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Akzeptieren Ablehnen Weiter zum Hauptinhalt LinkedIn * Artikel * Personen * E-Learning * Jobs * Spiele Mitglied werden Einloggen WIPRO IT-DIENSTLEISTUNGEN UND IT-BERATUNG BANGALORE, KARNATAKA 10.244.679 FOLLOWER:INNEN Jobs anzeigen Folgen * alle 245.591 Mitarbeiter:innen anzeigen * Dieses Unternehmen melden * Übersicht * Stellen * Unternehmenskultur INFO Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT, BSE: 507685, NSE: WIPRO) is a leading technology services and consulting company focused on building innovative solutions that address clients’ most complex digital transformation needs. Leveraging our holistic portfolio of capabilities in consulting, design, engineering, and operations, we help clients realize their boldest ambitions and build future-ready, sustainable businesses. With nearly 245,000 employees and business partners across 65 countries, we deliver on the promise of helping our clients, colleagues, and communities thrive in an ever-changing world. Wipro is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and makes all employment and employment-related decisions without regard to a person's race, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by applicable law. Website http://www.wipro.com Externer Link zu Wipro Branche IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Größe 10.001+ Beschäftigte Hauptsitz Bangalore, Karnataka Art Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.) Spezialgebiete Consulting, Business Process Outsourcing, Business Application Services, Infrastructure Management, Cloud Services, Analytics and Information Management, Product and Engineering Services, Mobility, Datacentre Managed Services und Software application management PRODUKTE Keine weiteren vorherigen Inhalte NetOxygen Enterprise, Software für Kreditdienstleistungen NETOXYGEN ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE FÜR KREDITDIENSTLEISTUNGEN Way2Go, Reisemanagement-Software WAY2GO REISEMANAGEMENT-SOFTWARE Wipro Cloud Studio, Cloud-Migration-Tools WIPRO CLOUD STUDIO CLOUD-MIGRATION-TOOLS Wipro Promax, Software zur Absatzförderung WIPRO PROMAX SOFTWARE ZUR ABSATZFÖRDERUNG Keine weiteren nächsten Inhalte ORTE * Primär Doddakannelli Sarjapur Road Bangalore, Karnataka 560035, IN Wegbeschreibung * No 72, Keonics Electronic City Hosur Road Bangalore, Karnataka 560100, IN Wegbeschreibung * Info Park Special Economic Zone Kusumagiri – PO Kochi, Kerala 682030, IN Wegbeschreibung * 201 Miller St Sydney, NSW 2060, AU Wegbeschreibung * 425 National Ave Mountain View, CA 94043, US Wegbeschreibung * Aleje Jerozolimskie 123A Warsaw, MA 02-017, PL Wegbeschreibung * 200 Front St W Toronto, ON M5V 3K2, CA Wegbeschreibung * Sarjapur Road Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034, IN Wegbeschreibung * 1 Changi Business Park Cres Singapore, Singapore 486025, SG Wegbeschreibung * Al Corniche Street Doha, Doha, QA Wegbeschreibung * Mathura Road Delhi, Delhi 110044, IN Wegbeschreibung * Sarjapur Main Road Bengaluru, Karnataka 560035, IN Wegbeschreibung Weitere Orte anzeigen Weniger Orte zeigen BESCHÄFTIGTE VON WIPRO * SUREN GARIMELLA TRANSFORMATION: DIGITAL, ORGANIZATION, WORKFORCE @ SCALE || BUSINESS RESILIENCY * GYANESH KHANOLKAR ENTREPRENEUR AND TECHNOLOGIST AT WIPRO DIGITAL AND GENAI * BARBARA BONGARTZ DEVELOPING NEW BUSINESS THROUGH MICROSOFT INTELLIGENT CLOUD SOLUTIONS * JOHN DICKERSON Alle Beschäftigten anzeigen UPDATES * Wipro hat dies direkt geteilt Wipro Partner 20.196 Follower:innen 4 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden We’re thrilled to invite you to a memorable evening celebrating the achievements of Wipro and Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2024 and unveiling exciting plans for 2025! Set in the iconic Neon Museum of Las Vegas, this reception will blend meaningful insights along with an unforgettable experience. 