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Show Full Bio
As an Edward Jones financial advisor, I believe it's important to invest my time
to understand what you're working toward before you invest your money. It's also
important to understand the level of risk you're comfortable accepting when
investing so we can balance it with the steps necessary to reach your long-term

Whether you're planning for retirement, saving for college for children or
grandchildren, or just trying to protect the financial future of the ones you
care for the most, we can work together to develop specific strategies to help
you achieve your goals. We can also monitor your progress...


 * Business Retirement Plans
 * Portfolio Reviews
 * College Savings
 * Retirement Savings Strategies
 * Estate & Legacy Strategies
 * Retirement Income Strategies


 * Business Retirement Plans
 * Portfolio Reviews
 * College Savings
 * Retirement Savings Strategies
 * Estate & Legacy Strategies
 * Retirement Income Strategies


   Louisiana State UniversityBachelor of Science

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   Louisiana State UniversityBachelor of Science

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 * Gabrielle Crooks
   Sr. Branch Office Administrator
 * Laura Hovick
   Branch Office Administrator


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