function(d) { if ("object" === typeof d.data) { var e = d.data; if (Zm(e) && d.source && c.onMessage) c.onMessage($m(e), d.source) } }) }; w(ln, an); ln.prototype.sendMessage = function(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? this.Ic : b; if (!b) throw Error("xa"); b.postMessage(a.Cc(), "*") }; var yn = ["omid", "v1_VerificationServiceCommunication"], zn = ["omidVerificationProperties", "serviceWindow"]; function An(a, b) { return b.reduce(function(c, d) { return c && c[d] }, a) }; var Bn = function(a) { if (!a) { var b; "undefined" === typeof b && "undefined" !== typeof window && window && (b = window); b = jn(b) ? b : gn; var c = void 0 === c ? bn : c; a = []; var d = An(b, zn); d && a.push(d); a.push(jn(b) ? b.top : gn); a: { a = u(a); for (var e = a.next(); !e.done; e = a.next()) { b: { d = b;e = e.value; var f = c; if (!kn(e)) try { var g = An(e, yn); if (g) { var h = new hn(g); break b } } catch (k) {} h = f(e) ? new ln(d, e) : null } if (d = h) { a = d; break a } } a = null } } if (this.Eb = a) this.Eb.onMessage = this.zg.bind(this); else if (c = (c = gn.omid3p) && "function" === typeof c.registerSessionObserver && "function" === typeof c.addEventListener ? c : null) this.Nb = c; this.Th = this.Uh = 0; this.bd = {}; this.qd = []; this.oc = (c = gn.omidVerificationProperties) ? c.injectionId : void 0 }; Bn.prototype.bb = function() { return !(!this.Eb && !this.Nb) }; var Qd = function(a, b, c) { Um(b); a.Nb ? a.Nb.registerSessionObserver(b, c, a.oc) : a.xb("addSessionListener", b, c, a.oc) }; Bn.prototype.addEventListener = function(a, b) { Tm("eventType", a); Um(b); this.Nb ? this.Nb.addEventListener(a, b, this.oc) : this.xb("addEventListener", b, a, this.oc) }; var Qe = function(a, b, c, d) { Tm("url", b); gn.document && gn.document.createElement ? Cn(a, b, c, d) : a.xb("sendUrl", function(e) { e && c ? c() : !e && d && d() }, b) }, Cn = function(a, b, c, d) { var e = gn.document.createElement("img"); a.qd.push(e); var f = function(g) { var h = a.qd.indexOf(e); 0 <= h && a.qd.splice(h, 1); g && g() }; e.addEventListener("load", f.bind(a, c)); e.addEventListener("error", f.bind(a, d)); e.src = b }; Bn.prototype.setTimeout = function(a, b) { Um(a); Vm("timeInMillis", b); if (Dn()) return gn.setTimeout(a, b); var c = this.Uh++; this.xb("setTimeout", a, c, b); return c }; Bn.prototype.clearTimeout = function(a) { Vm("timeoutId", a); Dn() ? gn.clearTimeout(a) : this.df("clearTimeout", a) }; Bn.prototype.setInterval = function(a, b) { Um(a); Vm("timeInMillis", b); if (En()) return gn.setInterval(a, b); var c = this.Th++; this.xb("setInterval", a, c, b); return c }; Bn.prototype.clearInterval = function(a) { Vm("intervalId", a); En() ? gn.clearInterval(a) : this.df("clearInterval", a) }; var Dn = function() { return "function" === typeof gn.setTimeout && "function" === typeof gn.clearTimeout }, En = function() { return "function" === typeof gn.setInterval && "function" === typeof gn.clearInterval }; Bn.prototype.zg = function(a) { var b = a.method, c = a.Ce; a = a.args; if ("response" === b && this.bd[c]) { var d = Wm() && Xm() ? a ? a : [] : a && "string" === typeof a ? JSON.parse(a) : []; this.bd[c].apply(this, d) } "error" === b && window.console && en(a) }; Bn.prototype.df = function(a) { this.xb.apply(this, [a, null].concat(ma(x.apply(1, arguments)))) }; Bn.prototype.xb = function(a, b) { var c = x.apply(2, arguments); if (this.Eb) { var d = dn(); b && (this.bd[d] = b); var e = "VerificationService." + a; c = Wm() && Xm() ? c : JSON.stringify(c); this.Eb.sendMessage(new Ym(d, e, "1.4.8-google_20230803", c)) } }; var Fn = void 0; if (Fn = void 0 === Fn ? "undefined" === typeof omidExports ? null : omidExports : Fn) { var Gn = ["OmidVerificationClient"]; Gn.slice(0, Gn.length - 1).reduce(cn, Fn)[Gn[Gn.length - 1]] = Bn }; var Hn = new Bn, Od = new Uf(Hn, "doubleclickbygoogle.com-omid-video"); (function(a, b) { var c = new Mm, d = new Rm(c, void 0 === b ? .01 : b); d.start(a); c.start(a, function(e, f) { var g; if (g = void 0 !== Kl(f, Gm, 2, !1)) { g = Kl(f, Gm, 2, !1); if (null == g) f = g; else { f = f.u; var h = Bk(f); if (!(h & 2)) { var k = El(g); k !== g && (g = k, Gl(f, h, 2, g)) } f = Hl(g, f) } g = !0; g = void 0 === g ? !1 : g; f = f.u; f = Fl(f, Bk(f), 4); f = el(f); g = !(null != f ? f : g) } g || d.fd.next(Object.assign({}, d.Rh.ke.get(e))) }, function() {}, function() { d.Ya() }); return d.Wg })({ vc: Od }).subscribe(); null !== Od.Ta && Td(); }).call(this);