📅 Event Details Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Neon Museum, Las Vegas, NV Evening Highlight: Exclusive Show: Don’t miss the “Brilliant! Jackpot” show at 7:00 PM, a tribute to Las Vegas’s vibrant history. Click here to register - https://lnkd.in/ggW5YRd6 #AWSreInvent #Wipro #WiproPartner #GenAI #CloudTransformation #DigitalInnovation * 56 5 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Wipro 10.244.679 Follower:innen 15 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden A modern approach to simplify security operations with Wipro SMC-AI Please join Wipro Cybersecurists for an executive webinar that will delve into SMC-AI — Wipro’s AI-powered intelligent security operations solution. You’ll learn how Wipro SMC-AI uses AI-driven analytics, smart reporting and automated remediation to solve the complex security tool problem, simplify operations and enhance enterprise resilience against disruptive threats. Watch now: https://bit.ly/4fUCGOH … mehr anzeigen Play Video Video Player is loading. Loaded: 1.77% 0:00 PlayBack to start Stream Type LIVE Current Time 0:00 / Duration 1:22 1x Playback Rate Show Captions Mute Fullscreen A MODERN APPROACH TO SIMPLIFY SECURITY OPERATIONS WITH WIPRO SMC-AI 117 5 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Wipro 10.244.679 Follower:innen 17 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden We’re thrilled to announce Wipro's victory at the EMEA Automotive GenAI Partner Hackathon in Munich, October 17! Our team, led by Stefan Schulze, clinched first place in the Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) category and secured an impressive overall second place, showcasing our cutting-edge solutions in the automotive sector. This win highlights our commitment to innovation, collaboration across borders, and our leadership in GenAI solutions. A big shoutout to our team members Mesel Tesfaiesus, Sagar Jagtap, Vanitha Jayasuriya, and Stefan Schulze; and a special acknowledgment to Deloitte, SENACORE, GLOBALLOGIC, and Elektrobit, for joining forces with us to demonstrate that collaboration is key to success. Here's to breaking new ground and achieving more together! * * * * 1.070 28 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Wipro 10.244.679 Follower:innen 21 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden We’re proud to announce that Wipro has been recognized as a winner in the 2024 Prostar Annual Awards! This recognition highlights our commitment to fostering a culture where employee health and wellbeing come first. Through innovative and inclusive wellbeing programs, we’re redefining corporate wellbeing, and this award celebrates the dedication of our teams who make it possible. Congratulations to everyone involved in making Wipro a healthier, more supportive workplace! Here’s to continuing our journey towards holistic wellbeing for all. #WiproWellbeing #ProstarAwards2024 #ReinventYourWorld #TRWC2024 * 302 21 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Wipro 10.244.679 Follower:innen 3 Tage Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden Presenting another #ClientZero use case, developed by Wipro, for Wipro: Incident Interceptor. With Incident Interceptor, employees can easily lock service requests into the system while our #AI technology automates incident identification and resolution. A chat-based framework indexes thousands of documents to provide instant responses, significantly reducing the volume of low-complexity tickets, streamlining L1 ticket processing and reducing resolution times by 30-40%. This is just one of the many ways we’re leveraging technology to enhance internal operations and ensure that our teams can focus on what they do best. Watch for more. Anup Purohit | Ateet Jayaswal | Avaamo #Wipro #AI #UserExperience #Innovation #ClientZero … mehr anzeigen Play Video Video Player is loading. Loaded: 5.89% 0:00 PlayBack to start Stream Type LIVE Current Time 0:00 / Duration 1:04 1x Playback Rate Show Captions Mute Fullscreen #CLIENTZERO USE CASE, DEVELOPED BY WIPRO, FOR WIPRO 461 11 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Wipro 10.244.679 Follower:innen 4 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Automotive leaders are harnessing digital twins and integration testing to cut development costs and accelerate their time to market. Learn how the Wipro Cloud Car ecosystem is powering this shift, enabling a smarter, more sustainable future for vehicles. https://bit.ly/3UyisSA Ready to turbocharge your automotive future? Contact us: https://bit.ly/3IOcVkS * 522 27 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Wipro hat dies direkt geteilt Dataiku 190.887 Follower:innen 6 Tage Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden We are delighted to launch our Women in Data Science (WiDS) Worldwide chapter in Dubai this Wednesday, thanks to the support of Wipro and Geetika Sood. As data experts, it’s our responsibility to create economic, sustainable, and social value through AI. 👉 At WiDS Dubai, we’ll explore these topics in-depth, starting with AI’s social and cultural impact. 👉 Join us at WiDS Dubai to explore the future of #ROAI (Return on AI) 👉 Meet our WiDS Dataiku ambassadors, Ekta Sehgal Matta, Nasim Bano, Umut ŞATIR GÜRBÜZ, and Stéphanie Griffiths if you want to know more about WiDS initiatives * 107 10 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Wipro 10.244.679 Follower:innen 6 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Wipro is delighted to announce its strategic collaboration with Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority (SEWA) for a consultancy led project. This joint engagement will focus on enhancing essential operational technologies including Meter Data Management and Headend systems, Data Communication, Control systems and Real-Time Monitoring. As SEWA embarks on a journey to achieve operational efficiency, Wipro will implement an end-to-end technology road map, optimizing processes and adopt best practises in utility management. Together, we are paving the way for a brighter, smarter future. Read here to know more about Wipro in Utilities https://bit.ly/3UMoK18 #Wipro #AmbtionsRealized #OneWipro #WiproMiddleEast #WiproAPMEA * 603 29 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Wipro 10.244.679 Follower:innen 6 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Great lineup of speakers for this year’s Women in AI summit, with Ivana Bartoletti representing Wipro! Taryn Crouthers President @ ATTN | AdAge Leading Women 2024 | AdWeek Fastest Growing Agency 2023 | Fast Company Most Innovative Company 1 Woche Our Women in AI summit is next week, November 13th in NYC, and it’s going to be epic 🔥! This unforgettable day will feature powerful discussions to inspire and amplify women's voices in AI. This is only the beginning of a larger movement — and we can’t wait to learn from these influential leaders. Conversations will include: ✨ AI for All: Advancing Health, Education, and Gender Equality ✨ AI in the Arena: Transforming Entertainment, Media, and Sports ✨ Partnering for Progress: Converging AI with Human Ingenuity ✨ Pioneering AI: Women Leaders at the Forefront ✨ Strategies to Actually Use AI with Allie Miller ✨ Owning Your Digital Self: Creators on Navigating the AI Frontier ✨ The Future of Storytelling: Women Leading in Content ✨ The Creative Revolution: Women Driving Creative Innovation Thank you to our teams at The Female Quotient (Shelley Zalis, Talia Bender Small) and ATTN: who have poured so much passion into this summit. We’re making history together and I am honored to be on this journey with you. Allie K. Miller, CEO, Open Machine and Fortune 500 AI Advisor Angela Sobol, US Head of U-Studio, Unilever Ashley Downey, Sr. Director, Fan Journey Management and 1:1, NFL Ashley Graham, Super Model & TV Host Brittney Le Roy, Global Head, Product & Technology Communications, Spotify Chelsea Clinton, Author and Advocate Dr. Joy Buolamwini, Artificial Intelligence Expert, Algorithmic Justice League & Author, National Bestseller Unmasking AI Ekta Chopra, Chief Digital Officer, e.l.f. Beauty Emily Mossburg, Principal, Global Cyber Leader, Deloitte Gretchen Libby, Director, Media & Entertainment, Games & Sports, AWS Guayente Sanmartin, SVP & Division President, PC Commercials, HP Inc. Ivana Bartoletti, Global Chief Privacy and AI Governance Officer, Wipro Jeanine Poggi, Editor-In-Chief, Ad Age Julie Neenan Souza, Global Head of Sports, AWS Kathleen Grace, Chief Creative Officer, Vermillio Keia Cole, Chief Digital Officer of BSE Global, New York Liberty Kim Farrell, Global Head of Creators, TikTok Kya Sainsbury-Carter, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Advertising Lisa Flores, Head, Partner Success, Social Department Margo Lowry, EVP, Head, US Studios, PXP, Publicis Minerva Tantoco, First CTO, City of New York and CEO, City Strategies Reshma Saujani, CEO and Founder, Moms First Rukmini Iyer, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Ads Engineering & MSN, Microsoft Sarah Sylvester, EVP Marketing, Victoria's Secret Umi Patel, VP, Consumer Strategy & Insights, PepsiCo Victoria Vaynberg, Chief Customer Officer, Nanit With over 500+ RSVPs we had to close the list but DM me if you want to attend and we can try to make some magic happen. 💛 Kristen King, Cindy Vanegas-Gesuale, Shyla Brown, Esq., Jarrett Moreno, Matthew Segal, Anthony Runnels, Amber Kazalbash, Clare Stein, Allyson Bernstein, Janine Krause, Tamara Sokolson https://lnkd.in/dt8fyaGK * 135 6 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Wipro 10.244.679 Follower:innen 6 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden In today’s interconnected world, third-party risks pose significant challenges to security and compliance. How can your organization stay resilient against these potential vulnerabilities? “Beyond the Breach: How to Safeguard Your Organization from Third-Party Risks” offers strategies to identify, manage, and mitigate third-party risks, empowering you to strengthen your organization's defenses and establish a strong cybersecurity framework. Read more: https://bit.ly/3CwID5K #Wipro #Cybersecurity #ThirdPartyRisk #Supplychainsecurity * 94 11 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen EINFACH ANMELDEN, DAMIT SIE NICHTS VERPASSEN. * Personen von Wipro finden, die Sie kennen * Persönliche Jobempfehlungen erhalten * Alle Updates, News und Artikel anzeigen Jetzt anmelden VERBUNDENE SEITEN * WIPRO DIGITAL OPERATIONS AND PLATFORMS Outsourcing und Offshoring Beratung Bangalore, Karnataka * WIPRO CONSUMER CARE AND LIGHTING Fertigung Bangalore, Karnataka * WIPRO PARTNER IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung * WIPRO BRAZIL * LAB45 Softwareentwicklung Silicon Valley, CA * WIPRO ROMANIA IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Sector 2, Bucharest Mehr verbundene Seiten anzeigen Weniger verbundene Seiten anzeigen ÄHNLICHE SEITEN * TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Mumbai, Maharashtra * INFOSYS IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Bangalore, Karnataka * COGNIZANT IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Teaneck, New Jersey * DELOITTE Unternehmensberatung * ACCENTURE Unternehmensberatung * FRESHER JOBS Informationsdienste Hyderabad, Telangana * TECH MAHINDRA IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Pune, Maharashtra * HCLTECH IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Noida, Uttar Pradesh * CAPGEMINI IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Paris, France * IBM IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Armonk, New York, NY Mehr ähnliche Seiten anzeigen Weniger ähnliche Seiten anzeigen JOBS DURCHSUCHEN * WIPRO-JOBS 500 freie Stellen * ANALYST-JOBS 760.055 freie Stellen * PARTNER-JOBS 1.094.512 freie Stellen * INGENIEUR-JOBS 608.159 freie Stellen * MANAGER-JOBS 2.003.890 freie Stellen * ENTWICKLER-JOBS 344.797 freie Stellen * PROJEKTMANAGER-JOBS 312.603 freie Stellen * ADMINISTRATOR-JOBS 476.673 freie Stellen * EXECUTIVE-JOBS 700.389 freie Stellen * PRAKTIKANT-JOBS 48.214 freie Stellen * DIREKTIONSASSISTENT-JOBS 359.689 freie Stellen * FACHEXPERTE-JOBS 849.142 freie Stellen * RECRUITER-JOBS 321.337 freie Stellen * ASSISTENT-JOBS 728.748 freie Stellen * BUCHHALTER-JOBS 104.259 freie Stellen * BERATER-JOBS 820.324 freie Stellen * KUNDENDIENSTMITARBEITER-JOBS 203.603 freie Stellen * TEAMLEITER-JOBS 1.244.189 freie Stellen * TESTER-JOBS 25.048 freie Stellen * WISSENSCHAFTLER-JOBS 59.545 freie Stellen Weitere ähnliche Jobs anzeigen Weniger ähnliche Jobs anzeigen FINANZIERUNG Wipro Insgesamt 5 Finanzierungsrunden Letzte Runde Zweite Kapitalerhöhung nach Börsengang 8. 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